High Performance Python (from Training at EuroPython 2011) by Ian Ozsvald - HTML preview

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The profile module is the standard way to profile Python code, take a look at it here http://docs.python.org/library/profile.html. We’ll run it on our simple Python implementation:

>> python -m cProfile -o rep.prof pure_python.py 1000 1000

This generates a rep.prof output file containing the profiling results, we can now load this into the pstats module and print out the top 10 slowest functions:


>>> p=pstats.Stats(’rep.prof’)

>>> p.sort_stats(’cumulative’).print_stats(10)


Fri Jun 24 17:13:11 2011 rep.prof


        51923594 function calls (51923523 primitive calls) in 54.333 seconds


    Ordered by: cumulative time

    List reduced from 558 to 10 due to restriction <10>


  ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall  filename:lineno(function)

      1   0.017    0.017    54.335   54.335   pure_python.py:1(<module>)

      1   0.268    0.268    54.318   54.318   pure_python.py:28(calc_pure_python)

      1   37.564   37.564   53.673   53.673   pure_python.py:10(calculate_z_serial_purepython)

51414419  12.131   0.000    12.131   0.000    {abs}

  250069  3.978    0.000    3.978    0.000    {range}

      1   0.005    0.005    0.172    0.172    .../numpy/__init__.py:106(<module>)

      1   0.001    0.001    0.129    0.129    .../numpy/add_newdocs.py:9(<module>)

      1   0.004    0.004    0.116    0.116    .../numpy/lib/__init__.py:1(<module>)

      1   0.001    0.001    0.071    0.071    .../numpy/lib/type_check.py:3(<module>)

      1   0.013    0.013    0.070    0.070    .../numpy/core/__init__.py:2(<module>)

Take a look at the profile module’s Python page for details. Basically the above tells us that calculate_z_serial_purepython is run once, costs 37 seconds for its own lines of code and in total (in- cluding the other functions it calls) costs a total of 53 seconds. This is obviously our bottleneck.

We can also see that abs is called 51,414,419 times, each call costs a tiny fraction of a second but 54 million add up to 12 seconds.

The final lines of the profile relate to numpy - this is the numerical library I’ve used to convert the Python lists into a PIL-compatible RGB string for visualisation (so you need PIL and numpy installed).

For more complex programs the output becomes hard to understand. runsnake is a great tool to visualise the profiled results:

>> runsnake rep.prof

This generates a display like:


Figure 8.1: RunSnakeRun’s output on pure_python.py

Now we can visually see where the time is spent. I use this to identify which functions are worth dealing with first of all - this tool really comes into its own when you have a complex project with many modules.

However - which lines are causing our code to run slow? This is the more interesting question and cProfile can’t answer it.

Let’s look at the line_profer module. First we have to decorate our chosen function with @profile:


def calculate_z_serial_purepython(q, maxiter, z):

Next we’ll run kernprof.py and ask it to do line-by-line profiling and to give us a visual output, then we tell it what to profile. Note that we’re running a much smaller problem as line-by-line profiling takes ages:

>> kernprof.py -l -v pure_python.py 300 100


File: pure_python.py

Function: calculate_z_serial_purepython at line 9

Total time: 354.689 s


Line #    Hits    Time    Per Hit    % Time   Line Contents


  9                                            @profile

  10                                           def calculate_z_serial_purepython(q, maxiter, z):

  11                                           """Pure python with complex datatype, iterating over

  12    1          2148     2148.0      0.0     output = [0] * len(q)

  13    250001     534376   2.1         0.2     for i in range(len(q)):

  14    250000     550484   2.2         0.2       if i % 1000 == 0:

  15                                                # print out some progress info since it is

  16    250        27437    109.7       0.0         print "%0.2f%% complete" % (1.0/len(q)

  17    51464485   101906246 2.0        28.7      for iteration in range(maxiter):

  18    51414419   131859660 2.6        37.2         z[i] = z[i]* z[i] + q[i]

  19    51414419   116852418 2.3        32.9         if abs(z[i]) > 2.0:

  20    199934     429692    2.1        0.1              output[i] = iteration

  21    199934     2526311   12.6       0.7              break

  22    1          9         9.0        0.0     return output

Here we can see that the bulk of the time is spent in the for  iteration  in  range(maxiter): loop. If the z[i] = z[i] * z[i] + q[i] and if abs(z[i]) > 2.0: lines ran faster then the entire function would run much faster.

This is the easiest way to identify which lines are causing you the biggest problems. Now you can focus on fixing the bottleneck rather than guessing at which lines might be slow!

REMEMBER to remove the @profile decorator when you’re done with kernprof.py else Python will throw an exception (it won’t recognise @profile outside of kernprof.py).

As a side note - the profiling approaches shown here work well for non-CPU bound tasks too. I’ve successfully profiled a bottle.py web server, it helps to identify anywhere where things are running slowly (e.g. slow file access or too many SQL statements).