What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of Crypto by Cindy and John Donohue - HTML preview

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            Chapter 5: Testimonials & No AutoShips




            Also, We would choose a company which does not require 'Mandatory Autoships'... So, Instead of filling your garage with products, Fill your Vault with Wealth...CryptoCurrency! Remember, your By-Product will be Money. 






             We have put together a few Testimonials from people from 'All Walks of Life'. It's Awesome to See what People can Achieve when they have an Open Mind, Dive into the unknown, Adapt & Educate themselves and then, Apply It ! 






            True Grit





            " "CryptoWhat?", was our first response, when our soon to be business partner approached us about 'CryptoCurrency' in late April of 2015. He shared some 'out-of-our-wheelhouse' information with us, about the World of CryptoCurrency and a New Company that would be launching soon thereafter. 



            We decided Immediately to 'Take Action. We knew we would be Earning while we were Learning and by taking this Leap of Faith, We Jumped & Grew Wings on the way down. We learned much of what we know now by repeatedly listening to our 'Easy to Follow' webinars and training. 


            The Support we felt from the beginning was strong, and is growing continually. We knew we had found a home & have made many new friends. Now, a little over a year later, the foundation of that home is becoming more solid as everything moves upward. 


            We have gone from 'CryptoWhat?' to 'CryptoWoW!'. Our backgrounds do not include any financial experience at all. We had an unexplainable Vision about this Industry and believed we could learn quickly, be able to easily share it with average people and they could achieve above average results. We are showing people how to Diversify & Take Control of their Hard Earned Money. Showing the Ordinary how to become Extraordinary is a gift we enjoy giving. Being the messenger at the Right Time in their Lives?   Priceless. A quick testimonial of one way we have benefitted, financially... We recently made an unexpected cross-country, whirlwind of a move & due to our positioning and by simply, buying low and selling at a higher value, we were able to stay afloat, financially, during the month-long transition. 

            We're very grateful to have been in this position, (as you may know) the moving process is expensive & has hidden expenses." 


            - Cindy & John Donohue 



            "Cryptocurrency may just be the best place to have your money in the 21st century. Outside of the hands of the banking system and government, the people have full control. Not only can It offer a vehicle to create significant wealth but it is one of the best forms of asset protection you can ask for. No matter what happens in the world, your money can be secured on nothing more than a USB drive.  Talk about the next evolution of financial technology!  Throughout history we have never gone backwards. When ATM cards and credit cards came out we did not still seek to write checks. We accepted the better, faster and more efficient way of doing things.  Cryptocurrency is financial advancement on steroids."


            - Patrick M.


            "When looking for opportunity I don't just look for the shiny object, I look for revolutionary game changing products like cryptocurrency.  We've all felt the frustration of big promises based around things like autoships to produce residual incomes.  The facts are autoship programs fail for 97% of the population.  With cryptocurrency and "The Future of Money" we are literally reversing those numbers!" 


            - Scott S.



            "I’ve been in the cryptocurrency industry for over a year now. It was a new language for me when I started but as I continue to learn more, I become more enthusiastic and realize how this industry is going to change our daily lives in the very near future, if not already for those who currently know about it. I see a future of everyone purchasing and selling goods and services on our smartphones with cryptocurrency. Our bank accounts are already accessible on our phones, we can make purchases with apps such as ApplePay and 99% of our money is already digital. The future of cryptocurrency is closer than most of us realize.


            One of the best features of this cryptocurrency company is not having any autoships, monthly nor annually. This allows me the freedom to:  

            1.  Build my business in my own time

            2.  Enjoy vacation time without worrying about business expenses and

            3.  Have the flexibility to purchase more cryptocurrency whenever I choose


            There will never be a better time to get started in the cryptocurrency industry as those people who are ahead of the trends are always the ones who will also profit from them."



            -Nicole Peterson  

             Ontario, Canada  

             July 2016

 "I came into the cryptocurrency world to diversify and be positioned for a trend that was growing. Fast forward 15 months and the wealth of knowledge I have gained surrounding money, world economics, banking and business has expanded massively! It's amazing to think what cryptocurrency has done for me in terms of adding to my business portfolio. But my greatest gift from this venture is financial wealth knowledge I have gained. Money is an interesting concept, and cryptocurrency is a real asset in digital form. My specific venture has helped me realize how money can work for me, and not the other way around!" 


            - Matt S.



            "I am a single mother of 5 boys and acquiring cryptocurrency is building a legacy for them.  Instead of a savings account in the bank I opened each of my sons their own cryptocurrency account and I have a peace of mind that not just their money is protected but also the value increases. You don't need to be a computer geek and you just buy whenever you want without autoship or monthly fees. I am so addicted to it that I make sure every week I cut expenses to buy more without disrupting my weekly budget.'


            - Mary June


            "I was introduced to cryptocurrency in January of 2015. At that time, I had heard of Bitcoin but wasn't aware of the power behind blockchain technology or anything about how to accumulate and use digital currencies. Gratefully, I had some business associates in my life who had become trusted friends who began sharing information about the industry with me. This foreign concept instantly became very intriguing to me, especially when I found out I could be a true pioneer in the space while capitalizing generously as a holder of cryptocurrency. Ironically in April of 2015, an incredible opportunity was offered to me by one of my close business associates. I joined the very first cryptocurrency MLM, with its own fully verifiable Blockchain. The company claimed they had corrected all the flaws of Bitcoin and had designed a user-friendly coin for long term global use. I plugged into a simple platform to effortlessly accumulate my own currency, with a few clicks of a button (mouse). No monthly fees, no autoship, no quotas to meet, no selling, no product to store or ship, recruiting 100% optional! I am literally "mining my own business". ? 


            I haven't looked back! Best business decision of my life to join the digital revolution and be part of this innovation... quite possibly the greatest transfer of wealth in history. I have become 100% pro-active with my money, learned the power of diversification and put my focus into protectin" the longterm financial future of my family and teaching others to do the same. It's been an amazing journey and I'm looking forward to a very prosperous future!"

 - Jill P. 




            "It's been amazing having all the benefits and massive leverage provided by building a business that helps you grow your very own digital savings account!  And I love how the membership is only a one time fee... there is nothing worse than ongoing monthly fees / mandatory autoships that bleed you dry before you gain traction with the business!" 


            - Caleb W. 
