Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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• Payment Innovations team (@HLPayments)

• Privacy team (@HLPrivacy)

• Intellectual Property team (HoganLovellsIP) Lovells

• Corporate responsibility (@HLCitizenship)

• General matters (@HoganLovells)

• UK Press office (@HoganLovellsUK)

• US Press office (@HoganLovellsUS)



• Spanish office (@HoganLovellsES)


Hogan Lovells is one of the most estab-

The great thing about these accounts is

lished legal firms in the UK. They work

that they allow Hogan Lovells to seg-

with a variety of businesses, including

ment their customer base and target

large corporations, governmental de-

prospective clients accordingly. The

partments, and financial institutions. In

‘payments’ account, for example, is used

addition to this, they have over 2,500

to promote content relating to financial

employees throughout the world - oper-

matters in the wider legal industry.

ating primarily in Washington, London,


and Hong Kong.


Furthermore, Hogan Lovells is one of

the few firms to have a foreign Twitter

Hogan Lovells has a unique approach to

account dedicated in a non-English lan-

their social media strategy. They are one

guage. This is something which will ar-

of the few firms to create separate ac-

guably become more important as firms

counts for their individual departments;

continue to open offices across the

something which has its own advantages


and disadvantages.



Engaging content

What do Hogan Lovells do well?


In addition to this, the ‘Citizenship’ ac-

count is incredibly engaging and enjoys

Hogan Lovells have a substantial Twit-

a large Twitter following. Some of their

ter following and use their account pri-

tweets are particularly enticing, such as: marily to share updates and interesting

news articles. However, their main area

of success can be attributed to their division of Twitter accounts according to

different industries.


Purpose-driven accounts

Hogan Lovells have 8 different ac-

counts; each created to suit a unique

purpose and reach its own targeted audi-


ence. This includes:

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

One of the problems with many legal

Of all the Hogan Lovells Twitter ac-

firm Twitter accounts is that they lack

counts, the US general account is by far

any images or friendly faces. This is not

the most successful. One of the reasons

the case with @HLCitizenship - where

for this popularity is because they fre-

there are regular updates with interest-

quently tweet about news events and ar-

ing and useful pieces of content.

ticles which are specific to its targeted


audience. For example, there is plenty of

How can this replicated?

information for their clients and


prospects who work in the public sector:

Create separate Twitter accounts for dif-


ferent departments

There is an immediate challenge facing

legal firms who want to create a Twitter

account based on their corporate inter-

ests. As the magic circle continue to ex-

pand their offices across the world, it’s

difficult to manage a unified social me-

dia campaign which effectively reflects

their values and industrial practices.


One of the ways that Hogan Lovells

combats this problem is through sepa-

rate Twitter accounts for different sec-

tors. There are downsides to this

methodology, as will be explored short-

ly, but it allows the firm to segment their


audience and its interests more effec-

This type of content would be largely



un-useful for Hogan Lovells’ European

market, but it’s perfect for their clients It also gives staff at Hogan Lovells the

in the US.

opportunity to try new things and exper-


iment with social media.


If other legal firms wish to replicate this success, then they should consider dis-Share content from reputable sources

tributing content which has a pragmatic

Hogan Lovells is good at sharing con-

use for their clients.

tent from trustworthy and informative


sources; helping them to build upon

Tweet regularly

their network of client relationships

Although ‘Citizenship’ isn’t the most

across the world.

popular Hogan Lovells Twitter account,

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it is updated regularly and is consistent

The main account has a significant fol-

in quality:

lowing on Twitter:




Alternatively, when you look at the

‘payments’ account, there is much less

buzz surrounding the firm:



This problem is less apparent for the

‘privacy’ account, but there is still a

large discrepancy:



The language is emotional and is much

more engaging than simply sharing


news stories with very little personal

In order to combat this problem, it’s

comment. This is something that Hogan

highly important that Hogan Lovells

Lovells frequently succeeds in; helping

dedicate an equal amount of time and

them to improve their client relation-

attention into improving their social

ships and increase their sharability.


media accounts.


How can Hogan Lovells improve?


Consider Consolidation

If this fails to work, then Hogan Lovells

Overall, Hogan Lovells have made a

may wish to consider consolidating their

very good attempt at creating a compre-

individual Twitter accounts into smaller,

hensive and consistent social media

more manageable accounts. This would

strategy. However, there are still some

take less time and energy - helping the

areas which could be improved upon.


firm to focus their efforts on one target

market. In addition to this, they

Achieve consistency

wouldn’t need to utilise so much of their

The separate Twitter accounts for Hogan

employees’ time on social media inter-

Lovells are very useful, but they are not


consistent in their popularity.


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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

Although there are downsides to this


approach, Ashurst’s account makes it

easier for online users to access useful


information in the quickest way possi-


ble. You simply have to scroll down the

Ashurst might not be the largest legal

screen and find ‘Read our latest X’ to

firm in this report, but they have estab-

access your document.

lished themselves as a well-respected


and esteemed business in the centre of


London. They have 24 different offices

In addition to this, Ashurst’s Twitter ac-

across the world and focus specifically

count is consistent in sharing the same

on mergers, finance, and acquisitions.

type of content on a weekly basis. In


terms of their social content, Ashurst are In terms of social media, Ashurst have a

good at being reliable and distributing

strong following on Twitter but they do

their content at a regular time slot. This not update their content regularly

is something that many legal firms could

enough. They are known for sharing

benefit from implementing.

quality content but it seems to attract


very little in the way of attention.

Overall, it’s tempting to speculate that a


partial reason for Ashurst’s Twitter suc-

Nevertheless, their account is undoubt-

cess is due to having one social media

edly successful and Ashurst have an in-

account. They don’t have separate ac-

teresting approach to their Twitter strat-

counts dedicated to different topics and


client segments. Everything is in one


convenient location, allowing for greater

What do Ashurst do well?

ease of access and potential communica-


tion. It’s difficult to prove this notion

Useful information

beyond pure speculation, but one thing

Ashurst’s Twitter account is primarily

remains clear: Ashurst’s significant

used as a vehicle to advertise their

Twitter follow is a testament to their sta-newsletters and briefings. As this report

tus as prominent intellectual leader in

will soon discuss, these updates are reg-

the legal sector.

imented but they are also advantageous-


ly concise. Nearly all of the tweets are

How can this be replicated?

structured in the same way:


Ashurst have two-pronged approach to

their social media strategy: consistency

and quality. Unlike many other legal

firm Twitter accounts, they use their

platform purely to advertise their corpo-

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

rate publications. This is immensely

articles and newsletters. Furthermore,

useful for their followers who are inter-

there is very little evidence of the com-

ested in newsletters written on litigation pany account being used to contact

and commercial matters. However, it

prospects or share other examples of in-

also runs the risk of alienating other au-

teresting content.

diences who aren’t as well versed in


these legal matters.

To combat this problem, it’s paramount


that Ashurst begin to use social media

Although Ashurst must increase the reg-

with regularity and commitment. They

ularity of their tweets, they have already have a substantial Twitter following, but

established a positive benchmark for re-

there is hardly any evidence of commu-

leasing updates at a (roughly) set time

nication between the company and other

each week. This means that their fol-

leads. This is a significant business

lowers know what to expect and can an-

blunder; after all, social media is intend-ticipate when the next Ashurst publica-

ed to bring people together, not drive

tion will be advertised. Overall, this is

them apart.

an incredibly useful tactic and helps to


reinforce the firm’s status as a thought-

Mix things up


One of the other problems with


Ashurst’s Twitter account is that there’s

If there any lessons to be taken from

no real engagement with prospects and

Ashurst’s example, it’s that legal firms

other online users. The dialogue is one-

must achieve continuity across the

sided and consists of sharing corporate

board. Great content, with consistent so-

material. Although this is undoubtedly

cial media promotion, cannot necessari-

useful, it’s somewhat conservative and

ly be enough to generate long term

lacks any overt sense of personality. The

client relationships. Instead, publication overall impression that this Twitter ac-should be promoted in conjunction with

count gives is that someone is merely

other interesting shares and useful

going through the motions.




If Ashurst want to improve on this prob-

How can Ashurst improve?

lem, then they should consider sharing


and distributing more unusual content.

Update their content more regularly

This would help them to shed their con-

It’s evident from Ashurst’s Twitter ac-

servative persona and create content that

count that they dedicate roughly once a

excites people. For example, much of

week to distributing content on social

their briefings are based on data. They

media. There are clear patterns in the

could create eye-catching infographics

updates - every 5-7 days, there will be a

to draw the attention of readers and in-

morning set aside for sharing Ashurst

crease their Twitter following.

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Communicate with others

One of the challenges facing Ashurst’s

Twitter account is finding a way to

communicate better with online users.

Overall, their tweets receive roughly 1-3

retweets each and the occasional

‘favourite’ - but hardly anyone ever

replies to them. This is a shame because

the lack of dialogue indicates that users

simply aren’t engaging with the social



In the legal sector, business is built upon lead generation and client relationships.

Social media is an extension of that

process and should be maximised to its

fullest potential.


That’s why Ashurst should make a sys-

tematic attempt to create interesting so-

cial content that people want to read,

share, and (most importantly) discuss.

This is how you help to develop long-

term communication between a business

and its clients.

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency