Cracking Skulls In Portishead by John Cullen - HTML preview

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Las Vegas: Wednesday 30th May 1990

"Tones a real creep, y'know that?" This cocksuckin' piece shit says to me. "You better hope he doesn't fuck this up! If he does, your ass is grass Mr Rolling Stone...."

Where the fuck does this fuckin' broad get off talkin' me like I'm some kinda fucking putz?!!

"Don't worry..... Tones the fuckin' man. He'll take care of business," I tell this fuckin' hillbilly slut. She just turns her ugly ass head back to the tv n shit.....

I really hope Tones okay....

I mean.... Tone.....

My god Tone....


What the fuck have I done brah?!

What the fuck have I done?!


My only fucking friend.... And I've fucked this dude without meaning too.....

I only ever meant to make him happy.... Bring this asshole back to the real world n shit.......


Here we are... Stuck in a hotel room with a Mexican, drug dealing asshole and two sluts..... And we're here... Livin' the American fuckin' dream......


Snorting crazy good blow....

When this shit hits?!


The Rotton Apple never gets blow this good! What the fuck?!

"Hey asshole! Hurry up and roll that thing!" This bitch says. I'd pay like a million dollars to hit this bitch in the head with a fuckin' baseball bat! Y'know what I mean right?

But Tone....


When I lost Jeff, my world fell apart. I mean, he's out in England, nobody knows what the fuck he's even doing out there....

Then he comes back... In a fuckin' wheelchair! All fucked up n shit.... Staring outta windows n shit... He got fucked up in this car accident and then...... Tone came to see him....

Tone blamed himself even though he got cleared in court... He didn't do shit!

But Tone....

Tone still blamed himself.....

But I knew man, I just knew..... Tony was a good dude! If he had been responsible, why would he fly out to Los Angeles to see Jeff?! Huh?! Answer me that?!

Yeah..... EXACTLY!!!

Each time Tony came over, we got closer... He's a writer too!


We're both fucked up!

Y'know..... We just clicked.......

After my mom.... I only had Jeff. But when he got fucked up, I had nobody...... Nobody.....

Then Tone comes around and I'm like shit! This fuckin' guy! He's on the level! I can see why Jeff was his best buddy... I mean...

..... He's a dude!

All I wanted to do was be his friend, make him feel better about himself n shit..... Bring him back to the real world...

What have I done?!

Taken him to Vegas and got mixed up with some gangster cocaine dealers n shit......

I need another line of this blow:


I look up to Tone n shit, y'know....

He writes AMAZING books!

I write shit for fuckin' Rolling Stone.

Who even reads Rolling Stone?! Asshole dentists who play golf n shit.......

This motherfucker creates masterpieces and he don't even fuck with blow or cheeba! It's streight from his motherfuckin' head!


He's Da Vinci..... Michaelangelo...... ELVIS-FUCKIN'-PRESLEY!!

He's a fucking artist!


I ain't shit.... I just get high and write bullshit about people who aint shit to nobody.... It's just what I do.... I supppose...... Tone lost his mom.... I did too...

But he don't know that.... He thinks she's still alive n shit..... It ain't like I never told him, it just never came up...... I can't.... I've never.... I mean....


Vodka and pills.....

That's all it took for my mom to end her own fuckin' life and leave my father alone with me..... So many questions run through my fuckin' head on a daily basis.....

Was it me?

Didn't she want to see me grow up?! Did my pops do something that was too bad to mention?!

Did he commit a sin there was no redemption from?! Maybe she was just fucking nuts... I dunno......

I know she was loud, she told it how it was....

The bitch just couldn't keep her mouth shut.....

Y'know what?!


What kind of selfish bitch kills herself?! Leaves a her kid with an emotional cripple?! My old man was broken....

That asshole never recovered......

When he died a couple of years back, I was glad for him.... His life wern't worth shit!

Uncle Mike is a fuckin' asshole! I hate that sonova bitch! No good motherfucker! Typical fuckin' Jew-bastard asshole!

Gives us a bad name.... The fuckin' asshole is the reason the whole world secretly hates our Kike asses!!

This motherfucker always acts so high and mighty.... Like he his shit don't stink!

He mocked my fathers poor choice of bride... Yeah! This asshole told my pops she was destined to end up in a bad place! Said he chose the wrong woman!

Can you believe that shit?!

Can you fucking believe THAT shit?!


Jeff was like the only good thing that came outta him..... And Jeff hated the bastard as much as I do! All that asshole cares about is money! I betchoo a thousand dollars he beats off to money stacks and cleans the jizz up with dollar bills! Fuckin' asshole!!

I hate motherfuckers like that! Guys who foreclose on some broke assholes home; guys who make money from American Express cards; guys who go to sleep at night dreaming of money.....

These fucking assholes are the same as the pieces of shit who build hydrogen bombs and ruin peoples lives! Then these ASSHOLES go to church or the synagogue or to the fuckin' mosque and pray to a god who doesn't even fucking exist! If they believed in god, why would they do what they do?!


Years ago....

You had these assholes called The Nostics n shit.... These guys believed in dark angels.....

They believed that dark angels roam amongst the human race, that these dark angels aim to corrupt man and guide him towards evil n shit.....

That's Michael Cohen!!!

That's the guy who lends money legally, just so he can't be called a loan shark! Thats the guy who turns a family outta their house when they miss a couple of payments!!!

That's the guy who doesn't give a fuck about the outside world or the people who make him a rich asshole!

That's the guy who told my father:

"Ruth was a lost cause."

I heard him say it!

At my own mothers funeral....

It makes me sick to even think of this fuckin' asshole....

He didn't see me standing behind my father. I stepped out from behind him.

He looked down at me and then back my father:

"Rebuild and start again."

There was no emotion in that assholes face......

He looked at my dad like he was a peice of shit.....

This asshole didn't think I knew what he was saying... I did.... He dissed my own mom.... At her own fuckin' funeral....

The day that asshole dies, I'ma swallow a bottle of Wild Turkey and piss that shit all over that motherfuckers grave......


Handcuffed to this table makes it hella hard to roll this blunt.....

"Hymie! What the fuck?!"

Talia...... This bitch is talking on the phone, she ain't in no hurry..... This coke has fucked me up brah.... I need to chill the fuck out.....

Come back down to earth n shit....

This Cali weed is strong, but shit! Its sticky! The blunt will be rolled before this bitch gets off the phone....

The world will end before this bitch gets off the phone.....

This bitch talks a lot of shit! The whiskey is the devils water, y'know what I mean right?!

This bitch wont shut the fuck up:

"Yeah, once the deal is done, we'll be able to party........ For sure...... Yeah....."

On and on and on and ON!

Letterman is on the tv and talking a loada shit too....

That motherfucker always talks shit. That asshole insulted me atta party in L.A a couple of years back.... I was too wasted to light his ass up. Next time I see him, its on.

Next time? What the fuck am I talkin' 'bout? If Tone fucks up, we both might be sleeping on the trunk of car tonight.

Tone kinda surprised me though.....

When he freaked out in the studio, he was a nervous wreck! Acting like a god damn crazy person! It was me that was the strong one....

Look at this shit now?!

I'm the nervous wreck.... Can't even roll this blunt 'cos my hands are shaking like crazy! Y'know-


I hate this beaver toothed bitch:


The problem with this good ass coke is that when the shit wears down, your nerves are shredded! We both need this blunt more than ever. She goes back to her phone call...

For a moment, I kinda wonder how these girls got hooked up with Lorenzo? I mean, he's a bad motherfucker! And these girls are just.... Dumb girls...

When Lorenzo clocked Talia, she was shaken like a motherfucker! She never had somebody light her ass up like that before!

Lorenzos problem isn't Talia.... It's Tony......

I mean look at this shit! Tones grown some fucking balls! Lorenzo acts tough but he's shook by Tone! He ain't know guy like Tone exists! Dudes who've been neck deep in the shit! That motherfucker cut his own foot to escape his fate! Escape from the sick assholes who tried to kill him!

When Tone gave me that book to have it transcribed, I had no fuckin' idea what was in even that thing!

Tone just told me he took it from under the lighthouse n shit.....

I gave to this braniac bitch, this professor......


This professor broad called me at like four in the morning! Called me a sick asshole! Told me that the book was streight from "the guts of hell" n shit........


Me and Tone PUBLISHED that shit!! Got the whole world hatin' our asses!!

The Cannibals Cookbook has shaken the fuckin' world to it's core!!!

This is Tones time to shine!! But he......

I just wanna help Tone! Make him see that life exists! Sometimes, I don't think he sees that.....

He just spends his life stuck in the past, fucked up because he lost his foot..... Whatever......

I dream of the day when he sees the sunlight again and stops living in the past like a fuckin' asshole! Tone needs to get laid and enjoy his life!

It's the past that hold him back! Keeps him wearing those Mormon ass suits! Keeps him writing those dark ass books......

He's got mad skill and he could be the next Stephen King, but he has to move on and progress.

I have the friends, but they're all assholes...

Everybody in L.A and New York are assholes! Tones a real motherfucker.......


Tone is a good looking cat, but his head is all fucked up....

Who am I to talk?!

I mean... I'm fucked up too!

Maybe its just Tone is fucked up in a different way......


Guess we're all fucked up....

All of us are emotional fuckin' cripples in one way or another!

Tone is different n shit.... He's got balls of steel. That guys seen the fires of hell and lived to tell the tale. He's the only guy on the face of the planet I trust......

He's my brother......


My own brother, and I just fucked him in the ass with a broomstick......... I'm a fuckin' asshole.....