Ayanna by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 38

In the morning Ayanna met with her Squad on the deck.  The Squad was led by Petty Officer Glass.   The first order of business was to issue guns to the six Squad members.  Then, Ayanna gave them training on completely tearing down the rifles and cleaning them out.  They put them together and tore them down a half dozen times.

The following day, the Squad never set foot on the LeHew.  Ayanna wanted to train them on land.  She ran them around, explaining inferior force tactics and setting ambushes.  Then she had them construct practice trenches, and spider holes. 

None of the men showed any zeal for doing their job.  They didn't feel it was important.  Was it the way she was training them?  The Deck Gun Crew showed a lot more enthusiasm than this Squad.

Ayanna wanted to give up again.  This was going nowhere.  It's no wonder they didn't get any training.  It all seemed so pointless.  Rather than waste full days putting energy into something not useful, she put the Squad back into the general labor pool for getting the LeHew's construction done.

Later that week it was time to launch the OSS LeHew.  The Admiral of the Ohio Navy was there, along with other senior military officers.  The large ship slid back into the water.  She had a  lot lower waterline, with all of the added armor.  A tug pulled the LeHew up to the pier and the crew went up the much lowered gangplank to board.

The LeHew was to put on a demonstration for the Admiral, so they definitely wanted to fire off the deck gun. 

Ayanna thought she would just have her squad hoist a lifeboat down into the water and the squad, in full gear would get into the boat, and row away from the mother ship.  The Captain thought it was a fine idea and approved it.

The Admiral and company got into their staff car and drove around the Marblehead Peninsula so they could see the LeHew on the open waters of the Lake.

Ayanna was surprised at the speed of the ship for its size.  It must be using up a lot of valuable fuel that could be used on tractors out in the fields to raise crops.

Out in the open water they saw other ships.  A large vessel, about the size of the LeHew, was the WSS Green Bay, the Admiral's flagship.  The Green Bay was armed with a couple of heavy machine guns, and who knows what else.

There were several other ships in the flotilla.  It was not clear what they were used for, but the display of naval power by the standards of the day was impressive.

The deck gun fired.  Ayanna took that as her cue for her sluggish Squad to lower the boat and climb down the cargo net into it.

The Admiral was looking through his binoculars.  The Admiral said, "Now I like that."

"What is that sir," an underling asked, "the cannon?"

"Oh yea.  You gotta like the cannon, but look at those seamen in that landing boat.  I don't like it."

"I see them.  That does seem a little odd."

The Admiral looked awhile longer.  "Oh I love their initiative.  What I meant by 'odd" was that Marines should have green uniforms. . .and a ship more suitable for amphibious landings."

"Marines, Sir?"

"Yes, I think we have out there the nucleus to build the Ohio Marine Corps."  The Admiral turned to the shadowy contact he made through the Ohio Army.  "We're starving for top young talent, just like our enemy is.  They say she more than passes every test they can throw at her, practically reinventing the answers.  What do you think, Williams?   Is your woman up to the task?"

Elijah said, "I'm pretty sure there's nothing on Earth that could restrain her from taking an offer like building the Marine Corps.  Do me a personal favor Admiral."

"Tell me."

"Offer her the job over a game of chess," Elijah said.

"Find me some more people like that, and I'll play Candyland with them if they'll agree."