Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The story of Jason's life after returning home to Glenn Burnie, Maryland continued.

The next morning he woke up in old man Adam's barn. He looked around dazed, confused, and hungover. 

Then he saw his clothes with Peggy's clothes in the hay. 

"What?" he said while he scratched his head. Then realized he was bare-ass naked. His eyes widened when he looked his left and saw Peggy asleep on her side and saw her bare ass cheeks. 

"What's going on?" he said while he stared at Peggy's ass cheeks.

She woke up and rolled over to her back. "Good morning sweetheart," she said while she yawned and aimed her breasts at Jason.

Jason couldn't believe his eyes when he saw her fully naked body.

It hit him hard when it dawned on him. "Did we?" he asked and was afraid of the answer.

Peggy had a warm smile. "Yes, we did darling, and you were wonderful," she said while she lovingly ran her fingers up and down his arm.

He bolted up and rushed over to his clothes.

Peggy had a smirk while she watched Jason quickly dress in his clothes.

She got up and strolled over naked to Jason while he slipped on his boxer shorts. "We can do it again," she seductively said while she leaned in and kissed his lips.

"I got to go. I promised dad some help with painting the house," he said then quickly slipped on his pants.

Peggy slipped on the panties while Jason wore his shirt.

"Let me get dressed, and I'll drive you home," she said while she placed on her bra.

Jason slipped on his shoes and shoved his socks into his pants pockets. 

He rushed over to the barn door and left the barn.

"But I'll drive you home!" Peggy yelled out while she ran to the barn door.

"I'll run home," Jason yelled back while he ran toward old man Adam's dirt driveway.

Peggy finished getting dressed while she watched Jason run down the dirt driveway. She felt hurt but had an evil smirk on her face while she placed her high-heeled shoes on her feet.

Jason was pissed with himself while he ran down the road into town.

A little while later, Jason ran down a street in Glenn Burnie.

Wendy was on waitress duty at Kirby's Diner this morning. She was at a table and poured coffee into a man's cup. She glanced at the window and saw Jason while he ran down the street. What's wrong? She thought while the look on Jason's face indicated he was upset. She didn't pay attention, and the coffee overflowed from the man's cup.

"Hey!" the man yelled out in a panic jumping over to avoid hot coffee in his crotch.

Wendy looked, and her eyes widened seeing coffee pouring out of the cup, and flowing all over the table.

"I'm so sorry," Wendy said then immediately grabbed her towel and soaked up the hot coffee before it ran over the table into the man's pants.

Back in his neighborhood, Jason continued to run down the street. "How could I be so stupid?" said Jason, and he wanted to kick himself in his butt.

Later that afternoon, Jason sat on the front porch swing, drank some coffee, and popped more aspirin.

Wendy walked up to the walkway to the front porch, exhausted from her shift at the diner.

She looked concerned when she entered the porch and walked over to the swing.

"What happened this morning?" she asked while she sat down on the swing.

"What do you mean?" he replied, then sipped some more coffee.

"I saw you run by the diner in a panic this morning. I almost poured coffee on this man's lap."

Jason looked back at the living room window to make sure their mom wasn't within hearing range. He leaned over to Wendy's ear. "I did something idiotic last night. Really stupid!" he whispered to her.

"What?" she curiously whispered back.

"I got drunk and then apparently I took Peggy to old man Adam's barn last night. We spent the night, and when I woke up, we were both naked," he whispered.

Wendy's mouth dropped open, and she shouldn't believe her ears. "You did what?"

"I had sex with Peggy last night," he whispered again.

Wendy looked at Jason in shock.

"I'm so stupid," he said while he slapped his forehead with his free hand. He cringed, as he still had a headache from his hangover.

"You need to stay away from that girl," Wendy replied and looked worried for her big brother.

"I will," he replied, then drank the rest of his coffee.

A month had passed.

Jason painted his parents' house to kill some time while he figured out his future.

He was also successful in avoiding Peggy, but he didn't notice when she drove by the house numerous times while he painted the house.

The house was all painted, and Jason sat on the front porch swing drinking a bottle of Arrow beer.

Kenny's Cadillac drove down the street, and it parked in front of Jason's house.

Jason cringed when he saw Peggy get out of the Cadillac and walked down the walkway to the front porch.

"I knew it was too good to be true," he quietly said to himself while he took a drink of beer.

"Hello Jason," Peggy said in a sweet voice the second she stepped on the porch.

"Hi, Peggy," he replied, then took a sip of his beer.

Peggy looked a little nervous while she walked over and sat down on the swing next to Jason.

Jason looked away while he sipped on his beer.

"The house looks good. You did an outstanding job painting it," she politely told him while she looked the house over.

"Thank you," he replied, then took another sip of beer and silently prayed she would leave.

Peggy fidgeted and looked nervous, as she was itching to say something but hesitated for the correct words.

Jason took another drink of his beer.

"I'm pregnant," she quickly blurted out.

Jason spat out his beer and choked on some. After he stopped choking, he looked at her. "What?" he asked, unsure he correctly heard what she told him.

"I'm pregnant."

Jason looked stunned. "Pregnant? How is that possible?"

"Remember our romantic night at old man Adams barn?" she said.

Jason thought for a second, then it dawned on him when he remembered waking up naked that morning. He rubbed his head in frustration. "What do we do now?"

"The right thing. Or bear the fury of daddy for getting his little girl pregnant. And then he'll probably fire your father."

Jason felt trapped, and he wanted to scream. 

"I would hate it if your parents would lose this beautiful house. I know your mother loves it so dearly," she said, staring at Jason to make him sweat.

Jason didn't respond, and he took another drink of beer.

Peggy glanced over at the beer bottle in Jason's hand. She quickly snatched the bottle from his grip and got up from the swing.

She walked to the edge of the porch. She poured the rest of his beer out on the flowers below.

She walked back to the swing and sat down. "I'll tell my parents tonight that you had a change of heart and decided to marry me. We'll get married in two weeks, and then they'll believe we conceived after we were married," she told him.

"But won't your doctor say something to your parents? After all, Dr. Benson plays golf with your father," Jason replied.

"I didn't have Dr. Benson look at me. I saw a doctor in Baltimore to be discreet," Peggy responded and looked serious.

Jason looked trapped and didn't have a way out of this dilemma.

An hour later, Peggy was gone, and Jason still sat on the front porch swing and looked stunned.

Wendy walked down the walkway in her waitress outfit, exhausted from another shift at the diner.

She saw Jason on the swing the second she stepped on the porch and sensed something was wrong.

"What happened now?" she asked while she sat down on the swing next to Jason.

Jason spent the next few minutes telling Wendy that Peggy was pregnant, and he doesn't have a choice but to get married.

Wendy was furious, as she knew Peggy tricked him so they could get married. "I'll always be here for you," she said then rested her head on his shoulder.

"And I'll always be here for you," he replied and placed his arm around his sister.

That night, Wilma and Hank were in heaven with the news that Jason finally decided to marry Peggy. 

Kenny and his wife, Sally, were also elated that the wedding was finally going to take place.  Peggy insisted that the wedding take place within two weeks before Jason chickened out again.

During the next week, Wilma, and Sally spent all of their free time putting together the wedding plans.

Also during that week, Kenny got his future son-in law's office ready to start his job after the honeymoon.

Two weeks passed, and it was the day of Jason and Peggy's wedding.

In a room in the church, Jason wore a tuxedo while he paced back and forth, still hating the thought of marrying Peggy. He often wished he died over there in Germany.  This is my death sentence. He said over and over again in his mind.

Hank entered the room in his tuxedo and saw Jason while he paced back and forth. "I was nervous on my wedding day. I believe I vomited three times before going to the altar," Hank said then chuckled while he remembered that day. "I almost vomited on your mom," he added and chuckled again.

He walked over and patted Jason's shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll survive this beautiful moment. I promise."

Jason looked like he wanted to vomit. "I need some fresh hair," he said then walked to the door.

"Hurry back," Hank said while he watched Jason leave the room.

Jason walked down the hallway and passed by a door that was cracked open.

"Peggy, I'm glad Jason came to his senses," Donna, Peggy's best friend and maiden of honor said from inside the room with the cracked door.

Jason walked a little farther down the hallway then he got curious. 

He walked back to the door and listened.

Inside the room, Donna helped with the final touches with Peggy's wedding dress.

"He came to his sense because I tricked him," Peggy replied to Donna.

"How's that?" Donna curiously asked.

"You better promise to keep this a secret. Because if you don't, I'll have your daddy fired from the plant," Peggy replied.

"I won't tell a soul. I promise!" Donna replied.

"I told Jason I was pregnant," Peggy replied with an air of cockiness in her voice.

"Oh, my God! When did that happen?" Donna replied, shocked.

"We spent the night in old man Adams barn little over a month ago."

"I can't believe you had sex before you got married," Donna replied a little shocked.

"I didn't have sex with him. Jason was too drunk to do anything but fall asleep," Peggy replied with a smirk.

"You lied to him?" Donna replied.

"It was the only way I could get him to marry me. But you should have seen what that I did to that English bitch that Jason wanted to marry," Peggy said with another smirk.

"What?" Donna curiously asked.

Jason kicked the door opened.

The girls screamed.

Jason stormed inside the room, and he was furious. 

He stormed over to Peggy. "You lied about being pregnant?" he yelled in her face.

Peggy looked scared. "It was the right thing to do. We're destined to be together forever. After all, you cheated on me with that fat English girl," Peggy replied.

"What else did you lie about?" Jason yelled out.

Peggy hesitated if she should tell him. "That's not important anymore. Our love and future are more important. She's the horrible past from England that you must forget forever," Peggy responded while her eyes welled up.

Jason got ready to slap her, but he refrained, knowing that would make him the bad guy.

He stormed out of the room and almost knocked down Wendy, who entered after she heard the conservation in the hallway.

Wendy looked out into the hallway then looked back at Peggy, who looked scared.

Wendy smirked while Peggy rushed past her and out of the room.

Wendy and Donna rushed out of the room and into the hallway.

Jason ran out of the church and headed to the parking lot.

Peggy ran out of the church and stopped while she searched for Jason in the church grounds. 

She saw him while he ran to his father's car. "Jason! Please don't leave me!" she yelled out and ran toward the car.

Jason started the car up.

Peggy ran over to the car.

Jason slammed the car in reverse and backed up.

He slammed the car into first gear and stomped on the gas pedal.

Peggy's wedding dress was sprayed with dirt and grass while Jason raced the car out of the parking lot.

She looked down at her dress that was covered in dirt and grass. 

She looked at Jason's car while it sped down the road.

She dropped to the ground and started sobbing.

"What's the matter, dear?" Wilma and Sally said the second they ran up to Peggy.

"Jason ran out at our wedding?" Peggy sobbed out.

"He did what?" Kenny asked when he ran up to Peggy along with Hank.

"Jason ran out at our wedding?" Peggy sobbed again into her hands.

"Why would he do that?" Kenny asked while he glared at Hank.

"I don't know," Hank replied a little baffled with Jason's behavior.

"He ran out because Peggy tricked Jason into marrying him by making him believe she was pregnant," Wendy said.

"She did what?" Kenny asked a little unsure he heard Wendy correctly.

"She tricked Jason into marrying her by making him believe she was pregnant," Wendy repeated.

Sally looked at Donna, who stood next to Wendy. "Donna, what do you know about this?" she asked.

Donna looked nervous about saying anything. "I don't want my father to be fired," she nervously replied.

"Donna, if you lie to me, I'll fire your father. Now tell me the truth, and I won't fire him," Kenny said and looked serious.

Donna looked at Peggy, who continued to sob. "Peggy told me she lied to Jason about being pregnant so she could trick him into marrying her," Donna replied.

Peggy looked like she wanted to kill Donna for telling her secret.

Peggy got up and stormed away to the church.

Kenny and Sally ran after Peggy.

Hank and Wilma looked worried while their car was just a small dot way down the road.

From the car, Jason's eyes welled up while he drove away from the church. He reached under the front seat and pulled a whiskey bottle he stashed under there a few days ago.  

He looked at the bottle then rolled down the window. He tossed out the bottle and heard it shatter on the road.

He drove off down the street.

Jason returned home later that night and had a little heated argument with his parents for running out on the wedding. But they eventually understood that Jason was tricked and it was never mentioned again.

Two days later, Wendy went down with Jason to the Army recruiting station where he reenlisted in the Army Air Corps.

Two weeks later, Wilma and Wendy took Jason back to the Mount Royal train station for the third time and last time left home for the military.