Make Your Price Sell - The Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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12. The Success Equation

Pricing is definitely one Marketing “P” that you ignore at your (sometimes fatal) peril. On the Net, you may not get a second chance if your price is off base the first time around. An anxious-to-please competitor is only a click away.

Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course has shown you that…

Price is the only “P” that brings income into your business -- it extracts the value that the other 3 Ps (Product, Place and Promotion) build in your customer’s mind.

A high perceived value is the critical determinant in establishing the perfect price -- over and above your choice of business model (high volume or high profit) and product development/ production/marketing costs. Your prospective customer must feel that s/he will personally “profit” by buying your product – that it’s personallyworth it – before a credit card will come out of the wallet.

The best way to know -- rather than guess or presume -- what the perceived value level is for your product is by going to directly to the source. Ask your target group. With the help of a well-written survey (or MYPS!’s advanced system!) you can calculate the perfect price… the price point where both you and your customers profit.


And this is where we come full circle with Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course. We began with a focus on the customer and now we are finishing with the same. Put your customers’ needs first and you will be successful on the Net.

The success equation that was outlined in the introduction chapter of this course sums it all up…


Great Product + Perfect Price + Right Process = Satisfied Customer + Success As was noted earlier… achieve the first three parts of the equation, and the other two automatically fall into place!

Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course has given you what you need to know and do in order to achieve the Perfect Priceand by extension, a Great Product. If the perceived value of your product is very low or non-existent, you know that you either need to quickly improve your product or ditch it completely and find a new one.

The Right Process builds income through content… 1) Develop a valuable product -- your own creation or someone else’s!


2) Develop your own site in the niche that you know and love.


3) Fill that site with high-value content (people on the Net search for information).


4) Use that content to attract your own niche-targeted traffic.


5) Build trust and credibility with your visitors.


6) Use content to PREsell your targeted visitors. And...


7) Convert that PREsold, warm, willing-to-buy traffic into sales.

8) Diversify your revenue plan to include other monetization models (ex., Google’s AdSense, affiliate income, services, etc), all related to your site’s theme-based content. This diversification will help you grow a stable, profitable business that you own, one with true equity.

Content… Traffic… PREsell… Monetize...


The process is very do-able if you have the motivation and the right tools.

You provide the first ingredient and Site Build It! will look after everything else! Site Build It! provides the exact tools at the exact time that you need in the process -- with clear step-by-guidance all the way.

And SBI! works for every type of small business, from the typical offline business (ex., your friendly, neighborhood landscaping/nursery) to the totally Net-based SOHO startup.

SBI! generates targeted traffic.


As you can see from the graph below, 51% of SBI!-built sites rank in Alexa’s top 6 percentile…




I have one final piece of advice to share before this course ends…

Everything you need to achieve those three critical parts of your success equation – Great Product, Perfect Price and Right Process -- is close at hand. All you need is the resolve to make them happen. Do that and the rest will fall into place on its own accord.

Take charge! Move forward!... Build the business of your dreams.