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Muejiz, Ali, Raphael and Milli walked into the Abubak'r's home, back in Nigeria...

"Woow! This is a castle of Gold." Milli exclaimed, looking round in astonishment, at the beauty of the interior decoration of the house.

"Nana, please take his luggage to one of the rooms upstairs." Muejiz requested of one of the house helps.

"Muejiz" Abubak'r called, coming into the ballroom.

"Dad!" Muejiz replied as he moved close and hugged his father.

"Is this him?" He asked, pointing to Milli.

Milli stared at Abubak'r with mouth wide open in surprise, "No way! Your father is the African billionaire and philanthropist Abubak'r Salihu-Ahmed? It's... I-em-it's a pleasure meeting." He stammered, stretching his hand for a shake.

"Come here," Abubak'r commanded, as dragged Milli close and hugged him instead. "We are big huggers in this family." He completed.

"So this is what a father's hug feels like," Milli muttered under Abubak'r, as tears filled his eyes.

"What?!" Abubak'r asked, breaking free from the hug.

"Nothing..." He replied with tears in his voice and faked a smile.

"Hate to break the hip-hop reunion, but em, how do we find the third person." Raphael spat.

"I think I know what you need to make it easy this time..." Abubak'r revealed.

"Mother's grimoire..." Muejiz confessed.

"She said to give it to the three of you when you're together, so," Abubak'r explained.

"We'll be needing that of your wife too..." Muejiz said, asking Raphael.

"No problem! All yours." Raphael responded.

"We gotta find our soul sister," Muejiz said, turning towards Milli.

"Now? I mean, we just got here. And how do we even find someone we don't know?" Milli asked.

"We are doing a locator spell," Muejiz replied.

"Get ready Superman, it's witching hour!" Lieutenant Ali mocked, raising eyebrows at Milli.

* * *

In the basement of Abak'r's house. Muejiz, Milli and Abubak'r were drawing a big sigil, from Aisha's and Mary's grimoire, on the floor, with chalk, when Muejiz's phone rang.

He checked the caller and the name 'King' made him jumped up and excused himself from the premises.

"Hey cutie" sounded King's voice over the phone.

"Hey, Mr." Muejiz responded.

"How's your family emergency coming? Hope it ain't nothing to be worked up about?" King asked, sounding concerned.

"No. It's fine. Everything is under control." Muejiz replied.

"Really? Seems we'll be seeing you sooner than anticipated. You know, Tomi has been awfully quiet these days." King revealed.

"You are kidding right?!" Muejiz asked, surprised.

"Not at all. And I've missed you too, badly!" King lamented, emotionally.

Muejiz's countenance changed. "Is that why there's someone else at your door coming to spend the night with you?" He asked angrily.

Immediately after Muejiz statement, there was a knock at King's door.

"How did you...?" King said, terrified. "Excuse me..." He added, and the line cut.

Muejiz frowned at his phone and went back inside, devastated.

Inside, the sigil is all set with candles at strategic places. Muejiz and Milli walked into the sigil's circle. Muejiz took a dagger, cut his left hand and that of Milli. They sat crossing legs in yoga position, facing each other and cross held their hands, so the blood dripping, cut hands, touched.

As the blood dropped on a map in front of them, they both chanted an incantation in an ancient tongue, with their eyes closed.

Muejiz was not concentrating as all he could think of was the idea that King might be cheating on him with someone else.

"It did not take this long when my wife did it, so what's happening?" Raphael lamented as Muejiz and Milli chanted for a long while with no effect whatsoever.

"Well, it's the first time we are seeing something like this. They are not doing what your wife did. This is something different." Lieutenant Ali described.

"Yes. They are trying to find someone without any lead where they might be, whatsoever. They are just following the instructions on the books." Abubak'r explained.

"Wait! They are just following some things written in a book? Fuck! this thing might not even work out?! Why are we trying it out anyway?" Raphael said frustrated.

"Because if it truly works, they are our only option to find that out. Just have a little faith." Abubak'r pushed.

Muejiz opened his eyes, looked at Milli and smiled, with the realization that he has got something bigger than his boy problems right now. He then closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, continuing with the chanting.

Immediately, Milli found himself at the front of a club in New York.

"What the hell?" He stuttered, confused as to how he got to the new environment in a split second.

Again, his environment changed immediately, he found himself inside the club.

"Give it up for the lady of the house!" Shouted the Dj, on the microphone.

A young teenager walked up to the stage and was about to perform karaoke.

"That's my girl. Go Prissila!" Shouted a middle-aged woman.

"Prissila?!" Asked Milli, in shock. And immediately he was brought back to the basement of Abak'r's house.

"I found her! In a casino, a club. I dunno, in New York!" He stammered, shouting at the top of his voice with anxiety, as he stood up from his sitting position.

"What? You mean you saw the location?" Muejiz asked, surprised as he looked down on the map and there were just blood droplets on various places, unlike what happened in Mary's case, where the blood gathered to a location, showing where the individual is located.

"Yes. I was literally there..." Milli answered, surprised as to how they didn't notice him leaving the premises.

"You did not leave this place," Abubak'r assured.

"Yes, he did. He astral projected from..." Muejiz explained and was interrupted by a surprised Milli.

"Wait, What?! I left this place but my body was still here, like a ghost thing?" Milli asked and chuckled.

"Wow! This is becoming fun." He added gleefully.

"Of course it is," Muejiz replied with disappointment in his voice.

"Let's go get ready to meet her then," Abubak'r said as they all made to leave the room.

"I will clean up here," Muejiz called after them.

They all left. But Abubak'r stayed behind with Muejiz, he watched as Muejiz fumbled to clean and arrange the grimoires.

"What is it?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Muejiz answered.

"I know you, and I know you were thinking the spell went wrong. Instead of the map, the boy got a vision of the place. You're thinking it should be you not him..." He accused.

"Not really. I mean it's my fault actually, I was distracted. But I'm glad we got the location." Muejiz defended.

"What's on your mind? Boy trouble?" Abubak'r asked inquisitively as he moved close and pushed Muejiz lightly with his shoulder.

"Dad!" Muejiz cried shyly.

"What? You think I don't know these things?" Abubak'r exposed.

"Well, it's fine Dad. I can't get my mind worked up on things like that right now!" Muejiz expressed.

"True. But do not get carried away with saving the world and end up not living your own life. Just be happy while saving the world, because the world will always need saving even long after you're gone from it." Abubak'r said, encouraging his son.

"Hmmmmmn! You know, you have a way of making a big problem into a minor stepping stone. Now I see why all your friends and boys stay loyal to you..." Muejiz praised and they both laughed.

"I love you Dad!" He confessed.

"I love you more!" Abubak'r smouldered.

"Now go get some rest. You leave in the morning." He concluded.

They both stood up, leaving the basement.

Muejiz walked into Milli's room, saw the light on, yet Milli was asleep. He walked in and turned off the light.

"leave it on. I'm scared of the dark." Milli voiced out.

"I see, darkness is your kryptonite, huh?" He responded as he turned the light back on.

"We all have our weaknesses," Milli replied. "You know I envy you, you're very lucky," He added, taking a sitting position on the bed.

"You think? Everything is not always as you see it..." Muejiz said, walking closer to Milli's bed, as he drew out a chair and sat down.

"You have a Dad that loves you no matter what. I don't know what having a Dad even feels like. I will give anything to have a family." Milli expressed, meekly.

"Well, you're right. my Dad and sister are my world. Everyone in this house is my family, they mean everything to me. Even though my sister and I always disagree on everything." Muejiz confessed, smiling dreamily and they both laughed.

"If you want, you can be part of my family too... We can arrange with the sisters to adopt you as our own!" He proposed.

"Yeah?!" Milli asked, as though thinking about it. "That's a mouth-watering offer, I will think about it," He added and they both laughed again.

"So what, your Dad knows you're gay and supports you? Doesn't your country frown on such acts? I mean even your law is against it." Milli asked, surprised.

"Well, my Dad is an open-minded person like me. And I'm not entirely gay, I love ladies too! I prefer to think of myself as pansexual." Muejiz narrated.

"And about my country frowning on homosexuality, currently, they are reviewing their laws and rulings on the LGBTQ community. I believe this time they'll do the right thing!" Meujiz said, hopefully.

"Hmmmmn! Like I said earlier, you're just too lucky. You're like the luckiest person on this planet." Milli complimented and they burst into another wave of laughter.

"You know, I actually never gave you my own kind of tour of this house," Muejiz said, raising his eyebrows and wearing a smirk on his face.

He went out and came back in with a basket, filled with wine and small chops.

He and Milli then played and danced to Nigerian Jazz music, while they drank and ate different goodies, celebrating into the night.

* * *

In the morning, Abubak'r, lieutenant Ali, Muejiz and three other plane attendees, were on the Abubak'r family's private plane. Milli and Raphael entered last with Milli looking drenched and hungover. Ali and Abubak'r looked at Muejiz and simultaneously asked, "The tour?!" Muejiz nodded and the three laughed.

"I see," Milli said, staring at them. He shook his head and smiled back at them.

"Bid you all, a safe trip," Abubak'r said as he stood to leave the plane.

"Thank you very much, Sir! For everything." Raphael said, appreciating Him.

"Please be careful. And take care of the kids." He demanded and made to leave.

"We will. Take care too, Dad." Muejiz replied, as he hugged his Dad and bade him goodbye.

"What do you say the club is called again?" Lieutenant Ali asked Milli as the flight proceeded.

"Uhmmmn! Club Arabia?." Milli replied, as though not sure.

"What?!" Muejiz asked in shock.

"That's the name, Club Arabia!" Milli said, sounding sure this time.

"Interesting" Lieutenant Ali replied.

"You guys know the club?" Raphael asked, concerned.

"My sister owns the club. It was a gift from her husband, back when they were just dating." Muejiz revealed.

"Wow! I guess it's gonna be easy getting in." Raphael exclaimed.

"Well, that's the problem. Currently, her partner controls the club and you'll need some kind of reservation or membership to get anyone in. It's a VVIP club. This is done so they can be someone to hold responsible when anyone causes trouble in the club." Ali explained.

"Wait! Then how do we get in?" Milli asked looking worried.

"I've got that covered!" Muejiz said with a smile.

* * *

At the entrance of Club Arabia, they all stood, waiting for someone.

"Who exactly are we waiting to get us in again?" Milli asked as they've been waiting for quite a while.

Immediately, two exotic cars parked, as Zainab stepped down dressed in full regalia of an Arabian princess.

"Who else but the owner of the club?" Lieutenant Ali replied Milli, on seeing Zainab.

"The Queen herself!" Muejiz completed.

Milli stood speechless, looking at Zainab and her entourage as she walked towards their direction, close to the entrance of the club.

Zainab, to Muejiz and the others, "I will help get you-all in. But, in there, I don't know any of you.", She completed and walked past them, gesturing for them to follow her and they did.

The bouncers at the club, seeing Zainab, stood at attention, ordered for the path to be cleared for her and her entourage as they all walked into the club.

Inside the club. Katie, a young, beautiful, American woman in her late thirties, with her silky brown hair, dark green eyes and dimpled face, on seeing Zainab entering the club, smiled gleefully. She ran to engage her friend and partner in a warm, welcoming hug.

"Madame Katerina!" Zainab called, in a French accent as Katie rushed towards her.

"Zainab! Queen of all Arabia!" Katie praised, getting close to Zainab.

As Katie moved closer and attempted to hug Zainab, Zainab's guards moved, surrounding her, trying to block Katie from coming any further to the princess. She then gestured for them to pave the way for Katie.

"Woooh big fellas! Chill out! I'm only following our traditions before she even became your princess!" Katie fired at the guards. She and Zainab laughed at Katie's joke.

"Let's go somewhere to catch up my dear. It's been long." Zainab said.

Katie dragged Zainab off in agreement as they went out to get some privacy.

Muejiz and his crew, In one part of the club, trying to find the whereabouts of Prissila as she was nowhere to be found.

Milli came to where Muejiz was standing and announced "found her Jizzy! But there's a problem."

"Jizzy? What kind of shitty nickname is that? And where is she?" Muejiz fired.

"There!" Milli said, pointing to the bar corner, where Prissila stood, working as the bartender.

"Wow! She has grown into..." Muejiz expressed, moving towards the bar.

"Chill bro. Look at the signpost at the bar stand." Milli announced, holding him back.

The signpost read "For the good of everyone, do not approach this table if you ain't legal. We may ask for some IDs!!!"

"Damn! Where the heck are they?" Muejiz asked, looking around, trying to find the whereabouts of Ali and Raphael.

"Look, we have got to go over there and try talk to her." He demanded.

"Ahn! You know at first, your story kinda sounds crazy. She's going to call the guards on us, and they are gonna kick us out before..." Milli complained but was interrupted by Muejiz.

"Grow some balls, chicken with beards..." Muejiz mocked as he moved towards the bar confidently.

"Really?! We're doing this? Fuck!" He lamented and followed Muejiz.

"What can I get you, gentlemen?!" Prissila asked, smiling at them.

Milli stared confused not knowing what a grown-up will order, "Uhmmmn! I think water?"

"A Martini will do. Two Martinis!" Muejiz cut in.

Prissila stared sternly at them. "I'm afraid I might have to see some IDs" she demanded.

"Fuck!" Cried, Milli.

Raphael chipped in as he and Ali got to the bar, "They are with us."

"Finally you're here! Thank God!" Milli exclaimed.

"Actually Prissila, we are here for you," Muejiz revealed.

Prissila with confusion in her eyes, "Here for me? Ok, I'm afraid you all have to leave else I'll call..." She complained, stretching her hand in a bid to call out a guard.

"I gave you my jacket twelve years ago on a beach, under the moonlight," Milli interrupted.

"And I offered you, sweets, that night! Which you declined," Muejiz added, with a disappointed look. "Actually that's not why we are here..." He continued.

"What the Hell...!" She exclaimed, staring above them.

"I know right?!" Milli said, thinking she was referring to them.

Prissila, with fear in her eyes, "No, What the hell is that?" She asked, pointing behind them.

They all turned to meet a dark smoke, flying Into the club and headed towards the bar area. The club slowly transformed into stern darkness with only flickers of light from the bar table, Dj table and glow sticks. The smoke split into three giant, shadowy figures with faces and hovered above the club. People became unsettled and started to shout, running for their lives, but the exits have disappeared. Pandemonium filled the club.

"They are here again?! We need to hide," Raphael said, understanding what's about to happen.

"Oooh! You don't need to tell me twice!" Milli said as he quickly dived down to hide under tables.

As though the figures spotted what they were looking for, they started heading down and moved in one direction towards Raphael. They reached Raphael and tried to hit him, but as though they hit a hard wall, they were repelled back by his wife's pendant on his chest.

The shadows retreated and continued to hover around the club. They combined into one huge, smoky figure, trying to gather momentum to strike again.

Muejiz, noticing what just transpired, reached for Raphael's necklace, pulled it off, rushed to where Milli was, and dragged him up, holding one of his hands.

As the figures started to come down for the second strike, Muejiz raised the neckpiece to the air and screamed out a chant in Latin. Immediately, a blinding light filled the room as screeching sounds engulfed the air, followed by a huge blast.

*  *  *

Somewhere, in some kind of dark encroached throne room setting, Gloria sat on a huge, beautiful throne made of skulls, with her eyes closed.

"Anne Marie?!" She called out, opening her eyes in shock, as she had been watching the whole incident happening at the bar.

Fey, Luke and Celeste, with surprise on their faces, together asked, "What?!"

Gloria faked an evil smile, "Raphael! Oh, Dear Raphael! He has gathered the chosen ones. Find them and end them all before it's too late." She said to the three by her side.

"On it immediately!" Luke responded as he and Celeste moved out.

"Mother?! You woke up calling Anne Marie. Did..." Fey asked, as Luke and Celeste were gone, but was interrupted by Gloria.

"We've got work to do dear!" Gloria finalized, as she closed back her eyes again.

*  *  *

Back at the clubhouse. The club, now looking in a tragedic state. people were severely injured, some part of the roof blown off by the blast and the rain outside, now poured heavily into the club, drenching it. Milli and Muejiz stood unharmed, as the blast started from their location, as such, were not hit by it. The two started looking around, trying to find Prissila and their partners.

Katie and Zainab rushed in quickly, in panic. Katie kept calling out for her daughter, and Zainab, her brother. Prissila got up from under the bar table, covered in shattered glass and drenched by the heavy downpour of the rain, rushed to meet her Mom, Katie, hugging her.

Zainab reached Muejiz, grabbed him and hugged him passionately in tears saying, "Please, don't die on me too kiddo."

Muejiz turned and saw the way Milli looked at them in envy, he stretched out, dragged Milli into the hug as Zainab opened up, hugging them both tight.

Raphael, appearing from a distance with an injured Ali, "We need to live now. The second wave is worse than what we just experienced." He explained.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Katie shouted to Zainab, as she got close to where they all stood.

"It's probably a gas leak somewhere," Zainab said, trying to cover up.

"Actually, her daughter is the one we are looking for," Milli revealed to Zainab.

"What?! Ok, Zainab, who the hell are these people?" Katie fired, inquisitively.

"We need to live this place now!" Raphael reminded, as an airy breeze slowly filled the room.

"Let's get out of here. I'll explain it all to you on the way." Zainab pressed Katie, and they all rushed out, leaving the club.