Ambush Alley by Bryan Britton - HTML preview

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Adam Smith and the invisible hand

By Helen Joyce

March 2001

‘...every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good’.

In this passage, taken from his 1776 book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith set out the mechanism by which he felt economic society operated. Each individual strives to become wealthy "intending only his own gain" but to this end he must exchange what he owns or produces with others who sufficiently value what he has to offer; in this way, by division of labour and a free market, public interest is advanced

Taking the initiative


And that is how I met Meg Ryan six years ago. Since then, over numerous lunches and drinks, we have become soul mates, bosom buddies and good friends. Happily married to Terry for twenty something years there was never any chance of a romantic relationship although I certainly would have welcomed such an event. She however was adamant that I should take my ardour elsewhere and concentrate instead on a platonic relationship with her. And what a pleasure such a relationship with young Jenny or Megs as she is now called, has turned out to be.

She is a self-made woman of startling talents, I would find out.

We have lived through her financial losses, flirtations with alcohol, family dramas, and disappointments, yet she has had the faith and inner strength to overcome these hurdles and stands today on the point of emotional and financial independence. That makes her a woman of substance and one to be taken lightly at your peril. I am very proud of her and her achievements.

She is pretty, bubbly, fearless, smart, loyal and dresses with style and flair. She is very a very determined woman and has a will of steel. All round she is a pleasure to know and I respect and value our friendship immensely.

‘Would you ever consider leaving South Africa, Bryan’ she asked recently munching on the lemon out of her mojitos. ‘Too old, too late Megs’ I replied ‘how about you?’ She thought about that for a moment, munched some more, swallowed then said ’It would be difficult to start again and all of my money is tied up in my house. Also, if I ever managed to get my price for it, how many Dollars or Euros is that going to buy? Not many. So I guess I am also stuck here’.

The two were enveloped for the moment in their thoughts. 

‘Well, maybe that is not such a bad thing’ Megs suddenly exclaimed. ‘Perhaps, instead of sucking on mojitos and pondering my dwindling future, I should take the bull by the horns and do something about the situation’.

‘Easy to say, harder to do’ offered I unhelpfully. ‘What, for instance could you do’

Slurping noises were heard as Megs noisily extracted the dwindling elixir in the glass amid the flotsam of mint and lemon.

‘I shall open a guest house’ she said in a half startled tone. ‘Yes, that’s it. It will be perfect. I can see it all now. I’ll get started right away’.

And with that she gathered her things, kissed me on the top of my head and was gone.

And so, yet another South African business was created by the Private Sector this time by a determined, willowy, blonde dynamo from La Lucia. Jenny was financially inspired and is grateful for using & Airbnb. She says that both contribute an enormous amount to her current success.


Airbnb Helps Boost South African Income by 28,000 ZAR a year

31 May 2016

Today we highlighted new data about the positive impacts of the growing Airbnb community in South Africa. This is the first data release on the Airbnb community here and shows the typical South African Airbnb host who occasionally shares space in their home boosts their yearly income by more than 28,000 ZAR..

In 2015 there were 7,500 active hosts in South Africa and almost half of them were freelancers, entrepreneurs, or self-employed which is the same number that say welcoming guests helps them afford to stay in their home. This is especially impactful given the weaker economy in South Africa.

More than 130,000 guests have stayed in an Airbnb in South Africa in the last year alone, enjoying authentic and local travel experiences through their hosts’ personal hospitality and insider knowledge. This number represents a 250% increase in Airbnb travelers compared to 2014. And hosts and guests on Airbnb are older than one might think with the average host being 44 years old and guests being 37 on average.

Airbnb empowers regular South Africans to use their homes as economic assets.

  • In South Africa in 2015, there were 7,500 active hosts sharing their home. In the last year, the typical host earned 28,000 ZAR by sharing their homes
  • The average host is 44 years old and 36 percent are over 50.

Airbnb increases consumer choice and helps grow and diversify tourism across South Africa.

  • 134,000 guests used Airbnb to visit South Africa in the past year
  • 99,000 South African residents used Airbnb for their travels
  • The average host rating by guests is 4.7 out of 5

 Airbnb hosts in Cape Town are providing guests with an authentic and affordable travel experience.

  • 66 percent of hosts share space in their primary residence
  • Airbnb guests stay an average of 6 nights
  • More than 40 percent of guest spending takes place in the neighborhood where they stay
  • 58 percent of Airbnb guests visited local businesses based on host recommendations
  • 50 percent of guests who saved money on Airbnb spent it on food, shopping and other amenities

Nicola D’Elia, General Manager for Africa and the Middle East at Airbnb highlights how Airbnb helps to spreads benefits to new communities and local businesses: “Airbnb is good news for everyone, providing an economic boost for thousands of South Africans, helping them make ends meet and support their families. 27% of visitors to Cape Town for example – Airbnb’s largest market in South Africa – tell us that they wouldn’t have come at all or stayed as long if it hadn’t been for Airbnb. Half of those guests spend more money in local shops and restaurants, often following their hosts’ recommendations. Even if it’s just for a night, staying with local hosts will allow visitors to really live there.”

Tim Harris, CEO at Wesgro, agrees: “Cape Town and the Western Cape is a world class tourism destination. Thanks to Airbnb, more travelers can enjoy the natural beauty our country has to offer in an authentic way. It’s great to see that outside Cape Town, Knysna is the second most popular town with the Airbnb community. This shows how Airbnb is helping to drive visitors across the province, allowing them to experience more of the Western Cape with their local hosts. “

Also taking the initiative

Sue leaned attentively over her morning cappuccino at Remo’s as Collen swung into lecture mode. ‘Now you listen to me my girl. I sympathize that your relationship did not work out. You were happy there for a while but it was never going to last. You are a beautiful, clever and lovable lady but your choices in men leave something to be desired. He was never going to be a match for your class, intellect and breeding. The trick now is to move on with your life. Despite your heart being broken you have to look after yourself and your daughter – so get with the program’.

Colleen dismounted the podium momentarily to sip her cappuccino then remounted the dais and continued sternly ‘You are very proficient at being a Travel Consultant and can develop your ‘Safaris for Africa’ business to the point where it can support the both of you. Never rely on a man again to be the bread-winner. In this village they do not exist as a breed. The village is made up of a bunch of hoary, pot-bellied old farts that spend their days and nights ogling the legs on younger women and dreaming of sex no longer possible with blunt instruments.

Your priority now to create an independence so that when you meet some dude who gets your juices going, you will proceed with a relationship on equal financial terms. Get smart girl build yourself first and then you will not end up a shambling emotional wreck again’. Several diners within earshot were nodding in agreement. They immediately returned blushing to their breakfast fare when Collen stared them down while dismounting her lectern. 

Sue mulled the advice she had just been given and said softly. ‘Collen, you really care about me. I am so moved. Thank you for this very solid advice. I appreciate it greatly. You are a true friend’.

‘Of course, I am’ Collen responded ‘now go and bat your eyelashes at Bryan Britton and see if you can get him to focus his fuzzy brain on structuring your business correctly. I have heard that before chasing woman up and down Ambush Alley, he was a half decent accountant. Do not, however, fall for his grape induced charm – he is a hound.’

And yet another Private Sector initiative took flight.