Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"That's not true!" yelled


"Stop lying!" yelled Larry. "I trust Larry," said Noah

as Jessica took the liberty to dial Scott's extension, which was on her agenda, the phone rang once and Scott answered it, "he works for me. He'd never lie to me."

Crying because he'd been caught, and he was loyal to Scott until Hayley paid him to ruin one of Spears International's most important and biggest projects, Keenan said, "Mr. Spears, I swear--


Looking Keenan in the eyes, Noah yelled, "I don't want to hear another word from you. Pack your trash, and get out!" He was a lot tougher and a lot stricter than his father was, and Keenan didn't know who he'd just messed with. "Tomorrow, we'll have your last check ready for you."

Without begging Noah to give him a chance, Keenan just walked out the door, crying. He wouldn't lose his job. He knew that he'd do everything to keep it. He hadn't received Hayley's one- million-dollar check yet, and he was ready to turn it down to keep his job. Instead of packing his stuff, Keenan went to his office and called Hayley at her house. Hayley was watching TV in her bedroom, sitting on her wheelchair. The phone rang. She turned on her power chair, turned to her left side, ran around her bed, went to the night stand, and picked up the phone. She saw Keenan’s office number on her caller ID. "Hello."

"Hi, Mrs. Johnson," said Keenan. Larry was eavesdropping.

Smiling, Hayley said, "Hi, Keenan. How are you doing?"

"I know that what I'm going to tell you is going to make you really angry, but I don't care. I don't want the money. I'm willing to fix my mistake."

Surprised and angry, Hayley said, with her hands on her chest, "What are you talking about, Keenan? It wasn't a mistake!"

"I believe that it was, and I'm willing to pay for it. I don't want the money. Keep it."

With a strong tone of voice, Hayley asked, "Is that your last word?"

"Yes," said Keenan, firmly, "that's my last word," and hung up.

She hung up and said, "Keenan, you'll pay for this. You won't live to tell, I guarantee it," with tears in her eyes and a face of utter fury. Larry had heard everything that he had said very clearly. He knew Keenan. He wasn't the kind of person that would demonstrate hypocrisy. He meant what he said, and if he didn't say this to Hayley on the phone right in front of Noah, it was because he meant it. This surprised him. Before, when Larry didn't know that Keenan was the traitor, he didn't understand why the traitor did the things that he did. What was Scott doing that was so wrong that would push his employees to stab him on the back? Now he knew that they had no personal reasons to do what they did, the ones that failed Scott. There was only one reason for all of this chaos, and its name was Hayley Johnson. As Larry walked down the hallway back to Noah's office, he couldn't believe what he had heard. His perspective on Keenan and the traitor had totally changed. Now, Keenan and the traitor that everyone feared; thus no one knew what kind of things he was doing to destroy the enterprise, they were not the same person. It seemed like Larry had never discovered the traitor. To him, now the traitor didn't have a face. He was still masked. He didn't even know if it was a man or a woman. He shook his head as he walked a few more steps back to Noah's office. Noah's office was relatively close to Keenan’s because Keenan was supposed to be Noah's secretary.

With his head down and totally confused, Larry knocked on Noah's door once again. Fortunately, Noah hadn't called Scott yet to tell him who the traitor was, but unfortunately, he was about to. When he was on the phone, and someone knocked on the door, and he hadn't made the call yet, he would receive the person in his office, and if he had already made or received the call, he would end the call and call the person back when the other person stepped out of his office after finishing his or her matter. Therefore, he said, "Come in!" not knowing that it was Larry, and Larry opened the door and went in. Noah smiled at him, "You're making a sad face, so it's serious. Please, sit down."

Larry sat down in front of him. "I've got something to tell you," he said, crying.

Noah got up, walked around his desk to get closer to Larry, and got on his knees in front of him to look him in the eyes. He liked to get up close and personal with people to show them that he cared about their problems. "What's wrong?"

"It's Keenan."
