What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of Crypto by Cindy and John Donohue - HTML preview

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            Chapter 3:  "Where Can I Profit from This?"




            Onward, Why will Smartphones and Peer-to-Peer Social Platforms be so Revolutionary within the Banking Industry? 

            1. Convenient 

            2. Decentralized 

            3. Faster, Less Expensive 

            4. Safe - Security & Verification 


            How are Fortunes Created? By Seeing Trends Before they happen. Smart & Wealthy People Follow Trends... See How Success Leaves Clues? 


            "Surround yourself with Only the People on the Same Mission as You, Who are going to Lift you Higher & You Will Discover, 'Anything is Possible!'."


            Are You aware that $99. out of every $100. you are spending is digital currency? Whether you are paying by Credit or Debit cards, Electronic Check, paying online, using a Mobile App to pay for a cup of coffee... All are Digital Transactions. Yet, this Money involved in these transactions is not owned, managed or controlled by you, It is owned by Banks and Credit Card Companies. 


            What ???  





            As a Result of this Disruption of Technology, We are moving from a world of Centralization to a world of Decentralization.


            The very first CryptoCurrency was Bitcoin, established in 2009. 

            It is now accepted as Global Currency & is currently being accepted as a form of payment at over 400,000 companies. Some of them you may be familiar with... Overstock, Dell, Expedia, Virgin Atlantic, Fiverr & PayPal. Overstock, Dell, Expedia, Virgin Atlantic, Fiverr & PayPal. It has appreciated in Value from $0.01 USD to $425.00 in 2016, as I am writing this, Today's Value is $646.00. If you had acquired $100. worth, when they were valued at 1 cent each, where would you be today? 


            While Bitcoin has had it's Success, It has also had some shortcomings and weaknesses. Taking this a step further... What if there was a way for ordinary people to still transact, still live their lives and still be able to move money around without going through the Banking System? 


            There is... A New Global Currency, positioned to be a key player and Dominant Force in the CryptoCurrency Industry. We'll re-Visit this in a few...