Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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Here is an example:




CMS Cameron McKenna are one of the

Rather than just linking to the bursary

largest legal firms in this report, with

page, CMS Cameron McKenna have

over 3000 employees in total and 58 of-

made their content much more engaging

fices across the world. They specialise in by using Twitter in a friendly and ap-8 industry groups, including commercial

proachable way. They are also good at

law, real estate, and dispute resolution.

appealing directly to users and giving

In terms of their company ethos, they

them articles that are actually useful:

pride themselves on focussing on client

relationships rather than ideals - mean-

ing that they offer a personalised service while maintaining a multinational company throughout the globe.


Altogether, these efforts help to make

Overall, CMS Cameron McKenna are

this graduate account one of the most

very well established and have endured

useful and engaging Twitter feeds of its

significant success in their social media



strategy. Their numbers speak for them-


Regular updates

One of the reasons for CMS Cameron

McKenna’s success is that they tweet

very regularly. They have a much more

established social presence than other

What do CMS Cameron McKenna do

legal firm accounts. On any given day,



you can expect to see their Twitter feed

several times with useful and interesting

A great graduate account

content. This means that their account

CMS Cameron McKenna’s graduate

has greater value to its followers; it also Twitter account is a great example of a

helps to increase the brand awareness of

legal firm providing useful social con-

tent to students. Their tweets are engag-

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 40 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

CMS Cameron McKenna on a daily ba-

By regularly updating their Twitter ac-


count and taking the time to respond to


followers, the firm is able to offer a per-Sharing content from established publi-sonalised service which is in-keeping


with the company’s wider set of beliefs.

Unlike many legal firms in this report,

This also helps them to increase their

CMS Cameron McKenna’s primary

brand awareness and build upon their

Twitter account is very good at sharing

already well-established client relation-

great content. Many firms simply use


social media to promote their own cor-


porate materials, taking very little time

Create a graduate-driven Twitter ac-

to show interest in other Twitter ac-



This has been mentioned already in this


report, but it’s an important business

However, CMS Cameron McKenna ex-

strategy that many legal firms fail to im-

cels at sharing quality content from

plement. CMS Cameron McKenna’s

prestigious accounts on a regular basis.

graduate Twitter account has forged

Retweeting might not seem important,

great relationships with London-based

but it shows that a firm has a good

universities and has succeeded in estab-

knowledge of their sector and takes an

lishing the firm as a premiere choice for

active interest in their contemporary’s

ambitious graduates.

work. All of this contributes to a busi-


ness’ status as a thought-leader in their

To emulate this success, it’s important


that legal firms take the time to commu-


nicate directly with prospective employ-

How can this be replicated?




Make an effort to update Twitter regu-