Crystal Fountain by Casey Bell - HTML preview

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My junior year meant school was almost over. I spent this year trying to find a college to attend. My top favorites were Tait College, Kiel University, and Zale. I hadn’t made my decision yet, but I was getting there. I spent that year submerged in extra-curriculum activities. I decided to also join the choir that year. Mark kept asking and it was hard saying no to a life long friend. Although I was regretting it at first, once I started going to rehearsal, I realized how much I missed singing. I also was inducted into the Italian Honor Society and the National Honor Society. My parents were so happy for me that they brought me a car. It was a used car, but it worked, that’s all that matters. I also started working that year. I started working at the gym that I exercised at. I worked at the front desk and I also worked at Plant Land part-time, which was a healthy fast-food restaurant. I did a lot that year, too much actually, by the New Year I quit Plant Land and I decided to quit the chorus. Mark was upset at first, but he was still glad we were able to do the Winter Concert together like old times.

During this year I went on my second date with Evelyn Smith. I pretty much did the same things that I did with Danielle. We dated four about three months before realizing we really did not have much in common and decided to break up. We decided to stay friends and we continued to talk to each other.

I also remember that this was the year that Chris stop coming over. My parents decided I was old enough to baby sit my sister. So, any time my parents left the house it was just Sarah and I. Sometimes my parents would allow us to invite friends over. Sarah always had two or three of her friends around. Mark was pretty much the only one who would come over. We actually had a small New Year’s Eve party at our house that year. Mark, Camille, and Kathryn came over and three of Sarah’s friends were there. Sarah pretty much staid in her room. The four of us pretty much played “do you remember when?” It was fun talking about the old times we had together, when all we had was each other. We vowed that we would stay in touch; to make sure even in college we stay pen-pals. To this day we write each other on occasions. The New Year rang in and I was close to graduating.

The first thing I remember about my junior year was something I have regretted to this day. It started with my mother finding out that the new neighbor Candy was going to be working with her. They started working together in December of 1995, they became fast friends. They were working with each other for about a month before they started hanging out. Candy would make frequent stops at our house and my mom was often visiting her house as well. It was about March when Candy needed a baby sitter for her son, Louis.  My  mother volunteered my services. I had asked her why her daughter Sunny couldn’t do it and she told me she didn’t know she just knew that she told Candy that I would baby sit. The night that I babysat Louis was a night I wish I could change. I went over there and Candy was the only one there. Sunny was at a basketball game with friends and Candy was meeting her husband at some benefit of the sorts. So, I was left alone with Louis.  I had no plans of doing anything other than babysitting him. I didn’t do much of anything, but watch him play video games, it was then at some point that the moment seemed familiar to me. He then asked me if I wanted to play and I did. And as I played, I got an urge to do something. I took off my shirt and I asked him if he was hot. He shrugged and continued to play. I then asked him all the questions Chris asked me and to make a long story short the night ended with me molesting him. I told him to make sure he doesn’t tell anyone and I don’t think he ever did. I babysat him a couple of more times and each time, I did what Chris did to me. I hated myself each time knowing what I was doing was wrong, but the feelings were strong and it seems like I couldn’t stop myself. To this day I wish I could change those moments, but unfortunately, I am unable.

1996 also taught me that being jealous can be the stupidest thing you can do. During that year I spent a lot of time over Aaron’s house. I would drool over everything he had. I would always tell him how much I envy his life. He never responded (in a way he did) to my remarks, instead he invited me over one day to spend the night, it was around February. I was so elated.  I got to use all the electronics in his house. Most of them were voice activated. The refrigerator would open automatically, the shelves moved in and out automatically, the blender, toaster, and toaster oven were all voice activated. He had state of the art washer and dryer, dish washer; I mean every machine in the house was voice activated. The television was huge and had every channel. His computer was awesome, flat screen, and very fast, it was amazing, it felt like I was living in the Jetsons times. Everything went well, until that night. It was around 1AM and I heard a thump sound. It awoke me and at the same time frightened me. I staid awake for a while to see if it would happen again and it did. I then heard the sound of something fall and break. Then I heard voices, like arguing, it started off quiet, like whispering, and then it picked up. After a while I could tell it were Evan and Isabelle (Aaron’s parents) fighting. I got up and looked over at Aaron’s bed, but he was sound a sleep. The noise got louder and more frequent so it was hard for me to sleep. At some point it stopped and I was able to go back to sleep. When I looked at the clock before going back to sleep it read 3:17AM. I couldn’t believe it was that late, and I couldn’t believe that Aaron was able to sleep through it. The next day I awoke and I didn’t say anything at first. Aaron and I were playing video games and I nonchalantly asked him if he heard any noise last night. And he responded just as nonchalantly as me. He responded saying, I didn’t hear anything. He paused slightly and then continued saying, but I’ve gotten used to it, I’ve learned how to sleep through it. I never said what the noise was, but he knew what I was referring to. There was a longer pause then before, he then asked me if I was still jealous. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that I realized the only reason why he invited me over was to see that there was nothing to be jealous about. Yes, he had all the things in the world, but he had to live his life with his parents at each other’s throats. About a week later I saw him in school and asked him how long he has had to live through that. He told me ever since he could remember. He said his parents would buy each other gifts to apologize to each other, but the arguing never ended. He said he would ask them to stop fighting, but the only way they would apologize to him was by buying him something. They would be in peace for about a week before fighting again. I felt really bad for him and I felt stupid for overdoing it with the jealousy remarks. Out of guilt I asked him if he wanted to spend a couple of nights over my house and he agreed. Some nights in secret, my parents never knew some of the times he came over. He enjoyed the peace and quiet; he kept saying he’s glad that he didn’t have to pretend he didn’t hear anything. His parents never noticed him missing. There were some nights we would stay up late talking about life. Other than James he was the first person I talked to about Chris. I didn’t understand it though. Mark was my friend since I was six years old, and I still wasn’t comfortable enough to tell him, while Aaron I only knew for about two years and I felt opened enough to tell him everything. He told me about his parents and how he spent his entire life wishing for “better parents.” He told me he used to pray for them to get a divorce. We laughed and cried together during that year. I miss that time with him. There were many times that I wished that I could have those times with him again.

My junior year was a time where I searched and searched for scholarships. I sent in papers and essays to every foundation where I qualified. Also, that year I remember Mark getting a supporting roll in the school musical, Welcome Home. He also was involved with Dangerous Secret, at Keller’s Community Theater. He was amazing in both productions. It was awesome to see him perform. He reminded me of his cousin.  Camille was a dancer in Welcome Home. It was fun watching the both of them on stage. Kathryn and I went together to support them. The four of us went to celebrate at Darla’s, a near by diner, similar to Lovely’s, but less expensive. It was at that point that I realized that no matter how much we keep in touch that would be one of the last times we spend together. Like every other school year, it quickly ended and I was enjoying summer once again.

The summer of 1996 was one of the saddest summers ever. It also brought about a happy occasion. I spent a couple of days with my dad. It wasn’t until late June early July that I became the most depressed in my life. It began at night. I was sleeping and sirens coming into our neighborhood awoke me. I looked at my window and saw them heading to Aaron’s house. My first thought was that Isabelle called the cops on her husband, but that wasn’t the case. All I saw was Isabelle running out crying with a man on the bed the ambulance rolled away. I wasn’t sure who it was until the next day. I found out that Aaron had committed suicide. He left a letter for his parents and one for me. He apologized to me and also thanked me. He said I was the only person he could ever talk to and was glad to know me, but he said he just couldn’t live anymore in the conditions at home.  I felt like a heavy weight was put on me and I could not lift myself up. I cried everyday, at least three times. I could barely attend the funeral, because I did not want to see him lying dead. I was so afraid that I might lose it. Later that day the gang and I went to Darla’s and they kept saying how they didn’t understand how he could kill himself being that he had everything. As much as it hurt to talk about his situation, I had to let them know. I told them about his parents and they became quiet quickly. It made them see the same thing I saw. Money doesn’t make you happy; it just makes you more of what you are. If you’re happy, it makes you happier, but if you’re sad it will make you sadder. The Lyons moved out by the next month and the house was on the market once again. The month of July was a cold month for me. I didn’t do much of anything, but mope around. It wasn’t until August that I had a little bit of light.

Gregory and Phylicia had a wonderful wedding. It had me smiling for some time. The funny thing was them trying to find out whose house to live in. They decided to live in Gregory’s house and they made some extra money by making Phylicia’s house a bed in breakfast. It wasn’t until March of the next year that we saw guests coming in out of the house. It was like living next to a hotel.

I also went to see Mark in another show. He auditioned for Here It Is, and got the leading roll at the Lyndon Community Theater. At the end of this summer Mark, Camille, Kathryn, Brian, Brianna, Kevin, and I went to Funtastic. Kevin was leaving for college so we decided to do something together before he left. The summer ended kind of slow, I think it was the suicide that made it so depressingly slow. However, it ended and I was soon in my last year of public schooling.

My last year in high school was of course a bitter sweet year. Finishing school was fun, but having to part from friends I knew for a long period of time was very difficult. By this time many more houses were done and more people moved in the neighborhood, but because of finishing high school and preparing for college I was too consumed to pay close attention.

The only ones I remember is the Drake family moving into Papa Bill’s house. Jeffrey and Tiffany Drake and their children, Kindred, 16, and Ian, 12. I remember them because they were the most outgoing families. They were the newest, but it seems like they knew all of us for a long time.  They would have parties and invite everyone. I would go over only to see the house. Every time I stepped in the house, memories of Papa Bill and Aaron would flood me, so much that sometimes I would cry without knowing.

My last year in school I spent most of my time on the track team. It was during the first months of school that I got into all three of my top three choices. I also was offered a full track scholarship, and I also spent my last year working as a trainer at the gym.

A great memory I have of my senior year happened on New Year’s Eve. My parents went out as usual and Sarah went over a friend’s house for the night. I was by myself for the first half of the night. I had told Chris the week before that I would be home alone hoping he would come over. To my surprise not only did he come over, but he took me out. I wasn’t sure where he was taking me because he wouldn’t tell me. He kept telling me it was a surprise and that he did not want to spoil it for me. He took me to New York, to Times Square, like he always promised me. I was completely shocked, I hadn’t a clue that he would actually take me. When we got there, he simply said that he told me he would take me. I don’t know why, but I kissed him and he kissed me back. After the ball dropped, we went to a hotel and that was the last time I was with Chris. It was a fun night, a night I will never forget. Once the New Year came in, I couldn’t be more elated. I was so happy that college was nearby. The rest of the year went by pretty quickly.

During the month of March, I went out one more time with another girl, Kelly Parkinson. She was pretty and everything, but again not for me.  Mark excelled in the school musical this year. He had the leading male role in Manhattan and Me. He was accepted to Zale University and majored in Theater Performance, of course. Kathryn decided to go to a law school out of state, Walden Law, and Camille went to Tait College and majored in Business, and minored in dance. At that time, I still wasn’t sure where I was going. The biggest event of the year, other than graduation, was prom. I wasn’t sure who to take until my mother suggested I take Elizabeth. I guess I talked about her so much that it seemed like the easy answer. I called her and she agreed to go. She had a beautiful gown and I had a tux that matched hers. I enjoyed myself to the fullest and I enjoyed being with her. The craziest thing about going to the prom with her was realizing that I was in love with her. I saw all the signs, but I ignored them. Graduation came and went (quickly, but yet it seemed so long- winded). They had a special memorial for Aaron. Thomas and Elizabeth came to celebrate with us and in return the crew went to their graduations. We all decided to go to Funtastic one more time before college started.

The summer ended pretty quickly and I was off to Kiel University, that’s right I chose Kiel. I went on the track scholarship and majored in Psychology. I wasn’t sure at first what I wanted to do, but after living my life in Crystal, I felt like there were children who I needed to help. So, I decided to become a counselor.

I am now 35 years old and I still keep in touch with the crew. We see each other about twice a year. I married Elizabeth and we have two children Aaron, 6 and Tiara, 2. I know how crazy it sounds that I got married (knowing what you know about Chris and I), but I knew I loved her and I came to the realization that what I had with Chris was not love. I kept it a secret until I was 25. Chris made national news. He got arrested for endangerment of a child (amongst other things). He was found in a hotel room with a thirteen-year-old.  When they raided his house, they found tons of pictures of boys. I never realized that everything he did to me he did to a number of other boys. I was never contacted (being that my pictures were probably in the bunch), or did I have to testify. The case ended with him pleading guilty and taking a plea bargain. He received ten years without parole. About a month later I decided to come clean and tell what Chris did to me and what I did to Louis. I told Elizabeth, my parents, and even the crew. It was the most difficult thing that I ever had to do, but it was liberating at the same time. My parents cried, so did Elizabeth. Mark was upset that I never told him.

I now live in the same state and I counsel abused children (of all ages).

So, that was my life in Crystal as I remember it. Every now and then I visit Crystal Fountain to visit Mama Jean. She still lives their and still looks as young as ever. Mostly everyone there is completely new. Pretty much everyone moved out. The only ones left are Gregory and Phylicia and the Carson family. Every time I enter the development, I can still hear Liver barking, or see the construction workers building new homes, and smell the barbecue wafting from the neighbors Viking grill. These are my memories of Crystal Fountain.