Bringing Him Back by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


The sun rose and it May 10th, and it was a cloudy day at Engebi.

After their preflight briefing with Colonel Weaver, the Fireballs and the Raiders all lined up at the runway.

Then one after the other, they all became airborne within fifteen minutes.

Later that morning, the five Fireballs flew in formation at 8,000 feet over the ocean. Hall was the squadron leader with Ben, Carl, Trevor, Kurt, Henry, Larry, and Greg.

Above and behind them at 12,000 feet were the five Corsairs of the Raiders.

They approached the Ailinginae, Rongelap, and Rongerik islands that were 50 miles away.

"Okay Fireballs, it's quiet without any Zero resistance. Let's buzz around the islands and see what we can stir up," Hall told everybody from the radio net.

"We'll be ready if any Zero's come after you," Fred said from the radio net.

Hall dove his Corsair down to Ailinginae Island.

Ben dove his Corsair after Hall's plane.

Carl, Trevor, Henry, Kurt, Larry, and Greg all dove their Corsairs to Ailinginae.

The beach on Ailinginae looked so peaceful. Then the roar of the Corsair engines was mixed with the sound of the waves crashing on the shoreline.

The Fireballs raced over the shoreline 50 feet in the air.

The Fireballs raced over the island 50 feet in the air.

The Raiders flew at 12,000 feet above over the island.

The other of Ailinginae was peaceful when the Fireballs raced over the island 50 feet above the deck. Then the Corsairs flew back over the ocean and ascended.

The Raiders flew above them at 12,000 feet.

"That island is dead," Hall called out from the radio net.

"Let's head to the next one, Fireballs," Fred said from the radio net.

The Fireballs ascended to 2,000 feet and flew toward the Rongelap Island.

The Raiders followed still at 12,000 feet.

The beach at Rongelap looked so peaceful with the sound of the waves crashing on the shoreline.

There was an occasional crab that scampered out of the water and across the sand.

The Fireballs dove down toward Rongelap Island. The leveled off fifty feet above the water and raced to the shoreline.

The roar of the Corsair engines scared the crabs on the beach, and they scampered back into the water.

The Fireballs raced above the shoreline of Rongelap.

The island looked quiet while the Fireballs raced 50 feet above the jungle.

The Raiders trailed behind then 12,000 feet up in the air.

The Fireballs flew 50 feet over the other end of the island then they ascended.

The Raiders trailed 12,000 feet above the Fireballs.

"Another dead island," Hall called out from the radio net.

"Hopefully the other island will produce some results," Fred replied from the radio net.

"Okay guys, let's hit Rongerik," Hall said from the radio net.

The Fireballs leveled off at 1,500 feet and headed to the last island on their mission.

Rongerik Island looked so peaceful. 

Then the roar of the Corsair engines ruined the peaceful sounds of the South Pacific when they flew 50 feet above the shoreline.

The Raiders still shadowed the Fireballs 12,000 feet above them.

The Fireballs raced over the jungle at 50 feet.  Nothing.

Then the Fireballs raced over the other shoreline at 50 feet, and the island was quiet.

The Fireballs ascended when they flew over the ocean.

The Fireballs ascended and leveled off at 12,000 feet and joined formation with the Raiders.

"I don't believe that new Jap airstrip is on those islands," Hall said from the radio net.

"I know. Looks like we got some straight and level training today," Fred replied with a chuckle from the radio net.

"Let's head back to base," Hall replied from the radio net.

The Fireballs and Raiders banked and made a 180-degree turn back to Engebi.

Back at Engebi an hour later, the Raiders each took turns and landed. Then the Fireballs each took turns and landed on the dirt runway.

All ten Corsairs taxied and parked. The flightline was soon quiet again after all ten engines shut down. 

Trevor got out of his plane and climbed down.

He walked over to Ben's plane and waited until he removed his picture off his console.  Ben got out and climbed down and walked over to Trevor.

They walked over to Carl's plane.

Carl removed his picture off his console and got out of his plane. He climbed down and walked to the front where Ben and Trevor waited.

Ben, Carl, and Trevor walked away.

"That was an easy mission," Trevor said.

Henry rushed up to them.

"I love flying when I'm not getting shot at," Henry said when he walked alongside them.

"We got lucky today," Carl replied a little disappointed, and he looked like he wanted some action today.

Kurt, Larry, and Greg ran up to the guys.

"Nobody died today," Greg said.

Then Corporal Bronson ran up to Ben. 

"Lieutenant Grayson, this telegram came in an hour ago," Bronson said then had a smile when handed Ben the paper.

Ben looked a little worried as he automatically had a feeling it was terrible news.

Bronson just had to wait while Ben read the paper, as he knew what the telegram was about.

All the other guys, except for Carl, looked curious and hoped it was good news.

Ben looked worried while he read the paper, then his eyes lit up with joy. He reread the telegram to make sure he read it correctly. He jumped up and down for joy. "I have a son!" Ben danced around in celebration.

Ben gave Trevor a hug. 

He gave Carl a hug. 

He gave Henry a hug. 

He gave Larry a hug. 

He gave Greg a hug.

Hall walked up to them to see what the excitement was all about. Ben gave Hall a hug without thinking.

"Normally my men don't hug me after a mission," Hall said a little unsure about Ben's weird behavior. 

Ben realized he hugged Hall and got embarrassed. "Sorry sir, I got this telegram telling me my wife had our baby," Ben told him and held up his telegram. "I have a son!" Ben called out in joy again.

A bare-chested mechanic had a wrench in hand when he walked by them a little curious. Ben rushed over and hugged the mechanic. The mechanic pushed Ben away and looked like he wanted to whack him with his wrench. He refrained knowing that would get him thrown in the brig. 

The mechanic rushed away back to the Corsairs a little leery of Ben.

"Congratulations," Hall said, then shook his hand.

"Congratulations," Trevor said and shook Ben's hand.

Larry, Greg, Hall, Henry, and Kurt all patted Ben's shoulder to congratulate him with handshakes.

"Let's go to Weaver's debrief and then we can party tonight," Hall said.

Ben was in heaven while they all walked away and headed to the pilot's debriefing tent. 

Fifteen minutes later in the briefing tent, Ben, Carl, and Trevor sat in the front row. Ben couldn't sit still while he thought about being a father. Carl sat next to him and looked jealous. Trevor sat on the other side of Ben and looked amazed that he was around when his father was born.

Colonel Weaver entered the tent.

"Attention!" one of the officers yelled out.

Everybody snapped to attention and Ben had the hugest grin on his face.

"At ease," Weaver called out while he walked down the aisle.

Everybody sat back down while Weaver walked to the front and looked at everybody.

"I heard this mission revealed nothing," Weaver said then he saw the massive grin on Ben's face and got mad.

"And you're happy about this Lieutenant Grayson?" Weaver yelled out.

Ben stood up. "No sir, I got a telegram that my wife had our baby. I have a son!" Ben replied, then held up his telegram.

"I have a son," Carl mimicked Ben in a sarcastic tone.

Weaver walked up and congratulated Ben with a handshake and a smile, then he walked back to the front.

"Okay gentlemen, I guess we still don't have a clue where that new Jap airstrip is being built. Relax tonight or have a party to celebrate a new member to the Grayson family," he said.

"I'll keep you abreast if we obtain any new intelligence," Weaver said then walked down the aisle.

"Attention!" another officer yelled out.

Everybody snapped to attention.

"Dismissed," Weaver said when he reached the flap to the tent.

Everybody piled out of the tent after Weaver.

After chow, Ben, Carl, and Henry headed out to the Stress Reliever. Trevor left early to warm up with the band.

The Stress Reliever was packed tonight and Ben was the center of attention while the news of his new son spread across the base like wildfire.

The band was halfway through their version of Glenn Miller's Begin the Beguine song.

Ben drank a beer and enjoyed watching Trevor playing the trumpet with the band. Carl looked like there was something on his mind.

The band finished the song and took a fifteen-minute break.

Trevor placed his trumpet on his stand and headed to the bar. After he got a beer, he walked over and sat down at the empty seat at Ben's table. 

Trevor sipped his beer and looked happy Ben had a son but looked sad at the same time, as he knew Ben would die soon. He seemed determined to stop Ben's death for occurring.

Two Marines walked up to their table.

"Congratulations on being a father, Ben. What's your son's name?" one of the Marines asked.

"We're calling him Robert Carl Grayson," Ben replied with a huge grin. "Robert after Diana's father and Carl after my best friend," Ben added while he placed an arm around Carl.

Carl responded with a little smile, but he still looked bothered with something. Ben didn't notice as he was still on cloud nine for being a father.

The Marines patted Ben's shoulder to congratulate him while they walked away.

Trevor raised his beer bottle. "Let's have a toast for our new daddy."

Ben, Carl, and Henry all raised their beer bottles and clinked them in a toast. They drank their beers.

Then Ben looked worried when reality sank in, and he remembered he was in a war.

"I just hope this war doesn't ruin my opportunity to enjoy my son," Ben said in a quiet tone, as he looked worried.

"We did make that pact. I hope Diana still agrees," Carl said while he placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"She does," Ben said then he realized Trevor and Henry wouldn't understand their pact. "We had a pact that Carl will marry Diana if I don't make it home. I didn't want Diana marrying some stranger, and I know Carl will take great care of Robert and Diana."

Carl schemed with a smirk on his face.

Hall walked up to the table. "Ben, Weaver wants you in his office in ten minutes.  Something important came up a little while ago."

"Yes, sir," Ben replied, then he got up.

Trevor, Henry, and Carl looked curious while they watched Ben walk away with Hall and leave the tent.

"I hope he's not in any trouble," Trevor asked.

"Probably not," Carl replied while he looked like he still had something else more important on his mind.

"I'm going to bed," Carl said then he got up and walked to the tent flap.

Henry got up and headed to the bar.

Trevor got up and walked back over to the stage.

Later that night, some of the officers were asleep in their bunks. Some read books and some played cards to kill time.

Carl lay in his bunk in deep thought while he stared at his photo of the Santa Monica pier.

Trevor lay in his bunk in deep thought about tomorrow.

Ben entered the tent, and he had shiny new Captain bars on his uniform.

Trevor looked at saw Ben's promotion. He got up and walked over to him with a smile.

"Alright Ben, you made Captain!" Trevor said while he stuck out his hand.

Ben looked proud while he shook Trevor's hand. "Weaver also made me Hall's executive officer," Ben said.

The other pilots rushed over and congratulated Ben.

Carl stayed in his bed and stewed with jealously.

"Enough of that, and we need to get serious. I need five men for an important mission tomorrow," Ben asked with a serious look.

Carl placed his Santa Monica picture in his pocket. "Count me in," Carl said while he rushed over to Ben.

Kurt got up and rushed over to Ben. "I'll go."

Trevor walked over to Ben. He looked nervous but realized he had to volunteer. "I'm with you, Ben," Trevor said.

Ben looked proud of Trevor for volunteering for this mission.

Henry stumbled inside the tent, drunk as a skunk. "I'm in the mood for love, simply because you're naked," Henry sang out at the top of his lungs in a key that doesn't exist.

Everybody in the tent looked at Henry who swayed when he stood by the tent flap.

"Hey fellas," Henry said then he got a blank stare and dropped to the ground then he passed out.

Ben looked disappointed with Henry being drunk. "Forget about him." He looked at the rest of the men in the Humble Abode. "We're going to help the Raiders escort some B twenty-fives. They're going to bomb Japanese aircraft carriers believed to be heading to the Ailinglaplap atoll," He looked at the men again. "I need one more volunteer."

The remaining guys looked at each other.

"I'll tag along," Larry called out.

"Great," Ben replied.

"Are these new planes for their new base?" Larry curiously asked.

"We believe they are. So we better get some rest. Weaver will give us a more detailed briefing in the morning," Ben said.

They all walked over to their lockers and undressed down to their tee-shirts and boxer shorts.

Trevor opened up his locker and looked at his calendar, and he saw tomorrow was "May 11th, 1944." 

He glanced over at Ben and looked worried.

Carl looked like he was scheming while he watched Ben get in his bunk.

It was fifteen minutes later, and everybody was sound asleep.

Trevor tossed and turned in his bunk as he was having a nightmare.

In Trevor's nightmare, they were flying their mission, and Ben and Trevor were the only two Corsairs 10,000 feet above the South Pacific.

Trevor knew he was going to save Ben's life. Then a Zero came out of nowhere and raced after Ben's plane.

"Crap!" Trevor cried out while he watched the Zero fire its machine guns at Ben's plane.

"Help me, Trevor," Ben cried out from the radio net.

Trevor watched while the Zero continued to attack Ben's plane.

"He's hitting me, Trevor. I can't shake him off! Help me!" Ben screamed out from the radio net.

Trevor raced his Corsair after the Zero.

The Zero made some evasive maneuvers to avoid Trevor.

Trevor made some evasive maneuvers and kept up with the Zero. He pressed his machine gun button, and nothing happened. He pressed his machine gun button again, and nothing happened. He knew it was jammed by the funny clanking sound it made.

Then the Zero made some more fancy maneuvers and was hot on Ben's tail. The Zero fired its machine guns at Ben's Corsair.

Trevor watched in horror while Ben's Corsair ditched in the ocean. 

Then he watched while the Zero banked back around and flew after Ben's Zero. Then he watched while the Zero strafed Ben's plane. Ben's plane exploded into a massive fireball. 

"No!" Trevor screamed out from his bunk while he shot up in a panic, waking up from his dream.

Everybody in the tent jumped up in a panic with a few dropping to the floor, thinking there was another air raid.

Then when it was quiet, they realized someone had another bad dream. 

Ben got up from his bunk and walked over to Trevor. "You okay buddy?" he asked, concerned when he saw Trevor's sweaty face.

"Yeah, I had another nightmare," Trevor replied.

"I know. I have dreams where I get shot down. It's natural," Ben said while he placed a hand on Trevor's shoulder.

Trevor looked like he wanted to tell him that he was from the future, but decided Ben might think he's a nut case and he could be locked up. So Trevor kept quiet about his secret. Ben got up and walked back to his bunk.

Trevor lay back down and stared at the top of the tent.