Fulbright have created a chain of Twitter
accounts to reflect their diversity and
bring their audiences directly relevant
content. They have 5 separate accounts,
which include:
• General corporate (@NLegal_Global)
• Canadian office (@NLegal_CA)
• American office (@NLegal_US)
• Australian office (@NLegal_AU)
Norton Rose Fulbright are undoubtedly
• South African office (@NLegal_ZA)
one of the most successful legal firms
based in London. They have over 50 of-
This might seem like a lot of work, but
fices throughout the world spanning
each account is managed directly by the
across 5 different continents. Further-
press office in that particular country.
more, they specialise in a wide range of
There is a lot of merit to this system and legal sectors, including finance, energy,
it suggests that the firm are approaching
and regulation.
social media from the perspective of
their clients.
Norton Rose Fulbright is a truly global
brand; something which is effectively
Each of their followers, no matter where
reflected in their Twitter campaign. They
they’re based, is able to access informa-
have a large number of Twitter accounts,
tion which is directly relevant to them.
each divided according to region. There
is also one main account used by their
Content promotion
London office to promote newsletters,
Norton Rose Fulbright are very good at
corporate events, and international legal
using Twitter to promote their corporate
materials. For example, they product a
wide range of arbitration reports cover-
This is a very popular account, as is
ing different sectors. This would seem to
made evident by their significant fol-
be one of the primary reasons for the
lower base:
Twitter account.
In addition to this, Norton Rose Ful-
bright also tweet out a variety of corpo-
rate news updates relating to their of-
What do Norton Rose Fulbright do
fices across the world. This is much
more sporadic, but overall the firm are
Regional accounts
Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 37 of 63
Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency
well versed in providing their followers
employees to share company content on
with a diverse range of social content.
their own accounts. This will increase
page views and help to raise brand
How can this be replicated?
awareness across a much broader social
Find an audience and target them
There are potential downsides to Norton
How can Norton Rose Fulbright im-
Rose’s regional Twitter accounts, such
as inconsistency, but it’s an incredibly
useful strategy for businesses who oper-
Use their ‘global’ account more regularate on an international basis. Norton
Rose Fulbright have realised that differ-
Norton Rose Fulbright’s US Twitter ac-
ent clients value different types of con-
count is updated regularly and with re-
tent depending on their location. To
markable efficiency. However, this is
combat this problem, they have created
not replicated across the board and their
individual accounts which segment their
‘global’ account is updated (roughly)
audience and allow the firm to target
once every 1-2 days. This is not enough;
them more effectively.
especially if the London firm want to
increase their brand awareness through-
Although this might not work for every
out Europe. The Americans are currently
firm, it’s definitely something that could paving the way, but there’s no reason
benefit many businesses who have of-
why London can’t achieve the same re-
fices across the world. It requires a lot of sults.
time and energy, but the rewards are
Engage directly with users
This is a theme that is frequently recur-
Promote everything you publish
ring throughout this report. Not enough
It’s not simply enough to publish great
of the London legal firms are making a
content and expect it to promote itself.
systematic effort to build up client rela-
Norton Rose Fulbright are very efficient
tionships through active Twitter en-
in ensuring that their corporate materials gagement. This isn’t just mundane chit-are always advertised on Twitter for
chat; these efforts help to develop mean-
everyone to see. For those who work in
ingful and useful contacts for a firm.
the legal sector, this type of promotion
is incredibly useful and helps to ensure
It’s great to see that Norton Rose Ful-
that the firm’s content reaches a much
bright use Twitter to promote their con-
wider audience.
tent, but they could also make more of
an effort to engage directly with users.
If other firms wish to replicate this suc-
Overall, this would help the firm to
cess, then they should consider allowing
achieve a universal social media strate-
Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 38 of 63
Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency
gy that saw success throughout the Twit-
ter accounts - not just primarily for their US version.
Consider opening a graduate account
It might seem like the last thing that
Norton Rose Fulbright need is another
Twitter account, but they should consid-
er opening a graduate account. This
would be an effective way of communi-
cating with potential employees on a
much more focussed platform.
At this current point in time, their global account is dedicated primarily to sharing
corporate content. Much of this content
is too sector-specific to be informative
to students.
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ing, informative, and are genuinely