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U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural
Development Programs


Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grants

Program 101

Program Status: CLOSED 

Announcement: 2016 DLT Awardees List

What does this program do?

 The Distance Learning and Telemedicine program helps rural communities use the unique capabilities of telecommunications to connect to each other and to the world, overcoming the effects of remoteness and low population density. For example, this program can link teachers and medical service providers in one area to students and patients in another. For more information on other programs administered by RUS Telecommunications please visit:

Who may apply? Eligible applicants include most entities that provide education or health care through telecommunications, including:

  • Most State and local governmental entities
  • Federally-recognized Tribes
  • Non-profits
  • For-profit businesses
  • Consortia of eligible entities

DLT 100% grant applications are accepted through a competitive process. The application window is announced annually (typically after the first of the year) through a Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) or a Notice of Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) in the Federal Register. Applicants are required to provide a minimum 15 percent match. Awards can range from $50,000 to $500,000.

How may the funds be used?  Grant funds may be used for:

  • Acquisition of eligible capital assets, such as:
  • ◦Audio, video and interactive video equipment
  • ◦Terminal and data terminal equipment
  • ◦Computer hardware, network components and software
  • ◦Inside wiring and similar infrastructure that further DLT services
  • Acquisition of instructional programming that is a capital asset
  • Acquisition of technical assistance and instruction for using eligible equipment

What kinds of funding are available?

Grant-only funds, awarded through a nationally competitive process  – 15% match required

A minimum 15% match is required for grant-only awards (cannot be from another federal source)

Who currently participates in this program?

 See our DLT Recipient Directory for a list of current participants.

How do we get started?

  • Applications for the grant program are accepted through the national office.
  • Program Resources are available online (includes forms, guidance, certifications, etc.)
  • Check back here or contact your General Field Representative for additional information

Who can answer questions about this program?

  • (202) 720-0800
  • General Field Representatives

What governs this program?

7 CFR 1703, Subparts D through G

Why does USDA Rural Development do this?

The Distance Learning and Telemedicine program helps rural residents tap into the enormous potential of modern telecommunications and the Internet for education and health care, two of the keys to economic and community development.

Examples of grants awarded

Rural Development has approved a grant of $496,701


Distance Learning and Telemedicine




Yukon-Koyukok and Fairbanks North Star

Congressman, District:

Young, 1st Dist.


Murkowski and Sullivan


Yukon Koyukuk School District

Grantee Contact:

Luke Meinert

Mailing Address: Email Address:

4762 Old Airport Way, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709


(907) 378-5542

Project Description:

Rural Development grant funds will be used by Yukon Koyukuk School District to improve academic achievements in 9 schools located in Native Alaskan tribal land by video conferencing. The project will provide advanced course work to students in order to encourage them to participate in science, engineering, and mathematics programs. The distance learning project will enable local residents to connect with workforce development staff, future employers, and career counselors to ensure students’ families fully understand the many opportunities open to their children contingent upon completion of their higher education.

Matching Funds:



Rural Development has approved a grant of $279,100


Distance Learning and Telemedicine


Alaska, Wisconsin and Minnesota

Boroughs: Counties:

AK: Anchorage, Aleutians West, Aleutains East, and Valdez-Cordova

WA: King, 1st, 7th, 8th, and 9th Dists. MN: Hennepin, 3rd and 5th Dists.

Representatives, District:

AK: Young, 1st Dist.

WA: DelBene, 1st Dist.; McDermott, 7th Dist.; Reichert, 8th Dist.; Smith, 9th Dist..

MN: Paulsen, 3rd Dist. and Ellison, 5th Dist..


AK: Murkowski & Sullivan WA: Murray & Cantwell MN: Klobuchar & Franken


Eastern Aleutian Tribes, Inc.

Grantee Contact:

Mrs. Jennifer Harrison, Executive Director

Mailing Address: Email Address:

3380 C Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503-3949


(907) 277-1440

Project Description:

Rural Development funds will be used to purchase video conferencing equipment and state of the art CPR mannequins capable of recording and quantifying performance to increase lifesaving proficiency. Eastern Aleutian Tribes, which is a tribal organization, has partnered with Alaska’s Loren Marshall Foundation, Washington state’s UW School of Medicine Resuscitation Academy, and Minnesota’s Comprehensive Advanced Life Support (CALS) Program to provide this telemedicine training in three Alaskan and five Native Alaskan communities in the Aleutians East Borough. The project will increase access to CPR training as well as CALS, which includes trauma, cardiac, stroke, pediatrics, obstetrics, neonatal, airway compromise, and sepsis through the use of video conferencing and distance training.

Matching Funds:


Rural Development has approved a grant of $497,572


Distance Learning and Telemedicine



Borough: County:

Alaska: Nome, 1st Dist.

Washington: Snohomish, 1st & 2nd Dist.

Representatives, District:

Alaska: Young, 1st Dist.

Washington: DelBene, 1st Dist. and Larsen, 2nd Dist.


Alaska: Murkowski & Sullivan Washington: Murry & Cantwell


Bering Strait School District

Grantee Contact:

Dr. Robert Bolen, Superintendent

Mailing Address: Email Address:

225 Main Street, Unalakleet, AK 99684


(907) 624-4261

Project Description:

Rural Development funds will be used to purchase video conferencing equipment for one pure hub site in Edmonds, WA, one hub/end-user site, one Native Alaskan hub/end-user site, and fifteen Native Alaskan end-user sites. The Success through Technology and Resources for Academics, Innovation, and Teaching (Project Strait) is a distance learning project linking teachers and students at remote locations throughout the 80,000 square miles of the Bering Strait School District’s service area. The project will increase access between Bering Strait School District Offices and fifteen public schools through the use of video conferencing and distance training. Benefits include connecting students to classes, professional development and support for teachers, and bicultural education.

Matching Funds:


Rural Development has approved a grant of $222,244


Distance Learning and Telemedicine




Lassen, 1st Dist.; Fresno, 4th, 16th, 21st, and 22nd Dists.; Madera, Tuolumne, 4th Dist.; Kings, 21st Dist.; Tulare, 21st, 22nd, & 23rd Dists.

Representatives, District:

LaMalfa, 1st; Garamendi, 3rd Dist.; McClintock, 4th; Thompson, 5th; Costa, 16th Dist.; Valadao, 21st; Nunes, 22nd, and McCarthy, 23rd Dist.


Feinstein & Boxer


Adventist Health System/West

Grantee Contact:

Ms. Gail Nickerson, Director, Rural Health Services

Mailing Address: Email Address:

2100 Douglas Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95661-3804


(916) 774-7308

Project Description:

Rural Development funds will be used to purchase telemedicine equipment for eleven end-user sites, including a Native American site, Lassen Indian Health Center. The project will improve public health by using telemedicine technologies and training to link medical professionals and patients to medical specialty services and advanced medical expertise. Benefits include increased access to healthcare services, continuous improvement of healthcare services through patient feedback, and increased patient participation.

Matching Funds:


For complete listings of grant awarded see:

Previous Year Award Summaries

  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
