Cyber Hunting by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Two


October 19, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the conference room to discuss the progress they have made over the last few days.

“The first university strike went very well,” Germ reports. “We found the usual stash of porn, several files relating to terrorism, and came away with all of the email that was sitting on the computers as well as all of the address books.”

“We are going to use several software packages to mine the data and start assembling the profiles,” Rabbit reports. “We are even going to try using some new CRM packages.”

“The porn site is set up and fully operational,” Razer reports. “Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx know how to do the basic maintenance and have been working with the chat function.”

“We have established several identities for the chat rooms and can start using them anytime,” Lucy reports. “There is plenty of streaming video, and the collection of photos is updated every month by the ASP. We also have space to put our signature photos that will distinguish the site from others.”

“Germ and Rabbit recovered some of the photos we used the last time,” Spinx reports. “We have uploaded those. If Germ and Rabbit find more along the way we will use those as well.”

“The stats function on the site is pretty impressive,” Lulu reports. “We will certainly be able to monitor return visitors and we will have pretty good data on the location of anyone who visits.”

“The bugs are ready,” Rabbit reports. “We can easily slip them onto any visiting computer and have written scripts to take care of that.”

“We have also developed a robot that scan the systems of any visitor who stays very long,” Germ adds. “Both the robot and the bug should have little difficulty getting through the security of the average user.”

“So, we want to draw in as many people as possible,” Lucy surmises. “And we can build a steady clientele by keeping people interested in the chat room.”

“The ideal situation is that we can keep suspects in the chat rooms and keep them returning,” Tonya says. “If we have a strong suspect we can try to set up a meeting between them and one of our girl friends in their country.”

“It all sounds good to me,” Brandon says. “I want you to address the impact that working in the chat room will have on your heads. Don’t be fooled, things will get really weird.”

“That is why I want Germ and Rabbit to build the maximum frustration fighter (MFF),” Spinx adds. “If I get stressed out I want you all to ring it out of me.”

“We will get a prototype done within a few days,” Germ says.

“We can put a filter on what you see on the chat screen,” Rabbit explains. “It would not impact what the visitor is seeing. We could screen for words and translate them into numbers or letters. The text would show up as the first letter of the word, such as F, C, or D. It may be easier to deal with the onslaught that way. Not only that, it is faster to read to shorthand than long hand.”

“Okay, have a great day,” Brandon says. “I am going to paint.”

“This is a list of your screen names and your areas of specialization,” Blaster says as she passes out the sheet.


“The thematic approach is to incite the chatter into proving that they are tough guys,” Razer continues. “Make them want to prove that they are killers and rapists. If you do that you can probably lock them in.”

“How is this site going to work?” Brenda asks. “Is it free, pay, or membership?”

“There are sections that are free,” Blaster explains. “The photos we put up will be free and used as bait. The material provided by the ASP is pretty much run of the mill porn and will be available for a low price. The chat, however, is going to be premium class and will cost $49.95 per month.”

“The site will take credit cards,” Razer explains. “We expect most of the foreign visitors to use fraudulent or stolen credit card numbers.”

“As we will develop the profiles we will check the credit card numbers against a database of stolen or fraudulent numbers,” Germ explains. “That may actually end up being valuable intelligence.”

“How so?” Lucy asks.

“We know that many tourist from all countries have their credit cards ripped off,” Rabbit explains. “The database we have access to supplies information about when and where the cards were reported stolen and where they have been used.”

“With the MassPar we can cross tabulate vast amounts of information in minutes,” Germ explains. “The analysis, combined with other information, may very well provide clues about the movement of individuals or the relationships between criminal or terrorist groups around the world.”

“We will each work chat for two hours per day in one-hour blocks,” Blaster adds. “There will be plenty of other work to keep us busy as the MassPar spits out analysis. We each need to spend some time examining profiles that the computer generates. Once we are convinced that the profile is accurate and the individual is a suspect we will turn the information over to General Madison.”

“I also indicated that when possible we are going to set up liaisons between out clients and women that they may want to meet,” Razer continues. “If you have a client interested in meeting somebody like you they get referred to Zoltone.”

“This is where the plot thickens,” Blaster continues. “Lucy would you like to explain this part.”

“There are three organizations that have brothels around the world,” Lucy explains. “For decades they have worked under contract with a wide variety of intelligence agencies to provide entertainment, and in many cases facilitate the capture or the kidnapping of individuals.”

“They are rather nasty people,” Lucy continues. “They are involved in drugs, prostitution, slavery, spying, espionage, and murder. They have, however, proven to be rather valuable in the intelligence process.”

“Zoltone will refer the client to a contact in the local or nearest country,” Lucy continues. “If they client passes the contacts exam then they will be taken to the location of the brothel.”

“It seems that this trap could pull in all sorts of scum,” Sharon says. “How will we know who is who?”

“We won’t know for sure,” Razer replies. “But the profiling criteria we used in the Iraq attack worked fairly well.”

“We also have far more computing power then we did on that project,” Germ adds. “But scum is scum and it is has become difficult to distinguish between the criminal and the terrorist. They are mercenary and will work together when they feel it is beneficial.”

“I also doubt that we will be trapping the top echelon here,” Lucy adds. “Our primary goal is capture anti American terrorists, but I would not mind taking down a few anti social psychotic criminal types as well.”

“We start the chat tomorrow,” Blaster directs. “But today we need to familiarize ourselves with the site.”

“What about the data capture and profiling process?” Sharon asks.

“The data capture and planting the bugs is all automated and transparent,” Germ replies. “We can go over the profile analysis process next week after we have a more substantial database.”

“We are also hitting one university per day,” Rabbit adds. “That will provide us more sources of information to analyze.”

“Also bear in mind that the contents of each chat session are stored on a server,” Blaster explains. “If the user comes back and uses the same log in information the chat history will automatically be displayed on a split screen for us.

“Let’s get some lunch,” Razer says. “When can start the training right after that.”


October 28, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the conference room to discuss their progress.

“The website has had over 400,000 visitors,” Lulu reports. “We have sold about 1,600 low end memberships. About 16 percent of the traffic are repeat visitors. We also have about 100 chat subscribers but we will not know anything about the renewal rate for several weeks.”

“We have done some analysis of the chatters behavior patterns,” Blaster explains. “This table shows that Spinx/Leila is by far the most popular with close to 100 percent more time than the number two slot held by Sharon/Rei at 18 percent. The next three are Razer/Uriana with 15 percent, Brenda/Ugura with 14 percent, and Lulu/Marta at 13 percent.”


“We have had a good look at the profiles of the return chatters,” Germ explains. “Several of them meet out profile criteria and we are putting extra effort into rounding out the profiles.”

“We have also done well with the universities,” Rabbit adds. “We have hit about fourteen. We have over three million email addresses and have found considerable terrorist related material at three of the universities. We have used this to pick our next target schools and are proceeding on schedule.”

“Let’s do another update in four or five days,” Blaster directs.


November 1, 11:00 A.M. MST

Nordstrom’s in Denver, Colorado

The personal shopper at Nordstrom’s works with Brenda, Sharon, Blaster, and Razer in the Savvy department to select clothes for their weddings. After a few hours each of them select their clothes and then they decide to settle in for a late lunch.

“I love the clothes,” Brenda says joyfully. “We will all look great.”

“Of course we will,” Razer adds. “It is because we are great.”

The women all share in a round of laughter.

“I am really looking forward to spending a couple of weeks in Hawaii,” Blaster says. “The photos of the new condo show that it has a fantastic view.”

“I am concerned about taking two weeks off in the middle of this project,” Sharon says.

“This project is pretty much on auto pilot at this point,” Blaster replies. “Besides, Tonya can handle anything that comes up.”

“We will transfer the first set of data to Madison before we leave and everybody will be happy,” Razer adds. “We just need to keep reviewing the profiles and rounding them out.”

“Germ and Rabbit will keep Lucy and Lulu content,” Brenda says. “And Spinx will always give everyone something to do.”

“Tonya and the professor are happy as along as they are together,” Blaster says. “They seem to really be settling in at Hunter House.”

“One thing I will say is there is never a dull moment when we are all hanging out together,” Brenda says.

“We do all seem to get our needs met,” Sharon adds. “Germ and Rabbit have the prototype of the MFF1 finished. Those guys must have been women in a previous life in order for them to be able to build the machines they do.”

“Oh, I think it is just that they take instructions well,” Razer replies. “They are also very observant.”

“I am curious about something,” Brenda says. “Nobody in this group talks about their past very much. Is there a reason for that?”

“I don’t think that there is a diabolical reason,” Blaster replies. “It is just that we are so happy with the life we have. We are comfortable around each other.”

“I am amazed at how supportive everyone is,” Sharon adds. “I have never been in such an environment.”

“Mutual support is a cornerstone to the foundation of the group,” Razer adds. “It is, as most dynamics in the group, driven by the professor.”

“Well, I am glad that Sharon and I could become part of the group,” Brenda adds. “I was not sure what was going to happen after ExopaTerra.”

“The professor never lets go of anyone he loves,” Razer replies. “We are also pleased that you became part of the group.”

“Didn’t you feel kind of strange with both Brenda and Tonya being in the group together?” Sharon asks. “At least a little bit in the early days.”

“We discussed it very openly,” Blaster replies. “There is very little if any jealously among us.”

“There is a bit more to it,” Razer adds. “Both Tonya and the professor have had a few pretty hard years. They are the best at what they do and to get that way sometimes takes a big toll. They have stuck it out and have been rewarded with a deep and caring love for each other."

“How about you Sharon?” Blaster asks. “How do you feel about Brenda and the professor having a relationship?’

“I felt a bit strange at first,” Sharon replies. “But after the weekend in D.C. and everything else we have all been through, it seems like all of us being together is a natural thing.”


November 3, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the conference room to discuss their progress.

“The website has had over 800,000 visitors and traffic is going up quickly,” Lulu reports. “We have now sold about 3,600 low end memberships. About 14 percent of the traffic are repeat visitors. We also have about 250 chat subscribers but we still will not know anything about the renewal rate for several weeks.”

“We have done the usual analysis of the chatters behavior patterns,” Blaster explains. “This table shows that Spinx/Leila is by far the most popular with 31 percent of all chat room time being spent with her and the number two slot is still held by Sharon/Rei at 19 percent. The next three are Razer/Uriana with 15 percent, Brenda/Ugura with 14 percent, and Lulu/Marta at 12 percent.”


“We continue to do well with the universities,” Rabbit says. “We have hit another six for a total of twenty. We have over four million email addresses. We have profiled faculty and students at four schools for the Madison list.”

“Let’s get a data set ready to send to Madison later today.” Blaster directs.


November 4, 11:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Tonya is working in her office reviewing profiles. Blaster walks in and asks “Can I talk with you about something?’

“Sure,” Tonya says. “What’s up?”

“I have been reviewing the chat logs of Spinx/Leila and Sharon/Rei,” Blaster reports. “And I have some concerns.”

“Let’s talk about it,” Tonya replies.

“I also did a quick comparison with Brenda/Ugura and Razer/Uriana,” Blaster adds. “They are more of what I would expect a normal chat room woman to do and say. They talk dirty but they are not wrapped up in the character.”

“The mission does call for keeping the chatter happy and coming back,” Tonya replies. “Wouldn’t that make Spinx/Leila and Sharon/Rei successful?”

“Yes,” Blaster replies. “On the surface. I printed these out for you. Would you read them and give me a second opinion?”

“Of course,” Tonya says. “Something has you spooked. That is not a bad thing. I will get back to you in a few hours.”


November 4, 3:00 P.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

Blaster returns to Tonya’s office, “I heard you were looking for me.”

“I was,” Tonya replies. “I finished my review. You are right, Spinx/Leila is over the edge and Sharon/Rei is getting too close to it.”

“I was talking to Germ when you were looking for me,” Blaster says. “He said that Spinx is wearing out the new MFF and that Sharon has been putting in more time than the others as well.”

“That does not surprise me under these circumstances,” Tonya replies.

“What should we do?” Blaster asks. “We have profiles of their most frequent chatters and they closely match our criteria. The data has been sent to Madison.”

“Get back to Madison and tell him to make those cases a priority,” Tonya replies. “We need them out of commission and that will ease the pressure on Spinx/Leila and Sharon/Rei for a while.”

“I will do that immediately,” Blaster replies.

“After that meet me in the professor’s studio,” Tonya says.


November 4, 3:20 P.M. MST

Brandon’s studio in B7

“Are you about ready to go home?” Tonya asks Brandon as she walks in the studio.

“Just about,” Brandon replies. “And I have five paintings to take to the house. We can have a little celebration tonight and all work on hanging them.”

“We have a problem,” Blaster says as she joins them in the studio.

“What is going on?” Brandon asks.

“Tonya and I have both reviewed the chat room logs of Spinx/Leila and Sharon/Rei,” Blaster reports. “Spinx/Leila is over the edge and Sharon/Rei is too close to it.”

“I concur,” Tonya says.

“Recommend some action steps,” Brandon replies.

“Their most frequent chatters closely match our criteria,” Blaster says. “We have asked Madison to make them a high priority.”

“Good,” Brandon replies. “What else should we do?”

“Increase security for one thing,” Tonya says.

“Why?” Brandon asks.

“Mainly to give Spinx somebody else to have sex with,” Tonya replies. “But I think it is just a good precaution. If these guys really want to do what they say they want to do to Spinx/Leila and Sharon/Rei they would be dead when it was over.”

“We can probably get Henry out here pretty fast,” Brandon replies. “But I doubt he is ready to have sex with Spinx. See if you can get Director Davis on the phone for me.”

A few minutes later Germ and Rabbit come to load the five paintings into the van. The phone rings as they are walking out of the studio.

Blaster answers, “Yes, he is here.” She passes the phone to Brandon.

“Hello,” Brandon says. “Are you ready for your trip and the weddings?”

“Just about,” Director Davis replies. “Is there a problem?”

“I need some security help,” Brandon replies. “Do you have two male agents that you trust and that we could some how easily blend into the operation?”

“There are two,” Director Davis replies. “Agents Randy Johnson and Ken Bloomfield. Two of the famous listeners of you and my daughter having sex.”

“Does she know them?” Brandon asks.

“If you would say that spraying them with mace, dragging them out of a van, hand cuffing them to a rail, taking their paints down, and snapping photos with her digital camera in the alley behind the George Town condo is knowing them? Then I would say yes.” Director Davis replies.

“Oh,” Brandon says. “I recall hearing something about that.”

“The way I heard it,” Director Davis continues. “Is that you told the President of the United States that you were proud of her for it.”

“When can they be here?” Brandon asks.

“First flight in the morning,” Director Davis replies. “Anything else?”

“Not at this time,” Brandon replies. “We will see you in a few days.”


November 5, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The entire team assembles in the conference room. Agents Randy Johnson and Ken Bloomfield join them.

“General Madison is once again very pleased with the profiles,” Brandon reports. “He moved on several suspects during the last 24 hours. However, because nobody likes to work on the holidays, Madison has requested that we attempt to speed up the process on this end.”

“We can start hitting two universities per day without a problem,” Germ replies.

“What we need is more help looking over the profiles before we send them to Madison,” Rabbit adds. “The MassPar does a great job but we still feel that we need to review each profile before we send it.”

“I agree with the process,” Brandon says. “That is why Agents Randy Johnson and Ken Bloomfield are going to work with us for a while.”

“There is something that I want you all to know,” Brandon continues. “But I am going to give Brenda the option of telling you that.”

“Thank you,” Brenda says. “I would rather do it.”

“You have all heard of the famous FBI sex tapes starring me and the professor,” Brenda continues as the group giggles and grins a bit. “Randy and Ken were on the surveillance team making those tapes. On the morning that the professor headed to Tokyo I set up Agents Randy Johnson and Ken Bloomfield for a fall. As it ended up I sprayed them with mace, dragged them out of a van, hand cuffed them to a rail, pulled their paints down, and snapped photos with my digital camera in the alley behind the George Town condo.”

“They had no idea who I was until later that morning,” Brenda continues. “I apologized to them and we have become closer friends over time.”

“Do you have anything to add Randy, Ken?” Brandon asks.

“That is an accurate portrayal of what happened,” Randy says and Ken agrees.

“It is also true that we have become closer friends,” Ken adds.

“Gentlemen,” Brandon says to Randy and Ken. “Blaster is in charge of training and will see that you get situated. I would like to speak with you two as well as Tonya and Blaster for a few minutes.”

On this note the rest of the team leaves the conference room.

“Gentlemen,” Brandon begins. “You come to us highly recommended. You know the kind of work we do and you know how serious security is and that is why you are here. We are trying to avoid a problem.”

“Part of this project involves using a porn trap with a chat feature to help us gain information about possible terrorists and criminals,” Blaster explains. “It is working well but one of our team members is falling into our own trap.”

“How so?” Randy asks. “And how do you think we can help?”

“Spinx is the most popular chatter on the website,” Blaster continues. “However, she is overly engrossed in the process and we are concerned about her.”

“If Spinx gets into too deep,” Tonya begins. “She may be seduced into meeting one of the people that she has interacted with in the chat room. That may happen outside this country which hinders our ability to prevent it.”

“She is not to leave Colorado Springs,” Brandon explains. “I want you to watch her.”

“Professor I don’t want to sound like a smart ass,” Ken begins. “But it sounds like she just may need to have more sex.”

“We agree with that,” Blaster says. “But she has worn all of us out.”

“This is an open environment,” Brandon adds. “Anyone here can have sex with anyone here and most combinations have probably occurred. I am not going to tell you how to keep her safe. I just want to make sure she is safe. Help us on this and learn our procedures and we will give you an opportunity to be involved in the most advanced covert cyberwar lab in the world.”

“One other thing,” Randy begins. “I think it was wise for you to get out in the open the fact that we had a mishap with Brenda. But in the interest of equal and full disclosure I have a question.”

“Go ahead,” Brandon says.

Looking at Tonya Randy asks, “Are you High-Tech Tonya?”

“Yes,” Tonya says. “I was.”

“Sign me on,” Randy says.

“Count me in as well,” Ken adds.


November 5, 6:00 P.M. MST

The Hunter House in Colorado Springs

Brandon is hosting a reception to let everyone discuss where to hang the paintings and to welcome Randy and Ken to the team. A buffet of fruits, cheeses, and vegetables is served on the dinning table along with newly selected wines. After several hours the paintings have all been hung to the team’s satisfaction.

Randy and Ken decided to use the sleeping quarters at B7 until they decided on a more permanent arrangement. Spinx returns to B7 with them so that they can get into the building. She also has other things in mind as well.


November 5, 10:00 P.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

After securing the building Spinx offers to provide Randy and Ken with a more detailed tour and answer any questions they have. The tour ends in the third floor sleeping quarters.

As they are settling into their rooms Spinx bluntly asks, “Are you guys gay?”

“The closest I would come to that is a few childhood boy to boy experiences,” Randy answers. “I have no biases but I now pursue a hetro life style.”

“Same here,” Ken replies.

“Are either of you married?” Spinx continues. “Or do you have girlfriends?

Randy and Ken both shake their heads no as Spinx walks around dimming the lights on the third floor.

“Good,” Spinx replies. “I have ever intention of seducing you both.” Spinx slowly starts removing her clothes.

“Don’t be concerned and don’t hold back,” Spinx says as she smiles. “Just follow my lead and I guarantee you the best night of sex either of you have ever had.”


November 7, 10:00 A.M. MST

B7 in Colorado Springs

The team assembles in the conference room to discuss their progress.

“Madison is happy,” Brandon reports. “He has rounded up about 250 people as a result of the profiles. He also says that the profiles have well-rounded information and so far none have fizzled out. That makes a case for the improved methodology. You have all done very well.”

“The website has had over 1 million visitors and daily traffic is still increasing which could mean that there is a lot of word of mouth going on about it’s existence.” Lulu reports. “We have now sold about 4,000 low end memberships. About 15 percent of the traffic are repeat visitors. We also have about 300 chat subscribers and we have been getting early renewals, which is a good sign. We are keeping people interested.”

“We have done the usual analysis of the chatters behavior patterns,” Blaster explains. “This table shows that Spinx/Leila is still the most popular but has declined to 24 percent of all chat room time being spent with her and the number two slot is still held by Sharon/Rei at 21 percent. The next three are Razer/Uriana with 18 percent, Brenda/Ugura with 16 percent, and Lulu/Marta at 13 percent. This means that things are balancing out in the chat room.”

“Also bear in mind that fourteen of the chatters were referred to Madison,” Blaster continues. “They have not returned to the chat room since then.”


“We continue to do well with the universities,” Rabbit says. “We have hit another fourteen for a total of thirty four.  We have over eight million email addresses. We have profiled faculty and students at six schools for our lists.”

“Let’s get another data set ready to send to Madison as soon as possible.” Blaster directs.

“We can do that today,” Rabbit replies. “But the lists are getting smaller.”

“The website is not as effective for collecting information as the hits on the universities are,” Germ adds. “The website sometimes helps us round out information, but we are getting far more names by sifting through the schools.”

“Opinions and options,” Blaster says. “Should we change our strategy?”

“I am not the strategists,” Rabbit says. “But the success rate is obvious. In the past we have worked on the principle that we would put our resources where the results come from.”

“I think it is time for a shift,” Lucy adds. “Especially since the wedding is coming up and we will be short four people for a few weeks.”

“I agree that this is the time to make a change,” Tonya says. “We can get reorganized and maybe change tactics a bit.”

“I have worked on a plan to keep the chat rooms going,” Blaster explains. “We can work it until we develop a new strategy. Here is a sheet with my proposed assignments. In addition, I do not want to increase the maximum amount of time we spend in chat.”

“When will we implement this?” Lucy asks. “The wedding is going to be on the twelfth.”

“We can put it into effect on the ninth,” Blaster says. “Parents start arriving on the ninth and we can rotate the happy couples out on that day.”

“As I phase out for a couple of weeks Tonya is going to be in charge of the day-to-day,” Blaster adds. “And the professor said he would come to every meeting during the time we are gone to help round out the discussion and develop new tactics if necessary.”

“What I would like to do is have a meeting on the ninth with those of us that will be here for the rest of the month,” Tonya says.

“Statistics held constant,” Brandon says. “We need to keep the number of names going to Madison as high as possible.”

“We can give tactics some thought between now and the ninth,” Tonya says. “Then we can map out