Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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This report will examine 20 of the most

popular and interesting Twitter accounts


of the London legal sector. There will be


an in-depth summary of individual firm

In the fast-paced and fiercely competi-

strengths, weaknesses, and potential ar-

tive world in which legal firms operate,

eas of improvement.


it’s easy for Twitter to seem like an af-


Whether your firm is already convinced


about the merits of Twitter, or is yet to

Whether your expertise lies in real es-

be swayed, this report will aim to

tate, litigation, or intellectual property; demonstrate how legal firms can benefit

there is often very little time and man-

from implementing an effective social

power available to dedicate specifically

media campaign.


to implementing an effective social me-


dia strategy. This is a challenge that all legal firms must face - and yet many are


overcoming this problem with remark-


able efficiency.




Twitter, for example, has the intrinsic


ability to elevate legal firms and rein-


force their business strategy. When done


well, a great Twitter account has the ca-

pacity to generate leads, entice


prospects, recruit employees, increase

brand awareness, promote corporate

news, and develop client relationships.


And all with one click of a button.

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 3 of 63


Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

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