Byte Saddam by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Four


September 27, 10:00 A.M. EST

Day 6 of the Iraq attack

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda, Sharon, Lucy, and Brandon arrived in Washington D.C. and are cleaning up after their overnight trip.

Brandon was sleeping on the living room floor. Sharon was monitoring the news.

Lucy gets out of the shower and immediately states how she feels, “I am hungry, really hungry!”

“Breakfast is on the way,” Brenda says. “Answer the door while I am in the shower.”

The phone rings and Sharon answers, ”He is sleeping Blaster. Can I tell him something when he wakes up?”

“The second set of containers are in port in Malta and will be unloaded today,” Blaster reports. ”We still have another day or so before the other ship reaches Australia. Did you all make it okay?”

“Everything is fine here,” Sharon replies. “We are just getting settled in. I will have the professor call when he wakes up.”

“There is one other thing,” Blaster says. “In addition to the warehouse burning last night, our house in Carlsbad also burned.”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Sharon replies. “I know you all worked hard on the house over the summer. I will tell the professor when he wakes up.”

Breakfast arrives and Lucy answers the door.

Lucy goes and jumps on the professor, “Hey big boy, food is here.” She says as she smothers his face with her long wet hair.

The four compatriots sit on the living room floor eating their breakfast.

Sharon updates everyone with the news Blaster reported to here.

“How do you think the Terrence Long and company bust should go down?” Sharon asks.

“That is really up to Director Davis,” Brandon replies. “Long should be back in town by 3:00 P.M.”

The phone rings. Brenda answers, “Hello dad.”

“We think Long will go to the convenience store as soon as he gets into town.” Director Davis says from the other end of the phone call. “We intend to apprehend him there and simultaneously apprehend the list of now 40+ people we know that use the store and meet our profile. We are picking up his wife and mother also.”

“Sounds rather efficient,” Brenda says. “How can we help?”

“I want you and Sharon on the convenience store bust,” Director Davis replies. “The professor is to lay low. We want the terrorists to think he is dead.”

“We will make sure that the professor is kept busy,” Brenda responds. “Can you send a car to pick us up?”

“Agents Randy Johnson and Ken Bloomfield will be picking you up,” Director Davis says as he hangs up the phone.

“Dad is sending a car for Sharon and I,” Brenda says. “We are going to be involved in the Terrence Long bust.”

“When?” Sharon asks.

“We need to be ready about 2:00 P.M.” Brenda replies. “He also said that the professor is to lay low. He wants the terrorists to think that you might be dead.”

“Well I will volunteer to keep the professor busy this afternoon,” Lucy says as she laughs.


September 27, 3:30 P.M. EST

Day 6 of the Iraq attack

The stake out at the convenience store

The convenience store was under surveillance by 20 or more agents. The goal was to take the occupants by surprise while Terrence Long was in the store. Two vans waited down a side street to haul off the apprehended terrorist cell.

As expected, Terrence Long arrived and parked in front of the store. The agents waited three minutes and entered the store. The men in the back room see them enter on the closed circuit television system and immediately ran out the back door where the two vans and 15 agents were waiting to apprehend them. It went quickly and the forensics team moved in to place immediately. They locked the front door and put up the “Sorry we are closed” sign.

Across the metro area FBI agents arrested the 40 or so people on their list as well as all of the people that were in the apartments or houses they occupied. Search teams went through the dwellings collecting computers, maps, and blueprints of dozens of Washington D.C. buildings.

In Virginia the FBI arrested Terrence Longs’ wife and his mother.


September 27, 8:00 P.M. EST

Day 6 of the Iraq attack

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda and Sharon arrive home to an already prepared dinner. The first course is their favorite salad and wine.

“It went very smoothly,” Brenda informs Brandon.

“Great,” he replied. “I want to get the farm house on the phone and have the two of you give a brief overview.”

As Brandon dials the phone Lucy pours wine.

“Hello Brandon” Blaster says from Oregon. “How did things go?”

“Brenda and Sharon are here and will brief us all,” Brandon replies. “Can you gather up the team?”

“They are waiting,” Blaster says.

Brenda and Sharon recount the events of the day for their colleagues. They end the phone call and sit down to have dinner.

The entree was quail with red potatoes and vegetables.

“A perfect meal to end a perfect day,” Brandon says. “Congratulations to both of you and your fellow FBI agents.”

The four of them raise their glasses in a toast.

“There is just one thing,” Sharon says. “What makes you think the day is over professor?”

Lucy, Brenda, and Sharon laugh as the tease Brandon about what they have in mind.


September 28, 9:00 A.M. EST

Day 7 of the Iraq attack

Briefing room at FBI HQ, Washington D.C.

The anti terrorism task force is assembled in the briefing room. Brandon and Lucy are also in attendance.

Director Davis begins the meeting. “Yesterday and last night we apprehended 70 people in the metro D.C. In the last two days General Madison and the CIA have captured over 400 people around the world. Most incidents went smoothly but our forces or those of our allies killed about 75 people in the process. They have hundreds of more names to follow up on.”

“The stash of evidence is huge,” Dennis Young of the CIA adds. “It will take us months to work through it. But we moved quickly on freezing funds and have repatriated over $200 million and have many money trails to follow. We have already found that most lead back to Iraq or Saudi Arabia.”

“What about the diverted shipments?” Brandon asks.

“We have control of both shipments,” Dennis Young of the CIA responds. “They are both full of weapons and military supplies including two nuclear warheads.”

“Any word from Iraq?” Brandon asks.

“Nothing yet,” Grant Palmer of the State Department replies. “And I doubt that there will be any.”

“By the way ladies and gentlemen,” Director Davis interrupts. “I want you to meet Grant Palmer of the State Department. He is our new liaison.”

“I want this task force to develop a plan to go over all of the evidence and follow up,” Director Davis continues. “We will meet back here tomorrow morning at 9:00 A.M.”

Director Davis, Brandon, and Lucy leave the briefing room.


September 28, 9:30 A.M. EST

Day 7 of the Iraq attack

The Office of Director Davis at FBI HQ, Washington, D.C.

Director Davis, Brandon, and Lucy are discussing how to wrap up events.

“Any other advice before you leave?” Director Davis asks.

“I think that Brenda, Sharon, and Lucy should work on going through the evidence,” Brandon replies. “They have developed excellent skills in the process and know a lot about the terrorists groups.”

“What do you think of that Lucy?” Director Davis asks.

“I would be happy to help and spend some time with Brenda and Sharon,” Lucy replies. “But I would like to limit it to three weeks, after that I am afraid I would get bored.”

“Then lets keep it open,” Director Davis says. “You can leave anytime you like after two weeks but we need your skills and knowledge to help sort through things.”

“If there is nothing else,” Director Davis says. “There is a car ready to take the professor to the White House.”

Lucy goes back to the briefing room with Director Davis and Brandon silently follows his driver.


September 28, 11:00 A.M. EST

Day 7 of the Iraq attack

The White House, Washington D.C.

Brandon arrives at the White House and checks in through security. He is escorted to the office in which he has met with the President many times before. After a few minutes the President enters the room. The men greet each other and shake hands.

“Your team did very well,” the President says. “Once again, we could not have done this without you.”

“It did get a bit messy,” Brandon replies.

“I know it did,” the President says. “Henry has briefed me on everything.”

“How is he doing?” Brandon asks.

“He is on his way back here,” the President says. “He needs to spend time with his wife. She does not have long.”

“That brings me around to a few points,” the President says. “First, Henry. He is going to be lost without his wife. I want you to take him on your team.”

“I have already invited him,” Brandon replies. “He seems to be interested.”

“Good,” the President replies. “Now to your new base of operations. We have a facility in Colorado Springs that will suit your needs. It is an underground communications center on the North side of town close to the Air Force Academy. It is fully equipped and we can move in as many computers as you need.”

“Is there anything else behind the move to Colorado Springs?” Brandon asks.

“Two things come to mind,” the President says. “You were out of place in Carlsbad and too easy spot. You will blend in more in Colorado Springs. In addition, we have technology located there that will help you on future jobs.”

“Does this have anything to do with Space Command?” Brandon asks.

“You will know that in due time,” the President replies. “There is a company set up in Colorado Springs that you can use as a front. We have put  $2 million into the account to help get you started and to buy a new house that is adequate for the life-style of your team.”

“Anything else?” Brandon asks.

“That is it for now,” the President says. “Be ready to go back to work in about a month.”

The two men shake hands and leave the office.


September 28, 4:00 P.M. EST

Day 7 of the Iraq attack

The White House, Washington D.C.

Sharon Lawler sits waiting in the same office that Brandon and the President met in just a few hours before. The President enters the room and greets Sharon.

“Agent Lawler in your opinion how have things gone on this project?” the President asks.

“Extremely well sir,” Sharon replies. “It was a bit nerve racking because every time we thought things were under control there was a new twist. The last 48 hours have been very intense.”

“Was there any hesitation on the part of any team member during the last 48 hours,” the President asks.

“Not one sir,” Sharon replies. “We captured two foreign spies and set them up to die in the warehouse blast. No one hesitated at all.”

“Very good,” the President replies. “Thank you for coming by Agent Lawler. I will be in touch.”

The president shakes Sharon’s hand and leaves the office. As she is walking out of the White House she begins to realize how deep she was getting into something she did not thoroughly understand. She also wondered what the next assignment might bring.


September 28, 6:30 P.M. EST

Day 7 of the Iraq attack

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda, Sharon, and Lucy arrive back at Brenda’s apartment to find that Brandon had assembled another delicious looking dinner.

“How did things go with the evidence plan?” Brandon asks.

“Very well,” Lucy replied. “I will be here two or three weeks then I will meet you back in Oregon.”

“What have you been up to today?” Brenda asks as she pours wine.

“A few meetings,” Brandon replies. “I would like for us to have another call with the farm as soon as you settle in and I will explain a few things then.”

A few minutes later Brenda, Sharon, and Lucy sit in the living room. Brandon places the call to the farm in Oregon.

“Hello Brandon,” Razer says. “We are all here.”

“How is everybody there?” Brandon asks.

“We are all well,” Razer says. “Catching up on sleep and working on the farm.”

“This is wrapping up very well here,” Brandon begins. “Lucy is going to stay in D.C. for two or three weeks and work with Brenda and Sharon on the evidence team.”

“I would like Blaster and Tonya to meet me in Colorado Springs,” Brandon continues. “We will be relocating the team there and I want the two of you to check out the new facility and help buy a house.”

“When will we be going back to work,” Razer asks.

“You have three weeks or so to work on the farm,” Brandon replies. “Then I will need every body in Colorado Springs.”




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