Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


The story of Jason’s life after returning home to Glenn Burnie, Maryland.

June 1945 now arrived, and after a long boat ride across the Atlantic Ocean, Jason took the train from New York down to Baltimore.

The New York train pulled into the Mount Royal train station one mid-morning and stopped at the platform.

People started pouring out of the train.

Wilma and Wendy stood on the platform, anxious to see Jason.

He stepped off the train with his duffel bag in hand and looked depressed to be back home.

Jason stood on the platform then saw Wilma and Wendy while they waved at him.

He smiled while he watched Wendy run over to him.

Wendy immediately hugged Jason. “I missed you,” she said while she hugged.

“You look, great sis,” Jason replied.

 Wendy hugged him tight then leaned up at his ear. “What about Cindy?” she whispered.

“She’s the past, and I don’t want to talk about her anymore,” Jason whispered back in a depressed tone in Cindy’s ear.

Wendy looked concerned with she separated from hugging Jason.

Wilma walked over, and her eyes welled up at the sight of her son still alive. “Welcome home son!”

Jason hugged Wilma.

Wilma saw his scar when they separated from his hug. “Did the Germans do that?” she asked while she touched his reminder of Colonel Bruker’s kindness toward the POWs.


Wilma looked upset for the Germans scaring her son.

“Let’s get you home,” Wilma said.

Jason walked down the platform with Wilma and Wendy.

They got into their 1939 Chevrolet and drove out of the parking lot.

“Is this our car?” Jason said from the backseat while Wilma drove down the street.

“Daddy bought it after Mister Moore gave him a promotion,” Wendy replied from the front passenger seat.

Wilma looked like something bugged her then she couldn’t keep it inside any longer. “I don’t know why you wanted that English girl, Jason. Peggy’s the one you should marry,” Wilma said in a scolding tone.

“I’m exhausted from my trip and really don’t want to talk about that right now,” Jason replied, then closed his eyes.

Wilma and Wendy both looked concerned during the drive home.

Later that day, Wendy and Jason sat on the swing on the wrap-around front porch of their new Victorian home while Wilma prepared dinner in the kitchen. 

It was quiet while Jason sipped on his bottle of Arrow beer and Wendy cuddled next to him.

“I have a boyfriend, his name is Sidney, and he’s simply dreamy,” Wendy replied with a gleam in her eyes.

“What does he do?” Jason asked.

“He’s selling insurance at his father’s office and plans to take it over one day,” she replied with a smile while she thought about Sidney.

“He sounds nice,” Jason replied, then sipped his beer.

“I’m working as a waitress down at Kirby’s Diner and saving my money for secretary’s school,” she replied.

“What are our plans?”

Jason thought for a few seconds. “I don’t know yet. I just don’t know,” he said then sipped his beer. “I might take a few months off and sort things out.”

Wendy had a gut feeling that something was wrong with her big brother. “Did Cindy dump you?”

Jason hesitated to respond but saw the concern in her eyes. “We were engaged just before I flew the mission when I got shot down. When I returned back to England, I learned that she got pregnant by a British pilot and married him,” Jason said then he gulped down the rest of his beer.

“I’m sorry about that,” Wendy replied, then gave him a kiss on his cheek to show her support.  “She sounded nice, and to be honest, I never really cared for Peggy,” she added.

Jason kissed the top of her head. “Thanks, sis,” he said the stood up to get another beer.

Wendy waited on the swing while Jason went inside to get another beer. 

A few minutes later, Jason walked back out of the house and saw his father, in a suit, while he walked up to the walkway to the porch.

Hank’s eyes lit up the second he saw Jason on the porch.

“Welcome home, son,” Hank said when he stepped on the porch.

Hank hugged Jason, and his eyes welled up so happy his son survived the war. “I’m so glad your home, now we can get things back to the way they once were,” Hank said while he separated from the hug. He noticed Jason’s scar above his left eye. “War wound?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Jason replied while he remembered that day.

“Did a bullet gaze you while flying your B seventeen?” Hank curiously asked.

“No, some German Colonel beat me with his Lugar while I was in the Stalag,” Jason replied.

“Bastards!” Hank replied and looked a little mad at the Germans for hurting his son. He stepped back a little. “How do you like your old man wearing a suit to work?” Hank said with a gleam in his eyes.

“You look snappy,” Jason replied.

“Yep, Mister Moore gave me a nice promotion and a desk job, and I can now afford a car,” he said that gleam still in his eyes.

“That’s nice dad,” Jason replied but really didn’t want to hear about Mister Moore.

“How do you like our new fancy house?” Hank asked so proudly of his new home.

“It’s sure fancy,” Jason replied.

“Well, take a few days to relax, Mister Moore wants to see you in his office. I think he’s going to offer you a nice paying job,” Hank replied and was excited of Jason working down at the plant. “Well, let me go check up with mother on how’s dinner coming along,” Hank added then patted Jason on his back then went inside the house.

Jason sat down on the porch and looked bothered.

“What are you going to do?” Wendy asked, concerned.

“Maybe I might reenlist back into the Army,” Jason replied while he took a drink of his beer.

“I don’t blame you if you did,” Wendy replied while she cuddled next to Jason.

An hour later, Wendy helped Wilma set the table for dinner.

While they were placing the pot roast on the table, someone knocked on the door.

Wilma had a smile on her face after hearing the knock. “I’ll get it,” she said then rushed over to the door.

Wilma opened up the door, and Peggy entered the living room.

Jason cringed at the sight of Peggy but knew he would have to face her sooner or later.

“Look at our special dinner guest,” Wilma said with a smile.

“Hi Jason,” Peggy said with a sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him.

Jason hesitated for a few seconds. “Hi, Peggy.”

Wilma winked at Jason while she walked past him and headed to the kitchen.

Wendy discreetly rolled her eyes at the sight of Peggy.

Peggy walked up to Jason, gave him a hug, and kissed him on his cheek. “I’m so happy you survived that Stalag. I was worried sick when I heard the news,” Peggy said while she placed her arm around Jason’s arm.

“I’m happy to survive that Stalag also,” Jason said.

“Dinner’s ready,” Wilma called out while she brought out a bowl of mashed potatoes and placed it on the table.

“Let’s eat!” Hank told everybody.

Peggy walked Jason over to the table and made sure they sat by each other.

Hank and Wilma smiled at the sight of Peggy sitting next to Jason at the table.

“Jason, daddy wants you to come by the office in two days. He wants to talk some important business,” Peggy told Jason with a warm smile.

“I know, father already told me,” Jason replied but wasn’t interested in meeting with her father.

Everybody started eating, and Jason hated every moment of that dinner with Peggy by his side.

After dinner, Peggy wanted to take Jason out for a night of dancing, but he politely declined to state that he was still exhausted from the long journey home. 

Peggy left a little disappointed but pretended that she understood.

Two days passed and Jason went to visit Kenny Moore at his plant.

Kenny sat down with Jason at a couch in his office. Peggy sat in a nearby chair.

“I’m so happy to see you returned safe and sound from that war,” Kenny told Jason.

“Thank you, sir.”

“I can forget everything that happened over in England. After all, there was a war going on, and people are under a lot of stress. So now we can return things back to normal,” Kenny said while he winked at Peggy.

“Of course they will, daddy,” Peggy replied with a warm smile at Jason.

“Now Jason, I’m prepared to offer you a job as vice president of production. We’re going to branch out and start assembling television sets. I believe those devices are going to be huge in the future, and there’s a company called Murray Industries that has a new television design. They want my plant to assemble the sets. We’ll start out with a small production line, and I predict that in five years, we’ll be doubling that line,” Kenny told Jason and followed up with a pat on a back.

“Well sir, I really appreciate the offer, but I’ve been doing some thinking during the last day, and I’m going to reenlist back in the Army Air Corps. I want to get back to being a pilot,” Jason replied.

Peggy looked extremely disappointed with Jason turning down her father’s job offer.

“Well, I can respect that,” Kenny replied then looked at Peggy, who looked upset. 

“Well sir, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll be going. I promised dad I would do some painting at the house,” Jason said then stood up from the couch.

“Well, son, please give my offer some serious thought before you reenlist,” Kenny said while he stood up.

“Yes sir,” Jason replied while he stood up.

Kenny and Jason shook hands then they walked to the door. 

Peggy pouted while she watched Jason leave her father’s office.

Later that night, Jason had a little fight with his father and mother when he told them that he planned on turning down the job offer at Kenny’s plant.

So he stormed out of the house and walked down to the nearest bar to drink his sorrow’s away.

Two hours later, Jason, with hair a mess, sat drunk at a bar with a few patrons.  There was a bottle of whiskey that was half-emptied on the bar in front of Jason.

Peggy entered the bar, looked the place over, and smiled when she spotted Jason.

 She rushed over to the bar and sat down next to Jason.

“It’s you,” he slurred out, then took another drink. 

She straightened out his hair with her fingers.

He shooed her hand away and took another drink.

“The past is over. We must move onto our future,” Peggy told him.

Jason looked over at Peggy and his eyes well up when he thought about Cindy.

“What happened to Cindy?” she curiously asked.

“I don’t want to talk about her right now,” Jason slurred out then took another swig of whiskey.

“Did she dump you?” she asked.

“Fucking bitch,” Jason slurred out then took another drink of whiskey.

He looked back over at Peggy, she leaned in and kissed Jason’s lips. 

Jason was drunk, and he accepted her lips.

Peggy pulled away from Jason and grabbed his hand. “I better drive you home. I don’t want you getting lost while walking home or hurting yourself,” she said then helped Jason off the stool.

She grabbed his whiskey bottle and walked him to the door.

Once she got outside, she walked Jason to her father’s brand new shiny black 1945 Cadillac.

She helped him into the passenger seat then she got behind the wheel.

She started the car up and drove away.

Instead of driving Jason home, she drove out to the country.

Jason was still too drunk to realize she wasn’t taking him home. He just sat in the passenger seat in a drunken stupor and stared out the window thinking about Cindy.

A little while later, Peggy drove her father’s Cadillac down the dirt driveway to the old man Adam’s farm. She knew he was out of town, so she parked the car by the barn.

She got Jason out of the car and walked him to the trunk of the car. She opened up the trunk and removed a blanket. 

After she closed the trunk and she walked him over to the barn.

Once they got inside the barn, she placed the blanket on the ground. 

She gazed in Jason’s eyes. “Just believe that I’m Cindy tonight,” she said then she immediately kissed his lips.

Jason was too drunk to come to his senses, so he accepted her kiss.

Peggy slipped out of her high heel shoes.

She then untied Jason’s shoes, slipped them off, and removed his socks.

Peggy unbuttoned Jason’s shirt and tossed it over to some hay.

She unbuttoned her dress and slipped out of it and tossed it over to Jason’s shirt.

Jason swayed drunk while she unzipped his pants and slid them down his legs. He stepped out of his pants, and she tossed them over by her dress.

She lowered his boxer shorts, and he stepped out of them.

She unclipped her bra and removed it. 

She then lowered her panties and slipped out of them.

She stood naked with Jason and kissed his lips.

She then lowered Jason down to the blanket.

She started kissing Jason, and he was too drunk to resist.