Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"Did he see you or the


"He saw the car."

Scott scoffed. "What are

you worried about, then? Your car doesn't seem to be your car. It seems to be the car of a demented freak, of a clown," and gave Didier a big hug. "Everything's going to be ok. No one is going to find out."

Crying, Didier said, "I trust that."

Scott replied, smiling, "Of course, you should trust me, like I've trusted you all of these years."

Suddenly, Noah went in. He was all dressed up. He had on a suit with a jacket, some fine pants, and a long-sleeved, buttoned shirt, but the shirt is opened up down to his chest, almost to his abdomen, exposing his chest. He's wearing a thin, long, twenty-four-carat-gold necklace with a cross hanging on it. He was wearing his shirt out instead of having it tucked in, and he was wearing a thin black belt.

His hair was cut short to down his cheeks and right above his neck, and the bangs were slightly long and clanged to each side. He usually wore earrings; thus he portrayed the multimillionaire that had turned into a middle class man in the blink of an eye, so he always dressed, spoke and behaved like middle class people did. This wasn't about to change just because he'd physically become a multimillionaire again. His hair was ebony, like the night, and like parts of his soul. Before the murder of Noah Bryan, Noah couldn't be more literally angelic. He was the best of the best; the son that every parent of every economical status dreamed of. He was extremely intelligent, so much than when he ran away from home, he was on his third year of college! He was studying to be an entrepreneur, the same thing as Scott was, and a psychologist, too. If he hadn't run away from home, he would've been a psychologist for five years; the best in all of Florida, and people would drive up and down all the way to Coral Gables just to see him. The suit was black and white, and the jacket and the pants were black with white vertical stripes.

His jacket was buttoned only down at his abdominal area, and he was wearing fine black shoes. He looked more like a model than an employee of the enterprise, since everyone dressed nicely, but Noah was determined to show his personality and his true character. This was he and no one would change him. Didier and Scott looked at him, gasping, and with bulging eyes. Noah walked up to Didier, said, "Hi," and gave him a hug. He did the same thing to Scott.

Gasping, Didier said, "Noah, Noah Spears?"

Noah turned around, shook Didier's hand and said, "Yes," smiling, "that's me; the one and only man with that name that looks and acts like this."

Scott laughed and said, "Oh, man, today is crazy. I can't believe all of the things that are happening. Noah, what are you doing here, and why are you dressed like that?"

Smiling, Noah replied, "I want to work for you, Dad."

Scott pointed at him and with a serious tone of voice he said, "No, you're not going to work for me, you're going to work with me."

Noah turned serious and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," said Scott and wrapped his arm around the back of Noah's neck and his hand hung on Noah's shoulder, "that you're going to be the vice-president and one of the major stockholders."

Noah turned around and looked straight at him once again as they walked to the door and said, "Dad, Natasha's supposed to be the vice-president."

"Noah's right," said


"I mean," said Noah, "I'll

be one of the major stockholders, but not the vice president because as soon as I finish my studies for the career, I'm going to start an enterprise of my own."

They sat down together. Noah sat on the front of Scott's desk and Scott sat back down in his desk. "What enterprise is this going to be, I mean focusing on what product?"

"I'm going to be a record producer."

Didier smiled and Scott exclaimed, "That's interesting! Why don't you keep working on men and women's beauty care like we do?" "I'd be competing with you if I did that," said Noah leaned over and with his hands in front of his chest, clanged together, "and that's precisely what I don't want to do."

Deeply moved and surprised, Scott said, with tears in his eyes, "Well, son, you know you and Scott Jr. will inherit this enterprise the day that I pass, but I appreciate it that you don't want to compete with me."

"I know I might be too dramatic by saying this," said Noah, got up, and leaned on to the desk, looking at Scott more closely, and with both hands on the edge on the other end of the desk, "but what kind of traitor would I be if I started a beauty care enterprise that competes against Spears International, even though it's going to have the name Spears also, and then watched you die, inherited your enterprise and merge it with mine? That would be sick, Dad. It'd be like stabbing you in the back.

That would be sick, Scott Bryan! It'd be twisted!" Didier nodded in agreement. He'd never thought Noah would see this topic on this perspective. "On the other hand," he said, got up and walked around the desk and stood behind Scott, with both hands pressing on his shoulders, "if I start an enterprise that has nothing to do with beauty care products, it can go on, and on, and on, and the day you pass, I'll inherit this one, and everything will continue to be the way that it is right now, except I will be president, Nicole would be vice- president, of course, because she's going to be my wife at the time, and Natasha will be the major stockholder," and Scott opened up his most beautiful smile.

Natasha had heard the whole conversation behind the door. She brought with her a tremendous lunch for him.

Although it was four thirty, Scott hadn't eaten lunch all day because his mind was entirely focused on Didier and Gwen. It was ok because usually, he ate dinner at nine, and sometimes even later. Natasha placed Scott's lunch on his desk, slightly away from his agendas, calendar and important papers, and asked, "Did I hear things, Noah, or did you say that you'd marry Nicole sometime in your life?"

Scott and Noah looked at one another, smiling, looked back at Natasha, and Noah said, "No, Natasha, you didn't hear things.

That's exactly what I said."

"But do you know when this is going to be?"

Scott and Didier looked back at Noah to hear his answer and look him in the eyes as he gave it, to see if he was being honest to Natasha, and without looking back at them, Noah said, "It's going to be whenever Nicole decides."

He walked around the desk once again, turned his chair around, sat in front of Natasha, smiling, and Natasha gasped and said, "Are you serious?"

"I'm as serious and honest as if I said that the sky is blue," he replied.

"Just wait until Nicole hears this," said Natasha, turned around and went to the door.

Before she could walk out, Noah pointed his left finger at her and said, "Wait, Natasha!"

Natasha turned around, walked closer to him and said, "Yes."

"I want to tell her myself. In fact," said Noah, got up, walked closer to Natasha, and held her as if he were holding his sister while consoling her during a trying time, "I want to surprise her with the engagement ring."

Scott gasped and looked at Didier. Didier looked back at him, smiling. Natasha smiled and said, "All right, Scott and I, we won't tell her, right, Scott?"

Scott smiled as he shook his head and said, "No, we won't tell her. Didier, pretend that he never even talk about Nicole and Natasha, all right?"

"I accept keeping Nicole's own engagement secret from her, but I don't accept not telling Natasha what Noah said about her and Spears International."

"Well, ok," said Scott, "as long as you don't tell Nicole."

Natasha and Didier walked out of Scott's office together and went to Herbert's office together, which was just two doors away from Scott's office, and Herbert was one of Scott's stockholders. He wasn't one of the major ones, though. Herbert was taking his son out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and he wouldn't return until 7:30. While Didier was spilling the news to Natasha, with the officer door closed, so that no one heard what they were saying, Jessica was on her way to Spears International with Jill, although they didn't necessarily have to dress up for the first day because they didn't know exactly how to get dressed. Even so, they were dressed just like Noah was, but instead of wearing pants, they wore skirts that were flat and were just a little above their knees. Their shirts were completely buttoned, and they were wearing long stockings and high- heeled shoes. The guards received them and called Scott to his office phone. He was chewing a bite of his spicy chicken sandwich that Natasha had made him with her own loving hands, so he couldn't take the call; thus he would've choked. Assuming that Noah was figuratively the neck of the company; because Scott was the head, they called him at his new office. Scott had just had him accommodated. He was reading the contract of a new anti-wrinkle cream that a chemist had made just for him, a new chemist; not because Noah had wrinkles, but because he needed a new product with which he could contribute to the company and get the stocks to be even higher and the company to be even more successful. This chemist knew that he'd come to the company and start working sooner or later, so he made it for him. He was on the second page of the document, reading it very carefully. The phone had rung twenty times, but there was no operator to interrupt the transmission of the call for no answer, so the guard wouldn't give up. Finally, still looking at the document, Noah held it with his right hand and answered the phone with his left hand. "Hello," he said, not taking his eyes off of the document, "this is Noah Spears."

Tad, the guard, said, "Mr. Spears, I'm glad that you answered. Mrs. Jill and Ms. Jessica Hague are here. They told me that you talked to them about jobs here, but that you didn't say that they were higher, just that they could work here, but they really want to, and they're dressed up and everything."

Jill and Jessica smiled and looked at each other, laughing nervously, like little hyenas.

Surprised with Jill and Jessica showing up at the building, Noah clarified, "No, they didn't get my message. I didn't say that they could, I said that they would work here. What I did say is that I didn't know where they would work, but I said that they would. Where they're going to work depends on their talents and qualifications."

Tad smiled and said, "Ok," without telling Jessica and Jill what Noah had just said, "so they can come in and see you." "You know what? The

building is colossal. Bring them here so that they don't get lost," said Noah, smiling, and hung up.

Twenty minutes later, Tad, Jessica and Jill arrived at Noah's office. "Here we are," said Tad and knocked.

Noah had just finished the document and he was signing it, agreeing to have sole and exclusive rights to the anti-wrinkle cream.

Scott had three very successful products of his own, so when the chemist asked if it was ok to give the rights to Noah, Scott said yes and dispatched him. When he left, Scott laughed at him. Scott loved doing that to his employees, and they were used to it. "Come in!" said Noah. As soon as Jill and Jessica went in and Tad closed the door and left, they smiled at Noah and he got up, gasped and thought which ones hotter, the mother or the daughter? I'd serve them in any way, any day! Bring it here, baby! This is great! And smiled and said, "Hello, ladies. How are you doing?" Chapter 17


Jill and Jessica didn't know what to say. They just looked at each other. They were so nervous that their legs trembled violently. "Have a seat," he said, smiling, and sat down. They sat down right after he did. "I didn't know that you wanted to work for us so soon."

Jessica smiled and replied, "The sooner we start working, and the better it will be for us and hopefully for you also."

Noah smiled back and said, "You're absolutely right, Jess. I am going to test you on everything that we do at Spears International, to see what you're best at, you too, Mrs. Hague."

Jill smiled and said, "I couldn't be more excited," and looked at Jessica.

Noah placed his important document in a green file folder, closed it, and got up. "Come with me," he said, and went to the door. They followed him, and he opened the door. "This is going to be a long tour," and let them walk out first and then he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Suddenly, a traitor walked into Noah's office when Noah, Jessica and Jill had disappeared from the entire hallway, and closed and locked the door, just in case it occurred to Noah walking back in. He looked out the windows and see-through glass walls to make sure that no one was looking at

him. He walked to the desk, walked around, grabbed the file folder, and took the document out of it. Just when he was about to tear it up and take it home and burn it so that there wasn't anything left of it in the end of it all, Larry, the chemist, walked in, assuming that Noah had signed the document and was ready to give it back to him. His eyes bulged when he saw the contract of his anti-wrinkle cream in the traitor's both hands, horizontally positioned to be torn up with both hands, and he yelled at the top of his lungs, "What the hell are you doing?" When the traitor looked up at him it was a little too late. Larry ran up to him as quickly as he could, snatch the document away from him, and punched him out with his left hand; his strongest hand. As the traitor looked up at him, thrown on the floor, with a face of utter amazement and horror, Larry looked back at him as if he were his very worst enemy. If looks could kill, Larry would be dead right now. "You knew all about this, didn't you?" he yelled.

The traitor didn't know what to say. He simply said, "Uh--- uh---"

"The only people that were supposed to know about this were Mr. Scott and Mr. Noah Spears! I told Scott before I told Noah! How did you find out? Don't tell me that you've been spying on me because I'll kill you if you," and took the pen that Noah had in his desk, the pen that Noah had signed the contract with, and got on his knees to poke his eyes out!

However, before Larry could do that, the traitor yelled, "No! Don't hurt me! I can explain!"

Larry got up and said, "You know what? You won't have to explain it to me, but to Mr.

Spears!" and grabbed the scrawny man with all his strength and literally dragged him out of the office. On his way to wherever it occurred to him that Noah might be, Larry bumped into Didier, said to him, "Put this," and gave him the contract, "in a safe place!" and kept dragging the traitor. There was no way that the traitor could free from him unless he scratched him or bit him, and he couldn't do that because Larry was one foot taller than he was, and a lot stronger.

Meanwhile, Didier took the nearest elevator which was on the next corner, got it working, got in, pushed the button to go back down to the first floor, and the doors closed. He went back down in less than two minutes, and he ran out of the elevator, ran out of the building, and took the document to his car.

He opened the back seat of his car, put the document on it, and closed the door. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello," as he opened the driver's door and got in. "Didier, it's me," said

Scott, "just one thing; take the documents with you to your cabin, and hide them in a safe place!"

"What documents," asked Didier, "your multicolored files?"

"Yes, I am talking about those! Something's going on!

There's another traitor in here." "Oh, my God," said


"As soon as we find out

who it is, I'll tell you so that you can," said Scott and then whispered, "Eliminate him!"

Excited with his new murder mission and smiling evilly, Didier said, "I can't wait!" as he started the car. His seatbelt was already buckled.

"Hide them in a place where you know for sure that no one goes to when they visit you at your cabin."

"My cabin is so close to being a house," said Didier. "My family members never go past the living room, the bathrooms and the kitchen." "Good. Wait for my call," said Scott and hung up.

Didier hung up, placed the cell phone on the passenger's seat, shifted reverse, and pulled out of the parking space. A few minutes later, he took the road and sped away. While Didier drove ninety miles from Spears International to his cabin, Larry finally got to what would be Jessica's lab. "I'm so glad that I found you here!" he yelled.

Noah turned around, looked at him, amazed, and said, "What happened, Larry?" and noticed that Larry was still rabidly holding and almost breaking Keenan’s arm. "What's going on?" he said, outraged, as Jessica looked at them with a face of shock. "Why are you doing this to Keenan?" and helped him get up.

"Keenan is the traitor!" yelled Larry, and started crying.

Noah gasped, let his head down, put his hand on his forehead as Keenan repeatedly shook his head, saying no, and he said, "How do you know that?"

"Don't believe him, Mr. Spears!" yelled Keenan.

"He had our contract for my anti-wrinkle cream in his hands and he was seconds from tearing it up!" he said, and started crying bitterly.

