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At Katie's home, Zainab and Katie sat at a corner discussing, while Milli, Muejiz and Prissila were on another corner. Raphael is with Ali as his injuries were being cared for by one of the medics from Zainab's entourage.

"You see, the past weeks have been insane, even I won't believe what I've experienced." Milli narrated frustratingly.

"This is crazy! But I know. I mean, I kinda knew you all were coming tonight..." Prissila explained but was interrupted as Katie and Zainab walked over to them.

"I never believed this day will come. A psychic once told me, my daughter is part of a big project for the world. Saying, she will find her sibling souls and must unite with them to save the world. I thought it was just bullshit..." Katie expressed emotionally.

Raphael, leaving Ali, now approaching where Muejiz and the others were, "Don't worry, they'll be kept safe, ma'am!" He professed.

"Of course they will, I'll make sure of it..." Katie confirmed.

"So tell me, what are we dealing with?" Prissila inquired.

Raphael, now sitting down, brought out a picture of Gloria that he had with him. "Her!" He said, pointing to the picture.

"Queen Lilith?!" Prissila called, in surprise.

"Whaaaat?" Muejiz asked.

"You know her?" Milli inquired, looking surprised.

"Not really, I had a dream, some scary people drown this woman in a pool of blood, in some sort of occultic ritual, then moment later, just like magic, she came out of the pool shortly after dying and the people called her Queen Lilith!" Prissila said, narrating the dream she had on the plane.

"I see. You've got the gift of sight." Muejiz whispered to himself.

"You're kidding, right? Lilith is like a biblical myth?!" Milli said, laughing.

"You think?" Muejiz asked sternly.

"Well, according to Bible and historical codex, Lilith is the first woman..." Milli narrated but was interrupted by a confused Raphael.

"Wait, I'm not good at religion but I thought Eve was the first woman?" inquired Raphael.

"Not entirely true. Lilith was created from clay same time as Adam but Eve was created from Adam. Eve is the mother of all humans so..." Milli continued. "Back to Lilith. You see, according to history, she's the first human to meet Lucifer, when he and his fallen Angels landed on earth, she's the most beautiful woman some say the goddess of seduction, the first witch, mother of all demons, the true Queen of Earth and future Queen of hell..." He narrated.

"If this is true, this is like what? Billions of years ago, then how is she here now?!" Prissila asked, confused.

"Well, the thing is. It's believed that she and her four kids were not in the garden when God cursed humans, hence, they're immortal..." Milli explained and again, was interrupted by Prissila.

"Four kids?" Prissila asked thoughtfully. "In my dream, I saw three teenagers who called her mother..." She explained.

"You're shitting me right?!" Milli asked, in shock.

"What?" Zainab inquired.

"Well, Lucifer killed one of Lilith's kids. Angry Lilith and her other three kids then banished him to hell..." Milli narrated, as Muejiz, who had been quietly listening all the while Milli was explaining the story, chipped in.

"Lilith killed her child because she believed the Devil was in love with her daughter. She then pinned it on Lucifer..." Muejiz explained.

Zainab, cutting in, "How do you know these things?" She asked in surprise.

"I grew up in a monastery remember? I've got enough time to read through these things and..." Milli replied.

"Not you Milli. I'm asking my brother." Zainab revealed.

"I don't know. It's just..." Muejiz stuttered, standing up uncomfortably.

Milli sited a jacket on a couch, "Wait, is that my jacket? I want it back!" He fired, changing the subject, as everyone burst into laughter, in surprise at the way Milli requested back the jacket.

"Really?" Prissila responded, as she moved to the couch, picked up the jacket, and threw it at him, in anger.

"Dude! You're unbelievable..." Muejiz expressed.

"What?! It's my mom's and it's the only memory I've got of her..." He revealed and the room became silent, as they felt remorse for him.

"And besides what kind of person goes out to the beach at night without something for the cold? Were you planning on committing suicide?" He continued. "You're lucky I was there and was in a good mood too, cause of the sweet Muejiz gave me, else I wouldn't have cared less if the cold destroyed you..." Milli expressed.

"Unbelievable!" Answered Prissila, as the whole room was filled with laughter again.

Suddenly, a weary knock was heard on the door as everyone scampered, trying to find something to defend themselves.

"No way! They didn't follow us here..." Cried Raphael.

"Relax all," Prissila said, walking to the door. "A murderer won't be knocking on your door so you can open it for them to just come in and kill you." She pointed out.

On opening the door, Prissila saw a weary figure standing in the dark of the night. "Hello, who are you?" She asked as the figure stood in the dark, shaking wearily.

"Prissila sweetie! I have nowhere else to go..." Prissila's grandma's voice broke, as she appeared in the light, looking weary and ugly, with black veins all over her face like some monster from hell. She fell and started to cough and gasp for breath.

Prissila rushed to her, calling. "Grandma?! What happened..." She asked. She was about to touch her grandmother, but Muejiz stopped her.

"Don't touch her!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

"Someone call 911!" Katie shouted.

Prissila, was in tears as she stood close to her Grandma who was slowly slipping off to death but couldn't touch her for fear of contracting the strange disease. "Someone please call 911...!" Her screams echoed in the cold air of the night.

* * *

Prissila and everyone from their home were kept in quarantine as they got to the hospital. Medics came in one at a time, examining them.

They were isolated in a room after they found no symptoms of contamination on any of them.

"We are only lucky cause we didn't go too close to her or touch her," Raphael revealed.

"What's going on? What the hell...?" Prissila said, confused and still in tears.

"Lilith's plague," Muejiz, who had been somewhat quiet since the incident at the bar, said. "She's planning on using a pandemic to destroy the world again..." He continued.

"That's not possible! It's too fast. How the hell did they create the virus and is already on transmission in less than a month?!" Raphael asked in confusion.

"She's using magic and demons to spread it around the world, fast like a wildfire," Muejiz revealed. "Lilith is about to cause World War zero and end civilization again just like before..." He exposed.

"We need to stop that bitch!" Prissila expressed, angrily.

"That's like Mission impossible-ten. Cause she's literally the most powerful being in the world." Milli lamented.

"Yes but in a human body. They must be some kind of weakness right?" Raphael inquired, thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's the advantage here. But even that is insignificant to what's in play right now. It's insignificant to what Lilith is truly capable of..." Muejiz depressingly addressed.

Zainab walked close to where her brother was sitting alone, at the far end, and sat next to him.

"Hey, kiddo! Are you okay? I noticed you've changed since what happened at the club..." She asked into his ears.

Muejiz looked at his sister in tears and poured, "No I'm not!" As he hugged her. "I'm devastated. I never knew this is what we are dealing with. How can we win this? This is too much for me.. I-I ca... I can't handle this..." He stuttered.

"You can. Mother believed in you and gave her life for us all, Raphael's wife, and countless others who have lost their lives for this course, are counting on you. Our father, Me. I believe in you Muejiz. If anyone can end this, it's you. You're all-powerful and all-knowing. You're Supreme, just like your name suggests, Muejizhan. I believe you can do this." Zainab praised, in a bid to motivate her brother.

"You told me you conquer any huddle you put your mind to, so I know you'll conquer this and we'll do it together as a family." Milli, who had been listening to them chipped in. "Remember, we are brothers now right? Besides, we have to survive this so your family can adopt me." He added with a wink.

"Really?!" Zainab asked inquisitively.

Muejiz, still in a tight hug with his sister, laughed and sighed deeply. "Yes, we can. And we will." He said, confirming the adoption, to his sister.

Muejiz raised his head to meet Milli and Prissila standing, holding hands and smiling beside him. He stood up and held hands with them too. Immediately, a doctor in his mid-forties, dressed in protective overalls, opened the door to the isolation room.

"You're all free to go. But you must not waste time to call us if you feel any form of..." The doctor explained to them, but Prissila jumped at the doctor, asking, "Can we see my grandma now?"

"I'm afraid we can't let you do that now dear. But not to worry she's stable now. Oh, and you've got someone here who's waiting to take you home." The doctor explained, apologetically.

"What?! Who?" Muejiz asked in surprise. as they walked out.

They met Abubak'r and his convoy outside, waiting for them in the waiting room.

"Dad?!" Muejiz called out in surprise, as he ran and hugged his Dad!

"How did you get here...?" Zainab asked as she got close to them.

"Ali briefed me" Abubak'r explained.

"Where's Ali? We were separated when we came into the hospital." Raphael inquired with concern.

"His wounds were being properly tended for at the casualty ward. He has now been moved to the private jet." Abubak'r revealed.

"We need to run back to Nigeria now. Because this madness is becoming..." He continued firing but was interrupted by Muejiz.

"You should both go with him," Muejiz said, talking to Katie and Zainab. "We can't go now. We've got to stay and strategize how to defeat our enemy..." He confirmed.

"What?! No, We will do that back in Nigeria. I can't..." Abubak'r pleaded anxiously.

"Dad! Once, just this once, please listen to me. There's no time to debate anymore, we need to act now." Muejiz said.

"Hmmmmmn. You've grown much in the last few weeks." Abubak'r hailed.

"Take everyone else with you, Sir. My crew and I will stay." Muejiz commanded, like a soldier preparing for a mission.

"Ok Soldier! Anything you say." Abubak'r agreed.

"Dad, We can't..." Zainab complained.

"He can handle himself Zainab." Abubak'r interrupted.

"Don't worry I will be here to keep them safe," Raphael promised.

"Thanks!" Abubak'r appreciated.

"Don't we need like a hideout or something to plan for our attack?" Milli asked with concern.

"I know exactly what you need..." Abubak'r revealed, as Muejiz smiled, raising his eyebrows.