Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


Back to present day in 1978 at Spencer's museum.

Jason wiped away tears from his eyes while talking about that day stirred up some emotions. "The hardest part of that war was watching your friends die before your eyes. The other was lying to your soul mate," he told his crowd.

"Why lie to her?" a woman in the crowd asked him.

"I lied because I was scared of losing her if she knew the truth. And still scared of what would happen to my parents if I dumped Peggy," he replied.

"That's still no excuse for being dishonest," another woman in the crowd said.

Robyn and a couple of women near that woman nodded their heads in agreement.

Jason looked ashamed. "That's fair."

Meanwhile, up in Cindy's office, she worked on some paperwork at her desk satisfied that her grand opening day was a success.

The phone on her desk rang, and she picked up the receiver. "Spencer's Aviation Museum, how may I help you?" she answered the call.

"It's me, mom, what time do you want me to come down to the museum?" Kimberly replied from the phone.

"Oh, I have a meeting with a woman that's interested in renting an office and hangar space, so meet me outside the bomber room in three hours."

"Okay. I'll be there," Kimberly replied, then disconnected her end of the call.

Cindy hung up her receiver then went back to her paperwork.

Back in the Bomber Room, the crowd's eyes were still captivated on Jason's story.

"So there I was, falling deeper in love with Cindy, while still engaged to Peggy. And I was terrified my next mission would be my last day in this world. But then it got even more dangerous, and I don't mean in the air over the German countryside."

Robyn and everybody looked curious about Jason's last comment.

Jason's story about his World War II experience with Cindy continued.

It was four days since the Nazi Crushers perished to their deaths in the German countryside. Jason read the official report that all crew members died after the B-17 slammed into the middle of a field.

Jason and all the other eleven B-17s just returned from another mission, and today nobody lost their life.

After Jason parked the plane and shut down the engines of his bomber, he and his crew members all got out of the Sweet Bird.

Andy and Jason, with hat and tie crooked, walked away from his plane while his crew members trailed behind them all exhausted.

"First we'll need a hangar and a long field," Jason told Andy, as they've been talking about his dream of starting up an aviation company.

"I have an uncle with an old crop-duster. I'm sure he'll give it to us, but it might need repairs," Andy replied, as he was interested in becoming partners with Jason.

"Rocky said he would work as our mechanic."

Andy nodded in agreement then looked curious. "Are you still stringing this other broad along?"

Jason hesitated, then he looked brave. "I'm about to write Peggy and break it off. Dad will be out from under Mister Moore's debt soon. And I can cover him until he gets a new job."

"Did she get her first assignment yet?"

"I guess. I haven't heard from her in a while," Jason replied with a smile.

Jason, Andy and his crew members headed to toward the briefing hut. 

Jason eyed the Administration Building and saw Cindy wasn't waiting by the sidewall. Where is she? He asked himself a little disappointed, as she was always there before.

"Jason, my darling!" Peggy's voice called from behind Jason and his crew members.

Jason's ears perked up, and he stopped, a little unsure, as that voice sounded so familiar.

Andy stopped and curiously turned around and looked at Jason.

"What's wrong?" Andy asked while the other crew members stopped and looked at Jason.

"I heard a familiar unpleasant voice," Jason said then shrugged it off and started to walk away.

"Over here, Jason!" Peggy yelled out again.

Jason, Andy, and the other crew members all looked in the direction of her voice.

Jason's mouth dropped open in shock the second he saw Peggy, in an Army uniform with 2nd Lieutenant bars standing twenty feet away. She waved at Jason with a huge loving smile.

"Please shoot me," Jason leaned over and quietly asked Andy.

Andy and the other crew members watched curiously while Peggy rushed over to Jason.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

"Who is she?" Andy asked.


"She's beautiful, and you want to dump her?" Warren said while he drooled at the sight of Peggy.

Peggy glowed with an ear to ear grin when she stopped at Jason. "Surprise!"

"Ah, Peggy, ah, what are you doing here?" Jason said while he pulled Peggy away, then discreetly looked over at the Administration Building for Cindy. He noticed that she still wasn't at the side wall. He was relieved yet also nervous.

Andy and the other crew members watched this awkward moment for Jason.

"Since you wouldn't come to the states, I've made daddy have General Winston pull some strings, and got stationed here with you," she said so proudly.

Peggy gave Jason a hug then a long kiss on the lips.

Jason pulled away, scared of what Cindy would think if she saw them kissing.

"You're a nurse at the hospital? This airfield's hospital?"

"Yes, but you'll always be my number one patient," she said, then placed her arm around Jason's arm.

He squirmed out from under her embrace. But it didn't work, as she gripped tighter.

"Could you guys please show Peggy the Sweet Bird while I go to the debriefing?" he asked his crew members with pleading eyes then he looked back at Peggy. "Sorry Peggy, we always get debriefed after a mission." 

Jason discreetly begged at Andy to help him get Peggy off his hands.

"Sure, we'll give you the nickel tour of our beautiful machine," Mark said while he placed his arm under Peggy's arm.

Mark and the guys walked Peggy away from Jason, and he was relieved.

Peggy pulled her arm out from under Mark's grip and rushed over to Jason. 

She removed a letter from her uniform pocket and handed it to Jason. "Here's a letter from your mom, hand delivered with love," she said then gave Jason another kiss on his lips.

 Jerome quickly placed his arm around Peggy's right arm.

Mark quickly placed his arm around Peggy's left arm.

Jerome, Mark and the other enlisted turned Peggy around.

"Let's show you our beautiful B seventeen called the Sweet Bird," Jerome told Peggy while all the enlisted guys walked her away from Jason.

Jason opened up his letter and read it while he walked away.

"Son, I'm so happy Peggy will be there to watch over you. She's going to make a wonderful daughter, in-law. Before she left for England, we reminisced, and she told me how awkward you were during your first kiss. Too cute! More good news, dad and I will," Jason's letter from Wilma stated.

Jason stopped dead in his tracks and looked upset while he read the rest of his letter.

He continued to walk to the Administration Building after Andy, Raymond and Greg joined him.

While Jason, Andy, Raymond, and Greg walked near the Administration Building, he saw Cindy rush out of the building's side door. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the guys take Peggy inside the Sweet Bird from the rear door.

Her eyes lit up happy that Jason survived another mission.

Jason shoved his letter in his pants pocket. "I'll meet you in the briefing hut in a few minutes," Jason told Andy.

"Okay," Andy replied, then he walked away with Raymond and Greg.

"I'm happy that my love made it back from another mission," Cindy said then she placed her arms around Jason's neck and kissed his lips.

While he kissed her, Jason peeked over with one eye at the Sweet Bird and noticed that the guys just still had Peggy inside the plane. He felt relived that Peggy didn't see him with Cindy.

"Listen, I need to run and take care of some important business right after our debriefing. I'll come by your place later tonight," he said when he pulled away from her arms.

"What kind of business?"

Jason hesitated and fidgeted while he thought of a good response.

"Ah, hospital business."

"Oh, okay. I'll be waiting at my apartment," she said.

He gave her a quick kiss on her lips then he sprinted off to the debriefing hut.

Cindy looked a little suspicious while she watched him sprint away.

After the debriefing, Jason rushed over to the hospital building. 

He rushed inside and ran down the main hallway while he looked for someone.

He stopped and peeked inside a room and saw it was empty.

He ran down another hallway and ran down to the nurses' station where Sidney chatted with a nurse.

Jason stopped by Sidney. "Doctor Carter, may I have a word with you in private?" he said in a rush.

"We'll discuss this later," Sidney told the nurse who then walked away.

Jason pulled Sidney into a nearby examination room.

"Do you still want to fly?" Jason quickly asked.

Sidney's eyes lit up with joy. "You bet!"

"Good, but I need a huge favor in return."

"Name it," Sidney replied.

"You have a new nurse named Peggy Moore. It's a matter of life and death that you keep her on the night shift," Jason pleaded with Sidney.

Sidney thought about his request for a second, and then it dawned on him. "Is Peggy an old flame?"

Jason nodded in agreement.

"Ah, so you would rather have the Army on your butt than her?"

Jason nodded in agreement with pleading eyes.

"We have a deal," Sidney replied, then stuck out his hand.

Jason smiled while he shook Sidney's hand.

He left the room and smiled while he walked down the hallway, figuring out this would buy him some more time.

It was later that evening, and Jason managed to avoid seeing Peggy by staying in Chipley Springs. 

He sat in Cindy's kitchen, and they had a nice romantic dinner, but his mind started to drift into a trance.

"I was thinking, maybe you could get a weekend pass, and we could visit my parents?" she said.

Jason didn't respond, and Cindy noticed then she got concerned. "You don't want to meet my parents?"

Jason snapped out of his trance. "Oh, ah, no, I would love to meet them."

"Then what's the matter?"

Jason pondered an excuse, as he couldn't tell her about his dilemma. "Today's flight exhausted me. That's all."

Cindy looked worried while she picked at her food with her fork. "Are you upset with me about something?"

Jason looked at Cindy's worried eyes. He got up, walked over, and offered his hand, and helped her up. He hugged her. "No. I could never be upset with you. You're my ray of hope during this war. I'm just scared I'm going to lose you. You're everything to me," he told her.

"I'll always be here waiting for you," she replied, then hugged him hard.

Later that night, Jason walked back to the base.

Jason got within twenty feet from his barracks when his eyes glanced over, and he spotted Peggy. 

She paced back and forth by the barracks door waiting for his return. He cringed at the sight of her but knew he had to face her sooner or later.

Peggy saw Jason, and she rushed over to him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Jason stopped in his tracks. "What do you mean?" he answered, as he's heard that tone in her voice before and knew it was trouble.

"My first day here and you shrug me off the minute I see you. Where have you been all night?" she snapped at him while she placed her hands on her hips.

Jason hesitated for a few seconds while he pondered an excuse. "Ah, I was working with my mechanic, Rocky, about some issues with my plane. After all, I'm the commander of my B seventeen," he lied.

Peggy looked suspicious. "You expect me to believe that story when your uniform isn't greasy, and I searched every inch of this base for you," Peggy replied in a raised tone then she crossed her arms and glared at him.

Jason fidgeted while he pondered an excuse. "We, ah, we were inside the cockpit, and I was consulting on how my plane reacted during our mission."

Peggy glared into Jason's eyes.

He sweated, wondering if she bought his story.

She thought about his alibi for a few seconds. She smiled, then hugged Jason. "I missed you, my darling. My first day here and we didn't have a minute alone," she said then gave Jason a kiss.

He didn't pucker, and she pulled away.

"Why the cold kiss?" she asked and looked a little upset.

"I'm sorry, I'm not in a romantic mood with this war going on."

"Not in a romantic mood? What the hell do you mean, you're not in a romantic mood? I'm your fiancé, so you should always be in a romantic mood with me!" she yelled out.

Jason glanced around to make sure nobody heard her while she glared at him. "It's hard with the continuous threat of not knowing if I'm going to survive a mission," he responded.

Peggy pouted. "I also found out I'm on the night shift. How can we spend time alone if you're flying during the day and I'm working at night?" she said with pouty lips.

"Sorry, but sacrifices have to be made during war times. But don't worry, we'll find the time," he said then kissed her cheek. "It's late, and I have a busy day tomorrow."

"Come by the hospital tomorrow night and see me," she said.

"Okay," Jason replied then faked a yawn then he headed to the barracks door. He stopped, turned around, and watched while Peggy moped away, disappointed.

He stepped inside his barracks.

A few minutes later, the barracks door creaked open and Jason's head poked outside.

He stepped out of the barracks, and when he saw that the coast was clear of Peggy, he ran off in another direction.

A few minutes later and Jason rushed into the Let's Boogie Down dance hall.

The place was quiet tonight, where only a few soldiers drank at the bar and tables.

Jason rushed inside and looked around the dance hall.

He soon saw Rocky at his usual nightly spot at the bar, and he rushed up to him.

Jason patted Rocky on his back. "Rocky."

Rocky looked up at Jason. "Hey there, Lieutenant Jay Jay," he said then sipped his beer.

Jason reached in his pants pocket and showed Rocky ten dollars.

Rocky looked curiously at the money.

"In case anybody asks, we were in the Sweet Bird's cockpit discussing mechanical things all night," Jason told him.

"Sure thing boss," Rocky replied, then snatched up the ten dollars out of Jason's hand.

Jason walked away and smiled, knowing his story would stick if Peggy started asking questions.

He walked out of the dance hall.

"Two more beers," Rocky told Russell the bartender and slapped the ten dollars on the bar.

A while later, Jason walked down the aisle in his barracks, walked up, and sat down on his bunk.

 Andy's bunk was next to Jason's, and he saw Jason run his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I'm going to hell!"

"So I take it you didn't break up with Peggy?"

"I can't. Mom wrote to me. They bought a bigger house, and Peggy's dad bought our old house, and it'll be our wedding present."

"What are you going to do?" Andy asked, concerned about Jason.

"I have to keep them apart until I figure out a way to break it off with Peggy, without dad getting fired."

"That could be more dangerous than bombing the Germans," Andy replied.

Jason stood up and paced back and forth by his bunk while he pondered a way out of his predicament.  Then his eyes widened with a solution, and he looked at Andy. "That's why I need your help. You can keep her away from me to buy me some more time until I can come up with a plan," he said and sat back down on his bunk.

Andy looked leery of his statement. "My help?"

"Oh yeah. You're my copilot, and I need you to cover for me."

"I don't know."

Jason pleaded with his eyes, and Andy looked doubtful. Jason got on his knees like he was proposing. "Please!"

Andy eyed the other men in the barracks who glanced over at them, and he got embarrassed. "Okay, just get off your knees. You're embarrassing me."

Jason sat back down on his bunk and smiled, thinking Andy could help him buy him some more time.