Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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Consumer segmentation


Like Allen and Overy, Taylor Wessing

have separate Twitter accounts for dif-

ferent purposes - their main account, for


example, is dedicated primarily for news


updates and sharing useful articles.

Taylor Wessing are one of the most es-

Their second account (@TWMediaTe-

tablished and uniquely-cultured legal

ch), however, was created for the

firms in London. They are very much an

lawyers themselves to interact with their

international business, with offices in

followers. This isn’t just general conver-

(amongst others) Beijing, Dubai, Paris,

sation, though; the account is utilised to and Vienna.

discuss various business and technologi-


cal developments in the industry.


Overall, Taylor Wessing pride them-

selves in being a large company with a

This is a great use of social media and is small-business mindset; valuing excel-obviously very popular with their fol-

lence service, professional development,

lowers. In fact, Taylor Wessing has

and copious amounts of charity work.

some the largest numbers of Twitter fol-

With a 7% increase in profits between

lowers than any other London legal

2013 and 2014, they obviously have a



business strategy which works for them.


Quality Content

However, unlike other legal firms in

One defining characteristic of Taylor

London, Taylor Wessing benefit from

Wessing’s Twitter updates is that they

having an independent brand image be-

are interesting and immediately engag-

yond their legal services. Many people

ing. They don’t just use Twitter to tell

know the law firm from their continuing

their followers about the latest company

sponsorship of the National Portrait

news. Their @TWMediaTech account is

Gallery. This has a huge marketing po-

also utilised to share other interesting

tential for Taylor Wessing - allowing

articles and retweet useful content.


them to attract a much greater audience

than traditional law firms.


As a result, it’s not surprising to learn

that Taylor Wessing have a significant

This might seem mundane, but it shows

Twitter following and an established so-

that Taylor Wessing isn’t just interested

cial media presence.


in using Twitter to promote their own

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 10 of 63


Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

material. Instead, they actively engage

Tech Law blog is a fantastic resource for

with other online users and create a per-

Taylor Wessing to discuss important in-

sonal platform for their employees to

dustry issues on a public platform.

make a valuable contribution to the

However, it wouldn’t be nearly as suc-

company’s public image.

cessful without the law firm actively


promoting it on Twitter. This is some-

In addition to this, Taylor Wessing is

thing that Taylor Wessing is incredibly

quick to use Twitter for a very practical

good at achieving.

purpose: recruitment.



How can this be replicated?


If other legal firms want to achieve the


same success as Taylor Wessing, then

This is a good use of social media, espe-

there are several steps that they should

cially considering that it allows Taylor


Wessing to communicate with prospec-


tive employees on a personal level.

tweet engaging social content


First of all, Taylor Wessing’s separate

Nevertheless, this isn’t always utilised

Twitter account is a fantastic platform to to its fullest potential. Like many law

promote their lawyers and their individ-

firm Twitter accounts, Taylor Wessing

ual interests. Legal firms often suffer

could benefit from being dynamic in

from owning overly-conservative Twit-

their social content. The use of images

ter accounts. However, Taylor Wessing’s

and more interaction would go some

account is more engaging and gives a

way to achieving this.

personal edge to the company’s public





One of the ways that Taylor Wessing

Promote regularly

succeed in using Twitter efficiently is

One of the most significant aspects of

through regular use and distribution

Taylor Wessing’s success is that they

consistency. In fact, Taylor Wessing are

promote quality content on a frequent

very good at sending out tweets several

basis. Rather than updating their Twitter

times a day. This is in stark contrast to

feed once a day, or less, they make a

many other London legal firms who

consistent effort to provide their follow-

simply don’t afford time to pursuing so-

ers with useful information. This is an

cial media.

important lesson for any firm who wants


to improve their social media status.

One of the ways that Taylor Wessing


produces consistent social content is by

How can Taylor Wessing improve?

promoting its Guardian blog. The Media


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Interacting more with users

tus as an avid supporter of the arts in

One of the ways that Taylor Wessing

London. If they had a separate Twitter

could improve is by interacting more

account dedicated to this topic, for ex-

with their users. Unfortunately, their

ample, Taylor Wessing would succeed in

Media Tech account is continually up-

accessing a far greater audience reach.

dating their newsfeed but they receive

At this moment in time, no other Lon-

very little in the ways of replies. This

don legal firm is doing this - giving Tay-

means that their content, while popular,

lor Wessing a uniquely advantageous

might not be engaging with users to its


fullest potential.



If Taylor Wessing want to increase their

Given that their Twitter account also

brand awareness and diversify their so-

contains very little in terms of visuals,

cial media following, then they should

Taylor Wessing could benefit from cre-

exploit their unique position within the

ating a more image-heavy social media

arts sector.

campaign. This would be more appeal-


ing to users and help them to increase

Nevertheless, Taylor Wessing obviously

the firm’s social media outreach.

have a strong Twitter presence. Their


Media Tech account, moreover, is a

Take full advantage of their business

great example of consistent and useful


social content being distributed to a far-

In addition to this, Taylor Wessing do

reaching audience. It’s just their primary not currently take advantage of their sta-account that requires further work.


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ever been one tweet. Even though this is

DLA Piper

almost entirely useless for consumers,

there are still nearly 4000 people follow-


ing this Twitter account. This would


strongly suggest that there’s an audience

DLA Piper are undoubtedly one of the

who wants to hear about DLA Piper’s

biggest names in the London legal sec-

news updates, but they simply don’t

tor. They have endured enormous finan-

have the energy or resources to com-

cial success and have been a major

plete this.


competitor in various areas of expertise,

including banking, corporate finance,

Unfortunately, this reflects very badly

and real estate. DLA Piper are also one

on DLA Piper and it’s a wonder why

of the largest legal firms in London,

they’ve maintained the account this

with offices in over 30 countries



throughout the world.


Nevertheless, the DLARealEstate ac-

In terms of Twitter, DLA Piper have

count is a good example of Twitter be-

managed to cultivate for themselves a

ing used in an audience-driven way.

substantial following. They also update

With nearly 2000 followers, DLA Real

their social content regularly and have

Estate has managed to attract users who

created individual accounts dedicated to

turn to the firm specifically for news and different topics.

shares. However, this relationship isn’t


just one-sided; this account also follows

What do DLA Piper do well?

a substantial number of users and fre-


quently retweets useful updates.


Consumer Segmentation

DLA Piper have realised that online

Sharing Content That People Want


users turn to Twitter for different rea-

sons. That’s why they’ve created indi-

vidual accounts to suit separate purposes

- such as their news account

(@DLA_Piper_News) and dedicated


real estate account (@DLARealEstate).

This should allow them to promote dif-

Like some other legal firms, DLA Piper

ferent types of content with the separate

is good at sharing relevant and useful

audiences, but there is an immediate

articles with their followers on Twitter.


Not only are they just concerned with


legal matters, they also distribute con-

Their @DLA_Piper_News account is

tent relating to the media, entertainment, entirely inactive - in fact, there has only and technological industries.

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This might seem like DLA Piper lack

Achieve consistency

any focus on social media, but it’s actu-

One of the most important ways of

ally very useful for improving their con-

building brand awareness and develop-

sumer outreach. Even if an online user

ing long-term consumer relationships is

isn’t interested in buying services from

through regular social media interac-

the firm, they might still follow the ac-

tions. Consistently producing tweets is

count because of its interesting shares.

much more useful for users who want to


learn more about a company. If your

All of these efforts help to make DLA

brand is boring, then they’ll simply

Piper a thought-leader in their industry

move on elsewhere.

and reinforce their brand image across a


multi-sectored platform.

Build Trust


Although there are many commendable

How can this be replicated?

areas of DLA Piper’s Twitter activity,


there is still the issue of trust. The inac-There are several key points for busi-

tive DLA_Piper_News account suggests

nesses who wish to replicate the success

that the firm doesn’t have the energy to

of DLA Piper and their social media

complete the task it set out to do. This


gives an incredibly bad impression and


doesn’t reflect on the firm’s elite status.

Know your audience


DLA Piper have legal expertise in a va-

How can DLA Piper improve?

riety of industries, but they have chosen


to create a Twitter account dedicated to

Be less conservative

one of the most competitive sectors -

DLA Piper suffer many from the same

real estate. This serves the double pur-

social media problems as their competi-

pose of allowing DLA Piper to solidify

tors. Their tweets are somewhat conser-

their status as a premiere provider of le-

vative and lack any immediate sense of

gal real estate advice; while also in-

personality. Overall, there is very little creasing their brand awareness and

in the way of photographs and visual

skills amongst the general public.




By creating a Twitter account which is

Develop quality followers

driven entirely by the audience’s needs,

In addition to this, DLA Piper have an

DLA Piper have succeeded where many

issue with their follower numbers like

could not. Their account has a strong

Allen and Overy. 10% of the followers

following and exists purely to provide

which subscribe to their primary ac-

useful and meaningful content to people

count are fake. Furthermore, 45% of the

who are interested in real estate.

rest are inactive accounts. This is ex-

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

tremely bad for DLA Piper because it

It’s not the case that DLA Piper doesn’t

means that their customer outreach is

have enough followers - they have thou-

much lower than previously anticipated.

sands - however, the firm need to pro-


duce social media content that entices

To improve this problem, DLA Piper

people. Regular interaction would go

should develop meaningful relationships

some way in achieving this. 

with their consumers to build upon their

customer base. Other than making your

brand look better, fake accounts achieve

nothing for a company from a business

and marketing perspective. Quite sim-

ply, there’s no point in creating social

content if over half of your followers

won’t even see it.


Engage better with prospects

In terms of their content on Twitter,

DLA Piper could benefit from engaging

better with their consumers. Although

nearly all of DLA Piper’s tweets are al-

ways retweeted, they receive almost no

replies on a regular basis. Users are see-

ing their Twitter updates, but they sim-

ply aren’t interested in engaging with

the brand on a meaningful level. This is

a huge problem for their

DLA_Piper_News account - in which

the administrators only follow one user.

As a result, the communication is entire-

ly one-sided and lacks any basic interac-



With regards to their main account, this

shortfall in the business-consumer rela-

tionship is extremely detrimental. They

are failing to maximise the potential of

their customer outreach and promote

their content in the most effective way.


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legal twitter account directly communi-


cating with a user. It’s much more en-

gaging than simply sharing an interest-


ing article with no comment or personal



Freshfields is a somewhat unusual case

Furthermore, Freshfields uses Twitter to

for a large-scale legal firm with regards

promote video content; creating an en-

to their presence on social media. Al-

gaging platform to communicate with its

though the company is frequently re-

followers. Many Twitter accounts from

garded as within the top 5 legal firms in

the legal sector are somewhat conserva-

London, it doesn’t have the same sub-

tive and fail to create visually interesting stantial Twitter following as its competi-content that users want to share.




This is not the case with Freshfields.


On the face of it, this seems extremely

problematic for Freshfields. However,

Useful shares

the firm produces some of the best

It’s always refreshing to see a profes-

tweets amongst London legal firms.

sional Twitter account which actively

They don’t have a disproportionate

followers other users too. It suggests

number of fake followers, unlike other

that the account isn’t just used as a

companies, and they produce genuinely

waste bin for news updates, but is

engaging social content.

utilised in a more meaningful way.


Freshfields is continually retweeting ar-

What do Freshfields do well?

ticles and news items that its followers


might find interesting.


Great content

Freshfields is one of the few legal firms

Overall, this is a much more useful and

in this report who have a genuinely in-

engaging way of utilising social media

teractive and interesting Twitter account.



It’s much more engaging with its fol-

lowers compared to other accounts; with

Communicating with followers

plenty of catchy headlines such as:

In addition to this, the Freshfields Twit-


ter account is good at replying to users

who contact them.



This might seem like a small point to


dwell on, but this is a rare example of a

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There is more of a dialogue between


Freshfields and its consumers compared

They have also helped to establish

to other legal Twitter accounts. This

themselves as thought-leaders through

helps to inject some personality into the

their promotion of ‘how to’ videos on

firm - but more still needs to be done.

Twitter. Here is an example:



How can this be replicated?


If companies want to create a Twitter

following based on real accounts and

distributing meaningful content, then the

Freshfields example is a useful place to

start. Here are some useful tips on how

to replicate Freshfields’ success.


Engage directly with users


As has been previously suggested, the

Freshfields’ Twitter account is quite

Videos are incredibly useful for engag-

good at enticing people to communicate

ing with users and encouraging them to

with them. For instance:

share your content with their followers.


They’re easy to understand, cheap to

make, and much more memorable than

written text.



If you are a business who wants to culti-

vate your Twitter following, then videos

This is a positive example of social me-

and quality content are an excellent

dia being used in a much more engaging

place to start.

way than simply sending out news up-


dates. It directly communicates with the

How can Freshfields improve?

audience and offers a useful way to do-