Cyber Hunting by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part One


The Iraq project had been cut short because the team helped to trap a State Department mole early in the attack sequence. The loss of their warehouse and their house in Carlsbad, California was a now viewed as a necessary consequence of their last mission.

After buying the house in Colorado Springs, Brandon, Tonya, and Blaster returned to Oregon to spend a few weeks working on the farm. Once the house was ready Germ and Lucy went to Colorado Springs to install networks and computers in the house and the new office space. The house is located on North Cascade Avenue, a tree lined street just a few blocks from Colorado College and within walking distance of the downtown area. For several decades local residents have referred to the house as Hunter House.


October 15, 10:30 A.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the large living room of their new home for their first briefing in Colorado Springs.

“I am happy we are all together again,” Brandon says. “We have a lot to do in the next few days and we will start working again in about five days. Blaster is going to go over some financial and organizational details.”

“First, we will be working under a new corporate name in Colorado,” Blaster explains. “We will also pay all of our expenses out of that account. You will have credit cards and access to cash. I have the all of your cards. You just need to sign and activate them.”

“Next, the insurance company paid off for the house and warehouse fires in Carlsbad,” Blaster explains. “The funds from the insurance claim and the sale of the land are in the California corporate account. We are going to use the funds in several ways, but I want the professor to explain part of that.”

“We are going to distribute the money among the team members but keep some in CDs at the California bank,” Brandon explains. “Razer and Blaster will have their jeeps replaced. Their insurance paid off but I want to add enough money to that for them to both get new models.”

“As for as additional transportation goes, we are going to pick up several vehicles later today,” Brandon continues. “We will have enough to meet all of our needs. We are getting a Land Rover, a Van, a Town Car, and two Subaru wagons. We are paying for these and all of the insurance out of the new company funds.”

“Everyone is getting a $10,000 settling in allowance,” Brandon continues. “This should replace your clothes and handle an personal items you need. After that you are free to use the credit cards for anything you need.”

“We are also setting up trust accounts for each of you,” Brandon continues. “There will be $100,000 deposited in each account except for Spinx and Lucy. Because they are still on the payroll of the CIA and the Air Force we are putting $50,000 in their accounts. That is about it from my end on finances.”

There were cheers all around for the money distribution.

“We will also have cell phones,” Blaster says. “They will be delivered in a couple of days. They are a little bigger than your average mini phone because your signals will be encrypted and you must remember to use them in secure mode when talking to each other.”

“There is some bad news that we just got this morning.” Blaster continues. “Henry Kirkman’s wife died last night.”

“Is he going to come and stay with us?” Lucy asks.

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “He will be here in three or four weeks.”

“Henry is going to be responsible for security,” Blaster says. “But he is also going to train us in self defense, the usage of a wide range of weapons, high speed driving, and whatever else he feels is necessary.”

“We are also arranging for briefings by some of the professors at Colorado College and the Air Force Academy,” Brandon adds. “Blaster, Germ, and Rabbit tell everybody about the new office space.”

“It is a large space,” Blaster explains, “There is about 120,000 square foot. It is three stories in the back and two in the front. The lower level in the back has a drive in truck dock with two overhead doors.”

“We have the network installed,” Germ continues. “Fiber optics running through the entire building. There are two satellite dishes on the roof. Most of the computers we requested have been delivered including a large massive parallel system with 64 processors.”

“The security it top notch,” Rabbit continues. “There is closed circuit video and motion detectors everywhere. The building is also TEMPEST so it is very difficult for anyone to pick up signals moving internally.”

“There are also shower facilities, a workout room, and a kitchen on the lower level,” Blaster adds. “We are going to use the second level for offices. We are also going to have fully equipped sleeping quarters on the third floor. There are elevators so we should not have too much difficulty moving in.”

“What about office furniture?” Brandon asks.

“Plenty of that to go around,” Blaster replies. “We just have to move the furniture in for the third floor.”

“Let’s get that done by the end of the week,” Brandon directs. “Also, is there room for me to have a studio?”

“We have picked out a corner room on the third floor,” Blaster replies. “You will have good light from two directions and a view of the mountains.”

“Thank you,” Brandon graciously replies.

“Anything you think we need to know about the house?” Brandon asks Tonya.

“It has ten bedrooms and eight bathrooms,” Tonya replies. “The kitchen is huge. There are fireplaces everywhere it seems like. The garage will hold four cars and has an apartment above it.”

“It is definitely a cool has house,” Lucy exclaims. “Did the furniture come with it?”

“No,” Tonya replies. “In fact that is the first ever domestic task that the professor and I achieved together.”

“You mean the two of you went and bought all of this furniture?” Spinx says laughing. “How charming!”

“Anything else at this time?” Brandon asks.

“I want to give everyone their credit cards,” Blaster replies. “Then we can break for lunch then go pick up the rest of the vehicles and get the insurance paper work completed.”

“Then what?” Lucy asks.

“Then we are going shopping and spend money,” Tonya replies.

“After all of that we are going out to dinner,” Brandon adds.


October 15, 7:30 P.M. MST

A private dining room at the Broadmoar Hotel

The team joins together for their first major diner in Colorado Springs at the historic Broadmoar Hotel. Brandon ordered platters of fish, quail, and rabbit, along with several vegetables and appetizers. Everyone was dressed in his or her new clothes.

“I am really hungry,” Lucy says. “Shopping makes me hungry.”

“So, it is sex, cyber attacks, and shopping that make you hungry,” Spinx teases. “Anything else?”

“Thinking makes me really hungry,” Lucy says laughing. “Especially when I am thinking about sex, cyber attacks, and shopping.”

Everyone starts digging into dinner.

“Any impressions about Colorado Springs?” Brandon asks.

“I like the new building,” Germ says.

Rabbit quickly agrees.

“No Beach!” Lucy adds. “But that means we just may have to go to Hawaii more often.”

“Count me in for that,” Lulu adds. “I really like Hawaii.”

“I like the new house,” Tonya adds. “I think I will be happy there.”

“I love the house,” Spinx adds. “I just cannot imagine the professor shopping for furniture.”

“He actually did very well,” Tonya replies. “It was almost a romantic moment. We shopped, then had lunch, they shopped more. It was an interesting experience.”

“I like the neighborhood that we live in,” Razer adds. “The trees are turning colors and I like the way the wind blows the fallen leaves up and down the street.”

“I like the view of the mountains,” Blaster adds. “I really like the Garden of the Gods. We should all go there sometime. I think it would be a great place to have sex.”

This brought a roar of laughter from everyone.

“I am sure there will more shopping tomorrow,” Brandon says. “You should go to the outlet mall. It is about a thirty minute drive north on the Interstate 25.”

“Are you going with us?” Lucy asks.

“No,” Brandon replies. “I am going to stay here and buy wine and art supplies. ”

As the evening goes on everyone was deciding who they should have sex with.

“This is getting too difficult,” Spinx says. “I just want to have sex with all of you.”

This brought another round of laughter.

“We can make that work out,” Lucy says.


October 16, 10:00 A.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

It is another shopping day. Brandon was staying in Colorado Springs to buy wine and art supplies. Razer had several things on her mind and decides to spend the day with Brandon. The rest of the team head off to the outlet mall.

The first stop for Brandon and Razer is to make arrangements for wine to be delivered to the house. They order cases from some of their favorites wine makers and requested delivery later that afternoon. The list included Byron, Calera, Cambria, Cinnabar, Clos Pegase, David Bruce, De Loach, Dehlinger, Dry Creek Vineyard, Far Niente, Ferrari-Carano, Gary Farrell, Gloria Ferrer, Guenoc, Grgich Hills, J. Lohr, King Estate, L mark, La Crema, Mark West, Nichols, Pezzi King, Qupe, Saintsbury, Schug, Sonoma-Cutrer, Sonoma-Loeb, Steele, Wild Horse, and Willamette Valley Vineyards.

Brandon and Razer then settle in for lunch at a small southwestern restaurant in one of the historic neighborhoods of Colorado Springs.

“I am glad you decided to spend some time with me,” Brandon says to Razer. “How are you feeling?”

“I am doing pretty well,” Razer says. “At least I think I am.”

“There are things on your mind,” Brandon replies. “Are you going to share them?”

“I am irritated at how the last project was cut short,” Razer begins. “Were we set up? And did you know about it?”

“We may have been set up to a certain extent,” Brandon replies. “The President wanted to catch the mole and found an opportunity to do so. It was his call.”

“You seemed to know how it was going to come down,” Razer replies.

“I had discussed contingency plans with Director Davis and Henry Kirkman,” Brandon admits. “But none of us really knew how it would work out. Remember that we have all worked together in the past and we have become pretty good at responding to quickly changing situations.”

“I can accept that,” Razer says. “But why didn’t the FBI just bust the guy? Why let him burn down the warehouse and the house?”

“Again that was the President’s call,” Brandon explains. “I think that he thought it was best that at least some people on the terrorist’s side thought that our team was out of commission and some of us were even dead.”

“We could have pulled that off by just burning the warehouse,” Razer replies. “Why did we have to sacrifice the house?”

“The house was a surprise to me as well,” Brandon replies. “At least it was not something that we discussed.”

“I have the feeling there is more,” Razer says.

“I do not think it was Terrence Long who burned the house down,” Brandon replies. “It could have been Madison’s clean up crew.”

“So they wanted us out of Carlsbad then!” Razer exclaims.

“That is my conclusion as well,” Brandon replies. “But recognize that the new facility is far more secure and far more defensible. The President has done pretty well for us overall. And Madison is happy about his global bust.”

“What is behind all of this training that Henry is going to put us through?” Razer asks. “What is the reasoning and who is behind it?”

“I think that both Henry Kirkman and Director Davis are behind it and that they have conferred with the President about it,” Brandon replies. “I think that overall it makes sense. I also think that Henry really likes this team and is concerned about what could happen to his new friends. He came to take care of us and had to leave his dying wife behind for several days in order to do that.”

“Was he in Carlsbad from the day we started the Iraq attack?” Razer asks.

“I did not ask him, nor did he tell me,” Brandon replies. “I suspect he was there.”

“How can you stand not to know the answers to these questions?” Razer asks. “It drives me nuts sometimes.”

“But other times you do just fine with it,” Brandon replies. “I trust Director Davis, Henry Kirkman, and the President. We have served them well and they need us for future work.”

“Okay, I can see the point that you made about Henry,” Razer replies. “But what about Davis?”

“I think he is concerned about us,” Brandon replies. “But I think he is more concerned about his daughter and even Sharon.”

“So if Brenda and Sharon continue to work with us Davis will continue to watch out for us?” Razer asks. “You knew that all along didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “I knew it, I counted on it, and I exploited it. Is that a problem?”

“No,” Razer replies. “Now that it is clear to me, it is not a problem at all. Behind all of this facade of not asking questions you sure are a conspirator.”

“One other thing,” Razer continues. “Henry Kirkman and the President have known each other for years. Do you leverage the relationship with Henry to work the President?”

“Somewhat,” Brandon replies. “But there is far more synergy than there seems to be. I think Kirkman saved Dick’s life one time. That makes him eternally grateful to Henry. When I was in D.C. the President asked me to take Kirkman on the team permanently. He wants Henry to have something to do that he cares about. The last thing Dick will let happen to Henry is to let him fade away into some boring bureaucracy somewhere.”

“Some times you amaze me,” Razer replies. “No, you amaze me almost all of the time!”

“Anything else?” Brandon asks.

“Yes,” Razer replies. “You seem to be trying to instill a different demeanor into us here in Colorado Springs. Is that intentional?”

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “It is intentional and it is necessary. In Carlsbad we were free and open, far too free and open. We need to look more normal here.”

“That will be easy,” Razer replies. “We could walk all over Carlsbad but we can’t here. So if we are out and have to drive home we probably will not party as much outside the house.”

“Do you have any questions for me?” Razer asks.

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “First, how are things with you and Blaster?”

“They get better every day,” Razer replies. “We are going to get married.”

“Congratulations,” Brandon replies. “So are Brenda and Sharon.”

“How is the farm working out?” Brandon asks.

“We are settled in pretty well,” Razer replies. “Everybody seems to like it there and we worked and played all day. Thanks, it was nice of you to help me get it.”

“It was my pleasure,” Brandon replies. “And you deserve it.”

“How is the rest of the team in your opinion?” Brandon inquires.

“They are ready for action,” Razer says. “And it better be good.”

“It will be,” Brandon replies. “Now lets go buy some paint and canvas.”


October 17, 10:00 A.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

The team is having breakfast in the living room and chatting about what they may do for the rest of the day.

“I am ready to go to work,” Blaster declares. “We can shop more later.”

“I am with her,” Razer adds. “I have had enough of a break.”

The rest of the team concurs.

“Are you sure about this?” Brandon asks. “Maybe your motivation is tainted with a bit of a taste for revenge about what happened in Carlsbad.”

“It is for a fact,” Spinx snaps at Brandon.

“I agree with Spinx,” Lucy adds.

“Terrorists upset our lives,” Rabbit adds. “Yes, we want revenge.”

“Okay,” Brandon replies. “You will get your revenge.”

“What’s the gig?” Tonya asks.

“General Madison and many others were very pleased with what we came up with last time,” Brandon explains. “Finding the nukes was one thing but the long list of suspects was what thrilled them the most.”

“Of course,” Lucy says. “They get to go play Army and do their round up thing.”

“They want to play more,” Brandon replies. “We are going into a three month operational phase of taking names, bugging systems, and feeding data to Madison.”

“How?” Lulu asks.

“Blaster is running this project,” Brandon replies. “I have ideas, Tonya probably has her own. Let’s go to the office. I can start painting while you all develop the tactics.”

Within minutes the team were in their vehicles and heading to the office.


October 17, 11:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

As they arrived at their new offices Lulu looks at the sign on the upper corner of the building. “What is B7,” she asks.

“It is the building number,” Blaster explains.

“So the name of our new place is B7,” Lulu declares.

The team agrees and all shout “B7.”

As they enter the building Brandon goes to the third floor to work in his studio. The rest of the team go to their offices and power up their new computers. A few minutes later they start wandering into the large conference room on the West Side of the building. The room has floor to ceiling windows that look out over the Rocky Mountains.

“Let’s see if we can get Brenda and Sharon on the phone?” Blaster directs.

Within minutes the conference call is established and the team are in the conference room.

“How is everyone doing?” Brenda asks. “What is going on?”

“We are great,” Blaster replies. “We are starting a new project. Are you interested?”

“Without a doubt!” Brenda and Sharon exclaim.

“What is it?” Sharon asks.

“We call the operation Net Wide Hunt,” Blaster replies. “We are going to hunt down some terrorists suspects for Madison and his group.”

“With a porn trap?” Brenda asks.

“Yes,” Blaster replies and more. “A porn trap with a chat function.”

“We are also going to mine universities like we did in Iraq,” Germ adds. “We can use that data to help profile individuals and establish who talks to who.”

“We also have a new massive parallel processor with data mining software,” Rabbit explains. “We can collect all sorts of data and create profiles then ship the data off to Madison.”

“The porn trap is going to be a bit different this time,” Blaster continues. “We are going to buy a turn key site from an ASP which will allow us to focus our efforts in other areas. Then we are going to create about a dozen identities that visitors can chat with.”

“Will we be the chatters?” Brenda asks.

“Yes we all will be involved,” Blaster explains. “We can hook them into long sessions and Germ and Rabbit are creating robots to shake down their computers while they are chatting.”

“We will take the data, email addresses, passwords, and whatever else is interesting and store it in their profiles on the MassPar box,” Rabbit explains.

“How long will this last?” Sharon asks.

“We are going to work various tactics over a three-month period,” Blaster explains. “We will build the profiles from a number of sources.”

“When do we start?” Brenda asks.

“Can you be here tomorrow?” Blaster inquires.

“Yes,” Brenda replies. “We also have some news for you. We are getting married and we would like to do it there with all of you present.”

The team applauds and cheers.

“What about your families?” Razer asks. “Will they also join us?”

“Yes,” Brenda replies. “My father and my mother will be there.”

“My mother will also be there,” Sharon adds.

“Let us know what day you want to do it and we will take care of everything on this end,” Razer continues. “Would you mind if we made it a double ceremony?”

“Not at all,” Brenda says. “Who is the other lucky couple?”

“Blaster and I,” Razer replies.

Another round of applause and cheers in the conference room as the call ends.

“We need some attack servers,” Germ says. “I think we can start off with six.”

“Great,” Blaster replies. “You and Rabbit get those set up.”

“I will work on a list of universities,” Spinx says. “Any particular countries?”

“I think we should start with Iran, Syria, Turkey, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia,” Tonya says. “Any other suggestions?”

“I would add South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand,” Lucy says. “Then if we find correspondence trails to other countries we can expand the list as we go.”

Rabbit and Germ leave to get started on their tasks and plan the university hits.

“I can handle establishing the turn key site,” Razer says. “Lucy and Lulu can work with me and learn to do the site administration.”

“Cool,” Lulu says. “I can now add adult web master to my software, pirate, cyber terrorist, and cyber defense resume.”

“As soon as Brenda and Sharon get here we all need to learn the chat function,” Blaster directs.

“We will have identities set up by tomorrow,” Razer adds.

“So, do you already know who you are going to contract with for the turn key site?” Tonya asks Razer.

“Of course,” Razer says laughing. “What kind of woman doesn’t know the best porn masters in the world?”

“I am going to work with Germ and Rabbit for a while,” Tonya says as she leaves the conference room.

“I am going to talk to the professor for a few minutes,” Blaster says.


October 17, 1:30 P.M. MST

Brandon’s studio in B7

“Hey babe,” Blaster says to Brandon as she walks in the studio. “How are things going?”

“I am doing some initial prep work on a bunch of canvases today,” Brandon replies. “I can start doing some serious work tomorrow.”

“We need a lot of paintings for the house and the office,” Blaster says. “Can I disturb you for a while. You can keep working while we talk.”

“Sure,” Brandon says.

“We are rolling,” Blaster declares. “We are setting up a turn key porn site with chat and while use that to draw people in so Germ and Rabbit can shake down their computers. Germ and Rabbit are also preparing to hit universities in about eight or so countries. Tonya is working with them.”

“Sounds good,” Brandon replies. “I assume everyone that works the chat sessions will have web identities.”

“Razer is handling that,” Blaster replies. “I have some news. Brenda and Sharon will be here tomorrow to work with us. They are going to get married and they want to do it here.”

“Very good,” Brandon says. “Any idea when?”

“A few weeks probably,” Blaster continues. “Hopefully Henry will here by then. I will keep him posted on the dates.”

“There is something else,” Razer adds as she walks into the studio. “We are going to have a double ceremony with Brenda and Sharon.”

“I am happy for you all,” Brandon says as he hugs Razer and Blaster at the same time. “Let’s make sure we have a spectacular event.”

“Come down and join us for lunch in a while,” Blaster says as she and Razer leave the studio.

Brandon gets wrapped up in his work and prepares several canvases to work on later in the week.

About an hour goes by and Tonya brings him in some lunch. “Hey, you were supposed to come down and eat lunch,” she says.

“Oh, sorry,” Brandon replies. “I am just anxious to get some painting done.”

“Take a break and eat,” Tonya replies as she takes the brush from his hand and then gives him a long kiss. Let’s talk a while.”

“Okay,” Brandon replies. “Then let’s go home early and leave the team to go buy the furniture for the third floor.”

“I like that idea,” Tonya says. She smiles and kisses him again. “I think everyone is excited about the project. You are right in concluding that they want to get a bit of revenge for Carlsbad. They worked hard on the house all summer and they loved their warehouse.”

“I know,” Brandon replies. “It will be good for all of us to strike back. How do you think things are shaping up?”

“It will be relatively easy,” Tonya replies. “There are really no technical challenges. The universities are easy to hit. I just want Germ and Rabbit to take their time and not do too much at once.”

“Can you see to that?” Brandon asks.

“I don’t have to,” Tonya replies. “Blaster is on them and has made it clear that there will be no mistakes on her watch.”

“Any other concerns?” Brandon asks.

“The chat room thing is a good idea,” Tonya replies. “The only thing I don’t think this group is really ready for is how verbally gross things get when pigs sign on to chat sessions.”

“I have thought about that as well,” Brandon says. “We can temper that by not doing too much at one time.”

“One of our core characteristics in this group is manners,” Tonya continues. “Hardly anyone ever swears and nobody gets gross even when the sex is way over the edge. Everyone is always the way you were with me at Stanford. Sweet erotic whispers are one of my favorite things in life.”

“I do think that you are trying to seduce me,” Brandon says.

“Wash up and let’s go home,” Tonya replies. “Take me to bed, then fix dinner.”


October 17, 7:00 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

Brandon did as Tonya requested. Dinner is one of her favorite menus. A salad of field greens, a mix of grilled vegetables, Halibut with mango sauce, roasted red potatoes, sautéed portabello mushrooms, lightly toasted baguette, and chocolate flourless cake.

The team arrives on the minute for dinner as Tonya is opening the wine. The toast was to the upcoming marriages of Brenda and Sharon and Blaster and Razer.

“This is great,” Lucy says. “I am really hungry.”

“Halibut is fantastic with the mango sauce,” Spinx says. “You two should leave the office early more often.”

“We need to do something special to welcome Sharon and Brenda tomorrow night,” Razer says. “Their plane gets in about 5:00 P.M.”

Everyone looks at Brandon.

“I will take care of dinner,” He says. “But I will need help.”

“Help or motivation?” Spinx asks.

“Both,” Brandon replies.

“We bought the futons, bedding, some lamps, and odds and ends for the third floor of B7,” Blaster reports. “We need a few more things but we can catch up with that later.”

“The loft had such a personality,” Lucy says. “It was truly your nest.”

“It took several years to get it that way,” Razer says. “We just sort of added to it as we went through life.”

“I know what I want to add to it,” Spinx says. “Germ, Rabbit, I want to help you design a new machine. A maximum frustration fighter for those days that I am really stressed out and can’t get enough relief.”

“I think we can accommodate you,” Germ replies as Rabbit agrees.

“I would like some input into that design,” Lucy says. “I think there should be a standalone model as well a multi user version.”

This brought a roar of laughter and a toast to the concept of the maximum frustration fighter.


October 18, 12:30 P.M. MST

Brandon’s studio in B7

Brandon was engrossed in his painting as Tonya walks in “How are things going?” She asks as she walks up behind him and puts her arms around him and bites him gently on the back of the neck.

“I am doing great,” Brandon replies. “Are you about ready to take me home?”

“I need about 30 minutes to look over the first university strike,” Tonya says. “Then I will be back to get you. Spinx is coming with us to help.”


October 18, 7:00 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

Brandon once again did as requested. Dinner is another of Tonya’s favorite menus. A salad of field greens, baked acorn squash,