Bringing Him Back by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


All six Corsairs raced in formation at 4,000 feet after the six Zeros, which were at 5,000 feet above them.

From inside his plane, Ben saw the Zero's up ahead at their 2 o'clock position.

"Okay Fireballs, it's revenge time," Ben called out into the radio net.

Inside his plane, Trevor looked nervous while he flew in formation.

"I know you can do it, Trevor," Ben said from the radio net. 

Trevor smiled and got a little brave when he saw Ben wave at him from his plane, which was near his left-wing.

The six Corsairs ascended up after the Zeros.

Ben had one of the Corsair's in his gun sights, and he fired his machine guns.

Smoke poured out of that Zero, and it dove down then crashed in the ocean.

"One down guys," Ben said from the radio net.

The other Zero's scattered off in different directions for safety.

The rest of the Corsairs each picked a Zero and gave chase.

Carl had a Zero in his gun sights. He fired his machine guns and watched while the Zero smoked and dove down to the ocean. 

Carl banked his plane to the right and ascended off into the sky. "I finally got me another one," Carl called out from the radio net.

"Good going," Ben replied from the radio net.

Kurt had a Zero in his gun sights. He fired his machine guns and saw the Zero smoke then spun down to the ocean and crashed.

"I got one," Kurt called out from the radio net.

Kurt banked his plane to the right and ascended.

In all the excitement, Trevor lost sight of the Zero he was chasing. While he craned his neck to locate this Zero, some bullets hit his plane.

"I'm hit. I'm hit," Trevor called out from the radio in a panic.

He looked at his instruments, and everything appeared to be healthy.

"He's coming back after you, Fireball fourteen," Ben called out from the radio net.

Trevor looked all around the sky and couldn't see the plane. "I don't see him," Trevor called out in a panic from the radio net.

From Ben's Corsair, he saw the Zero while it chased after Trevor's plane. "I'll get him Fireball fourteen," Ben said from the radio net.

Ben dove after the Zero while Trevor made evasive maneuvers keep the Zero from getting his gun sights on Trevor's plane.

Trevor heard more bullets hit his tail section. He looked at his instruments, and everything still looked normal.

Ben got the Zero in his gun sights and fired his machine guns. The Zero smoked and spun out of control while it dove down to the ocean. 

"I got him, Fireball fourteen. You're safe. Is your plane flyable?" Ben asked from the radio net.

Trevor did a barrel roll with his Corsair. "She's fine," Trevor said when he came out of the roll.

From inside his plane, Carl saw Ben's Corsair down below. He looked around, and no other planes were in sight. Then he saw a Zero race after Ben's Corsair, and he got an evil smirk. "You have one coming after you, Fireball ten," Carl called out in the radio net. "I'll help," Carl added.

Carl raced after the Zero that chased after Ben's plane.

Carl had Ben's plane in his gun sights.

Inside Trevor's plane, he had that Zero going after Ben in his gun sights, and he fired his machine guns. 

The Zero smoked, and it dove down to the ocean then crashed. 

Trevor did another barrel roll to celebrate his victory.

"I got him for you, Ben," Trevor said while he came out of the barrel roll.

"Thanks, buddy," Ben replied from the radio.

Then Trevor flew over and got next to Carl's Corsair.

From inside his plane, Carl had Ben's Corsair in his gun sights, but then he saw Trevor's plane flying even with him, and looked disappointed.

"I'm hit! I'm hit!" Dave cried out from the radio net. "My engine is on fire! I'm going down!" Dave cried out again in a panic.

The other Corsair pilots watched while Dave's plane tumbled down to the ocean. Then the Zero came back and raced after Dave's plane. 

"I don't want to die!" Dave cried out from the radio net.

The Zero fired at Dave's plane again.

From Trevor's cockpit, he watched when Dave's plane exploded into a fireball. His eyes welled up when he saw burning pieces of Dave's airplane that floated down to the ocean.

He saw the Zero fly away, and without thinking, he raced after the plane.

"Where you going, Fireball fourteen?" Ben called out from the radio net.

"I'm going after the bastard," Trevor replied from the radio net.

Trevor raced his Corsair after the Zero and caught up with him.

The Zero made some evasive maneuvers to keep Trevor off his tail.

Trevor made other evasive maneuvers and stayed with the Zero.

Then Trevor had the Zero in his gun sights, and he fired his machine guns. 

The Zero exploded in a fireball.

Trevor watched while burning pieces of the Zero floated down to the ocean.

"Great job, Fireball fourteen," Ben praised Trevor. "Let's head home," Ben added from the radio.

All the Corsairs gathered together and flew in formation.

They headed back to Engebi.

Later that day, all five Corsairs landed back at Engebi.

They taxied past the burning B-25s where numerous Marines tried to extinguish the flames.

They parked their Corsairs and turned off their engines. They all got out and climbed down their fuselages.

Ben, Carl, Henry, Kurt, and Trevor walked away from their planes.

Ben placed a hand on Trevor's shoulder. "You did good, Trevor. Didn't he do a great job, Carl?"

Carl gave a fake smile. "Yeah, he was a true ace."

Henry and Kurt nodded in agreement while they walked past some damaged and destroyed Corsairs.

Trevor looked proud, then sad. "Poor Dave," Trevor said.

"I know. Some good men are losing their lives here," Ben replied with a comforting tone.

Hall ran up to the guys. "Did you get them?"

"Yep. There are six fewer Japs to worry about," Ben replied.

Hall smiled. "Good. Weaver wants all the pilots in the briefing tent."

They all followed Hall to the tents.

Ten minutes later, and the briefing tent was packed where all the pilots waited for Colonel Weaver.

Weaver entered and headed to the front of the tent.

"Attention!" one of the officers yelled out the second he saw Weaver.

Everybody in the ten snapped to attention.

"At ease," Weaver said, and everybody sat back down.

Weaver walked to the front where a map of Marshall Islands was on a stand.

Weaver looked sad while he stood before the pilots. "We lost a total of twelve Marines during that earlier raid," Weaver told them.  

Everybody looked sad.

"Who led the charge after the Zeros?" Weaver asked while he looked around the tent at the pilots for an answer.

"Lieutenant Grayson," a pilot yelled out.

Weaver looked at Ben amongst the pilots. "Who authorized it, Lieutenant Grayson?"

"I did, sir. I didn't want those nips coming back and killing more Marines. Besides, they ruined our ball game," Hall stood up and told Weaver.

"The Fireball's were losing anyway," one of the Raiders yelled out.

Everybody chuckled in the tent.

"I know. So Ben, did you get all of them?" Weaver asked.

"Yes, sir!" Ben yelled out.

"Good," Weaver said amongst a round of applause.

"But Dave Brooke lost his life," Trevor yelled out to make sure everybody knew they lost another friend.

The tent got quiet with sadness.

"Dave was a good man," Weaver said and looked saddened.

Everybody in the tent nodded in agreement.

Then Weaver looked serious at everybody. "Now, we received some earlier information from intelligence where they intercepted radio transmissions from the Japanese. They believe the Japanese are building a new airstrip somewhere in the Marshall Islands," Weaver told everybody.

"Let's blow the bitch up!" one of the pilots yelled out.

Numerous other pilots cheered in agreement.

"That's our goal. But first, we need some recon to locate it," Weaver said.

All the pilots looked determined to win another battle.

"Go get some rest. We'll start tomorrow. Dismissed," Weaver said then he walked down the aisle while all the pilots stood up.

All the pilots left the tent after Weaver was gone.

Back in the Humble Abode, Ben, Carl, Trevor, Kurt, and Henry entered. They walked up to their lockers and removed their flight suits.

Trevor hung his flight suit in his locker. Then he looked at the calendar and marked off May 9th on his calendar and counted down the days. 

I have two more days. He said to himself and wondered if he would survive.

After they got redressed in another uniform, they all relaxed on their bunks to wind down from this sudden mission.

Ten minutes later, Ben, Trevor, Carl, Kurt, and Henry all fell asleep for a nap.

Later that evening, Ben, Carl, Henry, and Trevor went to the chow hall. Tonight's cuisine was Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and corn.  

"I'm sorry about my performance during today's baseball game," Trevor told everybody.

"We're not professionals either," Henry replied.

"My father never had the time to teach me since he was busy with his job," Trevor said. "Plus my grandfather won't take the time either," Trevor said while he glanced over at Carl.

"Why are you looking at me?" Carl asked, bothered by Trevor's glance.

"Don't worry. I'll give you some pointers. It'll give practice in case I have a son," Ben told Trevor.

"In case I have a son," Carl mimicked Ben under his breath in a sarcastic tone.

Trevor liked the idea of his real grandfather giving him some pointers with playing baseball.

Later that night, Trevor walked around the flightline while everybody else went to sleep. He walked up to his plane and looked it over.

He walked over to the tail section and saw the numerous bullet holes. Trevor stuck a finger in one of the bullet holes.

"He shot you up pretty good," Ben said from behind Trevor.

"I'm surprised I wasn't a goner," Trevor said when he saw Ben walking up behind him.

"By the way, I talked to Rodney. He's the one that paints the Jap flags on the planes. I told him to paint three on your plane," Ben said then walked Trevor over to the cockpit area.

Trevor looked up and saw three Jap flags painted on his plane indicating he shot down three Japanese planes. But seeing those painted flags didn't make him feel like a hero.

"I saw Dave die today," Trevor said with sadness in his eyes.

"Me too and I saw numerous of my other buddies die also," Ben said while he patted Trevor's shoulder. "Let's get some sleep," Ben added.

They walked away and headed back to the Humble Abode.

Back in the Humble Abode, Carl got up and decided to write Diana a letter and hoped she would write again.

"Dear Diana, It's like hell here in the South Pacific. We lost another friend today, and his name was Dave Brooke. He volunteered to go on a spur of the moment mission that Ben requested. We decided to go after some Japs after they strafed out a baseball game. How dare anybody interrupt a baseball game!  But don't you worry, Ben is doing just fine, and he'll have me watching his back while we're keeping you safe from the Japanese. Love, Carl," he wrote in his letter.

He folded up the letter and sealed it in an envelope and wrote her address down. He tossed the letter in his locker then lay down on his bunk.

Ben and Trevor entered the tent and walked to their lockers.

Carl sneered at Trevor while he got undressed to his tee shirt and boxers.

The three fell fast asleep.