The PDL Book by PDL 2.006 Various Contributors - HTML preview

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     FILE => 'Multidimensional2.eps');

   # Generate a time series and phase offset

   my $time = sequence(100)/10;

   my $phi = zeroes(4)->xlinvals(0, 3)->transpose;

   my $sinewaves = 5*sin($time + $phi);

   # Plot the time series and phi color key

   $pl->xyplot($time, $sinewaves,


     COLORMAP => $phi,

     TITLE => 'sin(x + #gf)');

   $pl->colorkey($phi, 'v',

      TITLE => '#gf',

      VIEWPORT => [0.93, 0.96, 0.15, 0.85]);




Plotting multiple curves with differently colored calls to xyplot

An alternative to plotting a multi-dimensional piddle, you can plot multiple curves by multiple calls to xyplot, specifying a different color for each plot.

Legal colors are:

    BLACK       GREEN         WHEAT

    BLUE        RED           AQUAMARINE


    PINK        BROWN         CYAN







    SIENNA1     CORAL         HOTPINK



--  Curve clipping - the first plot sets the plotting boundaries

        and later plots fall outside of those boundaries

   --  Changing `current' color - the first plot sets the `current'

        color and the second does not specify a color

   --  PLplots has a discrete color limit of 16, including foreground and background color.


When plotting multiple curves, the first plot sets the boundaries, and can result in subsequent plots being clipped. The obvious solution, is to plot your curve with largest values first. To force a separate color from the first set default color, always specify the colors in xyplot.


A multiple curve with xyplot


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  # Generate a time series

  my $time = sequence(100)/10;

  my $sinewave = 5 * sin($time);

  my $cosinewave = 4 * cos($time);


  # Save the image to a postscript file

  my $pl = PLplot->new(

        DEV => 'pscairo',

        FILE => 'Multiple curves.eps'



  # Plot the sine in black, cosine in red

  $pl->xyplot($time, $sinewave);

  $pl->xyplot($time, $cosinewave , COLOR => 'RED');





Solving curve clipping on multiple xyplots with the BOX option


When you have multiple xyplots, with widely separated values, you can use the xyplot  BOX option to prevent clipping.


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  # Generate a time series

  my $time = sequence(100)/10;

  my $sinewave = 5 * sin($time);

  my $cosinewave = 6 * cos($time);


  # Save the image to a postscript file

  my $pl = PLplot->new(

      DEV => 'pscairo',

     FILE => 'Multiple curves3.eps'



  # Plot the sine with full bounds

  $pl->xyplot($time, $sinewave,

      BOX => [$time->minmax, $cosinewave->minmax]);


  # Plot the cosine in red

  $pl->xyplot($time, $cosinewave , COLOR => 'RED');





Plotting multiple curves with stripplot


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  # Save the image to a postscript file

  my $pl = PLplot->new(

      DEV => 'pscairo',

      FILE => 'stripplots.eps'



  # Generate a time series

  my $time = sequence(100)/10;


  # Make stripplots with the

  #      different time series


       [sin($time), cos($time)],

       XLAB => 'x',

       YLAB => ['sine', 'cosine'],

       COLOR => ['BLUE', 'RED'],

       TITLE => 'Sine and Cosine'






Stripplots and reading DATA with rcols


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use PDL::Graphics::PLplot;


  my ($t, $data) = rcols(*DATA, 0, []);


  my $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new( DEV => "xwin" );


  # Make stripplots with the different time series

  # notice data must be transposed

  $pl->stripplots($t, $data->transpose);




  #    t      x1     x2     x3

       1      4      6     -1

       2      3      9      3

       3      2      8      7

       3     -1      4     10

       5      1      2      6

       6      5     -1      5



Multiple plots with SUBPAGE

When you create your PLplot object, you can carve the canvas into immutable subpages. my $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new( # ... , SUBPAGES => [$nx, $ny] );

For example:


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  # Generate a time series

  my $time = sequence(100)/10;


  # Save the image to a postscript file

  my $pl = PLplot->new(

       DEV => 'pscairo',

       FILE => 'subpages.eps',

       SUBPAGES => [2,2]);


  # Plot the time series

  $pl->xyplot($time, sin($time), TITLE => 'Sine');


  $pl->xyplot($time, cos($time), TITLE => 'Cosine',

            SUBPAGE => 0);


  $pl->xyplot($time, tan($time), TITLE => 'Tangent',

            SUBPAGE => 4);


  $pl->xyplot($time, $time**2, TITLE => 'Squared',

            SUBPAGE => 3);





Boxes and Viewports

Using Insets

Sometimes you want a small inset in one of the corners of your plot. If you ant to do this you should:

  --  Specify the VIEWPORT

  --  Specify the BOX

  --  Use a smaller CHARSIZE

  --  If the underlying plot has a title, you should probably undefine it

  --  Undefine or change the XLAB and YLAB unless you want to use the

        values from the underlying plot



  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL::Graphics::PLplot;

  use PDL;

  use PDL::NiceSlice;


  # Generate a noisy time series

  my $time = sequence(1000) /10;

  my $sinewave = 1 * sin($time) + grandom($time) / 3;


  # Save the image to a postscript file

  my $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new( DEV => 'pscairo', FILE =>



  # Plot subset as the main plot

  $pl->xyplot($time(0:65), $sinewave(0:65), TITLE => 'Noisy Pendulum',

          YLAB => 'Displacement d [m]', XLAB => 'Time t [s]');


  # Plot full data set as inset

  $pl->xyplot($time, $sinewave,

     TITLE       => undef,

     VIEWPORT => [0.525, 0.825, 0.525, 0.775],

     BOX         => [$time->minmax, $sinewave->minmax],

     CHARSIZE => 0.6





Basics of viewports

PLplot has three distinct measurements for your plot at any point:

    -- the plotting surface's dimensions

    -- the viewport's relative extent

    -- the `natural' coordinates within the viewport


Surface dimensions

The dimensions of the canvas or surface that you are using can be specified in the constructor (and cannot be changed later):

      my $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot->new(

           # other options...

           PAGESIZE => [$width, $height]

          # other options...



These are measured either in pixels or milimeters depending on whether the underlying format is a raster or vector format.

Viewport positioning

The viewport carves out a chunk of space on the canvas for plotting and can be changed with each plotting function.

     $pl->xyplot($x, $y

             # other options

             , VIEWPORT => [$xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax]

             # other options


    # Plot on right half of the page

    VIEWPORT => [0.5, 1, 0, 1]

    # Plot in upper half of the page

    VIEWPORT => [0, 1, 0, 0.5]

    # Vertically centered, horizontally offset

    VIEWPORT => [0.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.6]


Viewport values are fractions of the full page (or sub-page) width all four values should be a number between 0 and 1.

The clipping box

If the viewport indicates the chunk of space you will be graphing on, the clipping box indicates the coordinates within that chunk of space.

     $pl->xyplot($x, $y

              # other options...

              , BOX => [$xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax]

              # other options...



     # x runs from 0 to 10, y from -8 to 8:

     BOX => [0, 10, -8, 8]

     # piddles have the minmax method:

     BOX => [$x pdl->minmax, $y pdl->minmax]


When plotting using the specified box, a data point near (0, -8) will be plotted near the lower left corner and a data point near (5, 0) will be plotted at the center. Viewports define where plots are drawn. Tick labels, axis labels, and plot titles are drawn outside the viewport.

Page size


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  my $x = zeroes(20)->xlinvals(-3, 3);

  my $y = $x**2;


  # Set a custom page size

  my $pl = PLplot->new(

       DEV => 'pscairo',

       FILE => 'box example 2.eps',


       PAGESIZE => [360, 240]



  # Plot a quadratic function:

  $pl->xyplot($x, $y, YLAB => 'y', XLAB => 'x');





Viewport upper right


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';


  my $x = zeroes(20)->xlinvals(-3, 3);

  my $y = $x**2;


  my $pl = PLplot->new(

       DEV => 'pscairo',

       FILE => 'box example 3.eps',




  # Put the plot in the upper right:

  $pl->xyplot($x, $y,

       YLAB => 'y',

       XLAB => 'x',

       VIEWPORT => [0.5, 0.9, 0.6, 0.8]






Viewport centered


  use strict;

  use warnings;

  use PDL;

  use aliased 'PDL::Graphics::PLplot';