Byte Saddam by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Three


September 22, 10:00 A.M. PST

Day 1 of the Iraq attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team had assembled to start working on the attack. They were eager to get started.

“Disruption of weapons flow is the priority for the next two days,” Razer says. “We have assessed most of the brokers handling the flow in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. They have limited automation. This means that our best approach is to modify the records of the transportation companies and divert the shipments to other locations.”

“There are four brokers that use email and have a computer to login to the major shipping companies for tracking and other services,” Germ says. “These are the biggest brokers on our list. We hacked their ISP email servers and are having duplicates of all of the emails sent to the attack server in France.”

“We have set up a system to read the email jumping through several attack servers,” Rabbit says. “I have set up icons on all our workstations that will handle the navigation for you. There is a mail box for each of the companies.”

“How soon can we start diverting shipments?” Tonya asks.

“Today,” Germ replies. “We have identified the major transportation providers and have profiled their computer systems.”

“We can walk right into most of the systems,” Rabbit adds. “We should do it between midnight and 5:00 A.M. Europe time. Several customers access the systems late at night. They move lots of data via EDI applications. So we can slip in unnoticed for the most part.”

“We have identified several accounts that the brokers consistently use for the movement of arms to Iraq,” Blaster adds. “We can focus on those accounts and have high impact.”

“The big question is where to divert the shipments to.” Tonya says.

“Who do we like?” Lucy asks. “And how many times can we get away with this?”

“I think we can run the tactic about ten times over a period of a month.” Germ replies.

“I agree,” Tonya says. “But let’s choose the shipments carefully.”

“The information about the shipments is usually false,” Razer adds. “Most of them are described as machinery, tools, or medical equipment.”

“We could probably model a decision process,” Spinx adds. “We can look at weight, size, and dimensions.”

“We can also extract some information from the emails we are duplicating.” Germ adds.

“We need to compile enough information to start diverting as soon as possible.” Razer directs. “Germ, Rabbit, Lulu, and Lucy will work on that part and present options as soon as possible.”

“Spinx, I need you to work on identifying four or five options for repatriation of funds,” Razer directs. “Be ready to present options ASAP.”

“Easy’” Spinx says. “We have already complied considerable information. I just need to sort through it and narrow things down.”

As the team goes to work on their assignments Razer, Blaster, and Tonya sit at a table to discuss how to target specific groups and individuals.

“A porn trap should be easy in this case,” Blaster says. “Especially if we can set it up in an anti American fashion.”

“We are all thinking along the same lines,” Razer says.

“In the PH2 attack Bad Girl clearly showed that it is easy to trap people by going to the lowest level possible.” Tonya adds.

“No doubt about it,” Blaster continues. “In this case the degradation of American women will draw in a lot of traffic from the Middle East and supporters around the world.”

“Blaster, among the three of us you are the best at cyber stings,” Razer says. “Will you work with Brenda and Sharon on this?”

“Sure,” Blaster says. “But we will probably need body parts from all of us to stage some photo shots. Germ and Rabbit can help with the props if we need to take photos.”

Brandon arrives at the warehouse carrying two large bags of sandwiches from the deli down the street. “Anyone hungry?” he asks.

The affirmative response was unanimous as he unpacked the lunch.

While the team was eating Brandon was reading the notes and list that the team had written on the white board. “Very impressive.” He says. “I am going back to my painting. Everyone have a good afternoon.”

“I have some specific information from one of the trapped emails,” Lulu announces. “It refers to a shipment that is in port in France and will be loaded within the next few days. It is very heavy and very large. There are 35 containers each weighing over 30 tons each. I have the manifest information and the container numbers.”

The team gathers around to look at the information and discuss their options.

“Spinx find out how many ships are in that port and where they are going,” Razer directs.

“Easy,” Spinx says. “I can have it in 5 or 10 minutes.”

“This could be easy,” Germ says. “But we need a place to divert it to.”

“Let’s see what our options are,” Razer directs.

A few minutes later Spinx has printed out a list of ships in the port and their destinations. “There are ten ships in port,” she announces. “All have several stops scheduled. We can divert the shipment to China, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, anywhere in Northern Africa, India, and Brazil without having too many stops in between.”

“Comments?” Razer asks.

“Certainly not China, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, anywhere in Northern Africa, India, or Brazil,” Lucy insists. “I have some contacts in Australia and know the CIA folks who operate out of there.”

“So what happens when the shipment gets to Australia?” Blaster asks.

“The CIA folks in Australia have set up an import/export company,” Lucy replies. “They can handle the shipment when it gets there or just keep it in the port for months.”

“Can we pull it off?” Razer asks. “Are we prepared?”

Germ and Rabbit confirm that they can do the hack and make the changes in the computer. “If we have two days before it is to be loaded on a ship to go to the Middle East, that means we have two nights to try,” Rabbit says.

“The ship bound for Australia has plenty of capacity,” Spinx reports. “It will leave the French port in two days.”

“The vessel that the shipment is now slated for does not get into port for three days,” Lulu adds. “It will be in port for about a week unloading and loading.”

“By that time the diverted shipment should almost be to Australia,” Spinx adds.

“What is the worse case scenario?” Tonya asks.

“The broker discovers that the shipment is misplaced before it gets to Australia,” Lucy continues. “The error is discovered and the shipment never gets unload in Sydney.”

“We might be able to delay the discovery,” Germ says. “We go into the transport company’s computer and change the destination. Once it is loaded and the ship is out of port we go back into the computer and modify or delete the records.”

“What are the options and consequences of modify the records?” Razer asks.

“If we modify the records to indicate that the containers should go on the ship that they were originally slated for and the containers come up missing the port authority may investigate.” Rabbit replies. “On the other hand, if we completely delete the records and any trace of them an investigation may still occur but it could be weeks before anyone figures it out.”

“That is not all bad,” Tonya adds. “If there is an investigation the worse thing that happens is that we cannot operate in that particular port for a while.”

“We still have several other ports that we can divert from,” Rabbit continues. “We know we can only run this tactic for a short period before it is ineffective. So why not start now?”

“Okay, do it,” Razer directs.

“Brenda and Sharon get into the Carlsbad airport at 7:00 P.M.” Blaster says. “I will pick them up and bring them to the house. Are we eating in?”

“We are eating in,” Tonya reports. “But the food is coming from the French restaurant. Dinner is schedule for 8:30 P.M.”

“Cool,” Germ says. “We should be done with the hack by then. French food for hacking a French port. Works for me.”


September 22, 8:00 P.M. PST

Day 1 of the Iraq attack

The house of Brandon’s team in Carlsbad, California

Brenda and Sharon arrived about 30 minutes late. Germ, Rabbit, Lucy, and Lulu were still at the warehouse working on diverting the shipment they identified earlier that day. Spinx and Blaster were working in the kitchen. Brenda, Sharon, Tonya, Razer, and Brandon were having wine on the front porch.

“The house looks great,” Brenda says. “It was just what I expected, with the exception that it has furniture in it.”

“We made him buy furniture,” Razer says teasing Brandon. “No furniture, no sex!”

“I did the same thing in D.C.,” Brenda says laughing.

“I want to get a little business out of the way,” Razer says. “We are running four major strategies: disruption of weapons flow, repatriation of funds, specific person as targets, and groups as targets. Brenda and Sharon are going to start working on projects targeting groups. They will also participate in other projects for training purposes. Blaster is your training coordinator.”

“We are going to set up a porn trap,” Razer continues. “We will need everyone’s help from time to time. We are going to start that project tomorrow morning.”

“Germ, Rabbit, Lucy, and Lulu are working on a disruption of weapons flow project right now,” Razer continues. “They will be here by dinner.”

“Lucy does not like to miss a meal,” Brandon teases as everyone laughs.

Within minutes the food arrived. Germ, Rabbit, Lucy, and Lulu arrive at 8:30 P.M. just as everyone was sitting down to dinner. Brandon is opening wine and pouring everyone a glass. When he finishes he makes a toast, “To our new team members.” Everyone joins in the welcome.

“We finished the first phases,” Germ reports. “The records were modified to divert 35 containers to Australia.”

“Once we confirm that they were loaded on the ship to Australia I will notify the CIA group there that they are on their way.” Lucy reports. “They can handle disposition or further delays from there.”

“We looked over the database structure and processes,” Rabbit reports. “We should be able to delete the records without any problem. It will probably take weeks for anyone to figure out what has happened.”

“Excellent,” Brandon says. “Let me know how things work out. You should get a prize for the first strike.”

Lucy and Lulu laugh indicating that Germ and Rabbit had already reaped some of their rewards.

“We picked out a room on the second floor for you,” Tonya informs Brenda and Sharon. “It has a private bath and we stocked it with everything we thought you might need for your first few days. There are four bedrooms on the second floor. Generally speaking Brandon and I use the one in the back of the house. Blaster and Razer have the one in the front of the house. Germ and Rabbit still sleep in the loft at the warehouse.”

“What about Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx?” Sharon asks.

“Sometimes here, sometimes in the warehouse,” Tonya continues.

“I will help you get settled in,” Blaster says to Brenda and Sharon. “We can go to the store anytime you want, but we mostly have things delivered. Just let us know what you need.”

“This food is great,” Brenda says. “I see the professor’s habits have not changed much.”

“French has always been one of his favorites,” Tonya adds.

As dinner progresses it is clear that Lucy and Lulu had not finished with what they had in mind for Germ and Rabbit. Spinx had definitely become interested in Sharon as had Razer and Blaster. Tonya had already decided that she was taking Brandon and Brenda to bed. Razer, Blaster, and Spinx knew the way was clear for them to go for Sharon.


September 23, 10:00 A.M. PST

Day 2 of the Iraq attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team had assembled to continue the attack. Brandon was still painting and did not join them.

“Anything to report on the first diverting project,” Razer asks.

“The containers were loaded onto the ship bound for Australia,” Germ reports. “It leaves port in 24 hours. That means tomorrow we need to go in and delete the records.”

“I will get in touch with the Australian CIA folks as soon as the ship is out of port,” Lucy says.

“We are profiling another port this morning,” Rabbits says. “We will have the systems cracked by tomorrow morning. Lulu has some evidence that there may be another big shipment going through there.”

“I am starting to focus on bank accounts in Switzerland, Turkey, and Hong Kong,” Spinx says. “Some of the email we got out of the university indicates there is a relationship between a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and some research going on in Iraq. We do not have that completely shaken out yet.”

“It could be a drug testing contract,” Tonya says. “The Europeans are really rigid on testing procedures and a lot of pharmaceutical companies do off-shore testing in the early stages of research.”

“We have seen some intelligence on that,” Brenda says. “Africa is being used as a test bed by pharmaceutical companies in Sweden, Norway, France, the UK, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, and even China. There is literally no consequence for failures or disasters.”

“Lucy, see if you get any more details on this from the CIA,” Razer directs. “Specifically on Switzerland.”

Brenda, Sharon, Blaster, and Razer sit down to discuss setting up a porn trap. Tonya, Germ, and Rabbit went to review details of the next port hack.

“We have been thinking of a few ideas for the porn trap,” Sharon says. “We are following the model that Bad Girl used in PH2.”

“We also discussed it a little bit,” Blaster says. “We did not get into details but tentatively landed on an anti American theme where Muslim men, specifically from Iraq, torture American women. We are going to use the site to plant Trojans on every machine that hits the site.”

“How will they work?” Sharon asks.

“The Trojans will leave a back door open for us and when ever the system is online a message will be sent to a server which will then probe the visiting system,” Blaster explains. “We will get the address books and look for financial information on the systems. Germ is almost done with the Trojan scripts.”

“Rabbit and Lucy found some usable material last night,” Razer says. “But we will likely need to create some of our own as well.”

“We can host with a porn friendly service in Malaysia,” Blaster says. “They also have online tools that will make the build fast and easy.”

“I want you to work on it under Blaster’s direction,” Razer says to Brenda and Sharon. “Right now I need to go talk to the professor for a few minutes.”


September 23, 11:00 A.M. PST

Day 2 of the Iraq attack

The house of Brandon’s team in Carlsbad, California

Razer walks into Brandon’s studio on the third floor of the house. “How are you this morning,” she asks Brandon.

“Feeling great,” Brandon replies.

“Does that have anything to do with who you had sex with last night?” Razer teases.

“Yes,” Brandon admits. “But I am also enjoying painting. How are things with you?”

“That is what I came to talk to you about,” Razer says. “So far we are doing good, but things will get tougher before the month is out.”

“I know they will,” Brandon says. “I think you will handle it just fine.”

“No I won’t,” Razer replies. “Can we go sit on the porch for a while so I can wallow in my lack of self-confidence?”

“Of course,” Brandon replies. “And every day for the rest of your life if necessary.”

They go to the kitchen and get two bottles of water and go to the front porch.

“I have two problems, maybe three,” Razer begins. “Yesterday I got scared. We had to make a fast decision on the first effort to divert possible arms shipments. I did not feel confident that we were ready. It seems to have gone okay. But I had to ask several times if we could handle it. At least I had to ask myself. Everyone else felt confident. Germ and Rabbit are always confident.”

“How many times have you heard me ask the same question?” Brandon asks. “I always ask the question in different ways.”

“I know you do and I thought about that last night,” Razer continues. “I am glad that Sharon was here, she helped get my mind off of it or I would have obsessed all night. But you know more than I do. You can ask a probing question without it being noticed.”

“What is Tonya doing this morning,” Brandon asks.

“She is working with Germ and Rabbit on some technical details of the next port hit,” Razer replies. She pauses for a moment, “Oh, I see.”

“She will keep an eye on them for you,” Brandon replies. “She said she had a bit of doubt but had looked over most of the details before they got started yesterday. She promised you her support. Didn’t she?”

“Yes,” Razer says. “I feel stupid. She was at my side all of the time and I did not recognize it.”

“But now you do,” Brandon says. “Let it go. Next problem.”

“People and love,” Razer says. “I think I love all of these people too much to objectively manage them. We have been peers and pals and now you are making me move ahead of the pack.”

“You are already ahead of the pack whether you realize it or not,” Brandon replies. “Let’s go over them one by one. Start with Blaster.”

“Blaster is my soul mate,” Razer says. “She is also my lover and best friend. I couldn’t live without her.”

“She is also your peer,” Brandon says. “That is why the two of you are going to rotate on project management. She has also promised to be there for you. She will also handle Brenda and Sharon. That will make things easier on you because you trust her and you know she is the best at what she does.”

“How about Germ and Rabbit?” Brandon asks.

“They are the two nicest guys I have ever met,” Razer says. “They are fun. They are clever. They are everything I want out the men around me. If I am going to have sex with men it is going to be them. Well, except you on occasion.”

“But?” Brandon asks.

“They get lucky more often than not,” Razer continues. “Ms. Singapore got them a wire tap during ExopaTerra which probably saved the world. But we may need to get into several Swiss banks and even more things on this job. I don’t want them relying on luck. I am grateful to Tonya for handling the technical stuff with them. I just have to remember she is there.”

“How about Lucy and Lulu?” Brandon asks.

“Two of the most wonderful people I have ever met,” Razer continues. “They also work well and seem to give support to anyone who needs it. Lucy knows global politics as well as hacking maneuvers and information warfare tactics. Lulu is dedicated to all of us. I am glad you saved her.”

“So they are in balance with the team,” Brandon concludes.

“Absolutely,” Razer agrees. “Plus they adore each other and they take good care of Germ and Rabbit which gives me more time to spend with Blaster.”

“Go onto Spinx,” Brandon requests.

“She is a dream because she can research things so fast,” Razer replies. “But she is not a hacker and never will be. She is very valuable none the less.”

“I agree with your perspective,” Brandon says. “How about Tonya?”

“I am so glad she is here,” Razer says. “I should have recognized more about what she was doing and how she was handling Germ and Rabbit. She is like you. She only steps in when necessary. And she loves you and the two of you are prefect together.”

“Anything else about Tonya?” Brandon asks.

“Yes,” Razer says. “I do not want you to think bad of me, but I wonder when she was actually recruited into the CIA. She could have been with them even during PH2 and PJ1. It makes me uneasy not knowing. Do you know?”

“No, I do not know,” Brandon admits. “But I do not need to know.”

“I need time to get used to Brenda and Sharon,” Razer says. “I had a little difficulty getting used to Lucy and Lulu but the way they stood up during the ExopaTerra fight won my respect and acceptance quickly. It takes me a while to get used to people. I don’t want your friend to come for a while. Can we wait until next year?”

“Yes of course we can wait,” Brandon says. “You have faced a lot of changes this year. But you seem a bit more comfortable living in the house instead of the warehouse.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Razer explains. “You know I love everyone. I just love Blaster more than them.”

“Anything else?” Brandon asks.

“There is one more thing,” Razer says. “I am afraid you are going to leave us.”

“I am not going to leave you,” Brandon replies.

“I don’t believe you,” Razer says. “I want to believe you but I don’t.”

“The deli is delivering sandwiches to the warehouse,” Brandon says. “Let’s go eat lunch with the team.”


September 23, 12:30 P.M. PST

Day 2 of the Iraq attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

Razer and Brandon walk in just as the team is sitting down to eat their lunch. Tonya was still working on her examination of the hack plan for the next port. Lulu and Lucy had found evidence of another large shipment. And the team was gearing up for a hit.

Brandon walks over to Tonya and breaks her concentration. “How are you doing?” he asks.

Tonya looks up at him smiles, “Very good. This one is a bit more complicated than yesterday’s hit but it should go fine.”

“How did it go with Razer?” Tonya asks. “Is she doing okay?”

“She is just fine,” Brandon replies. “Just a few butterflies. She appreciates your involvement. She did bring up some valid concerns and I think we worked through many of them.”

“I am going for a walk,” Tonya says. “Then I am going to come back here and help Germ and Rabbit with the hack. I will be here until later in the evening. Would you walk with me?”

Tonya and Brandon grab a bite to eat and head down to the beach for a walk.

Blaster turns on one of the large monitors and starts sorting through the photos they had gathered for the porn trap. As they ate lunch the team voted on the photos to include and worked on developing the theme. Germ started probing one of the universities in Iraq to see if he could find a student or a professor that had a photo stash.

“Got two groups,” Germ announces. “I am moving them off to the attack server in France and will have them here in a few minutes. It looks like about four hundred jpeg files.”

“I have some recordings of the professor and me having sex,” Brenda says. “I think we can extract some sound bites of those to use on the website.”

“Oh yes,” Blaster says. “The world famous FBI sex tapes.”

“I have some photos in mind,” Spinx says. “I think I would make a great victim in a series of shots.”

The laughter was increasing with every confession and as the group continued to sort through the photos that Blaster was flashing to the screen.

“I have the account set up on the server in Malaysia,” Rabbit announces. “We can start with the basic HTML and cropping the photos we already have.”

“I can handle the graphics program,” Lulu says. “I will crop them and drop their weight down so they can move over slower Internet connections.”

“I can handle the basic HTML and site set up,” Lucy says as she sits down to a computer with Rabbit to log onto the server in Malaysia.

“I am moving the latest batch of photos to our web server here,” Germ says.

As the files were downloading Blaster starts bringing samples to the screen. After going through about 3 dozen family and pet photos she finds what she wants. The interest among the group picks up.

“My, my,” Spinx says. “We hit this one right. These guys love degrading photos of American women.”

“There are at least 30 or 40 here we can use,” Blaster says. “And with the Muslim guys in the photos it is just the theme we want.”

“I wonder about the origin of these,” Lulu says. “They either have white female sex slaves or they hired a very expensive hooker to pull this off.”

“Can you hit the other university?” Blaster asks Germ.

“I am on my way now,” Germ replies. “I should have results in about 20 minutes.”

As Blaster sorts through the photos she comes upon another group. “That guy looks a lot like Saddam,” She says. “This is getting better all of the time.”

Blaster, Brenda, Sharon, Lucy, and Lulu spend the rest of the day building the porn trap. Germ and Rabbit test the Trojan code that they created to infect any computers that visit the new website. The new site was called White Slave Women in Iraq.

The team ran rapid submissions to get the new site listed in search engines, especially porn oriented search engines.

At 6:00 P.M. Tonya returns to the warehouse and starts working with Germ, Rabbit, and Razer on hacking the computers at the second seaport. Blaster, Brenda, Sharon, Lucy, and Lulu take a break and head back to the house to make dinner. Spinx continues to work on submitting the new website to adult search engines.

On their way out Blaster tells Razer that there will be food ready for her, Tonya, Germ, and Rabbit when they finish.

“We may not be done until 10:00 P.M. or so,” Tonya says. “But whenever we finish you can count on us being hungry.”


September 23, 8:00 P.M. PST

Day 2 of the Iraq attack

The house of Brandon’s team in Carlsbad, California

After a small meal Brenda and Sharon, still suffering from a bit of jet lag, retire to their room. Brandon was already sleeping. Blaster, Lucy, and Lulu clean up after dinner and prepare plates for Tonya, Razer, Germ, Rabbit, and Spinx. Lucy and Lulu coax Blaster into her bed where they stay until about 10:30 P.M. when the hacking team returns from the warehouse.

Tonya, Razer, Germ, and Rabbit head straight for the refrigerator and retrieve their plates of food and immediately sit down to eat.

Lucy and Lulu had fallen asleep. A few minutes later Blaster comes down stairs to discuss how the hack went.

“Everyone else is sleeping,” Blaster reports to the hacking team. “How did it go?”

“Excellent,” Razer replies. “Germ and Rabbit hacked the system and Tonya helped build a back door. We can reenter anytime we need to.”

“We need to gather more intelligence about what is going through that port,” Tonya adds.

“We also deleted the records of the 35 containers we diverted yesterday,” Germ adds.

“The new website has already had over a thousand visitors,” Rabbit adds. “We know who most of them are and the Trojan is working well.”

“Where are Lucy and Lulu?” Germ asks.

“Sleeping in our room,” Blaster replies as she sits down next to Razer.

“We will make you a trade,” Rabbit says to Blaster and Razor.

“And what might that be?” Razer asks as she laughs.

“We will rid your room of the visitors if you take care of our plates and glasses,” Rabbit says.

“Deal,” Razer says.

“Give us 15 minutes,” Germ says as he and Rabbit leave to make a surprise attack on Lucy and Lulu and to take them back to the warehouse.

Tonya, Blaster, and Razer all laugh about the upcoming late night raid on Lucy and Lulu.

“The professor was sleeping when we got back here,” Blaster reports to Tonya.

“Good,” Tonya says as she smiles. “I am going to wake him up.”

A few minutes later Lucy and Lulu are running down the stairs naked. They dash out the door to race Germ and Rabbit back to the warehouse. Spinx follows Germ and Rabbit laughing at them as they try to pull their pants up as they run out the door.


September 24, 11:30 A.M. PST

Day 3 of the Iraq attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team is working in the warehouse analyzing information on potential shipments to divert and looking over traffic results from the porn trap.

“The Trojan sends a list of files to one of our servers from each computer which it infects,” Rabbit explains. “We have written a program to help analyze the file names.”

“We are running another program that will contact the Trojan on machines that we profile,” Germ adds. “We can also