Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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Smiling, Didier said, "It


Scott smiled and said,

"From your tone of voice of total fulfillment and that evil smile, I can tell that everything turned out just the way that we wanted."

Smiling, Didier said, "That's right. Do you have any other special job for me?"

Walking around his office looking for his colored file folders which contained very important information about the enterprise, nervously, Scott said, "Yes, but it doesn't have anything to do with murder."

Smiling, Didier replied, "I'd gladly do it just the same."

"You can find my damned file folders!"

Surprised, Didier turned serious and said, "Someone stole your file folders?" He suddenly remembered seeing a safe at Gwen's house. It was supposed to be behind an eight by twelve size picture of her on the wall, but she forgot to put the picture back in front of the safe. "Wait a minute!" he said, "It was Gwen! Gwen took your colored file folders! Well, someone stole them and gave them to her in exchange of---something."

Scott screamed, "It makes my skin crawl just to imagine what that something was! Anyway, risk your very life for me, go back to her hell of a house, and get me those thirty colored file folders." Fortunately, no one heard him because all of his personnel were out at lunch in different restaurants. "I am going to do it right

away, sir," said Didier, and just when he was about to press the "end" button, Scott screamed, "Hey!" and he put the earpiece back on his ear.

"I'll pay you $500,000


"You know the drill,"

Didier replied, "it's not about the money."

Surprised, Scott said, "Not even this?"

"Nope, not even this, Mr.


"Well, it's not about the

money," Scott blurted, "but you need it, so you'll get it."

"There is one other thing that I need that I haven't gotten in two years, so I thank you for this."

Smiling, Scott said, "I'll hook you up with some women," and hung up.

Didier hung up and said, "But I only need one, Scott," and headed back to Gwen's house. He drove thirty miles back to Gwen's house. He opened the door, walked out of the car, closed the door, ran to the front door, and went right back in. It was obvious that no one had found the body yet. For hours, he guessed the combination until he finally got it right, opened the safe, got the file folders, and walked back to the door. The safe was right there, in the living room, right above Gwen's entertainment center. He ran out of the house with his file folders in his hand, slammed the door, ran back to the car, went in, closed the door, fastened his seatbelt, and pulled out of the driveway. A passerby had seen him leaving one minute too late, and he'd never taken off his mask and his gloves.

A half an hour after getting out of Gwen's house, Didier arrived at the Spears International building. Guards, employees, and visitors were stunned with the appearance of the car and the concealment of the license plate.

Right before getting out of the car, Didier finally took off his mask, his gloves, and his jacket so that no one thought that he was an assailant. He put everything on the floor of the car and got out of the car, closed the door, and locked the doors with his squared little black buttoned key. Finally, he stripped the license plate, opened the trunk, and put it inside, closed and locked the trunk. He walked around the car to the passenger's side and ran to the entrance. The guard had never seen him before, but he let him in. He was desperate to see Scott, he came in peace, and he couldn't hold him up. His gigantic arms made the women around the area gasp and look at each other, smiling devilishly. "What a babe!" one of them screamed out, and the others laughed. He walked up to Scott's secretary, Maria, and identified himself. Maria called Scott to see if he really wanted to see him, Scott told her to rush him in, and she did. Didier knocked, Scott yelled, "Come in!" and he opened the door, went in, and closed it. "The file folders are in the car," he said. "I'm going to have to ask you to ask someone to go get them for you because I didn't want anyone to think that I'd stolen from you and report me to the police. I want to get reported for what I've done, not for what I haven't done."

Scott walked closer to him, padded him on the shoulders and said, "You'll never get reported for anything."

"Don't be afraid I will give you in to take you down with me," he said, crying, "Because I won't. I'll take all of the blame and pretend that I knew all of the people I killed and invent reasons for killing them."

"You've never been scared to get caught," said Scott, caressing his face. "Why are you afraid now?"

"An eight-year-old passerby saw me leave Gwen's house."

