WARNING: In this chapter, we take another step toward object-oriented
programming, but we are not there yet. So many of the examples are non-
idiomatic; that is, they are not good Java. This transitional form will help
you learn (I hope), but don’t write code like this.
You can download the code in this chapter from http://thinkapjava.com/
The Deck class
In the previous chapter, we worked with an array of objects, but I also
mentioned that it is possible to have an object that contains an array as an
instance variable. In this chapter we create a Deck object that contains an
array of Cards.
The class definition looks like this:
class Deck {
Card[] cards;
public Deck(int n) {
this.cards = new Card[n];
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays
The constructor initializes the instance variable with an array of cards, but
it doesn’t create any cards. Here is a state diagram showing what a Deck
looks like with no cards:
Here is a no-argument constructor that makes a 52-card deck and populates
it with Cards:
public Deck() {
this.cards = new Card[52];
int index = 0;
for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) {
for (int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++) {
cards[index] = new Card(suit, rank);
This method is similar to makeDeck; we just changed the syntax to make it
a constructor. To invoke it, we use new:
Deck deck = new Deck();
Now it makes sense to put the methods that pertain to Decks in the Deck
class definition. Looking at the methods we have written so far, one obvious
candidate is printDeck (Section 13.7). Here’s how it looks, rewritten to work
with a Deck:
public static void printDeck(Deck deck) {
for (int i=0; i < deck.cards.length; i++) {
One change is the type of the parameter, from Card[] to Deck.
The second change is that we can no longer use deck.length to get the length
of the array, because deck is a Deck object now, not an array. It contains
an array, but it is not an array. So we have to write deck.cards.length to
extract the array from the Deck object and get the length of the array.
14.2. Shuffling
For the same reason, we have to use deck.cards[i] to access an element of
the array, rather than just deck[i].
The last change is that the invocation of printCard has to say explicitly that
printCard is defined in the Card class.
For most card games you need to be able to shuffle the deck; that is, put the
cards in a random order. In Section 12.6 we saw how to generate random
numbers, but it is not obvious how to use them to shuffle a deck.
One possibility is to model the way humans shuffle, which is usually by
dividing the deck in two and then choosing alternately from each deck. Since
humans usually don’t shuffle perfectly, after about 7 iterations the order of
the deck is pretty well randomized. But a computer program would have
the annoying property of doing a perfect shuffle every time, which is not
really very random. In fact, after 8 perfect shuffles, you would find the
deck back in the order you started in. For more information, see http:
A better shuffling algorithm is to traverse the deck one card at a time, and
at each iteration choose two cards and swap them.
Here is an outline of how this algorithm works. To sketch the program, I am
using a combination of Java statements and English words that is sometimes
called pseudocode:
for (int i=0; i<deck.cards.length; i++) {
// choose a random number between i and deck.cards.length-1
// swap the ith card and the randomly-chosen card
The nice thing about pseudocode is that it often makes it clear what methods
you are going to need. In this case, we need something like randomInt, which
chooses a random integer between low and high, and swapCards which takes
two indices and switches the cards at the indicated positions.
This process—writing pseudocode first and then writing methods to make it
work—is called top-down development (see http://en.wikipedia.org/
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays
Now that we have messed up the deck, we need a way to put it back in order.
There is an algorithm for sorting that is ironically similar to the algorithm
for shuffling. It’s called selection sort because it works by traversing the
array repeatedly and selecting the lowest remaining card each time.
During the first iteration we find the lowest card and swap it with the card
in the 0th position. During the ith, we find the lowest card to the right of i
and swap it with the ith card.
Here is pseudocode for selection sort:
for (int i=0; i<deck.cards.length; i++) {
// find the lowest card at or to the right of i
// swap the ith card and the lowest card
Again, the pseudocode helps with the design of the helper methods. In
this case we can use swapCards again, so we only need one new one, called
indexLowestCard, that takes an array of cards and an index where it should
start looking.
How should we represent a hand or some other subset of a full deck? One
possibility is to create a new class called Hand, which might extend Deck.
Another possibility, the one I will demonstrate, is to represent a hand with
a Deck object with fewer than 52 cards.
We might want a method, subdeck, that takes a Deck and a range of indices,
and that returns a new Deck that contains the specified subset of the cards:
public static Deck subdeck(Deck deck, int low, int high) {
Deck sub = new Deck(high-low+1);
for (int i = 0; i<sub.cards.length; i++) {
sub.cards[i] = deck.cards[low+i];
return sub;
14.5. Shuffling and dealing
The length of the subdeck is high-low+1 because both the low card and high
card are included. This sort of computation can be confusing, and lead to
“off-by-one” errors. Drawing a picture is usually the best way to avoid them.
Because we provide an argument with new, the contructor that gets invoked
will be the first one, which only allocates the array and doesn’t allocate any
cards. Inside the for loop, the subdeck gets populated with copies of the
references from the deck.
The following is a state diagram of a subdeck being created with the param-
eters low=3 and high=7. The result is a hand with 5 cards that are shared
with the original deck; i.e. they are aliased.
Aliasing is usually not generally a good idea, because changes in one subdeck
are reflected in others, which is not the behavior you would expect from real
cards and decks. But if the cards are immutable, aliasing is less dangerous.
In this case, there is probably no reason ever to change the rank or suit of a
card. Instead we can create each card once and then treat it as an immutable
object. So for Cards aliasing is a reasonable choice.
Shuffling and dealing
In Section 14.2 I wrote pseudocode for a shuffling algorithm. Assuming that
we have a method called shuffleDeck that takes a deck as an argument and
shuffles it, we can use it to deal hands:
Deck deck = new Deck();
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays
Deck hand1 = subdeck(deck, 0, 4);
Deck hand2 = subdeck(deck, 5, 9);
Deck pack = subdeck(deck, 10, 51);
This code puts the first 5 cards in one hand, the next 5 cards in the other,
and the rest into the pack.
When you thought about dealing, did you think we should give one card
to each player in the round-robin style that is common in real card games?
I thought about it, but then realized that it is unnecessary for a computer
program. The round-robin convention is intended to mitigate imperfect shuf-
fling and make it more difficult for the dealer to cheat. Neither of these is
an issue for a computer.
This example is a useful reminder of one of the dangers of engineering
metaphors: sometimes we impose restrictions on computers that are un-
necessary, or expect capabilities that are lacking, because we unthinkingly
extend a metaphor past its breaking point.
In Section 14.3, we saw a simple sorting algorithm that turns out not to be
very efficient. to sort n items, it has to traverse the array n times, and each
traversal takes an amount of time that is proportional to n. The total time,
therefore, is proportional to n2.
In this section I sketch a more efficient algorithm called mergesort. To sort
n items, mergesort takes time proportional to n log n. That may not seem
impressive, but as n gets big, the difference between n2 and n log n can be
enormous. Try out a few values of n and see.
The basic idea behind mergesort is this: if you have two subdecks, each of
which has been sorted, it is easy(and fast) to merge them into a single, sorted
deck. Try this out with a deck of cards:
1. Form two subdecks with about 10 cards each and sort them so that
when they are face up the lowest cards are on top. Place both decks
face up in front of you.
14.6. Mergesort
2. Compare the top card from each deck and choose the lower one. Flip
it over and add it to the merged deck.
3. Repeat step two until one of the decks is empty. Then take the remain-
ing cards and add them to the merged deck.
The result should be a single sorted deck. Here’s what this looks like in
public static Deck merge(Deck d1, Deck d2) {
// create a new deck big enough for all the cards
Deck result = new Deck(d1.cards.length + d2.cards.length);
// use the index i to keep track of where we are in
// the first deck, and the index j for the second deck
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
// the index k traverses the result deck
for (int k = 0; k<result.cards.length; k++) {
// if d1 is empty, d2 wins; if d2 is empty, d1 wins;
// otherwise, compare the two cards
// add the winner to the new deck
return result;
The best way to test merge is to build and shuffle a deck, use subdeck to form
two (small) hands, and then use the sort routine from the previous chapter
to sort the two halves. Then you can pass the two halves to merge to see if
it works.
If you can get that working, try a simple implementation of mergeSort:
public static Deck mergeSort(Deck deck) {
// find the midpoint of the deck
// divide the deck into two subdecks
// sort the subdecks using sortDeck
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays
// merge the two halves and return the result
Then, if you get that working, the real fun begins! The magical thing about
mergesort is that it is recursive. At the point where you sort the subdecks,
why should you invoke the old, slow version of sort? Why not invoke the
spiffy new mergeSort you are in the process of writing?
Not only is that a good idea, it is necessary to achieve the performance ad-
vantage I promised. But to make it work you have to have a base case;
otherwise it recurses forever. A simple base case is a subdeck with 0 or 1
cards. If mergesort receives such a small subdeck, it can return it unmodi-
fied, since it is already sorted.
The recursive version of mergesort should look something like this:
public static Deck mergeSort(Deck deck) {
// if the deck is 0 or 1 cards, return it
// find the midpoint of the deck
// divide the deck into two subdecks
// sort the subdecks using mergesort
// merge the two halves and return the result
As usual, there are two ways to think about recursive programs: you can
think through the entire flow of execution, or you can make the “leap of
faith.” I have constructed this example to encourage you to make the leap
of faith.
When you use sortDeck to sort the subdecks, you don’t feel compelled to
follow the flow of execution, right? You just assume it works because you
already debugged it. Well, all you did to make mergeSort recursive was
replace one sorting algorithm with another. There is no reason to read the
program differently.
Actually, you have to give some thought to getting the base case right and
making sure that you reach it eventually, but other than that, writing the
recursive version should be no problem. Good luck!
14.7. Class variables
Class variables
So far we have seen local variables, which are declared inside a method, and
instance variables, which are declared in a class definition, usually before the
method definitions.
Local variables are created when a method is invoked and destroyed when
the method ends. Instance variables are created when you create an object
and destroyed when the object is garbage collected.
Now it’s time to learn about class variables. Like instance variables, class
variables are defined in a class definition before the method definitions, but
they are identified by the keyword static. They are created when the pro-
gram starts and survive until the program ends.
You can refer to a class variable from anywhere inside the class definition.
Class variables are often used to store constant values that are needed in
several places.
As an example, here is a version of Card where suits and ranks are class
class Card {
int suit, rank;
static String[] suits = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" }; static String[] ranks = { "narf", "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" }; public static void printCard(Card c) {
System.out.println(ranks[c.rank] + " of " + suits[c.suit]);
Inside printCard we can refer to suits and ranks as if they were local
pseudocode: A way of designing programs by writing rough drafts in a
combination of English and Java.
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays
helper method: Often a small method that does not do anything enor-
mously useful by itself, but which helps another, more useful, method.
Exercise 14.1. The goal of this exercise is to implement the shuffling and
sorting algorithms from this chapter.
1. Download the code from this chapter from http: // thinkapjava.
com/ code/ Card2. java . and import it into your development envi-
ronment. I have provided outlines for the methods you will write, so
the program should compile. But when it runs it prints messages indi-
cating that the empty methods are not working. When you fill them in
correctly, the messages should go away.
2. If you did Exercise 12.4, you already wrote randomInt. Otherwise,
write it now and add code to test it.
3. Write a method called swapCards that takes a deck (array of cards) and
two indices, and that switches the cards at those two locations.
HINT: it should switch references, not the contents of the objects. This
is faster; also, it correctly handles the case where cards are aliased.
4. Write a method called shuffleDeck that uses the algorithm in Sec-
tion 14.2. You might want to use the randomInt method from Exer-
cise 12.4.
5. Write a method called indexLowestCard that uses the compareCard
method to find the lowest card in a given range of the deck(from
lowIndex to highIndex, including both).
6. Write a method called sortDeck that arranges a deck of cards from
lowest to highest.
7. Using the pseudocode in Section 14.6, write the method called merge.
Be sure to test it before trying to use it as part of a mergeSort.
14.9. Exercises
8. Write the simple version of mergeSort, the one that divides the deck
in half, uses sortDeck to sort the two halves, and uses merge to create
a new, fully-sorted deck.
9. Write the fully recursive version of mergeSort.
Remember that
sortDeck is a modifier and mergeSort is a function, which means that
they get invoked differently:
// modifies existing deck
deck = mergeSort(deck);
// replaces old deck with new
Chapter 14. Objects of Arrays