Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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& Co. do well?



Sharing useful content

In the same manner as many legal firms

in this report, Wragge Lawrence Gra-

Graham & ham & Co. use their Twitter account primarily as a promotional tool for corporate publications. Their legal updates


frequently appear on the company Twit-

ter feed - meaning that they have a com-

prehensive social media strategy to



promote their publications.


Wragge Wragge Lawrence Graham &

The great thing about Wragge Lawrence

Co. and Co. are one of the oldest and

Graham & Co.’s Twitter account, how-

best established legal firms in London;

ever, is that there is so much variety in

their founding company, Wragge

their content. Their social content is use-Lawrence Graham & Co., can be traced

ful for a plethora of sectors and carries

back over 300 years. They have gone

weight across multiple social media

through many changes in recent years,


but they continue to go from strength to


strength in the London legal sector.


Tweeting regularly

Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. excel

Overall, the firm employ roughly 1200

at using social media on a regular basis

people and have opened 10 offices

and giving their followers useful and in-

across the world.


teresting information. In fact, they send

out new tweets several times a day with

In terms of social media, Wragge

remarkable consistency. This indicates

Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. & Co.

that Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co.

have a strong presence on Twitter and

have the time and resources available to

have implemented a very effective busi-

execute their social media strategy ef-

ness strategy to maintain their success.




At this current point in time, here are

Taking an active interest in other ac-

their crucial statistics:


Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. have

an engaging and dynamic Twitter ac-

count partly due to their substantial ‘following’ numbers. By actively taking an

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 43 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

interest in other users, and sharing their Create a fantastic Twitter account dedi-content, the Wragge Lawrence Graham

cated to students

& Co. account is much more useful to

Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. are

their followers. Their account acts as a

very good at maintaining a useful Twit-

general guide to everything important

ter account dedicated for the use of

going on in the legal world.

graduates. They provide their followers


with plenty of information about how to

Variety of content

develop skills and prepare their CV for a

In addition to this, this Twitter account

potential career in law. This type of uni-

is also useful for people who aren’t nec-

versality has mass appeal and means

essarily employed in the legal sector.

that online users can turn to them for a

For example, they tweet about news

variety of reasons.

events which interest them personally


and may have value for their followers:

If other firms wish to emulate this suc-

cess, then they might want to consider

creating a graduate account which dis-

tributes genuinely helpful content for

students. Not only this, but it’s so im-

These publications and promotions on

portant that graduate accounts have a

social media demonstrate that Wragge

friendly and personable tone - some-

Lawrence Graham & Co. are well-

thing which Wragge Lawrence Graham

rounded and carry significance beyond

& Co. supply in abundance.

their immediate professional periphery.


It also means that their Twitter account

Communicate with clients regularly

can prove useful to people who aren’t

In addition to this, they make a consci-

employed in the legal sector. This helps

entious attempt to update their Twitter

to increase their brand awareness over a

account regularly. This is something

much larger social platform than before.

which many firms overlook; especially


if they only publish corporate materials

How can this be replicated?

once every few days.



Inject some personality into your tweets Instead, it’s vital that legal firms distin-One of the interesting things about

guish their digital brand from their com-

Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co.’s

petitors through frequent tweeting. This

Twitter account is that it contains more

helps firms to reinforce their online

corporate personality than other firms’.

presence and develop client relation-

Their tweets can often be engaging and

ships in the process.

offer snippets into the corporate culture


at the company: