Rx Money by Stefan Palczewski - HTML preview

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Having own product is possibly the most rewarding for the following reasons;

  • You make more money
  • You can ask other people to sell it for you.

The not so good side is;

  • You have to support your customers
  • You might to give them refund
  • You might need to have tech support
  • You’ll need to answer their questions

Yet having own product outweigh the “not so good”. If you know how, you might outsource all that stuff to a professional.

Here sky is the limit. To create your own info product almost anything qualifies. From recipes to instructions, to courses, to references, etc. Here are some ways that you might sell them as;

  • videos
  • reports
  • e-books
  • training materials
  • e-courses
  • cyclopedias (references)
  • software
  • webinars
  • seminars (local)
  • and more

At some point you will have your own info product. Don’t rush into it, gain some experience first. Be aware what others are selling, what’s in demand. Once you do, my advice to you is; make high quality stuff, don’t be cheap.

In pricing your stuff be reasonable, don’t make ass of yourself telling your audience that you are giving away product to them worth $10 000.00 for $47.00, because that just very dumb.

So I hope that this short e-book helped you somehow. Below I am including extra section with resources and access to other programs, but I am asking you to be smart about it. Don’t buy anything just because it is new and shiny, but because you decided to use it.

Don’t waste your money unnecessary.