Crystal Fountain by Casey Bell - HTML preview

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So, September arrived and I attended my first day at Richard Freehand High School. My first day was exciting knowing that this was my first year of my last years in public schooling.  I spent the first months getting used to a new environment. The school was much bigger than Einstein Middle School.  One thing I remember about high school was trying to find something that I could do after school. My dad told me that getting involved with after school activities was great for college applications. Theater and soccer were out of the question, so I had to look harder. I looked at all of the sports and the only thing I knew that looked the easiest was track. I thought to myself, all I have to do is run. I tried out and got in my freshman year. Track was a little harder than it looked, but the more I trained the more I enjoyed it. I staid in track all four years and even won some awards.  As for the rest of the crew Mark auditioned for the school musical and he was in the ensemble of Freeze. Thomas joined the chess team, Camille became a cheerleader, and Kathryn was apart of the student counsel. Brian and Brianna joined the baseball and softball team and were the reasons why our school teams won.

One thing I remember about my freshman year was the chemistry lab accident. One day in class the fire alarm goes off and as usual we evacuated. The next day we found out that there was an accident in one of the junior’s chemistry class. They were doing an experiment and one of the students did not follow the instructions too well. Everything was okay, but they made a big deal out of it in the newspapers.

By the time January came in I had joined Future Business Leaders of America, and The Sign Language Club, but most of my energy was in track. I had started to train at home. I would run for miles, usually never having a destination, just running. At times I felt like I was running away from something. I wasn’t sure what it was, but that’s what it felt like.

This year also brought about another annoying season of the never-ending barking Liver. Edward left the town again, but not before another argument with Mama Jean. As always it ended with Edward leaving and Mama Jean yelling at his car as it drove off to wherever.

A happier memory is when Gregory Kenilworth, one of the newer neighbors took a couple of us to see a basketball game.  He owned a box seat and it was amazing sitting up there. My dad, Mark and his dad, along with Jacob, Michael, and I were there. It was awesome having room service and we were able to order anything we wanted. My dad told me not to get carried away, but Gregory told us not to worry. He said because he donated much money to the arena a lot of it was free. Although, I had lived the rich life, this was even richer. I felt like my family and I were poor compared to Gregory. One thing I remember about sitting in that box was talking to Greg. I found out some interesting things about him. Not only was he a doctor, but his father was too. He said he was engaged, but his finance broke his heart. He told me he found her in bed with another man. He started talking about how he couldn’t trust another woman again. He then started asking me questions about girls.  I told him that I was interested in girls and he advised me to wait and not to grow up too fast. When I think about girls during that time, my freshman year was a confusing time for me. I started to notice girls. I didn’t think that I could ever be interested in girls being that I enjoyed the time I spent with Chris.

Danielle Richardson was the “girl next door.” She was pretty, popular and everyone liked her. She was the kind of girl every girl wanted to be and every guy wanted to be with. I had a big-time crush on her. Every time I saw her it felt like magic. I had butterflies inside and at times I could barely speak without blushing or stumbling over my words. However, I didn’t know if I could have a long-term relationship with the opposite sex and still desire physical relationships with the same. I spent the school year going after Danielle and keeping my life with Chris a secret.

The summer of 1994 brought great sadness and happiness all at the same time. The summer started out with another death.

At the age of 98 Papa Bill died. It was a bitter sweet moment. I know he was in a better place and feeling better, but I knew that I would miss visiting him. His grandchildren put the house up for sale and no one lived in it for about five months.  The funeral was nice, his family was all wonderful people and the whole Crystal neighborhood was there. After the funeral we had the reception at Papa Bill’s house. Just looking at all his pictures he had still around the house made me miss him even more. I mourned him for the months of June and July. I just couldn’t get over his death. For some silly reason I thought he would live forever.

It wasn’t until August when I got a letter from Elizabeth that my happiness slowly returned. She told me in a letter that she was going to visit in August and I got so elated. I had missed me some Elizabeth and was happy to see her again. She came over during the third week of August and staid until Labor Day. She spent the night over Camille’s house and we spent every day playing catch up with her. We told her about Sandy and Papa Bill and everything else that went on since she left. We even went to Funtastic Kingdom with her. We also had a huge party for her at my house. All the neighborhood children were there. It was a weird party. We named it “We Miss Elizabeth Party.” We danced and ate and enjoyed her. Just being with her those few days reminded me of how much she made me happy. I never felt as good as I did with her than I have with any other person. Of course, sadness returned when she left to go back home.

The only other event that took place was in July with Chris. We were home alone and we had our fun together. This time, like every summer before, he introduced me to something new. He brought a camera and we took pictures of each other. For some crazy reason I thought it was cool. He explained to me how he was going to make a website with me and him. He told me if he made any money, he would split it with me. I’m not sure if I completely knew what he was doing, but I agreed to take the pictures.

My second year at Freehand High I joined the Italian club. I was still involved with track. I submerged myself in it. It was like the only thing I knew that identified me. I still wasn’t sure what I was or who I was. Mark was in the school musical again and also in the chorus. He asked me to join the choir with him, but I passed that year. He kept saying he wanted us to be in the choir together, one more time, before we graduated. I couldn’t do it being that I was in so many other activities. He understood, but it didn’t stop him from asking me to think about it for next year.

During this year Crystal Fountain was introduced to the Lyons. They were the family that moved into Papa Bill’s house. Evan and Isabelle Lyons and their son Aaron, 15, were the talk of the neighborhood. I think everyone envied them. As rich as we all were, I think they were the richest. They came in with huge screen TV’s and all types of automatic electronic Jetsons type machines. Evan had a Rolls Royce, while Isabelle had a Lexus. And even though Aaron couldn’t drive, they brought him a BMW for when he got his license. Everything they had with them where elaborate. They even had a professional chef, maid, and butler. I think they went too far with the personal help, but I guess they were just used to it. I know I was jealous of them, especially Aaron. He had every new gaming system and every new game and pretty much everything he wanted. I know I told him many of times of my jealousy, but he never responded, and I didn’t know why until I spent the night with him.

December rolled in and I was spending Christmas at Mama Jean’s and New Year’s with Chris. 1995 was here and two more changes in my life occurred.

The first thing that took place was in February; Thomas moved out of state. His father accepted a better job and they moved the second week of February. It meant a better life for him, but it meant I wouldn’t be able to see him anymore. Just like with Elizabeth I became his pen-pal, but it was sad to see them both leave. Thomas and Elizabeth were the only two people that I grew up with that taught me to be nice to those everyone else is being unkind to. The two people that made me feel welcomed at McCooper Elementary had left my life. They both would visit every now and then, but it wasn’t the same.

My tenth-grade year brought to me my first date. It was in April and I went on a date with Danielle. I finally got enough nerve to ask her out and low and behold she said yes. I took her (her brother drove us around) to Lovely’s (which my father foot the bill), and she was very impressed that I was able to pay. Later I took her to a movie and then we walked in a nearby park where we talked and I had realized that I wasn’t in love with her. She was beautiful and that’s all she had. No offence, but she wasn’t very bright and she was willing to do it on the first night. I told her that I wasn’t ready (I wasn’t sure if I could get it up without Chris) and she made me feel uncomfortable about saying no. The next day in school I got ridiculed for saying no. I hated her for a week and a day because I thought everything, we shared was between the two of us.

April was also the month where I started a short secret relationship with James Marco. He was on the track team with me and we started a thing. We were jogging buddies during the weekend. We would wake up in the morning meet each other at a designated spot (usually the high school) and jog. Once we were done, we go our separate ways. One day he asked if he could come over to my house. He came over and my mother fixed us something to eat. She then left the house with Sarah. They went with the Matthews to see Victoria in another play. I staid home with James (although, I wanted to see Vicky again). My dad was with Gregory at a basketball game. I had no intentions of doing anything with James, but everything just happened. Once we were done our “first times” suddenly emerged.  I told him about Chris and he told me about his uncle. I couldn’t believe my ears; I don’t know what my reaction would be if one of my uncles ever did anything like that to me. But I guess there’s no difference between him and his uncle and me and Chris. The school year was ending quickly and I couldn’t believe all the time that had passed. The summer of 1995 was here and I think was the most outrageous summer ever.

One thing I did this summer at the request of my father is I started looking into colleges. He told me that now was the time. To search and see which ones I was interested in. I started out by going to the library and simply searching all the colleges near me. I handpicked a few, but I did most of my research on my return to school.

Another thing I did that summer was go golfing for the first time. Ronald invited my dad and me to go golfing with him. Mark and his dad went the week before. It was kind of fun. It was more difficult than I had imagined.

The biggest thing that happened that summer was probably the funniest and saddest thing I ever witnessed. Let’s start from the beginning. I was at home and it was around 10PM. I was on the phone with Mark.  We weren’t talking about anything in particular. We just usually at least once a week would get on the phone a play catch-up. We told each other everything (well, I didn’t, I never told him about Chris, Philip, or James). As we were talking Liver started barking again, non-stop, it was very annoying. It went on for about five minutes. Out of no where I heard three gunshots. It scared the hell out of me. I dropped the phone and ducked, not knowing what was going on. I soon picked up the phone and asked Mark if he heard it. He told me yes and that it sounded like gunshots. I wasn’t sure what to think because our neighborhood was a quiet and safe neighborhood. My first thought was a drive by or maybe some thugs came in trying to steal from the rich. I wasn’t sure, but soon after my parents came in and asked if I was okay, I told them yes. At that point my father said he was going outside to see what it was. My mother than argued with him for a minute telling him it was too dangerous.  After a couple of minutes my dad looked out the window and noticed some of the neighbors had gone outside.  He then went out there along with my mother. She told my sister and me to stay inside. I staid inside, but I opened the window so that I could hear what was going on. Robert, Mark’s dad asked everyone if anyone knew what was going on. They all agreed they were all clueless. At that point Peter, Camille’s dad called the cops and the rest of them staid out there until they arrived. Cassandra, Kathryn’s mom asked if anyone knew where the shots came. Phylicia mentioned that it sounded like it came from Edward’s place. At that point Kenneth went to go over to Edward’s house to see. Barbara was furious and argued that the shooter could still be over there and that it was dangerous. Kenneth went over to his house anyways and because of Linda’s (Mark’s mom) curiosity she went over to the house with him. When they returned, they both were laughing.  Ronald asked them what was so funny and they could barely get it out. Finally, Linda said she thought that Mama Jean killed Liver. My mom asked her how she knew.  Linda said that Liver was dead and that he had three shot wounds in him.  Peter asked her how she knew it was Mama Jean and Linda laughed and asked; who else could it have been? She said that Mama Jean was the only one crazy enough to kill a dog. Sooner or later the police came and because there was no proof of the shooter no one was arrested. Ironically, Edward returned two weeks later to find his dog missing. My mother went over to his house and explained what happened. She never mentioned Mama Jean, but he accused her.  In fact, he went over to her house and started arguing with her. She never admitted to anything, but I think everyone believed she did it.  It was a year later that in sadness Edward moved away. He claimed to my mother he was leaving because no one in the neighborhood liked him. My mother told him that it wasn’t that no one likes him it was that no one knew him because he was never in town long enough for anyone to get to know him. Once he left, I don’t think anyone missed him being that we were used to him not being home, but I did feel sorry for him. My mother told me that she talked to him and she found out why he named his dog Liver. He got his dog after his dad died of liver cancer. He said he had the dog for five years and didn’t know if he could live on without him. It was sad and funny all at the same time because I could picture Mama Jean shooting the dog. It was something the crew and I would laugh about all the time after that incident. Edward sold his house and within three months a new family moved in. Ralph and Candy Feathers and their children, Sunny, 20, and Louis, 10. That was all the excitement for that summer, other than frequenting Funtastic Kingdom with the crew. The summer was over and I was entering my junior year in high school.