Anastasious by Christina sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


“The battle is won again” the king announced as the king of Ireland was beheaded. The king walked over to the severed head and said “victory”. The queen of Ireland had left the country and  was running away from those pesky Greeks.

The kings steward asked “A victory feast your majesty?”

“Yes a victory feast” said the king holding up his sword into the air.

“Anastasious may l talk to you in private?” asked the king after the victory feast.

“Yes you may” said Anastasious walking away with Philip.

“Look l know how hard it was for you to give up your child and Ireland now needs a new leader that my enemy is dead and l would like you to be that leader even though you are a woman” he said.

“Okay, what do you want me to do?” she asked.

“Be queen Anastasious of Ireland and your country and mine friends” he said.

Anastasious sighed in relief, Irelands only enemy was gone now and she was queen this made her extremely happy, no more high taxes now she would be the one to impose taxes.

“You should have left your enemy alive, l would have made him pay taxes to me just as he imposed high taxes upon my father” the newly anointed queen said.

“That would have been a good idea, but it’s too late for that now” said Philip.

“Oh” said Anastasious smiling.