Anastasious by Christina sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


“We won the battle is won” king Philip called out on the bloodstained battleground. The Irish had lost to Greece, they had retreated when too many of theirs was dying.

“Yes my lord and what shall we do now” the kings steward who had just arrived on the scene asked.

“Have a victory feast” the king replied holding his sword in the air. That night the king had a victory feast in one of his large tents and he and his army celebrated.

“My dear l have something to tell you” Queen Iodina said.

“What is it?” asked the king who disliked his wife.

“I’m pregnant” she said holding up her chin bravely.

“Wow, that’s” the king sounded amazed.

“Incredible” the queen said.

“Yes that” he said scratching his head very nervous about being a first time father.

“Now we don’t need Anasatasious’ baby anymore we have our own now after so many years of infertility” the queen said.

“But it might be a girl and need a boy like Anastasious’ baby” the king said to that. Anastasious overheard this conversation and decided not to butt in.

“We don’t need a boy, we need a girl we might have more children after this you know” the queen pointed out.

“L know but girls can’t rule, they’ll stuff up everything” the king said.

“Don’t you want a beautiful daughter like in fairy tales?” the queen asked.

“Of course l do want a beautiful daughter but first l need a brother for her” Philip said.

“No you don’t” the queen giggled and kissed her king.