The Five Dollar Bible by Richard Allen - HTML preview

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Dealing With Customers

Emails prior to ordering

You would think that's one of the great things about selling online is that you do

not physically do you sell to customers or physically speak to them however you

will have to handle a lots of email enquiries some of which will result in a sale

and some of which won’t. How you deal with these is essential and you will

quickly need to establish who’s a time waster and who isn’t.

Don’t always answer for free

As I began to specialise in my niche I began to gain more of a reputation on fiverr

for the services I was selling my as my gigs were drawing a lot more attention,

unfortunately quite a bit of this was of the wrong kind and people simply

wanting to pick my brains for free information.

When I started out I was doing the good thing so I thought and responding to all

emails, however at the end of one day I thought where has the afternoon gone?

and realised that I’d spent the best part of three hours answering approximately

30 email queries, many of which had multiple replies to them as some people

continued to ask further questions. I looked back on the day and realised that I’d

done two things wrong: -‐

Many were not on items not directly related to what I was selling.

I’d given away info that I could charge for – So if you are selling advice on fiverr,

then remember that’s what you’re doing – Selling it! Not giving it away for free.

This caused me to actually create a gig detailing specifically whereby people

could order and then ask questions related to my subject matter. Now if I get

someone asking a question that I can’t answer in one line I refer them to my gig. I

also politely point out that whilst they may think it’s “Just one question – why

won’t you answer it”, that it’s not one, it’s one of up to 30 per day!

Put your own plan in place early on to handle such questions. Learn to spot

potential problem buyers early on and block them using fiverr’s spam/reporting

link which appears next to the person asking the questions name if they are

burning your time. Other fiverr sellers may not like me doing this or telling you

to do that, and that’s fine – we’ll let them answer 3 hours worth of emails for free

but we won’t be doing that, will we? Fiverr is only good, and fun if you earn

money from it quickly and easily.

You hate junk mail in your Yahoo or hotmail inbox right? Well don’t let it clutter

up your fiverr one.

A classic example of a problem buyer is one I had this week for a gig selling ’10 of

product XYZ’ – the potential buyer emailed me and asked how many they will be

getting! So ask yourself this do you really want to be dealing with a buyer who

has simply not even bothered to correctly read your gig? It is this type of buyer

that will give you the most grief – and I would ask that for the four dollars that


the sale generates is it really worth it for the hassle of dealing with someone who

simply cannot be bothered to read what you have taken the time to create in the

form of the gigs description? – Simply block them.

If the buyers question seems idiotic the chances are that you may well be dealing

with an idiot who will simply cause you nothing but problems once they have

ordered the gig or ask you a further 20 questions before maybe ordering or

maybe not ordering – fiverr should be low stress for the $4 you get paid so stamp

the idiots out early on.

If you’ve had to reply more than 3 times to repeated queries, then kill things off

fast – this person is only after your info and will most likely not order.

Emails when you’ve got an order

Yeahaa! So you’ve got your first order so all is well right? Well firstly I

recommend always emailing the buyer to thank them for your order. This is

particularly relevant now that fiverr shows your average response times.

TIP: Now the downside to fiverr V2 – Under the new V2 if some posts a

message against your order with a query or a problem, you can sit there

blissfully unaware that they are trying to contact you!!!!

Yes that’s right you maybe totally unaware you have a message about an order or

even a major problem.

This can be the cause of serious problems. Under the old fiverr it appeared as a

new message but under the new one it doesn’t. You need to carefully look out to

see if the “Message bubble” on your fiver top menu is flashing. If it is then you

have a message. To highlight what it looks like see this image: -‐

NOTE: this is the ONLY thing that alerts you, this includes someone having a

problem after you’ve delivered!!!!!!

Blocking problem people

If people continually email you back and you don’t want to deal with them e.g.

continued requests for answers to “Just one last question” (For the sixth time!),

then use the ‘report’ link to block them. Then they won’t be able to contact you

any more, nor will they be able to order any of your gigs. After all if they are a

pain and have already wasted more than $5 of your time, then you will only have

more of the same to come if you let them order from you. The “report” link only

appears when you hover over the message from the person, it appears in the

bottom right of their message only when you hover over the message with your
