Learn 'Mobile First' Web Design Using Bootstrap 3 by Rahul A. Sakla - HTML preview

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Chapter 1 Bootstrap Essentials

1. Who can Learn Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is mostly for people who have a basic knowledge on HTMLlCSS and optional knowledge of JavaScript, and are curious about building their own responsive sites, adding the Bootstrap JavaScript plugins, or building sites faster by using this popular open source framework.

2. Why to Learn Bootstrap?

It is essential to know why we are going to learn "Bootstrap". First thing I want to tell about Bootstrap is, it is a "Mobile First" technology to build responsive websites. You may have this question why we should design "Mobile First" site, the answer is simple because 60-65% of internet users are from mobile or tablets. We build HTML websites in college or in workplaces which is non-responsive that means you have to Scroll-in, scroll-out , Zoom InlOut regularly to view contents of site on mobile devices. That will make irritation to mobileltablet user because it is not user friendly site for them. So they will use your site less or may not use it at all. And it is super flop idea to build mobile app for each mobile platform Or to code HTML for each device. That may downgrade your value in market in the sense of reputation and money. So that's why you should learn Bootstrap and if you aren't in love with some of the bootstrap default interface elements, they can be overwritten easily or you can just strip out the associated tags. If you are looking for an easy way to build fast, responsive websites, Bootstrap is a great way to get going. I use it on all of my projects, and I'm really happy with it. Let, we know more about what is bootstrap and how to download it.

3. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an open source product from Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton who, when it was initially released, were both employees at Twitter. There was a need to standardize the frontend toolsets of engineers across the company. In the launch blog post, Mark Otto introduced the project like this:

In the earlier days of Twitter, engineers used almost any library they were familiar with to meet front-end requirements. Inconsistencies among the individual applications made it difficult to scale and maintain them. Bootstrap began as an answer to these challenges and quickly accelerated during Twitter's first Hack week. By the end of Hack week, we had reached a stable version that engineers could use across the company.

- Mark Otto


Since Bootstrap launched in August 2011, it has taken off in popularity. It has evolved from being an entirely CSS-driven project to include a host of JavaScript plugins and icons that go hand in hand with forms and buttons. At its base, it allows for responsive web design and features a robust 12-column, 940px-wide grid.

One of the highlights is the build tool on Bootstrap's website, where you can customize the build to suit your needs, choosing which CSS