What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of Crypto by Cindy and John Donohue - HTML preview

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            Chapter 4: "What would You Look for in a Cryptocurrency company?"




            We Would Look for...


            1. Our Pick: A Second Generation CryptoCurrency which has Instant Global Transactions. (Bitcoin has a       

                delay in conversion to Global Currencies.)


            2. Transactions will be Less Expensive than Traditional Banking methods. (Do you know how high the                           costs of transactions are with the current banking system? Credit card processing fees (2-3%) and wiring money ($20. - $60.+), Wow. Could that money better serve you, if it went into your pocket instead?)


             3. It is Designed to be Controlled by You...to Protect, be 100% Safe and Secure your Finances. 


            4. It has been Designed to handle High Volumes of e-Commerce, to the point where… If 100,000 people             or 10 Million people started using it tomorrow, It will function without interruption.


            5. It Must be a Legitimate CryptoCurrency. We will be able to find it on Public Exchanges. 


            6. By using state of the art Technology, our CryptoCurrency Company will have it's Own Instant Digital  Payment Solution, making transactions Fast, Easy & Secure. It will be a payment solution provider with a 'Cash Back' program, Be Free for Customers to Download & Use, Offer a Merchant's Program which is offered for Free for Merchants, to be able to accept payments in our CryptoCurrency.


            7. It will have the ability to convert our CryptoCurrency to US dollars, Euro, Yuan or any other Country's currency in real time transactions. 


             8. Our Merchant's Program must be Attractive for Companies, including...

                - A Loyalty Program, FREE of Charge with No Monthly & No Set Up Fees

                - An easy, free download of the Merchant App 

                - Instant Verification of Payment 

                - Attraction of New Customers 

                - No Chargebacks 

                - No Fraud 

                - No Payment Processing Fees 

                - A Marketing Tool, Free of Charge 

                - Making Money from their CryptoCurrency Customers 


            9. Is designed to work Hand-in-Hand with Fiat Currency (paper money), Not replace it. 


            10.  For Customers...

                 - Our Mobile App will be Free & Easy to Use, Right on your Smartphone

                 - Have 'Peer-to-Peer' Secure, Instant Transactions 

                 - Have Zero Transaction Fees 

                 - No Limits on How Much or How Little Money to Send 

                 - Instant Transactions, Globally 

                 - Cashbacks and Discounts & a Loyalty Program.









            11.  Our Ideal company will also have an innovative Marketing Strategy in place, which will set itself apart   from the masses. 


            12. It will have a CryptoCurrency 'Mining' company for it's exclusive use.