IP Telephony Cookbook by Saverio Niccolini, Jorg Ott, et al - HTML preview

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> 3.1 Introduction

Using the background technological terminology defined in the previous chapter, this chapter describes the most interesting scenarios in building an IP Telephony infrastructure.The following scenarios address topics with increasing complexity (from a long-distance least-cost routing scenario to a fully-integrated IP Telephony - videoconferencing one).The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with both an overview of each scenario and motivation for deploying them.

Each scenario is analysed from the user-needs point of view and is described architecturally, giving an example of an implementation.

> 3.2 Scenario 1: Long-distance least-cost routing

This scenario is likely to be adopted by enterprises with high-cost call volumes.Traditionally, separate links have been used for transferring voice and data between two sites (see Figure 3.1), thus making it simple to achieve a reduction in costs by establishing accounts with a lower-cost long-distance carrier.Voice over IP offers an alternative solution for this kind of problem; existing enterprise data networks (using the IP protocol) may be used to carry long-distance voice traffic to certain destinations, thus lowering the total costs (see Figure 3.2). A combination of a lower-cost, long-distance carrier and Voice over IP voice-data integration is seen as the most cost-effective solution in this area.This requires the routing of calls to the lowest-cost network, depending on the time of day and destination, and it is referred to as Least-Cost Routing (LCR).

In order to achieve greater savings, it routes calls to destinations by re-dialling them through the lowest cost alternative carrier/terminator available. A basic scenario's architecture (depicted in Figure 3.3) is able to handle all calls originating from the enterprise network. Elements needed to deploy this scenario are: terminals (both IP and PSTN) and the necessary gateways to route the call from the IP network to the ISDN/PSTN/GSM and vice versa. Other elements like MCUs or servers may be present, but are not required.

Figure 3.1 Traditional separation of data and telephony between locations P.52



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Figure 3.2 Integration of data and telephony between locations

A hybrid solution, including both traditional processing of calls over PSTN/ISDN and additional IP Telephony parts, results in this detailed architecture.

Figure3.3 Least-cost routing architecture

The features that a least-cost routing architecture may provide can be summarised as:

- call routing by time of day and day of the week, allowing selection of the best rates for specific time periods;

- call routing by destination, allowing selection of the best rates depending on the destination of the call;

- number modification, allowing dial-string manipulation of the original number dialled, to facilitate prefix-based routing;

- class of service management, allowing management of individual extensions with differentiated class of service, to give that higher level of service to users who need it.

> 3.2.1 Least-cost routing - an example of an implementation A company with head-quarters offices and multiple-branch office sites in Europe makes daily long-distance calls to contact customers located all over the world. Since many telephone carriers provide cheap telephone rates depending on geographic areas, the competitive telephone market may be used to reduce communication costs. A first solution would require the maintenance of an up-to-date table, based on the savings depending on the time of day and destination.The problems arising from this solution in the maintenance and distribution of this table to the employees are evident. Moreover, it is certain that not every employee will remember to dial the P.53


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extra digits for each appropriate prefix, both because it is time-consuming and, as a result of negligence.

Therefore, an engineering process is needed to keep the costs low. Least-cost routing is the solution to these kinds of problems, because it allows the telephone system to automatically route the long-distance call to the most economical telephony carrier/network, saving money on the long-distance bill and reducing the employee's effort in making calls.

In order to put such solution in place, the company needs to deploy a set of gateways in the locations where branch offices are located, to take advantage of the integration of data and telephony links between locations as depicted in Figure 3.2.This can result in savings from both calls located in the area of the branch offices, as well as office-to-office calls, taking advantage of the data network connecting the company's sites. Note that in this case, a distributed routing table has to be implemented, in order to facilitate control by the system administrator, who may wish to update it anytime changes in long-distance rates occur.

> 3.3. Scenario 2: Alternatives to legacy PBX systems

Traditionally, institutions and companies are equipped with a PBX on each one of its sites.

Telephones are wired to the PBX, which supplies them with power.The PBX handles all intelligence and routes calls to the PSTN over trunks (E1,T1, J1, ISDN30, etc).

Figure 3.4 Legacy PBX which trunks to the PSTN

One of the most economically feasible deployments of IP Telephony is currently is in the area of installing voice over IP as a replacement for inter-building PSTN connections within one company, or even, the complete replacement of the PBX phone system itself, along with its terminals.

This chapter first describes the scenarios in which IP phones can be deployed in a peer-to-peer fashion without additional control entities in the network.This case is only covered briefly because its practical use is limited.

Then, a more common scenario will be described, where IP Telephony is introduced into the existing telephony infrastructure.The legacy PBX is still functional in this scenario and voice calls can be carried not only over regular PSTN trunks, but also over IP backbones.



[IP Telephony Cookbook] / IP Telephony Scenarios

The last scenario describes the total replacement of a PBX infrastructure by IP Telephony equipment.

> 3.3.1 Scenario 2a: IP Phones without a PBX system

The simplest case of IP Telephony is making a point-to-point call between IP Phones.To place a call, the calling party needs to know the IP address of the called party, or its DNS entry.

Figure 3.5 IP Phone to IP Phone without PBX

For mission-critical cases, such as a commercial company or an institutional phone system, this is an awkward method. Moreover, it is not possible to make a call to a regular telephone within the institution or to the PSTN, because no VoIP-to-PSTN gateway is available. Also, common features like central address books, call forwarding services, etc. are harder to integrate with the phone terminal. If the destination is unreachable, nothing useful can be done with the call, like redirecting it to a voicemail service, etc.This setup is therefore only recommended for testing purposes.

Call setup is very simple, when using either H.323, or SIP, or any variations of these protocols.

Since the calling party directly enters the IP address of the destination, call initiation signalling is sent directly to that IP address. If the terminal is functional, it will process the signalling and the called party will be prompted to pick up the phone.When that happens, the call is setup, a codec is negotiated and the voice stream will start, until signalling that terminates the call is exchanged.

> 3.3.2. Scenario 2b: Integration of VoIP with legacy PBX systems This scenario allows the co-existence and intercommunication of the institutional conventional telephony network (conventional phones connected to PBX) and the local IP Telephony network.The scenario is suitable when the local IP Telephony network is constructed gradually in an institution that already has a conventional telephony network.

In a later stage, the conventional telephony network and the PBX can be totally replaced by the IP Telephony network, thus converging to Scenario 2c.

For example, in order to provide for smooth transition, it might be worthwhile to buy a gateway with two ISDN PRI interfaces (or just with one interface and borrow the second interface for P.55


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the transition period). One interface is connected to the PSTN and the second one to the PBX.

During the transition period, a gateway also performs call routing between the PSTN and the old PBX and vice versa, providing a smooth transition.

This chapter gives an overview of options for interconnecting a PBX to a Voice Gateway (VoGW).These options also apply to Scenario 1. More technical details for individual interfaces are given in Chapter 4.

Figure 3.6 Integration of IP Telephony with a legacy PBX system

The choice of a particular interface between a PBX and a VoGW depends on the required functionality, availability of interconnection ports on both sides and also on cost constraints.

Interfaces can be divided into analogue and digital.The former include a 2-wire U-interface with a subscriber loop and various types of E&M interfaces.The latter include an E1/CAS trunk with MFC-R2 signalling and ISDN with DSS1 or QSIG signalling. Giving technical details about the trunks and interfaces mentioned above is outside the scope of this chapter Please refer to Chapter 4 for further details. On the other hand, technical people who want to understand this kind of scenario may benefit from a discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of individual interfaces, which are summarised in the following list:

- Subscriber loop - suitable when conventional phones should be connected directly to VoGW

(Voice GateWay) via an FXS interface - an FXS interface connects directly to a standard telephone and supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone, but can also be used for PBX

interconnection. A disadvantage is that when calling inward towards the PBX, an extension number can be dialled only as DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) suffix, after a call is established and is already accounted for.This type of interface is usually a low-cost solution;

- E&M interfaces - E&M commonly stands for both Ear and Mouth or recEive and transMit.

It allows extension dialling before the conversation begins. It requires a special interface card for the PBX, but if the PBX is already equipped with this card, this can also be a low-cost solution;

- E1/CAS trunk with MFC-R2 signalling - CAS (Channel Associated Signalling) exists in many variants that operate over analogue and digital interfaces.The advantage of a digital interface is its ability to transfer the identification of the calling party, which is important for detailed accounting.This is the first digital solution that was used, which was later largely P.56


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replaced by ISDN interfaces. It requires special interface cards on both sides of the interconnection, and it is a rather expensive solution;

- ISDN with DSS1 signalling - In addition to calling party identification, supplementary services are available such as Call Waiting, Do Not Disturb, etc. It can be used with a BRI interface (Basic Rate Interface, up to 2 simultaneous calls) or a PRI interface (Primary Rate Interface, up to 30 simultaneous calls).The interface card is usually already in place on modern PBXs.The PRI interface is economically preferable when more than 8 channels (4xBRI) are required;

- ISDN with QSIG signalling - QSIG signalling supports more supplementary services, such as completion, Path replacements, etc. However, QSIG uses proprietary features of the PBX

from particular manufacturers and is therefore suitable only for corporate networks, where IP

Telephony is used to interconnect PBXs in company branches.

> 3.3.3. Scenario 2c: full replacement of legacy PBX systems It is only in greenfield situations, when building a telephony service from scratch, or when an existing PBX is fully depreciated, that IP Telephony can be considered as a complete replacement alternative to a traditional PBX.

Figure 3.7 IP Telephony fully-replacing PBX

The design of an IPBX system involves a couple of choices.

> Intelligent vs. simple terminals

IPBXs can support terminals in two ways: either through analogue ports that support analogue terminals, or through IP only.The latter implies that the terminals are intelligent devices, including an implementation of signalling functions. Since intelligence in IP phones is built-in anyway, these terminals are often equipped with interactive screens and other sophisticated functions. As a result, the equipment is expensive and requires the provision of power, either externally or by Power-over-Ethernet. A feature that most of these advanced terminals support is pass-through of Ethernet packets, so that a single wall outlet can be used for both IP Telephony and computer data.


[IP Telephony Cookbook] / IP Telephony Scenarios

> Signalling

Though the choice among H.323, SIP and proprietary protocols seems a purely technical one, it has implications on the interoperability with future expansions, inter-department trunking and the deployment of new advanced features, like messaging, etc. It is wise to require that a supplier complies with at least one of the open standards.

> Inter-department trunking

The choice of a complete, IP-based institutional voice architecture does not automatically lead to a specific solution for connecting geographically-separated locations.The cookbook examines the options for this case in the ‘Least-Cost Routing’ Section.

The inter-departmental architecture also involves a choice of whether to break out local calls at local PSTN trunks, or to centralise all PSTN trunking on one of the locations of the institution.

This choice depends on the tariff structure that the public operator(s) offer for centralised break out, as well as the volume of calls that have a local public destination as compared to long-distance publicly- and privately- destined calls.

> Legacy functionality

Traditional PBXs have the advantage that long-recognised needs have been incorporated in their functionality through decades of development.These important features need to be implemented by the IP Telephony architecture as well, if it is to become a competitive solution.The most elementary of these are:

- emergency call handling to public emergency numbers (911, 112 etc);

- public dialling plan routing (regular numbers, blocking/routing of premium numbers etc);

- integration with public wireless telephony;

- voice/data integration and call distribution for call centre/help desk department;

- support for beeper systems;

- support for private wireless telephony;

- support for elevator phones.

> 3.3.3. Wireless VoIP

With at least three manufacturers currently presenting wireless IP terminals that can use IEEE

802.11b (Wi-Fi) wireless data communication, a new aspect for VoIP is emerging.Where DECT

has a strong position in the wireless PBX market, it can be expected that institutions with Wi-Fi networks in place, will want to reuse this infrastructure for their wireless telephony network, obtaining similar consolidation advantages, as in the fixed-IP Telephony case.Wireless IP phones are equally as intelligent as their fixed IP equivalents, but are different on the Ethernet level.The usual issues in wireless data communications are battery autonomy, portability, coverage, etc.

Current developments show that manufacturers of public network mobile phones like GSM are planning to include Wireless VoIP into their terminals.This would enable seamless roaming from P.58

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public mobile telephony networks to the campus wireless environment, potentially reducing costs when calling locally on campus.

> Issues

Since the field of IPBXs is rapidly emerging, many features that are known in the traditional PBXs are quickly adopted. Additionally, new issues arise as data networks develop. An example is the introduction of network access control by IEEE 802.1X.This standard forces equipment to first authenticate at a RADIUS server before accessing the network. All equipment on 802.1X-enabled network ports should be 802.1X-enabled as well.With the adoption of 802.1X, the vendors are announcing terminals that support this standard as well.

A similar situation holds true for VLANs. In case a network administrator chooses to put IP

telephones in a different VLAN from PC (groups) and the IP telephones are in pass-through configuration, they should support VLAN trunking.This feature is also appearing in the market.

> 3.4. Scenario 3: Integration of VoIP and videoconferencing When referring to VoIP and IP Telephony, the main focus is on voice services, which may be misleading regarding the support of video. IP Telephony standards have the capability to signal and are able to initiate multimedia communication (see Chapter 2).This scenario details how voice over IP technologies/standards and videoconferencing solutions may be seamlessly integrated.The goal is to provide the users with a global architecture derived from IP Telephony standards, giving videoconferencing systems the chance of becoming widely used and adopted.Videoconferencing systems have the purpose of facilitating meetings of remote participants, and to support the illusion that they are all sharing the same space and communicating as if they were in the same room.

Perfect videoconferencing sessions are achieved when the technology is no longer noticeable.

Even though the perceived quality of video and audio plays the most important role, there are a number of other factors influencing the perception of successful videoconferencing:

- accessibility of the system - the system should be broadly accessible, giving users the easiest way of communicating without worrying about how to join a conference or how to find

‘reachability’ information about the party to call;

- value-added services, such as data/application-sharing and voice mail, are only two examples of value-added services that are not feasible with classic telephony systems, yet may improve the quality experienced by the user;

- interoperability among different technologies - the system should be transparent to different technologies in order to give the users the chance of having seamless connectivity.

In order to describe the possible integration scenario of VoIP and videoconferencing, it is necessary to examine which are the possible applications related to the videoconferencing scenario.The basic use of videoconferencing systems relates to meetings (special cases of meetings are classroom and collaboration meetings). More specific applications may be developed on top of the basic functionality, with enhanced options.


[IP Telephony Cookbook] / IP Telephony Scenarios

Here we cite a set of the most significant applications:

- Telecommuting - Telecommuting is a broad term referring to corporate employees who interact electronically with corporate resources and people. Extensions of the term refer to the individual interaction and collaboration that takes place between home-based consultants and inter-company business partners;

- Telemedicine - Videoconferencing solutions deliver high-quality video images to remote medical specialists. Specialised videoconferencing devices may be required to enable high-quality video contents not available with the standard videoconferencing systems;

- Distance Learning - Video lectures, remote guest speakers invited to a classroom and private lessons to groups of students located in different locations are some of the educational processes requiring the use of videoconferencing tools;

- Customer Services - Videoconferencing-based customer services enable call centre operators to be more effective when interacting with customers.

- Justice services - Many legal systems have introduced the use of videoconferencing to enable police officers to attend legal proceedings.This optimises the time police need to spend in courthouses;

- Virtual/Remote Laboratories - Remote laboratories allow researchers to share advanced appliances using existing network infrastructure. In telemedicine, specialised devices not available with the standard videoconferencing systems may be required to enable high-quality video contents to be transmitted. Moreover, special considerations apply when such interaction modes are considered.

While simple desktop conferencing equipment may be enough for basic meetings, a successful integration scenario would require, on the application side, application-specific devices to deliver the content to the end-user.The technical side would require servers to build a global architecture accessible by all group users, gateways to provide interoperability with different access technologies and different IP Telephony protocols, conference bridges and multipoint conferencing units to provide capabilities for multipoint conferencing.

> 3.4.1 Integrating voice and videoconferencing over IP - an example In order to give the reader an understanding of a complex scenario, such as the integration of voice and videoconferencing over IP, an example, actually implemented at the SURFnet offices in The Netherlands is described. An integrated voice and video environment is a setup based on H.323 components (endpoints, MCU and gateway), a Cisco CallManager (using the Skinny protocol), and a PBX.Therefore this is also an example of scenario 2b (Integration with legacy PBX systems). Figure 3.8. gives an example of integrated voice and video over IP architecture at the SURFnet offices.

The goal of the integration of voice and videoconferencing over IP was to make it possible to refer directly to the user without knowing his location and what terminal he is actually using.

When someone contacts the user by any means (PSTN or H.323 of H.320), the call should be completed by reaching any device the user may have operational.The components necessary to establish such an integrated infrastructure are:

- a PBX, connected to the PSTN, in this case a Philips Sopho, to handle all incoming regular voice calls;



[IP Telephony Cookbook] / IP Telephony Scenarios

- an H.323 Gateway, in this case a RADVISION L2W (LAN to WAN H.323) gateway, on the one side connected to the PBX (by 2 ISDN lines) and on the other side to the local IP


- an H.323 Gatekeeper, in this case the build-in gatekeeper of the RADVISION gateway, to route all calls on the IP network including making decisions when to route the call off-net (to the PSTN through the PBX);

- a call manager, in this case a Cisco CallManager, being the gatekeeper to perform PBX-like functions for the IP-phones;

- endstations, being the user's terminal(s).

The terminals used here are:

* IP phones, in this case Selsius and Cisco IP phones, registered on the CallManager;

* H.323 videoconferencing stations, in this case VCON Escort Pro boards in PCs with MeetingPoint 4.6 and Polyspan Viewstations (128 and FX), registered at the H.323 Gatekeeper;

* regular DECT phones, in this case Philips, registered at the PBX.

Figure 3.8. Integrated voice and video over IP architecture at the SURFnet offices.

To allow multipoint calls, an MCU (RADVISION MCU323) has to be added and the conference feature on the PBX has to be enabled.These are not necessary functionalities, but can enhance the communication experience.

The means by which integration was established was the Dial Plan that guaranteed unique number-addressing for all devices.The Global Dialling System (GDS) was adopted, and the full E.164 addressing, number of videoconferencing and IP Telephony endpoint numbering allow all terminals to be used like regular phones (see the Section on ‘Dial Plans’ and also http://www.wvn.ac.uk/support/h323address.htm). Therefore, it is guaranteed that for terminals called/dialled from the PSTN, the call would be routed to the PBX. Also the other way around - from the voice and video over IP terminals, any regular PSTN number could be dialled without the need for rewriting the dial string. GDS is supported by the ViDeNet H.323


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gatekeeper hierarchy, which resembles the phone system in that it is a hierarchy of distributed gatekeepers that route IP calls based on prefix resolution.

In the examples below, A's phone number is 030-2305367, and his international phone number is 0031302305367. His IP phone number is 030-2305167. For demonstration purposes, he has also registered his H.323 station as 030-2305367. 00 is the international access code in the Netherlands, 030 is the area code of Utrecht, 23053 and 23051 are the prefixes/numberblocks SURFnet has control of and 67 is the local office number assigned to ‘A’ (Note that the assignment is to ‘A’ and not his devices, because there is more than 1 numberblock that holds 67

(367 and 167).

A registers his H.323 station with the number 67 at SURFnet's office gatekeeper, which itself is registered with prefixes 3023051 and 3023053 at the Dutch national gatekeeper, which itself is registered with prefix 31 at the ViDeNet root gatekeepers.The gateway is registered as a service at the office gatekeeper (with the prefix 5) and connected to the PBX. In the PBX, it is configured that all calls to 367 and 167 have to be forwarded to the gateway. In today's PBXs, this is easily configurable and can often be made available even as a Web-based service, so users can maintain their own preferences. At the PBX, the group number 501 for group that A belongs to is also defined (the group number for making all telephones in a group ring). At the gatekeeper, the number 500 is configured as a backup number that will be called if the H.323 call is not answered.The IP phones are registered with their 1xx number (in this case 167) at the CallManager, which itself is registered as a gateway serving all these numbers (167, 109, 1xx etc) at the gatekeeper.

The following situations are not a complete list of possibilities, but a several representative ones:

- A user on the PSTN calls A at SURFnet, who has decided to take all calls on his H.323 station.

When the call for 030-2305367 comes in at the PBX of SURFnet, the PBX looks for the terminal (telephone) 67. It recognises that the call has to be forwarded to the gateway.When the call is routed there, the H.323 gatekeeper picks it up and looks for a terminal with number 67, finds it as A’s H.323 station and forwards the call.The ISDN signalling is done between the PBX and the gateway, and the call is set up. A answers the incoming call on his videoconferencing station, only receiving audio, since there is no video attached to the signal from the PSTN user. If A does not answer on his H.323 station, then the gatekeeper sees this and dials the backup number 501.The gatekeeper recognises this as a call for the voice service at the gateway (prefix 5) and routes the call there.The gatekeeper passes it off to the PBX

which makes all phones in the group ring. A or one of his colleagues can then answer the call by picking up any of the phones in the group.

- A user, using an IP phone, dials A’s phone number. For this example A has his regular phone registered with 67 at the PBX and his H.323 station as 97 at the gatekeeper.The H.323 IP

phones or the Cisco IP phones through the CallManager, when connected to the GDS/ViDeNet system, can find each other through that hierarchy. If someone u