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Inside a Laboratory, at Wayne's industries. Gloria stood at the showroom of the laboratory, watching the scientist inside the lab.

"How much longer before it's ready?" She asked John standing beside her.

"We are ready," John replied.

Luke walked in. "They are here." He whispered to Gloria's ears.

"Good!" She responded. "You know the drill." She said, turning to John.

"I will get right to it," John said, as he nodded and left.

"Bring them in here," Gloria said to Luke as John left.

Luke left the showroom and returned shortly with the Chief of Staff of the US Army (CSA) and two other Generals.

"Generals!" Gloria called out emotionally, as she hugged and pecked them on their cheek.

"What is this all about?" Asked the CSA

"General. I see you're a straight shooter. Well, I will get right to it. My company has created a virus that could change the tides of war. A virus strong enough to put the world on hold, destroy world civilization and even end the world economy as we know it." Gloria exposed

"Imagine using such a weapon on enemy territory while we sit and watch as the epidemic wipe them all out..." She expressed boastfully.

"Is this a joke?" One of the Generals spat in surprise.

"You care to see a demonstration on some little subjects?" Gloria asked and the Generals nodded.

Gloria signalled the scientists inside the laboratory, who then brought in five persons, injected one with a serum on the neck and all scientists left locking the door. The injected victim started coughing, squeezing his chest in pain. He coughed out blood, fell on the floor as black veins drew on his face and all over his body. His eyes turned white, as he slowly slipped off and died. The other four, who were not injected, immediately started to cough, following a similar pattern of the injected victim.

"In less than five minutes, the target will be neutralized. the virus survives for as long as three hours outside its victim. This means that the virus can be contracted by anyone via ordinary contact of the victim, anything or anywhere they've been and touched even after three hours of the incident." Gloria narrated smiling.

Fumigation fumes were automatically sprayed in the test room. The scientists, fully covered in a protective garment, went in, wrapped up the test subject and cleared them out of the room as the Generals watched in amazement...

"You see Generals, the interesting fact is that It's also airborne and waterborne, meaning you can apply it on air vents as fumes or mix it in a drink, food or any edibles. Once inside the target, for sure death awaits them." Gloria boastfully explained.

The Generals clapped and smiled in mischief.

"This is the first time your company is producing something soothing to protect the interest of Americans." The CSA complimented. "What will it cost us to get this?" He asked.

"Are we making the president aware of our recent discovery?" Gloria asked, pretending to be concerned.

"The president is too busy with other issues it's why he appointed us to take charge of defending and protecting our country from enemies..." Answered one of the two Generals that came in with the CSA.

"Wait till this hit the French, Russian and Chinese borders. Trade wars, Cold wars, all gone in a week!" The other General said as they all roared in laughter.

"Can you make some adjustments so the victims take a little while before showing symptoms or dying? Let them spend all they have on their health sector before death takes them..." Asked the CSA.

"Woooh...!" Gloria said pretending to shiver in fear. "I see what you mean General, A little twist into the dark huh?" She complimented, smiling evilly.

"When can we get them ready?" The CSA inquired.

"How many of it do you need?" Gloria replied with a wink.

* *  *

Six days later, on a train, somewhere in China. A woman was sweating and shivering profusely. Black veins began to appear on her hands, and up her neck, it went, as she started to cough out blood. She fell on the floor from her seat on the train and coughed till she died as people on the train tried to revive her, touching her and all...

"Can someone explain to me what I just saw? I've got the Chinese government calling me asking me questions I can't give answers to." The American president, inside his office, asked, turning to the individuals in the room, as he switched off the TV showing the incident.

"Sir! The lady is Wun lee, a Chinese businesswoman, she came to America for a business trip and left four days ago for China." The chief of staff, A young lady in her early thirties replied.

"My question is, what happened to her and why is the Chinese government calling me?" The American President inquired.

"The CDC and CIA are on their way as we speak Sir, they'll brief us later this afternoon." A male presence in the room responded.

"Tell them I need answers now!" Commanded the President. Everyone in the room nodded and made to leave.

"General Ross!" The president called the Chief of Staff of the Army. "I want you to check if this is some terrorist attack or some political game." He requested.

"I will get back to you on all this Mr President." The CSA replied.

"Thank you, General!" The president commended.

* * *

Two days later, under a heavy downpour. The CSA's car parked. Inside, The CSA sat with Gloria, alone, with the car glass wind up to give them total privacy. He held up a file containing pictures of the Chinese woman's incident.

"Can you explain what exactly is happening?" He asked, frustratingly.

"You mean you didn't do that?" Gloria asked, acting surprised.

"Are you trying to mock me? You gave the weapon to me and in two days this happened. How was I supposed to use it if the symptoms take close to a week to manifest?" He charged, furiously. "And currently we have over three thousand cases worldwide with ten on American soil! So explain to me how that is possible?" He fired.

"General... I, I-I'm afraid to tell you this but..." Gloria pretended to be frightened to say what's going on as she stammered

"No! You didn't. You..." He cut in fiercely.

"I've been meaning to tell you," She continued. "Over a month now, one of our lead researchers stole a sample of the virus and sold it in the black market to the Russians. We believe the Russians used it on the Asian woman to seem as though we did it so it will spark up a war between us and China, to cripple us. We've been tracking down the researcher and his activities so we can get him prosecuted for betraying his country." She narrated, acting remorseful.

"What?! And you're saying this now?" The CSA, now in a rage, shouted.

Gloria touched him seductively, taming him with magic, as she spoke, "Look at the bright side General, if this becomes a biochemical war, the country will look up to you to help resolve it... You could even be made the President." She finished.

"We already have a President." He confirmed.

"Leave that to me," Gloria said as the CSA smiled mischievously.

She moved close to the General. Used her index finger to run through his shirt, from his chest, down to his groin area. She stopped at his pelvic region and grabbed his manhood, massaging it seductively until he had a full erection.

She brought her mouth close to his ears and whispered, "I suggest you use the virus on France and frame Russia for it. We need to prove to the Russians and the world, once more, how powerful we are."

"I will do exactly that, Immediately!" The General, now under her charm, managed to mutter.

"You can do that once we are done here." She spat, as she engulfed him in a kiss, romancing all sensitive areas of the old man.

The CSA got wild, tearing off Gloria's clothes as he pulled out his manhood, forcefully inserted it into her vagina and made love to her hard, like he was raping her.

Gloria moaned in the cold air, as the intense lovemaking session continued in the car.