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Muejiz, Prissila and Milli appeared in an old town in Mexico near an eatery!

"Wooh bro! You need to stop doing that unannounced." Milli cried as he moved close to a nearby trash site in a bid to throw up.

"Wait, how's this place not hit by the war?" Prissila asked as she looked around the environment in awe.

"Cause this place is hidden from the world," Muejiz confessed.

They walked into the eatery and saw Raphael serving as a chef. Meujiz was about to run towards him when Prissila pulled him back. She motioned for them to sit at an empty table.

"Why aren't we going to meet..." Milli asked, but was interrupted by Prissila, who knew what his question would be.

"Cause he'll come to meet us and take our orders in... Now!" Prissila said and before she could finish, Raphael stood beside them to take their orders.

He looked younger and nerdy with a moustache and beard on.

"Good day guys," Raphael greeted them. "How can I..." He asked, as his speech slowed down and his voice broke on seeing Muejiz, Prissila and Milli.

"Hey!" Called Milli.

"No! Nooo... Leave this place this minute." Raphael cried out. "All of you, before I call someone to throw you out!" He commanded.

"Prof!" Prissila called Raphael in the usual nickname she calls him. "You need to chill. We've got a solid plan to end all this..." She revealed.

"No! What you've all got is destruction. You destroy everything that comes to your path. Together you're all toxic to anyone and everything you touch," Raphael ramped. "And that traitor with you, oh that Devil who helped to make the world the way it is today..." He accused, pointing at an already devastated Milli.

"Look Ralph, I'm sorry," Milli begged.

"Calm down. I know how you feel but there's an explanation to all of this..." Muejiz reasoned to a furious looking Raphael.

"See who's talking. So, because you're all grey now, makes you what? All-knowing? You know how I feel, you said? Where in heaven's were you when the world was lit on fire? Where in God's name have you been for the past seven months?" Raphael fired at Muejiz, angrily.

"You have no idea what I've been through this past few days - Uhmmmn, or months as you've said," Muejiz defended. "I've been through hell! Literally. So you better calm the fuck down and listen, if you still care about helping us save the world." He fired back at Raphael.

"What world?" Raphael asked, laughing mockingly. "Wait, what world are you talking about? You know I can't do this right now. And definitely, not here. You need to leave please." Raphael begged.

"Let's go, guys!" Prissila beckoned. "See you around Prof." She hailed to Raphael.

"What?! Wait, How are we...?" Milli asked inquisitively.

"Never mind, let's just leave," Prissila said.

Muejiz stood up first and left without saying goodbye as the other two followed behind him.

Outside, Milli ran after Muejiz, who's far in front of them, and walking at a high pace. "Hey Jiz, wait up!" He called. "Shouldn't we talk about this?" He inquired as he reached Muejiz.

Muejiz stopped walking and turned to Milli and Prissila. "There's nothing to talk about..."

"What do you mean there's nothing to talk about?" Milli cut in. "He's part of the plan. How are we gonna find a scientist that understands everything the way he does?" He inquired.

"Oh relax dum-dum! He's coming with us..." Prissila fired at a confused Milli as she continued walking forward.

"What?!" Milli asked, with confusion on his face.

"What?" Raphael asked behind them. "And by the way, you guys walk fast." He commented smiling.

Milli and Prissila engaged him in a friendly hug.

"Don't strangle the old man." Muejiz, who was watching them all the while, complimented

"Please unhinge me you crazies," Raphael said, pulling out of their mad hug. "And I haven't forgiven you yet Mr I'll be watching you closely this time." He said, this time, to Milli.

"Whatever you say, boss!" Milli said in agreement, with all smiles.

"Muejiz, Why aren't I receiving a hug from you? Your families are big huggers..." He beckoned to Muejiz in surprise.

"Well, I've grown and things have changed." Muejiz fired.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with..." Raphael asked, concerned.

"Do you want my hug or you wanna help save the world?" Muejiz fired again at him.

"He's not himself, He's like a dark and furious soul right now!" Prissila whispered into Raphael's ear.

"Hmmmmmn! I see," Raphael said chilling out. "So, what's your great plan?" He asked.

"You'll have to recreate that vaccine of yours," Muejiz confessed.

"Well, that might not be easily accomplished. I need a lot of equipment most especially I need a vial of the virus to start wi..." Raphael spat and Muejiz brought out a syringe, filled with a blood-like serum.

"You mean this?" He cut in, holding the syringe to the air.

"Wooah! How did you get that?" Asked Milli in surprise.

Raphael grabbed the syringe from Muejiz. "You mean you've been walking around the globe with this? You do realize it's airborne right? If it breaks that's..." Raphael lamented.

"Relax Prof. It didn't break," Prissila concluded.

"Ok! We'll be needing a place and some equipment to..." Raphael said inquisitively and Milli interrupted again.

"Let's go to the safe house then," Milli revealed. "Oh! not the burnt one, we've got a new one." He hurriedly added as he noticed Raphael looking at him strangely at the mention of the word 'safe house'.

"So, you're are what? A cook now...?" Prissila questioned Raphael, as they continued their walk

"Actually, I own the place. It's a long story." Raphael expressed.

"Oh tell me everything." Prissila pushed.

"Well..." Raphael continued narrating, as they walked...

* * *

In the Oval office, Luke and Celeste sat, as the Chief of staff of the US Army, now acting president, stood facing them.

"What do you mean we need to speed up the process?" The CSA asked.

"General, do you know what happens when my mother gets irritated? Trust me you don't want to know." Luke fired at him.

"What do I care if she gets irritated? And where is she by the way? I was supposed to be meeting her not you. Or are the rumours true about her incapabi..." The General spat and Celeste looked at him sternly as he started to choke, running out of breath.

"Mind your choice of words, one wrong syllable and America will have a new acting President." Celeste expressed as she released the General's mind and he stopped choking.

"I hope our mother's message reached your ears and stuck to your dead brain." Luke fired as he stood to leave.

Luke and Celeste walked out of the office leaving a dejected Army Chief.

* * *

At the safe house. Muejiz, Raphael, Prissila and Milli moved about, from one scientific machine to the other, working on some chemicals.

"So let me get this right. The President became ill a few weeks after the biochemical war and the CSA took over as acting President? Where in the world is that even logical?" Muejiz asked, confused.

"Uhhhhmn... Actually, Celeste..." Milli tried to explain.

"The mind control freak girl?" Prissila asked inquisitively.

"Yes," Muejiz answered.

"Of course." Replied Prissila.

"Well, she's not that bad when you get to know her. She's sweet on the..." Milli praised. "Sorry!" he quickly cut his speech as he saw everyone looking at him with angry eyes of discomfort.

"So, when the President refused to cooperate with Lilith's plan, she ordered Celeste to visit him and make the President, in her own words, "incapable to rule." The President went under. The VP and Speaker tried to take over, Celeste weighed in again and instill fear in their minds, they stepped down, yada yada yada... You know the rest." He narrated.

"Wait a minute, y'all weren't even paying attention to the story and you allowed me to keep blabbing about." Milli fired at them, angrily, as he noticed they weren't listening to him but concentrating on their science project.

"We thought by now you must've realized that no one cares about politics in our team," Prissila replied.

"Uhhhhn! speak for yourself. Muejiz family's lifestyle is all about politics. And seeing as he's heir to their family's seat of power I think he's..." Milli defended but was cut short by Muejiz.

"You talk too much. I'm still wondering how you survived living with Lilith and Fey without a single scratch." Muejiz said, dismissing Milli.

"His mouth is like a basket, always leaking. He only stops talking when there's food in that mouth or when he's asleep." Prissila fired.

"Oh, dear, Shocker! he talks in his sleep too." Raphael exposed.

"I do?" Milli asked, surprised, and they all burst into a wild laugh.

Raphael closed the lid on the machine he placed some serum he just created.

"So now what?" Prissila inquired.

"Now, we wait. After the machine is done, you can add your magic, and then we can..." Raphael explained and stopped halfway as though remembering something important. "Damnit!" He cussed.

"What?!" Asked Prissila in concern.

"We need to publish my work and get approval," he revealed.

"So?" Muejiz asked

"We can't do that and get approval for the use of the vaccine in months. We need a powerful force to say yes to our research to speed up the approval and use of the vaccine, to like, let's say a week..." Raphael explained.

"When you say a powerful force, you mean like the President of the United States?" Muejiz inquired.

"Yes like that. So we need to find a way to take out the acting President." Raphael said.

"Lilith's pawn you mean?" Prissila asked, rhetorically.

"I think I know a way," Muejiz said with a grin. "An efficient one at that." He added, turning towards Milli who's now quiet since the mockery they made on him for always blabbing.

Raphael and Prissila did the same and they all stared at Milli.

"Why are you all staring at me?" Milli asked surprised.

"Well, now we wanna hear the story of how Lilith took down the President," Muejiz said, sounding apologetic.

"Well, I'm definitely not saying..." Milli fired.

"Come off it! We need to bring him back. so we want to know exactly where he is and what happened to him." Muejiz begged.

"Well..." Milli said with a wink and a huge smile as he started to narrate again, endlessly.

At a national healthcare facility in America, Prissila and Raphael disguised as medical Doctors, Milli and Meujiz as nurses in practice, as they try to sneak into the hospital the incapacitated President is being cared for.

They met five secret services to the President, guarding the door to the ward the President was being kept.

"Please, tell me there's a plan to get past them," Raphael asked inquisitively.

"Don't fidget, just move," Muejiz demanded.

"I'm doctor Prissila and this is doctor Raphael. We are here for a routine check." Prissila explained to the secret service as they got to them.

"And the two behind you?" Asked one of the guards, a built, black man, who seemed to be the team leader.

"Oh! They're Nurses." Prissila commented.

The guard motioned to the others as he started to lead the way to the president's room, followed by two other guards behind them.

As they got to the door to the room, the two guards waited outside while the lead guard entered with Prissila and the others.

Inside, The President was on life support, and indeed, incapable to do anything, like an overcooked vegetable.

"You may want to excuse us," Raphael said, addressing the lead guard.

"What do you mean?" The lead guard asked with his voice raised.

Prissila, sensing a rising danger, chipped in, "What he meant is that you need to excuse us. Doctor Raphael here doesn't like being monitored why he does his thing." She demanded apologetically.

"I will be at the door if you need me." The guard finalized as he left.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Milli, after the guard was out, asked curiously.

Muejiz already stood close to and placing his hand on the president's head with his eyes closed. "I see. They messed his mind up." He said, opening his eyes, turning to Milli and the others.

"So, what do we do to save him?" Prissila inquired.

"That's up to you," Muejiz replied her, smiling.

"What do you mean it's up to her? You're the one with the awesomely cool powers. And besides, you're the lost fourth child of Lilith, as such, you know how all their powers work and how to counter them." Milli narrated.

"True!" Raphael agreed.

"Yes, I know how their powers work, but I can't counter them. Lucifer is one of the few that knew exactly what God's power truly looked and felt like. So when Lucifer was giving us powers, he shared it in proportion, such that together, we possess powers equal to God herself!" Muejiz narrated.

"Wait! Hold up! God is a woman?" Milli cut in. "I knew Ariana Gran..." He continued but stopped blabbering, as he noticed everyone looking at him with discontent.

"So to be exact, our powers don't cancel out the other. They are complementary to each other." Muejiz explained.

"Celeste might control one's mind to make them believe they're sick," He said, looking at the president "But you, Prissila, you possess the power to get into someone's head and make them see and believe whatever you want them to see. You've got the power of sight, the only power that cancels out the power of mind compulsion." He revealed to Prissila.

"I see. That explained how I stopped her the other time," Prissila expressed, "But I don't even know how to do that." She confessed.

"Of course you do. Just believe in yourself." Milli hailed.

"Place your hand on his head and his chest, and imagine sending in your visions to his head" Muejiz directed...

* * *

Outside, two female doctors walked towards the other two secret services posted outside the ward.

"We are here for his routine check." Answered one of the doctors.

"What?!" Shouted one of the guards in fear. The second guard was already passing communication on his earpiece to other agents, as they just realized that the ones who walked in first, were fakes.

The lead guard who escorted Raphael into the President's care unit but was asked out, and all the other secret service, badged into the room, with the lead guard in front, opening and almost breaking the door into the room.

His eyes opened wide in shock at what he saw. The other four secret service, and the two actual doctors, walked in to see a shocking sight, as the tray on the hand of one of the doctors dropped.

The president comfortably sat on the bed looking pissed, and Raphael stood by him with a syringe in hand, as though he cured the president of his ailment.

The secret service anchored Raphael to the ground. Prissila and the others were not in the room as they've somehow vanished into thin air.

"Let him go!" The president ordered and the secret service immediately freed Raphael. "Take me to the White house immediately!" He commanded...

"Today, I'm back hale and hearty as your President. And I've got even better news that may bring an end to our current pandemic. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. God bless you, God bless the United States of America." The American president, addressing the nation in a press conference, ok TV, with Raphael beside him. He left immediately after his speech as the press tried to ask more questions.

The CSA met with the president in the hallway, "Mr President!" He called, stretching his hand to shake him.

The president stretched his hand to accept the handshake, "General!" He called.

"Thank you for keeping America safe and running while I was away," He said, in an appreciating tone and drew close to the General, as though hugging him, he whispered, "I know what you did and everything that's going on, but now is not the time to be treating that." He exposed, tapping the general on the arm and left with his secret service, to his office.

Raphael winked at the General mischievously and followed behind the President.

* * *

At the hideout, Muejiz, and Prissila stood with Milli sitting, watching as the president gave his, back to the office, speech.

Milli, switching off the TV after the speech asked, "What's our next move?"

"We wait on the president to announce Raphael's vaccine and ok it for immediate clinical trials," Muejiz explained.

"Yes. But the pandemic won't stop as demons are still spreading the virus with magic." Prissila confessed.

"About that, I think there's a way to stop every demon activity with one quick blow," Milli suggested. "Lilith opened a portal to hell where demons come out from to do her dirty biddings." He exposed.

"What?! And you're telling us this now, why?" Prissila asked, boiling hot.

"Yeah, there's a way to draw everything that comes out, back into hell and seals off the portal for good," Muejiz revealed.

"The problem is, I don't know where the portal is..." Milli confessed.

"I do. And I will be going there to close it myself..." Muejiz acclaimed.

"What? Are you insane? We need to go there together. Lilith..." Prissila lamented.

"I won't worry about Lilith. Muejiz has handled her..." Milli said with a wink, interrupting Prissila.

"Then, we're supposed to sit back and watch?" Prissila asked, concerned.

"No, I need you both to go free our families, cause if we don't, they'll use them as leverage against us, to stop us from sealing off the portal." Muejiz narrated.

"Wise decision." Commended Milli.

"We'll do that quickly and join you in sealing off hell." Prissila proposed.

"That is if you still meet me there," Muejiz said with a low tone.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You can't seal off hell all by yourself." Milli responded as he heard what Muejiz said.

"Yes, we can," Muejiz spoke in multiple voices, and his eyes turned blank white, and back normal, all in the dark version of Muejiz.

"Hmmmmmn? Wha-wo-what just happened?" Milli asked, confused at Muejiz multiple voices and referring to himself as we.

"I know you can. We believe in you," Prissila said in confirmation. "Let's get ready to go save our family." She said, this time, turning to Milli.

"You said you've tried numerous times and failed?" Milli asked concerned.

"That's because I had no help then, no solid plan and no advanced powers." She said with a wild grin.

"So what's the plan?!" Milli asked, curiously.

Muejiz and Prissila smiled mischievously and Milli nodded in agreement with a smile, as though he understood the plan.

* * *

In the oval office, the American President and Dr Raphael, beside him, in an online press conference with powerful leaders of the world.

"We have manufactured a new vaccine and will be starting clinical trials immediately. I wanted to bring you all to speed and recommend that you try the vaccine as well." The US president revealed.

"Ehn! Excuse me! Try what in where?" The Nigerian President spat fiercely, as she removed her scarf to show her provocation.

"We don't care if you try it in your country and kill what's left of your people. But Russia is saying no. Was that why the Secretary-General called this conference?" Russian President fired.

All leaders, after many arguments, disagreed with America on the cure, considering the part they played in starting the biochemical war. They were about disconnecting when Raphael, who was silently watching all the while, spoke out.

"Throughout history, the world has faced battles leading to its destruction but was saved by the actions of important and history-making leaders who come together, working, to achieve a common goal of peace and what's best for their people and the world. I know you all think this cure is a hoax because you can't trust America for the role we played in this war, but I beg you to please think of your people first, think of those that are dying every day because we've got no lead on how to stop this strange pandemic. This ailment is our common enemy and I beg you to give a green light and try out this vaccine and cure. And Yes America will try it out first on our soil. We just need the green light to go." He spat heavenly, begging the world leaders

"And if it doesn't work?" The UN. Secretary-General asked inquisitively.

"I, Dr Raphael Michaelis, agree to take full responsibility if this cure doesn't work" Raphael professed.

"It will work. You all know I was in a coma for months now, this cute saved me and brought me back to my people."

"Even if it does work, you all have a lot of explaining to do," China spoke out.

"I believe saving the people comes first before any explanations should be made, your excellency. And Yes, if the vaccine works, I promise to brief you all at the UN's next General Assembly, which I'm positive will hold cause the vaccine will work." Raphael finalized.

"With that being said, I personally apologize on behalf of every country that put us where we are today. We all have suffered, one way or the other this entire year. So again I beg you all to reason with the American President setting aside every prejudice and grudge. Let's all try to take a step forward together, as we've always done to end world problems, for the good of our people and humanity entirely. Give your feedback in less than a week." The UN Secretary-General begged as he dismissed everyone.

The US president thanked them all and the conference ended as leaders went offline.

"I hope we get positive responses." The American president said, hopefully.

"I know we will Mr President. I'm positive we will." Raphael said proudly.

"Thank you for saving my neck just now." The president said, appreciating Raphael for chipping in.

"It's a pleasure, sir." Raphael dismissed.

As they speak, the press secretary walked in moments later. "Mr President!" He called. "I think you should see this." He said as he turned on the TV.

On the TV, a broadcast announcing that Russia, China, France, Isreal, Nigeria and five other African countries, have just announced the approval for the trial of a new cure for Lilith's plaque, Produced by an American scientist Dr Raphael Michaelis. And other countries to give their decision on the use of the vaccine soon.

"I knew it!" Raphael shouted in amazement.

The President jumped from his seat and hugged Raphael. The folder on the hands of the press secretary fell off his hand in shock. The President immediately separated from the hug and gives Raphael a handshake thanking him.