What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of Crypto by Cindy and John Donohue - HTML preview

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            Chapter 2:  Trends & Disruptions




            How can you Profit from Two Technologies, which are poised to Disrupt the Largest Industry on the Planet?  What is the Largest Industry? The Banking & Finance Market... An $80 Trillion (with a T) Dollar ($80,000,000,000,000.00) Market.


            What if... You had, even a small piece of that Pie? 






            You need to wrap your mind around that. Imagine how this new technology could be protecting your family, while simultaneously, turning the entire banking system inside out. 


            You may be thinking, "Wow, What a Game Changer!". In reality though, It is creating a New Game, with new rules and new players. This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity is a game that Ordinary people, not just the Rich and Famous, can participate in... 


            With the entire Banking system on the verge of a disruptive change, are you seeing the massive potential to profit within this $80 Trillion Dollar Industry? 



            What are the **Two Technologies?

            1. Smartphones 

            2.  Peer-to-Peer Social Platforms 


            Do you understand the Power of this?

            Everywhere you go, you see people on their Smartphones. What are they doing? Engaging with other people on Social Platforms! At their fingertips, they can be engaging in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat & Periscope, ALL within a few seconds of each other. 


            Let's be honest, we all do the same activities... It's Time to accept it and Learn how we can Profit from it. The World & Technology are already changing at lightning speed. Can You keep up with it? Many people, in the financial know, believe the banking system is archaic and that we are way overdue for a technological disruption in the finance industry.


            It is already happening. Take something simple, such as how the media handles their delivery of news. Do you remember when everyone bought and/or subscribed to their local newspaper? Now, Social Media Platforms have the Live Information on your screen way before the newspaper is even printed, never mind on the news stands.


            Quick Media Point... We, as Facebook users, are Media Creators. We post all types of content throughout our busy days and hurried lives, quickly & easily. Facebook doesn't create it's content, We Do! 


            Are you seeing the 'Disruption Visual' a little more Clearly? Paying close attention to Innovation & Trends as we head into our Futures, Paying close attention to Innovation & Trends as we head into our Futures, is of key importance, as they are moving forward fast, with or without us. There is a financial revolution happening right now, under our noses. It is driven by technology and will affect ALL of us. 








            Let's visit the Hospitality Industry for a few...


            As an Illustration: 

             *Marriott International                                                   *AIRBNB

              - 4,000+ Hotels in 80+ Countries                                    - Own 0 Hotels 

              - Founded: 1957                                                            - Founded: 2008 

              - Market Cap: $16+ Billion                                              - Valuation: $25.5 Billion  


            This is Pretty Remarkable. If you haven't heard the AIRBNB Story yet, You need to read it as soon as possible. They have Decentralized the Hotel Industry by creating a community marketplace where homeowners can earn money by allowing guests to book a spare space in their homes. 


            Another necessary Industry,

            The Transportation Industry...

             *U.S. TAXI Industry                                                      *UBER 

              - Since the 17th century                                                 - Founded: 2009 

              - Industry Size: $11 Billion Annually                                - Valuation: $50 Billion 


            UBER decentralized the Transportation Industry by creating the Uber Mobile App, which allows consumers with Smartphones to submit a trip request, which is then routed to UBER drivers who use their own cars. 


            Do you agree that AIRBNB & UBER have Disrupted their Industries? Not to mention, the early stage investors made up to 6,000% in returns. 


            In Short... Are You Seeing these Trends? They are making a Tremendous difference in People's Day to Day Habits & Overall Lifestyle.



            What Industry is next? 

            CryptoCurrency - A Digital Currency that is Encrypted. 







            Prepare yourself for this next Great Technical Revolution... Never again will we experience a Financial Phenomenon like the One about to Impact All of Us. Are You Ready to Take Control of your Money? 


            "It is not the Strongest, nor the most Intelligent who will be the most Prosperous...  It is the One who is the most Adaptable to Change." - C.D. & c.d.