Ayanna by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 37

Ayanna thought the navy life, compared to what she was used to was rather cushy.  A decent bed in the barracks.  The food was like having a feast.  The work was different, but not physically demanding.

Every day the gun crew spent most of their time working on the OSS LeHew's construction.  They spent most of their time applying a paint that seemed like it was of such low quality that it was a waste of time and money.

Ayanna was put in various areas of the ship to increase her knowledge of it.  The engine room, navigation, fire fighting, etc.  She was not thrilled with any of it.  However, it was her nature to put forth the best effort that she could on any job.

Even though the construction work was their main task, the gun crew still had daily firing drills, all dry runs.

One day while at the cannon, a group of six seamen marched up to the bow with AR-15s.  The Ensign, a very short guy told them to fire.  They each used up a magazine of ammunition.  One of them had his gun jam.

Ayanna said, "Hey! What are you doing?"

The Ensign said, "We're doing a deck defense drill."

"What?!"  Ayanna walked over to the seaman who had the jammed rifle.  "This thing is filthy.  Why would you walk out here in a drill and waste a bunch of ammunition like that?  What if we were firing the deck gun?"

The short Ensign said, "Why don't you mind your own business!  What makes you think you know anything about guns?!   You probably have never ever shot one!"

"You don't have a clue what you are talking about!"

"All I ever see you do is sitting there at that cannon, or playing like you are firing it!"

Hearing the shouting, Lieutenant Kirkendahl came to investigate.  "Ensigns.  Let's go down to the office."

Ayanna sighed.  That's twice now she had been pulled off of the deck to go to the office for outbursts.  This time may not work out so well.  Ayanna could hear Amy's voice in her head, "God is getting you back for talking like a sailor by making you go into the Navy."

The two Ensigns sat in front of Lieutenant Kirkendahl's desk.

The Lieutenant said, "Right now we are all trying to learn our jobs.  Ohio is not a big maritime State.  And our cannon is new."

Ayanna said, "There is nothing for me to learn to do his job."

Kirkendahl said, "Oh really?  What makes you say that?"

Ayanna said, "I understand battle tactics. . .fully. . .on land.  And I know how to keep a gun clean so it rarely jams up."

The other Ensign said, "Hey!  Guns jam!"

"That's right,"   the Lieutenant said.

Ayanna asked, "Do those seamen know how to take down and clean their gun?"

The short Ensign said, "We don't assign specific assault rifles to specific seamen."

"That's a problem," Ayanna said.  "And why would we train them to walk around and shoot?  What are they supposed to be doing?  Can't they do more than that?"

"Like what?" the Lieutenant asked.

"Like at least hitting the deck when they are firing."

The short Ensign started laughing.  "What do you think they are, action heroes or something?  Why can't your cannon even hit a rowboat?"

Ayanna just took it.  Phil said just keep taking it before you knife them, or something like that.

The Lieutenant said, "I can't believe how lowly you Ensigns think of each other.  Since you both think the other has such an easy job, I am going to have you swap jobs now.  I was wanting to cross train everyone as much as possible anyway."

Ayanna said, "I look forward to my new responsibilities, Sir."

"Me too," the other Ensign said.

"You both start tomorrow."

It was time to do something about it.  Now was a good time since they were all on shore leave, otherwise known as a day off.  But who would she get to show her how to swim?  The logical choice was Vinnie.  He was older than the recruits so they wouldn't get the wrong idea.  He already knew Ayanna did not know how to swim.

At mess time, Ayanna saw Vinnie setting with a few other Petty Officers.  "Vinnie, can I see you after lunch?"

"Aye, Ensign."

After she left the table they started chortling.

Then later Vinnie met Ayanna in the hall.  "Vinnie, can you show me how to swim?  You don't have to."

"It wouldn't do for a navy officer to not be able to swim.  It would be my privilege.  Sure."

Later that day they met away from the Station and got into the Lake.  Vinnie taught Ayanna to float, which she couldn't do very well because she had a high body density; a lot of muscle and small amount of fat.  But she trusted him to hold her up while floating on her back so she could get used to the sensation.  After she got used to doing it she found it very pleasant.  Vinnie also had her float on her stomach while holding her breath.  Soon she was treading water.

Vinnie said, "Now all you have to do Ensign is to propel yourself through the water.  You know, use your arms and legs.

She was moving!  It was an enjoyable sensation.  But then she panicked a bit when she realized she was getting in some deep water.

"You're fine, Sir.  Now just turn and come back."

Ayanna came back and snorted water out of her nose.  "Thanks so much, Vinnie.  I had no idea it was so easy.  I was just scared of the water all this time."

"Glad to help."

"I'm just going to stay here and practice."

"I'll stay here up on the shore.  Just in case.  I got nothing better to do right now."

"Thank you."  Ayanna realized that while wearing the white undies in the water,  she was probably putting on a type of "Ella show" for Vinnie, but put it out of her mind.  He was being harmless.

While Ayanna was practicing, Vinnie told her that the crew missed her.  They didn't want that new guy.  Now Ayanna wondered if she was better off or not starting over with a new crew.  "They were going to move us around anyhow, Vinnie."