Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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(@CC_UK_PR) is used primarily to

promote interesting corporate and legal


news based in Britain. This means that

they aren’t sending out irrelevant infor-

mation to their followers who don’t nec-


essarily attach value to non-UK news. In


doing so, Clifford and Chance are able

Clifford Chance are undoubtedly one of

to target prospects in a more effective

the most established and prestigious le-



gal firms in London. They pride them-

selves on being a global brand with a

This system obviously works; their ac-

client-focussed approach to working -

count has over 8.5k followers at this

meaning that they are a genuine

current point in time.


thought-leader in legal sector.


In addition to this, Clifford Chance are

Clifford Chance have a wide area of ex-

one of the few legal companies to have

pertise, including in finance, real estate, an overseas Twitter account which isn’t

and litigation. Their success has allowed

written in English. To compliment their

them to open several different offices

offices in Amsterdam, they have a Dutch

across the world - from London, to Mo-

Twitter account which is used to pro-

rocco, and even Brazil.

mote EU and international news up-


dates. The account is somewhat success-

Overall, Clifford Chance have a very

ful, with roughly 2000 followers, and it

good Twitter strategy and they have

sends out social content on a much more

succeeded in creating multiple influen-

regular basis than its US and UK coun-

tial accounts across the world.



What do Clifford Chance do well?

Valuable content


Clifford Chance are very good at using

Different accounts per country

social media to effectively promote their

Clifford Chance are one of the largest

newsletters and corporate updates. Their

law firms in the world, so it makes sense

individual accounts are used for differ-

that they have separate Twitter accounts

ent purposes, meaning that they typical-

for different locations. This is a fantastic ly share content which is specific to that way for Clifford Chance to segment

country. This is much more useful than

their customers and meet their needs in

sending out articles and newsletters

a more pragmatic way.

which aren’t relevant to that locale.



Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 19 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

They make a relatively consistent effort

demonstrates the firm’s commitment to

in doing this, but they need to use Twit-

producing quality content and distribut-

ter more than once a day if they want to

ing it effectively.

see real results.



Overall, Clifford Chance have realised

that different audiences (across separate

continents) have individual customer

needs. By segmenting their customers

according to geography, Clifford Chance

can promote content which is relevant to


the client.


Regular distribution

Other international legal firms should

In recent weeks, the UK Clifford

consider doing the same.

Chance account hasn’t been updated as


regularly as it has been in the past.

Update your content regularly

However, last month, Clifford Chance

One of the key methods in increasing

were sending out tweets several times

your Twitter following is through regu-

everyday. This is a much more effective

lar content distribution. This helps to

use of social media and helped to gener-

build client relationships and develop

ate more interest in the Clifford Chance

consumer trust - when regularity is



pushed to the side, that trust begins to


One of the reasons that Clifford Chance


have such a strong following on Twitter

How can Clifford Chance improve?

is because of their regular and useful so-


cial content updates.


Create more engaging tweets

Like many legal Twitter accounts, Clif-

How can this be replicated?


ford Chance could benefit from being

less conservative in their social content.

If other companies want to replicate this

Take this tweet, for example:

success, then there are several useful


tips they can follow.


Target your audience directly

Although there is room for Clifford


Chance to improve, they have succeeded

This tweet is being used to promote a

in establishing for themselves several

company newsletter written by Alastair

prominent Twitter accounts across three

Mordaunt, a Partner at Clifford Chance.

countries. This is no small task and

This is obviously an important piece of

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 20 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

content and should be promoted through

their tweets are used primarily to give

various social media channels in an at-

news updates. This is very useful infor-

tempt to entice readers. However, the

mation, but it lacks any personal in-

tweet is uninformative, uninteresting,

volvement between the business and its

and lacks any enthusiasm. As a result, it


generated very little engagement with



If Clifford Chance want to increase their


lead generation, then they should make

To combat this problem, Clifford

a consistent effort to communicate di-

Chance need to use social media to its

rectly with their prospects. Clifford

fullest potential and generate meaning-

Chance could send their newsletters to

ful social content. Only by doing so can

specific individuals who are interested

they maximise their sharability and de-

in their work; helping to increase their

velop client relationships.

status as a thought-leader and potential-


ly generate more business. 

Achieve consistency across the company One of the challenges for Clifford

Chance is to produce social content

which is consistent in quality and distri-

bution across their accounts. The UK

and US PR accounts are a good example

of this problem.


Both are intended to promote articles

and news updates related to Clifford

Chance, but they vary considerably in

terms of quality output. The UK account

is updated roughly once every few days,

whereas the US counterpart only tweets

around once a week. This means that

neither account is being used to its

fullest potential. Furthermore, it sug-

gests that the company cannot achieve

consistency across the board.


Engage better with prospects

Like many of the legal firm Twitter ac-

counts in this report, Clifford Chance

could benefit enormously by actively

engaging with their prospects. Too often

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 21 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency



Unlike many other legal firm Twitter ac-

counts, there’s much more personality to


Linklater’s social content. The same can


be said for their Graduate Twitter ac-

Linklaters are one of the first companies

count which has plenty of engaging up-

that people imagine when they think


about legal firms in London. They work


on a variety of multi-jurisdictional cases and have won a variety of awards for

their excellent work; including Law

Firm of the Year (Poland) over this past




It’s not simply the case that Linklaters

Overall, Linklaters carry this profes-

have more time to create exciting and

sional excellent into their social media

regular tweets. Instead, they have

campaign with rigour, enthusiasm, and

recognised that personalised social con-

commitment. They have one of the best

tent is much more likely to grab a user’s

Twitter accounts of this report and con-

attention. In fact, Linklaters is so good

tinue to set a positive example for their

at tweeting quality content, it’s worth

competitors to emulate.

following their account even if you have


only a slight interest in the legal sector.

What do Linklaters do well?



Targeting graduates

Exciting interactions

People use social media for a variety of

Linklaters are one of the few companies

purposes. For legal firms, it’s vital to

in this report who don’t embrace con-

create a public platform so that prospec-

servatism in their tweets. Their updates

tive employees can contact you. It’s also

are frequent, consistent in quality, and

a useful way to keep close contact with

very engaging. In addition to this, the

prestigious universities and get involved

Linklaters Twitter account is good at

with local events.

communicating with other people -


rather than just sharing interesting arti-



The Linklaters graduate account is a


very good example of a legal firm tar-

Here is an example:

geting graduates in a meaningful and

productive way. For example, Linklaters

frequently produce webcasts in conjunc-

tion with the international University of


Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 22 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

Their business strategy is obviously

working; both accounts currently have a


combined following of over 7000 users.


This is a great example of Linklaters

How can this be replicated?

utilising social media to its fullest poten-


tial. The tweet is useful, informative,

There are many lessons which can be

and demonstrates the very reason why

taken from Linklaters’ use of social me-

separate graduate Twitter accounts are

dia. Here are some of the most impor-

vital: to target young audiences directly.


tant points to consider:


This type of tweet isn’t useful for

Encourage users to get excited about

prospects or building prestigious client

your brand

relationships. It’s for future recruitment Linklaters excel at using social media to



entice users and get them interested in

their brand.

Frequent tweeting


In addition to this, the Linklaters Twitter Create dialogues

accounts are excellent at producing fre-

In addition to this, Linklaters have set a quent updates. They tweet several times

high standard for taking the time to re-

a day, over both platforms, and engage

spond to online users. This is problem

directly with audiences. This is some-

that many other legal firm Twitter ac-

thing that many legal firms fail to do.


counts struggle with. However, Lin-

klaters have a much more personalised

In this sense, Linklaters are paving the

approach to social networking and excel

way for London legal firms in terms of

at communicating with others online:

social content and online communica-



Quality Content

Don’t be fooled, however; Linklaters

don’t just use social media to chat with

other online users. They also provide

their followers with very useful content.

The main account, for instance, is used

to advertise any publications or newslet-

ters that the firm produces. It’s also used


to share other interesting articles; help-

It’s much easier to build client relation-

ing to increase Linklaters’ status as a

ships and develop prospects if compa-

thought leader.

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 23 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

nies take the time to communicate with

For example, Linklaters are a global

their online audiences.

brand with 29 different offices based the


world; from Germany to Hong Kong.

Linklaters are one of the best legal firms However, they only have a Twitter ac-at doing this; so many other businesses

count for their London base - meaning

could learn from their example.

that there’s no Linklaters platform to


communicate with their international

Give a platform to students

clients. This is unfortunate and poten-

It’s now common policy for legal firms

tially limits the firm’s global reach.

to develop close working relationships


with many of the most prestigious uni-

Other than this, Linklaters just need to

versities throughout the UK. This is ex-

continue with their social media strategy

tremely profitable, for a variety of rea-

and increase their brand awareness con-

sons, but it cannot be achieved fully

sistently across the globe. 

without a comprehensive social media



Twitter is a great tool for students to

contact prospective employers and learn

more about a firm. Linklaters have re-

alised this and created a separate Twitter account just for their graduates. To make

things even better, they update it regular and communicate directly with their followers. You couldn’t ask for more.


How can Linklaters improve?


Overall, Linklaters have a very good

presence on Twitter (on both of their ac-

counts). They are consistent in their dis-

tribution and have a genuinely engaging

online demeanour.


There is not much that Linklaters can do

to improve their social content, but there are some points they may wish to consider.

Consider creating more accounts

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

Given that Herbert Smith Freehills in a