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Six months later...

"Over six months since the biochemical warfare between countries of the world has turned into a worldwide pandemic, now termed Lilith's plaque. With over two hundred, million people dead, and close to two billion people infected, with nine hundred, million in critical condition and no cure, people around the world are still being asked to stay home and stay safe" a TV presenter reported, on a live broadcast.

"Up next is the acting President's speech..." An advert announced.

Prissila dressed raggedy and tattered, walked down, what used to be the beautiful and lively street of New York, now looking dilapidated and abandoned, as one of the spoils of war.

Just like her dream, helicopters hover above, looking for deserters and anyone disobeying the stay at home order. She ran to a dark creek as she waited for the choppers to pass. She sighed and walked away, into the dark.

* * *

Someone walked into what's left of club Arabia, looking tattered and stained with black mud. The place is now a lousy bar filled with demons and strange-looking, monster-like people.

The person ignored everyone in the room, walked straight to the bartender and ordered a martini.

"What happened to this place?" Muejiz voice sounded, as he was the one who just entered the bar. But the bartenders ignored him.

"What about the owners of the bar, and everyone working here?!" Muejiz asked again, this time, at the top of his voice.

A bartender looked at him strangely, "Boy, are you from around here? Who are you?!" He asked. "I'm afraid You must leave now." the bartender begged.

The demons in the bar stood up and turned towards Muejiz, as though ready for a fight, two of them started walking towards him furiously. Muejiz gulped his martini and his eyes immediately became blank white. His apparition turned into a darkness possessed version of him. The two demons walking towards him immediately fell to their knees in excruciating pain.

Muejiz turned to face them and asked "Where is mother?!" In anger.

"No way!" Other demons muttered in fear, as though they saw something terrifying.

Muejiz closed his eyes and smiled devilishly. He opened them back, as though he read their minds and got the answer to his question, "Thank you!" He said, smiling. "It's time to go back home to hell boys!" He commanded, widely opening his eyes.

Immediately, all the demons in the bar, burst into flames and turned into dark shadowy figures, disappearing into thin air.

Muejiz turned to the two, now frightened, human bartenders left.

"Fix this place up, will you?!" He commanded as he walked out of the bar, majestically.

* * *

Lilith sat, alone, on her throne made of skulls, in her throne room.

Muejiz voice spoke behind her, "Miss me, mother?!"

Lilith, with eyes wide open in shock, jumped off the throne to face Muejiz, but before she could land, she bumped into him in mid-air. He gave her a kick on the back and she fell to her face.

Rising to look up, she saw him now sitting on her throne.

"I now see what happened," Lilith said, standing to her feet and smiling evilly. "I want you out of my throne!" She commanded with a stern look.

Immediately after her last sentence, Muejiz disappeared from the throne, landing on his knees, where she was standing, as Lilith now took his place on the throne.

"You'll never learn, will you? I made you everything you are today, you can't defeat me alone." Lilith proclaimed.

Muejiz dragged Lilith off her throne, in the air, to himself, via levitation. He formed a fist and immediately, his eyes turned blank white again, as fire from hell ignited his fist. He hit her hard with it and she went flying back. Another apparition of Muejiz appeared where she was about to land, and again, gestured via levitation, hitting her hard to the ground, breaking the floor and causing a loud crash sound.

As the dust from the broken floor settled, Lilith wasn't found on the floor. But the two apparitions of Muejiz levitated in the air, as though being hanged on the neck by a rope, they struggled to be released holding their necks.

Lilith appeared before them, "What will I do with you?" She asked looking at them thoughtfully.

Muejiz, still struggling under his breath muttered, "You may have thought me all I know..."

Immediately, another apparition of him appeared behind her and stroke the air with a huge lightning bolt, hitting an apparition of Lilith cloaked in the air and it came crashing down. The third Muejiz redirected the lightning towards the body of Lilith hanging the other apparitions of him in the air. Lilith blocked the lightning with her palm, breaking her concentration, as the two apparitions of Muejiz hanging, fell to the floor.

As Lilith was being distracted by the battle with the third Muejiz directing lightning bolt at her, one of the Muejiz on the floor, stood up and stabbed her to the neck with an injection filled with blood-like serum. The lightning battle stopped, as all apparitions of Muejiz turned into one and Lilith fell to her knees holding her neck.

"But Eons, going through an endless human cycle of life after life, has given me experiences and powers, making me almost equal to God," Muejiz said, completing his earlier statement.

He stood close to Lilith, "How do you like a dose of your own plaque, Mother?" He said, smiling mischievously at her.

He kicked her and she flew overboard, landing at the door of the room, passing out. Immediately, Milli entered, followed by Luke, Fey and Celeste.

"I knew it..." Milli, with eyes wide open, exclaimed.

Muejiz eyes turned blank white as Milli disappeared and appeared right behind him.

Luke kicked the floor with his leg, and it started to break like an earthquake, Fey threw ice crystals in form of sharp daggers, Celeste levitated shattered glasses from behind Muejiz, and they all aimed their attacks towards the direction of Muejiz and Milli.

Muejiz dragged Milli, almost pulling him to the ground and used his other hand to wave around him, like clearing the air. With that gesture, He and Milli disappeared, just before the attacks from Lilith's children could hit them.

Muejiz and Milli appeared at a cemetery. Milli looked surprised as to how their location just changed on a whim.

"Woa Woa Woah! Muejiz. Calm down. It's not what you think. I did what I had to do to save the prophecy and..." Milli lamented in fear, as he noticed Muejiz staring sternly at him.

"I know," Muejiz confirmed, dismissing Milli's fear. "What I don't get is how things changed this much in less than a week." He confessed, looking confused.

"Well, a lot happened since you... Wait a minute, What?! Did you just say a week? Fuck! Dude You've been out for over six months!" Milli shouted in surprise.

"Six what?!" Muejiz asked, looking more confused. "I was out for few days and then... I see." He concluded, as though understanding what happened. "Do you know where Prissila is?" He inquired.

"I like what you did to your hair, by the way, all grey and shiny like an old-young, all-powerful..." Milli praised, staring at Muejiz's hair. His face then met Muejiz's giving him a stern, evil look. "Oh, sorry, Prissila?" He confessed, remembering Muejiz's question.

Milli placed his hand on Muejiz shoulder and start to whisper the same spell he and Muejiz chanted, to find Prissila for the first time in the basement. He received flashes of Prissila at an old abandoned trailer park now occupied by poor homeless people.

"Found her!" He shouted. "O yeah I uhm... I've learnt and mastered my powers on a new level, training with Lilith and the others. Sorry, I had to channel your energy to concentrate, I'm currently worn out. Don't ask..." He kept rambling as Muejiz gave him a strange surprise look, held his hand and their location changed. They immediately appeared close to the trailer park in Milli's vision.

"Wait. How's did you know I found her here?" Milli asked, with surprise written all over his face.

"I just know. I'm also on a new power level now." Muejiz replied as his eyes turned blank white and back to normal, almost immediately. He then started to walk towards the trailers.

"Of course, you are all-knowing now. I guess... " Milli said, following behind Muejiz.

All this while, Muejiz looked like a darker version of himself, as though his body is being possessed by someone, or something else.

"Why exactly will Prissila be living here? This place doesn't look like..." Milli said as Muejiz interrupted.

"A lot doesn't look like anything..." Muejiz replied. "Where exactly did you say she is, in this place?" He asked Milli.

"Well, uh, That's the thing. I didn't really see her. I just saw the destination. There was like a block or something on my vision." He replied.

"I see..." Muejiz said, smiling in deep thought.

"But I'm sure we can ask someone." Milli interrupted Muejiz thought. "Let me try and find someone to..." He suggested.

"Ask her!" Muejiz said, pointing to a raggedy looking lady far from them.

"Okay?!" Milli replied in disgust as they walked towards the lady.

"Excuse me, ma'am! I'm looking for this lady" Milli asked, bringing out a picture of Prissila and showed it to the old lady. "Don't know if you've seen her around, I mean anyone that looks like her..."

"No!" Dismissed, the raggedy lady.

"Look at the picture properly ma'am it's kinda urgent we..." Milli begged.

"Of course not," Muejiz interrupted Milli. "How could you have seen her, when you are her?" He revealed as he held her by the arm. Immediately, the old lady turned into an untidy looking Prissila.

"Oooh! Icy..." Cried, Milli.

"Nice disguise by the way." Muejiz acclaimed.

Prissila, in anger, turned to Milli, as Milli fell to his knees in pain. She gave him tormenting visions, putting him in an illusion of turmoil and pain.

Muejiz snapped his finger, breaking her concentration and putting her torment of Milli to a halt.

"He did that to save you..." Muejiz revealed. "He had no choice. You both would've been dead if he hadn't done what he did," He completed.

Prissila then had flashes of that night and her expression changed. She got a grasp of everything that has been going on. "It's what you were trying to tell me that night! I thought, I, you tried to kill me. I thought you betrayed us all," She cried.

"But when I landed, it was like you levitated me down without a scratch, and I saw the vial of the virus in my pocket too, I got so confused... Now I see clearly what you did," She confirmed, as she walked to Milli, raised him and gave him a warm hug, apologizing.

"Wooh! That was intense. I didn't see that coming but I was expecting something..." Milli said funnily.

"Mind telling me how is it you're still alive and was out for like six months?" Prissila asked, facing Muejiz sternly.

"It's a long story. Right now we need to find Raphael and the others. We need to end this disease before it ends the world..." Muejiz replied, but was interrupted by Milli.

"Uhmmmn. About Raphael..." Milli stammered.

Prissila laughed mockingly. "You don't know do you?" She asked still laughing. "Raphael tried to create a vaccine and our hideout was raided by Demons. The whole place got burnt to the ground. Experiment and all, gone!" She lamented.

"Seriously, why did you leave for this long?" She asked and started to cry. "They took our parents and loved ones, Raphael is in the wind, the world has ended, economy, civilization, humanity, all gone! I tried so hard to save our families but..." Prissila revealed.

"They took who?" Muejiz asked in anger.

"My Mum, your Dad, your pregnant sister and her husband. Everyone..." Prissila confirmed.

"Where are they?" Muejiz cut in furiously.

"I think we need to chill out... We need a solid plan to get this right this time. We can't afford any mistakes like last time..." Milli cut in, suggesting.

Muejiz closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "You're right," He coughed. "We need to find Raphael!" He proposed.

"Yeah but first we need to change our outfits. We've got to look like the real saviours of this world," Milli said. "And not some trash," He added, looking at Prissila. "Or some hell-bound, old-young Daddy," He continued, now, looking at Muejiz. "And of course not like the villain." He shrugged at himself.

As he was busy lamenting, Muejiz snapped his finger and all their outfit changed, to something great, like he knew what was on their mind. While Muejiz himself was dressed in all black, like a dark, evil Assassin.

"Better?!" He asked, after finishing up with their magic costume, with the voice of a thousand people talking at once. And his eyes all blank-white.

"What the fuuu! Dude your newfound powers are way cooler than I thought." Milli said giggling.

"Wow!" Prissila commented in admiration of herself. "Well, how do we find Raphael?" She asked.

Muejiz smiled, held their hands and they vanished.