Incorporate Online Business Optimization Into Your Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business by Smokey T. Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

5 Pure Gold Search Engine Marketing Tips

The best search engine marketing tip for your home based business

online business that I can pass along to you is that the most effective

marketing on the internet is free.

Conventional marketing involves newspaper ads, radio and tv spots and

so on. Not so on the internet. You can buy advertising, but for someone

starting off, organic traffic is worth learning how to get because it is

extremely effective and is totally free.

1. The most effective search engine marketing is done through organic

searches, that is, internet online marketing. Advertising business people

know these visitors are looking specifically for what your site is about.

2. The best search engine marketing definition I have ever heard is

matching a web visitor's need to the best possible solution (yours). Your

responsibility is to have a good product to recommend and to have a

good website that answers the visitors' questions.

Search engine marketing is the bread and butter of the search engines so

you can bet they have gotten very good at matching the needs of a

visitor to the offerings of the web sites.

And you begin to notice home based internet businesses and

their opportunities all over, aren’t you?

3. Search engine marketing training? The best is free again. It is gained by studying as many of the free downloads available from places like

Google, Squidoo and many other web sites. The search engine

marketing tip here is to try things on the internet and apprentice yourself.

4. Become an affiliate for a company or product and have zero expenses.

That would mean that you are all set. You have a bunch of lessons to

learn from professional companies, you have an internet connection and

you have a product to sell that you don't even have to stock (that's the

beauty of being an affiliate).

Search engine marketing thrives on quality content. Spend all the money

you like on a poor website and you will still not get any traffic. Google

and the other search engines cannot be bought off.

5. By the way, always keep in mind that the internet is the River of

Gold. It is the great equalizer. It furnishes an even playing field for

everyone, whether a Wall Street bank or someone using the kitchen table

with a laptop. There's the most valuable search engine marketing tip. On

the web, you are an equal. Online business optimization will help to

make your offering more attractive to the engines and to your visitors.

So, knowing that you can't buy your way to the top, you have every

chance available to you that the big companies do. It is up to you to

furnish the last ingredient: getting educated in how the web works . And you’ll be surprised to discover that home based internet

businesses have been created and running well by the people

you would least expect to be successful at something like this!

Online Business Optimization – The Internet Online Marketing Advertising

Business – End chapter 14

Online Business Optimization,

Home Based Internet Businesses,

The Home Based Business Online Business Opportunity,

And The Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business

