Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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There is an obvious advantage for Pin-

sent Masons by frequently sharing non-


legal articles: their social content is in-


stantly accessible, regardless of a user’s Pinsent Masons are one of the most

sector. This means that the account isn’t

revered legal firms in the city of Lon-

just useful for people who are a lawyer,

don. They have over 350 partners and

partner, or trainee. It has universal ap-

employ more than 2,500 staff across the


world - allowing them to establish of-


fices in various cities, such as Hong

Good communication

Kong, Munich, and Shanghai.

The Pinsent Masons’ graduate Twitter


account is good at nurturing dialogues

Pinsent Masons are unique in that they

between the company and its potential

focus on four main sectors in the legal

new employees. They provide graduates

industry: finance, infrastructure, energy, with genuinely helpful advice and are

and manufacturing. In terms of their

always quick to reply when an online

company ethos, Pinsent Masons pride

user has a question. Furthermore, they

themselves on building their company

actively attempt to engage with young

directly upon the needs of their clients.

adults frequently:



To reflect this diversity and dedication,

the firm have two Twitter accounts - one

for general matters (@PinsentMasons)

and the other specifically catered to-

wards graduates (@PMgrads).


What do Pinsent Masons do well?



tweeting quality content

This is something that many legal firms

Pinsent Masons’ Twitter account is one

could benefit from practicing more

of the few in this report which tweet out

widely. It’s vital for members of the le-

non-legal matters on a regular basis. For

gal sector to communicate directly with

example, their press office frequently

aspiring lawyers. This helps them to

publish commentaries on important

generate potential leads and cultivate

news events:

any future recruitment opportunities.


Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 34 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

In addition to this, Pinsent Masons’

seem important, but it’s vital for legal

graduate account is very good offering a

businesses to make themselves stand out

personalised approach to social media

from their competitors in the context of


social media. One of the ways to


achieve this is through exciting and en-

gaging visuals.



How can this be replicated?


Overall, the tone is friendly and ap-

Pay attention to students

proachable; exactly what users want

If other companies want to enjoy the

from communicating with a law firm

same success as Pinsent Masons, then

over the internet.


they should create a separate Twitter ac-

count for graduates. This is a fantastic

Visually engaging content

opportunity for legal firms to shed their

One of the other reasons for Pinsent

conservative image and engage directly

Masons’ success is that their social con-

with users in a more friendly way. More

tent is visually engaging. Their reports

often than not, legal firms are very good

often include images and photographs

at using their graduate accounts to

which makes their account appear more

communicate directly with people.

eye-catching and dynamic. Here is a


good example:


Take an interest in non-legal content

One of the challenges facing legal firms

and their Twitter accounts is finding a

way to appeal directly to non-legal fol-

lowers. The very nature of the legal in-

dustry means that lawyers must engage

directly with a variety of businesses

across a limitless amount of sectors.


To combat this problem, many legal

firms could look at the example from

Pinsent Masons. They successfully

manage to tweet about a variety of top-


ics and appeal to a wider range of audi-

ences than other legal firms. This is in-

Although this is something that the firm

credibly important for raising brand

need to do more often, they have already

awareness and generating leads for any

set a good precedent for using striking


visuals in their tweets. This might not


Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 35 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

How can Pinsent Masons improve?

more visuals and videos. This would


help them to distinguish their brand

tweet more regularly

from their competitors and establish

Pinsent Masons are very popular on so-

their own unique corporate identity on

cial media, but they aren’t maximising


Twitter to its fullest potential. Their


main account is only updated once every

Follow more Twitter accounts

few days - meaning that they aren't

Given that Pinsent Masons are being

communicating enough with their

‘followed’ by considerably more online

clients and prospects. This is a huge dis-

users than they follow themselves, it

advantage for the firm, especially con-

would strongly suggest that the firm is

sidering how effective regular tweeting

considered a thought-leader in their sec-

can be useful for improving any digital


marketing strategy.



However, one of the problems with Pin-

Use their main account to its fullest posent Masons’ account is that they don’t


communicate enough with other users.

The Pinsent Masons graduate account is

Their lack of engagement is a testament

very good at communicating with others

to the fact that they use Twitter primari-

and developing meaningful relationships

ly as a promotion tool. This is all very

with Twitter followers. However, less

well, but it means that the firm aren’t

can be said for their main account. It has using social media to its fullest poten-hardly any interaction and is used pri-


marily as a vehicle to promote corporate


content. Although it’s vital to advertise

To combat this problem, it might be

corporate publications on Twitter, users

beneficial for Pinsent Masons to take

appreciate variety too.

more of an interest in sharing content


from other useful accounts. As a result,

Pinsent Masons could benefit from at-

the firm would appear less conservative

tempting to engage directly with their

and actively demonstrate their social

followers on a regular basis. For exam-

connections throughout the world.

ple, they could send their content direct-

ly to the people who want to read it.

This would allow them to develop rela-

tionships with their clients and even

generate more interest in their business



In addition to this, their main Twitter

account could benefit greatly from using

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

As a global brand network, Norton Rose