Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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their social media potential.


and May

Why has Slaughter and May made

their account private?




Few can deny that Slaughter and May

On the one hand, the limited access of

are one of the most established and

their Twitter account means that Slaugh-

revered legal firms in London. Founded

ter and May retain their reputation for

in 1889, Slaughter and May have

exclusivity. They have complete control

demonstrated their success by opening

over their audience and enjoy virtual

multiple offices in Hong Kong, Brus-

privacy while communicating with oth-

sels, and Beijing.




Unlike other London-based legal firms,

However, this then begs the following

Slaughter and May have distinguished

question: can a business sustain social

themselves with their seemingly unwa-

media without being social?

vering domestic focus. They are also no-


table for their conservative outlook.



Exclusivity and privacy limit Slaughter

Throughout their existence, Slaughter

and May’s outreach capacity. One of the

and May have maintained a traditional

key goals of social media is to increase

partnership and preferred to develop

brand awareness and generate client in-

their own lawyers rather than recruiting

terest in your business. With a closed


Twitter account, Slaughter and May fail

Unfortunately, this conservative outlook

to do this on a popular and widespread

has managed to seep into their social


media campaign. While Slaughter and


May have a strong presence on Twitter,

To make matters worse, they also don’t

their outreach is limited by their ‘pro-

have a comprehensive LinkedIn ac-

tected’ account. Furthermore, they don’t

count. There is a somewhat informative

have a company account on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn page about Slaughter and May

This means that prospective clients and

- but there is no actual company ac-

leads are strongly prohibited from learn-


ing more about Slaughter and May.



This is surprising, especially consider-

In a digital age where brand awareness

ing that over 5,800 users ‘follow’ the

and customer acquisition is paramount -

page. There are no updates, no an-

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 4 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

nouncements, and no information detail-

gal sector. When used properly, social

ing Slaughter and May’s recent success-

media has the capacity to generate leads


and develop customer relationships.


This is hugely important for any legal

It’s not the case that there’s no demand

firm - especially in London, where com-

for Slaughter and May’s social media

petition in the sector is particularly

presence (5,800 people would agree) -


but there simply isn’t a consistent effort


to do so.

Use social media to build on client rela-



Internal promotion

For Slaughter and May, it’s vital that so-

Given that Slaughter and May produce

cial media is used in a constructive and

their own regular news items, it’s unfor-

positive way. An open Twitter account

tunate that they don’t have a public plat-

would allow the firm to promote their

form from which to promote their work.

news updates to a far greater client net-


work. It would also be a useful way to

In the world of digital marketing, it

build relationships with Slaughter and

would be wrong to assume that content

May’s international client base.

will automatically promote itself based


on a company’s prestige.

In addition to this, Slaughter and May


would benefit from using social media

Like all forms of content marketing, it’s

on a more consistent level. If you want

paramount to have an accompanying so-

to develop meaningful relationships

cial media campaign. Only by doing so

with your clients, then it can be very

can you ensure that your content will be

beneficial to use social media to develop

widely seen.

a consumer following. Regular, useful


tweets are invaluable way of achieving

What can Slaughter and May do to


improve their social media presence?



Unlike other firms in this report, Slaugh-

Be more open

ter and May do not have a Twitter ac-

As one of the most prestigious legal

count specifically for graduates. This is

firms in London, it’s of paramount im-

disappointing, especially considering

portance than Slaughter and May devel-

how revered the firm is amongst stu-

op a comprehensive and consistent so-


cial media strategy.



Slaughter and May are the only firm in

It would be wrong to think that Twitter

this report who have privatised their

should be used primarily as an exclusive

Twitter account.

and private tool for businesses in the le-

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

With 16.4k followers, Allen and Overy’s