Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


Jason’s story about his World War II experiences with Cindy and Peggy continued.

The next day, Jason’s Sweet Bird landed from their mission.

He slipped away from the base and spent the evening with Cindy inside her apartment. 

After dinner, they had a sweet, quiet romantic moment where they cuddled and listened to the BBC on the radio.

Later that night, Jason rushed over to the hospital to see Peggy. 

She rushed him into an examination room where she immediately jumped his bones, and passionately kissed him. Jason accepted it for a few seconds then squirmed out of her tight embrace.

He faked a yawn. “I’m tired and need some rest for tomorrow’s mission,” Jason said with another fake yawn. “I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he said then gave her a light kiss on her lips.

She looked mad while he walked out of the room.

The next day, the Sweet Bird flew in formation with eleven other B-17s in the low squadron over England on their way to Germany.

After the mission was completed and the Sweet Bird safely landed back at the Chipley Springs airfield, he met Cindy at the side of the Administration Building for a quick kiss. 

She went back inside the building to return to work and Jason headed to the briefing hut.

When Jason arrived at the debriefing hut, he saw Peggy, in her nurses uniform, while she paced by the door.

She ran up to Jason and hugged him. “I’m so happy you survived this mission,” she said then kissed his lips.

“Me too,” he replied, then pulled her away. “I have to attend my debriefing,” he told her.

Peggy pouted and crossed her arms. “I want to spend the evening with you!” she said.

“I know, but we have to do what the Army tells us.”

“Why can’t I watch your plane land?” she asked.

Jason thought for a few seconds for an excuse. “Well darling, I don’t want you to be there in case we crash because our plane was shot up,” he lied, but that could be a real possibility.

She thought about his response for a few seconds. “Okay,” she replied with a tone of reluctance.

Jason gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and went inside the briefing hut.

Peggy walked away and pouted while she headed to the hospital.

Later that night, Peggy paced outside Jason’s barracks in her nurses uniform. She just got off duty and wanted to see Jason for a romantic moment.

Andy peeked outside the barracks door and saw Peggy while she paced close to the door.

He stepped outside and walked up to her. “Hi, Peggy.”

“Where’s Jason?” she immediately asked and could care less about talking with Andy.

Andy thought for a few seconds for an excuse. “Oh, he’s talking with Colonel Franklin about an upcoming mission. He won’t be back until a couple of hours.”

Peggy walked away, disappointed, and headed over to her barracks.

Andy went inside the barracks relieved that she bought his story.

Jason had the next off since no missions were planned. He managed to slip off the base without Peggy’s watchful eyes catching him.

So Jason and Cindy had a picnic near a creek in the countryside. They cuddled while they enjoyed the peace and quiet from the war. Jason’s mind didn’t think about Peggy for one second while he was with Cindy. He was back in heaven.

Later that day, Jason and Cindy jogged down the streets of Chipley Springs. 

Later that night, Peggy paced outside Jason’s barracks and looked upset.

Andy walked up to the barracks after some dancing and drinking at the Let’s Boogie Down dance hall.

“Where’s Jason?” Peggy immediately asked the second she laid eyes on Andy.

“Ah,” Andy stammered for a response. “Ah, I, ah, don’t know? I saw him this morning, but haven’t seen him since. Maybe he’s preparing for tomorrow’s mission?” Andy lied.

Peggy stomped her feet and threw a little temper tantrum. “I can’t believe him! The one day we can be alone, and he’s off doing stupid Army crap!” she yelled out then she turned around and stormed away occasionally stomping her feet.

The next day, the Sweet Bird was on another bombing mission to blow up a German military complex.

Inside the Sweet Bird, Jason and Andy were looking out their windows when all of a sudden, a Messerschmitt flew into view. That German plane almost clipped them, and Jason made an evasive maneuver to avoid a collision. He straightened out the plane and heard the machine guns fire from his plane while his crew members shot at the Messerschmitt.

“I got the bastard!” Jerome called out from the radio net.

Jason removed the picture of Cindy and him under the nose of the Sweet Bird from his pocket. He kissed the picture then shoved it back in his pocket.

They flew the Sweet Bird with the other B-17s to their German military-industrial target.

The Sweet Bird landed, and the group only lost one B-17 during this mission.

After they parked and secured the Sweet Bird, Jason made a dash over to the Administration Building.

After Jason gave Cindy a few kisses, he made a mad dash to the briefing hut.

Peggy greeted him outside the briefing hut.

“I want to meet you tonight,” Peggy said and looked determined. “I have a special birthday present,” she said with a smile.

“Ah, sure,” replied Jason without thinking. 

Peggy’s eyes widened with joy and immediately planted a kiss on Jason’s lips. 

“I have to get inside for my debriefing,” he told her then rushed off to the door.  

Peggy walked off toward the hospital with a spring in her step.

Later that night, Jason rushed into Chipley Springs where Cindy baked him a small birthday cake. 

They had a romantic evening eating cake, kissing, and cuddling while they listened to the BBC radio.

Later that night, Peggy looked pissed while she paced back and forth by Jason’s barracks with a small birthday cake in her hand.

Jason walked up to his barracks. He had a smile on his face while he thought about his time spent with Cindy.

Then his eyes widened in a little fear when he saw Peggy, and he cringed, as he forgot about their meeting.

Peggy looked pissed the second she saw Jason. She rushed up to him and smashed the small birthday cake hard into his face.

Peggy stormed away, furious!

Other officers walked by the barracks. They chuckled at the sight of Jason with cake all over his face. 

After Jason went to the latrine hut to clean up his face, he retired to his bunk for the night.

A little while later, he read a letter from his mom while he relaxed in his bunk.

”Dear Son, Peggy wrote to me, and she’s upset with your behavior with her. That concerns dad and myself,” Wilma wrote in her letter.

Jason lowered the letter and stared at the ceiling, wondering how he was going to get out of marrying Peggy.

The next day, Jason told Cindy that he had business to attend with Rocky, his mechanic. He also paid Rocky ten to back up his story and hated doing this but didn’t have a choice.

This allowed him to take Peggy out for a picnic in the country to calm her down a little.

While they were relaxing by another small creek outside the airfield, Peggy got amorous and started kissing Jason’s neck. 

She then unbuttoned her blouse while she kissed Jason’s lips. 

She took his hand and shoved it inside her opened blouse and rubbed it on her bra, covering her left breast. 

Jason could feel her erect nipple. He looked at his watch, and he stood up. “I have another meeting Rocky about some engine misfiring,” he said while he removed his hand out of Peggy’s blouse.

“What?” Peggy yelled a little pissed.

“Sorry honey, but we have a mission tomorrow, and I have to make sure my plane is in tip-top shape,” Jason replied.

Peggy was pissed while Jason gathered up their belonging.

The next day arrived, and the Sweet Bird was in formation with eleven other B-17s in the low squadron, while they were on another mission to Germany. The target for this mission was a factory that produced Panzerkampfwagen I tanks.

Inside the Sweet Bird, Jason and Andy watched while flak exploded in front of their plane. 

Then they saw a Messerschmitt that raced after a B-17 the Courageous Cougar to their left. The German plane fired its machine guns, and two engines on the left-wing of the Courageous Cougar exploded into flames. 

They watched while the Courageous Cougar tumbled down to the ground.

Everybody on the Sweet Bird tried to ignore the screams of the crew members of the Courageous Cougar while it tumbled down to their death. This became an all too familiar sound on the radio.

Jason and Andy heard the machine guns from the rear of the Sweet Bird while his crew members tried to get revenge with that Messerschmitt.

“We got the bastard!” Don cried out from the radio net.

The rest of the bombers continued their flight to the targets.

The mission was a success, and the remaining B-17s turned around and headed back to the airfield.

Later that night, while Jason and Cindy took a stroll through the streets of Chipley Springs, Peggy followed Andy at the airfield to the Let’s Boogie Down dance hall.

A little while later, Andy chatted with an English woman at a table while they drank some beers inside the dance hall. 

While he laughed at something she said, his eyes drifted over at the door, and he saw Peggy storm inside the dance hall.

Peggy saw Andy, and she stormed after him. 

Andy saw Peggy coming at him, so he quickly kissed the woman on her cheek, and he bolted to the rear of the dance hall.

Peggy ran around tables in the dance hall in pursuit of Andy. “Where’s Jason?” she asked while she ran between some tables and almost tripped over a chair.

Andy ran to the back door of the dance hall and ran outside.

Peggy looked the area over once she got outside the dance hall, but Andy bolted into the darkness and wasn’t visible.

She ran off into the darkness in the direction she suspected Andy took.

Jason was able to sneak into the barracks without being seen by Peggy. He looked frazzled while he sat on his bed and ran a hand through his hair.

Andy bolted into the barracks and ran over to Jason’s bunk.

“She’s heading into the barracks!” Andy called out to Jason.

Jason jumped up and looked for a place to hide. He looked at this bunk then got down then slide on his stomach and hid under his bunk.

Peggy stormed inside the barracks and was furious. She looked around the place for Jason.

Andy quickly reacted, and he unbuckled then unzipped his pants. He dropped his trousers to his ankles then looked at Peggy. “Excuse me, but you don’t belong in here,” he said, standing there in his shirt, boxer shorts and his trousers around his ankles.

Peggy glared at Andy then she turned around and stormed out of the barracks.

“She’s gone,” Andy told Jason then he pulled up his trousers.

Jason got out from under his bed. “Thanks,” he said, then sat back down on his bunk.

Andy looked disgusted with Jason while he started to get ready for the night.

It was the next day, and the Chipley Springs airfield was busy getting for another bombing mission.

Jason and Andy walked around the Sweet Bird and performed their preflight inspection.

“Listen, I can’t cover for you anymore. You have to decide if you want Peggy or Cindy. And I have to be honest, Peggy’s scarier than the Nazis,” Andy told Jason while they looked under the left aileron for any apparent damage.

“I know. This is killing me too.”

“What are you going to do?”

Jason thought for a second then looked brave while they walked around and inspected the tail section of the Sweet Bird. “I’m going to,” he said but stopped when Peggy suddenly appeared.

“Going to do what?” she curiously asked while she walked up to Jason and Andy.

“Ah, finish my preflight,” Jason quickly replied.

Andy tip toed away, as he didn’t want to get involved with their discussion.

“Whatever, darling, I just love you,” she responded then she kissed and hugged Jason. 

He squirmed out of her embrace. “Ah Peggy, I have an airplane to get ready for a dangerous mission,” he said.

Jason looked past Peggy and saw Cindy while she stood by her bike at the corner of the tower building.

Cindy got on her bike and rode away and was upset.

Jason’s eyes widened with fear knowing Cindy saw Peggy kiss him.

“Crap, I forgot that Colonel Franklin wants to see me for some coordinates information about the mission,”

Jason bolted off to the tower building.

Peggy watched Jason then she looked at Andy who pretended to check out a landing wheel, so he marched over to him.

“What’s going on with Jason?” she snapped at Andy

Andy looked at Jason while he sprinted to the tower building where he saw Cindy ride her bike.

“Ah, I don’t know. The Colonel probably wants to talk about the mission. He does that with the Air Commanders,” Andy responded with his best cover story.

Peggy glared at Andy who gives her a nervous fake smile.

She eyed Jason while he sprinted after Cindy, and she got suspicious. “Who is that girl?” she asked Andy while she pointed at Cindy.

Andy looked at where Peggy was pointing. “That girl?”

“Yes, that blonde girl!”

“Ah, she works in the Administration Building. Maybe she has some paperwork for Jason that the Colonel needs signing,” Andy responded with another cover story.

Peggy still looked suspicious of Jason while he chased after Cindy.

Cindy raced her bike with teary eyes away to the rear of the Administration Building that was out of view of the planes.

Jason sprinted up behind her. “Cindy! I can explain!”

“Get away from me!” Cindy cried out while she peddled away from the building.

Jason sprinted faster and got in front of her bike.

Cindy couldn’t stop her bike in time, and she ran into him, and she fell off her bike.

They both tumbled on the ground.

Jason jumped up and rushed over to her.

Cindy sat up and wiped away a couple of tears. “Do you always kiss other girls before a mission? Beautiful girls thinner than me!”

Jason helped Cindy up to her feet, and he looked nervous while he looked into her eyes. He took a deep breath. “There’s something I’ve should have told you. But first, I want you to know that you’re my whole life, and I love you with all my heart,” he said then kissed her lips.

“Jason, why are you kissing this woman?” yelled out Peggy from behind him.

Jason cringed. He pulled Cindy away from him.

He turned around in fear of hearing Peggy’s voice. He saw Peggy five feet away with her arms cross, and she was furious.

Cindy looked suspicious of Peggy. “Who is she, Jason?”

Peggy marched over with fire in her eyes.

She pushed Jason away and got in Cindy’s face nose to nose. “Who am I? Why I’m Peggy Moore. Jason’s fiancé! Who the hell are you?” Peggy yelled while she stared square into Cindy’s eyes.

Cindy got intimidated then it dawned on her and backed away from Peggy. “Fiancé?” she asked Jason while she looked a little confused. “You said you didn’t have a girlfriend,” she said while her eyes welled up.

Jason sweated, as he prayed this moment would never happen. “I, I, was so scared of telling you about Peggy. I was scared to death of losing you,” he said with a sincere voice.

Cindy got furious, and she slapped Jason’s cheek hard, leaving a red hand imprint. She sobbed while she stormed off, leaving her bike behind in the grass.

Peggy eyed Cindy then glared at Jason with fire in her eyes. “You bastard! Wait until daddy finds out what you did!” she yelled at Jason then slapped him hard across his other cheek, leaving a red hand imprint.

Peggy sobbed while stormed away back to her barracks.

Jason stood there in shock while he rubbed his cheeks.

“There you are, we have a mission to complete,” Andy said while he saw the whole episode.

Jason looked and saw Andy, who waited with no remorse for Jason.

Later that day, the Sweet Bird flew in formation in the low squadron with eleven other B-17s on their way to Germany.

In the cockpit of the Sweet Bird, Jason piloted with a blank, emotionless stare. His mind was on Cindy and the thought of losing her forever.

Andy glanced over at Jason. “What did you expect? Hugs and kisses from both women?”

Jason continued to fly his B-17 with his emotionless blank stare.

Unbeknownst to Jason and Andy, the Sweet Bird dangerously drifted close to another B-17 in the formation.

“Jay Jay, are you trying to take us out!” Wendell Browning, the Air Commander from the Boogie Bomber, yelled out from the radio net.

Andy looked at Jason’s cockpit window and saw they were dangerously close to the Boogie Bomber. He quickly banked the Sweet Bird to the right while Jason sat there with his emotionless stare.

“Jay Jay! Snap out of it!” Andy yelled.

 “What’s going on up there? Are you trying to get us killed?” Kirby yelled from the radio net.

“It’s under control,” Andy replied into the radio net.

“Good, I’m not ready to meet my maker today,” Raymond responded from the radio net.

Jason looked at Andy, and his eyes welled up.

“It’s my airplane,” Andy said then he took over the controls.

Jason removed his picture of Cindy and him under the Sweet Bird, from his jacket pocket. He stared at it while flak exploded all around them, shaking the plane.